Laws of Love (5 page)

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Authors: JT Schultz

BOOK: Laws of Love
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He grinned
from the other end of the sofa. “It improved the moment I walked through your door.”

heart picked up speed and she smiled. He certainly had a way with words and a serious effect on her body. His hand reached out for hers and he gently pulled her closer to him. She brought her face close to his. “Ready for dessert?”

“Oh, yeah.”

Desire sparked in his dark eyes and her lashes closed. His hand released hers and grasped her waist, shifting her as his lips came down on hers. Heat rushed through her body and she gasped from the intensity. His velvety tongue teased her lip then slid inside her mouth in hungry exploration. She slid her hands up to his shoulders and allowed him to deepen the kiss.

Beneath her she felt the bulge in his pants harden and her thong
wet with desire. Lifting her lips from his, she opened her eyes, adjusted herself in his lap and made quick work of undoing the buttons on his shirt. She ran her hand over his exposed skin. While his hands slid up her legs, she smiled wickedly and pulled herself off his lap to stand. With Jack’s dark eyes steadfast on her, she slipped the straps of her little, black dress down and let it fall to the floor around her black high heels.

Seeing the lust in his expression as Jack stood,
Abby was very glad she wasn’t wearing a bra. She un-tucked his shirt and finished undoing the buttons. He caressed her skin as she ran her hands lightly over his defined chest, kissed his lips, and trailed her feathery touch down to the buckle of his pants.

His breath whooshed out in a hiss as his pants fell open.
He let his hands roam her body with more fervor and his lips and tongue licked and played along her neck below her ear. She slid her hand down against the sculpted abs lower until the tips of her fingers tickled his erection. Wet pooled between her legs and she wanted him in the worst way. She was surprised when he turned her and lowered her to the sofa.

He got to his
knees, dragged his hands up over her legs until he reached the sides of her black, lace thong, and hooked his fingers into the top. The damp cloth grazed her thigh down her leg as he lowered it down then discarded it to the side. Gently catching her behind the knees, he inched her closer to the edge of the sofa, and smiled mischievously before moving her legs apart and lowering his head.

Her body bucked as the tip of his tongue teased and played at her wet folds
. She laced her fingers through his hair as his lips sent pleasure building across her belly. His hand slid from one of her legs and a finger slipped inside as he continued to pleasure her now very sensitive body. Abby’s back arched and she rocked her hips to meet the thrust of his finger, sliding in and out of her in a steady rhythm.

Her shoulders started to tremble
, her body racked with sensation and, as her resolve broke, she climaxed. He clamped his mouth down hard on her as a wail of pleasure left her mouth. Her breath was ragged and she struggled to inhale.

lifted his head and looked sexier than hell. He tugged his pants down and settled between her legs. Her eyes took in his large length before it pressed against her and then thrust in deep. She bucked and tightened her walls around him. He groaned and she savored how he filled her completely. Slowly, he moved inside of her. Running her hands over his tanned skin, he was hot to the touch and her body flamed. His mouth claimed her lips and his tongue worked her mouth as the rock of his hips picked up speed.

He groaned against her tongue and she tightened her grip on him
. She released her hold on him long enough to wrap her arms around his neck and circle her legs around his waist. He slammed harder and the pressure across her belly built again. Her shoulders started to tremble and her back arched as another orgasm exploded over her