Laura Jo Phillips (22 page)

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Authors: The Lobos' Heart Song

BOOK: Laura Jo Phillips
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Saige took a deep breath and leaned back, trying to relax as Faron, Dav and Ban all crowded close to her, each of them placing a gentle hand on her body.  They closed their eyes for several moments, but, as Faron had said, she felt nothing.  When Faron opened his eyes, she could see the worry in them.

“The bruising is very extensive internally, as well as externally,” Faron said.  “I am going to call Prince Garen and, if I must, beg for Riata to come and heal you,” he said.  “If she is unable, then we will call in some favors and get an air transport here to fly us to the next nearest healer.”

Saige felt as though she should argue against bothering Riata, but she didn't.  The bruising frightened her as much as it frightened them.  She nodded in agreement.  Faron leaned forward and kissed her gently, then moved away, taking the vox that Dav was holding out for him. 

Dav bent to kiss her as Faron had.  “We will take care of you Saige,” he promised.  “Never doubt that.”

When Dav moved away, Ban took his place.  “Even with those horrible bruises, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he said earnestly.  “Thank you for allowing us to take care of you.”  He then kissed her as well. 

Saige licked her lips and tasted all of them together on her tongue, a taste that sent flames shooting through her body, and at the same time, made her heart ache with unfamiliar emotion.  She realized suddenly that if she did not already love these men, she was well on her way to it, and the fact that she had known them for only a day didn’t matter a bit.







Faron tapped the vox in his ear as he stepped out of the house and onto the deck overlooking the river. 

“What?” Garen answered, as he always did.

“Highness, I must ask a favor,” Faron said.  “A lifetime wish if necessary.”

“Explain, please,” Garen said.

“Saige is in need of healing.  The bruises have spread so that they cover about 80 percent of her body.  I sense that they pose a danger to her circulatory system.  If they are allowed to continue to worsen, I fear they will take her life.”

“I will bring Riata at once.  Give us one minute.”

“I give you thanks, my Prince,” Faron said with relief.

“No need, my friend.”  A click told Faron that Garen had disconnected.  He turned and went back into the house, returning the vox to Dav as he stopped in front of Saige.

“The Healer will be here in a moment,” he said to all of them as he gave silent thanks for the Dracons’ increased magic and ability to speed-travel.  There was an immediate lessening of the tension in the room. 

Less than a minute later Faron heard footsteps on the deck before the door opened and Riata stepped into the house, Garen right behind her.  She paused just inside the door and bowed politely, as was her way.

“Welcome to our home Riata,” Faron said formally as he returned her bow.  “Please enter and be received as our guest.”

“I thank you for your kind welcome,” Riata replied with equal formality.  “I come, not as a guest, but as a Healer.  I am told one is in need of my assistance?”

“Yes, if you would be so kind,” Faron replied, following the time-honored formula that he knew Riata was most comfortable with in new surroundings or with new people.  He stepped aside and swept his arm towards Saige.

Riata hurried to her, stopping just in front of her for a long moment.  “May I?” she asked softly, gesturing towards the sofa beside Saige with one hand.

“Of course,” Saige replied.

Riata sat beside Saige, careful not to jostle her patient.  She reached down and lifted one of the wide sleeves of the robe Saige wore, pulling it back just enough so that she could see the bruises on her wrists.  She then held one hand, palm down, flat over Saige's wrist for a long moment before releasing the robe.

“It is very good that you called for me,” Riata said to Faron.  “I sense many blood clots beginning to form, and the walls of her capillaries are starting to break down.  Miss Taylor must be attended to without further delay.  Is there a place where she can lie down?”

“Yes of course,” Faron replied. 

Moments later Riata shooed Faron, Dav and Ban out of the bedroom and closed the door.  They had been reluctant to leave Saige's side, but they also wanted her healed.  They would do anything, give anything the Healer required for that to happen.

“Miss Taylor, I must ask that you open your robe,” Riata asked.

“Please, call me Saige,” Saige said as she loosened the sash on the oversized bathrobe and laid down on the bed.

“Thank you,” Riata said.  “As we have not been introduced, may I be so bold as to ask that you call me Riata?”

Saige laughed softly.  She had a feeling she was going to like this woman.  

Saige tried to relax as Riata bent over her to examine her bruises more closely.  “I am familiar with the disease you have,” Riata said as she continued to inspect Saige's bruises from her ankles to her wrists.  “I have not seen this presentation of bruises however.  Has this happened to you before?”

“No.  I tend to bruise easily, and they do tend to grow worse afterwards, but never anything like this.  I was unable to take my meds for a few days.  Perhaps that has something to do with it.”

“Perhaps,” Riata replied.  “Saige, I must ask if you are aware of the damage the disease has done to your body.”

Saige glanced up at Riata, then away. 

“I would also inform you that, as you are my patient, your secrets are my secrets,” Riata added delicately.

Saige smiled.  Yes, already she liked this woman very much.  “I am aware of the damage done to my reproductive organs, as well as the brain damage caused by the seizures,” she said.  “And I've already told the Lobos as well, so secret keeping isn't really necessary.”

Riata looked at Saige for a long moment as though about to say something, then shook her head slightly as though changing her mind.

“I wish I could tell you otherwise, but I am unable to reverse the existing damage because it is all scar tissue,” she said instead.  “I can, however, destroy the disease organism itself.”

“Really?” Saige gasped in surprise.  “I did not think that was possible.”

Riata smiled at her.  “It is possible and I have done it twice before.  Regrettably, I cannot do it at this time.  I have depleted myself too much in recent hours, and to destroy all traces of the virus within you will require a great deal of energy. 

“For now, it is most urgent that I heal your bruising, and I do have quite enough energy to accomplish that task.  Later, in one day, perhaps two, I will be happy to heal your disease.”

“That would be wonderful Riata,” Saige said, hardly able to believe that the disease she had thought to live with for the remainder of her life would be gone forever.  After a moment though, a thought occurred to her.

“Riata, Lariah is going to give birth soon, as you know,” she said.  “Perhaps it would be best to save your energy until after that event.  I would never forgive myself should you not be able to aid her because you healed me instead.”

Riata patted her very lightly on the hand.  “Do not worry about Lariah.  She is Dracon, and will have no trouble delivering her babes.”

Saige didn't really understand what that meant, but as Riata took a long deep breath and closed her eyes to concentrate, she held her tongue.  After a moment Riata placed her hands over Saige's body, palms down, about an inch above her. 

Saige felt a gentle warmth emanating from the Healer's hands as she began at her feet and slowly worked her way up Saige's body.  Saige felt her body and mind relax and closed her eyes.  She didn’t know how much time had passed when Riata placed a hand on her shoulder and asked her to open her eyes. 

“Are the bruises gone?” she asked hopefully.

“Completely,” Riata assured her.  “Both those inside, and out.”

Saige sat up and looked down at herself, relieved that her skin was back to its normal color with no hint of purple bruising anywhere.  She jumped up off the bed, tied the sash of her robe and hurried to the mirror over the dresser.  She grinned to see that the bruises on her face were gone as well.  She turned around and hugged Riata.

“I do not know how to thank you Riata,” she said, emotion making her voice tight.  She released Riata and stepped back.  “I apologize if that was wrong to do.”

“It was not wrong and there is no need for apology,” Riata replied with a gentle smile.  “I am happy to be of help.  It is mine to heal.”

“Well, if there is ever anything at all that I can do for you, you just let me know,” Saige offered. 

Riata bowed low.  “I thank you for such a generous offer, Saige Taylor.”

It suddenly occurred to Saige that, in this world, the casual Earth idiom she had just spoken was a formal obligation.  But she didn’t mind.  She meant what she had said, and would be happy to help Riata in any way she could.

Saige opened the door and hurried into the living room, nearly tripping over the hem of the robe in her haste.  Strong arms caught her as she stumbled and lifted her up, cradling her.  She smiled up at Ban, and he grinned back.

“You are even more stunning without the bruises,” he said, winking at her.  She laughed.  She couldn't help it.  She felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from her. 

Faron was so relieved to see that the bruises were gone from Saige's face that his knees felt weak.  He turned to his Prince and bowed deeply.  He then turned to Riata and repeated the gesture.

“I thank you both for the healing of our Arima,” he said.  “If either of you ever have need, know that we will be at your service.”

“There is no need for that,” Garen objected.  “At least, not for myself.”

“Nor for me,” Riata added.  “I had already planned to come up and heal Saige this evening.  I am pleased to be able to aid you and your Arima.”

Faron knew that he would always feel grateful for Saige's healing this day, no matter what either of them said.  He finished thanking them and showed them out politely, grateful that they both seemed to understand his need to see to their Arima.

By the time he was finally able to close the door and turn to Saige he was anxious to see for himself that all of the bruising was gone.  Saige was standing by the sofa, her eyes bright, a huge smile on her face.

“Riata said that she can heal me,” she announced as Faron crossed the room toward her.  Faron paused in mid-stride, then hurried the rest of the way to her.  He caught her up in his arms and spun her around.  “That is wonderful news!” he exclaimed as he hugged her close for a long moment before lowering her back to her feet so that Dav and Ban could each hug her as well. 

“Did she say if she could heal the damage caused by the seizures?” Faron asked.

Saige’s face fell and Faron wished he could take the words back.  “She said that she cannot heal the damage because it’s scar tissue.”

“Healing the disease itself is miracle enough,” Faron said.  Saige studied his face carefully.  What she saw there must have reassured her because her smile returned and her eyes brightened again.  “I thought I would have to live with this disease for the rest of my life,” she said.  “I know it would be great if she could reverse the damage already done.  But healing the disease will prevent further damage, and I am happy about that.”

Faron stepped close to her and placed his hands gently on either side of her face.  “We are happy as well,
,” he said, looking deeply into her eyes.  “Would you like to rest now?”

Saige’s heart skipped a beat.  Resting was the last thing on her mind at the moment.  “No, I wouldn’t,” she said frankly.

Faron’s ice blue eyes blazed with heat as his mouth lowered to hers.  His kiss was hot, hard, and filled with such passion that she barely noticed when he picked her up again and carried her back into the bedroom.  When he lifted his mouth from hers she was panting, her body so filled with unfamiliar desire that she ached.

Faron set her on the bed and she raised her eyes to see Dav and Ban on either side of him, their eyes blazing as hotly as Faron’s. 

Faron reached for the belt on her robe, but she stopped him with one hand over his.  Faron froze, his gaze meeting hers with a questioning look. 

Saige smiled when she realized that, even now, if she changed her mind they would respect her wish.  She had thought she’d made the right decision before, but now she was certain of it.

“Since the three of you have already seen me naked, I think its only fair that I get to see you now,” she said with a smile.

“Easily done,” he replied with a smile.  He and Dav immediately began removing their clothes.  She blushed again, amazed at the number of times she had blushed in the past day when it was something she almost never did.  As Dav and Faron kicked off their shoes and began removing their pants, she quickly looked away and noted with some amusement that Ban, who was standing a little apart from his brothers, was ahead of them, having already removed his shirt and shoes. 

A few moments later all three men were beautifully, gloriously naked, and not a bit embarrassed about it.  As her eyes roamed slowly from one bare, muscled chest to the other, then a bit lower to first one set of hard abs then the next, her own arousal increased so much that the sensation of the soft bathrobe rubbing against her skin was becoming irritating.  When she dropped her eyes below Ban’s waist, she gasped.  She quickly shifter her gaze to Dav, and then Faron, unsurprised that they all had the same attributes, but awed just the same.

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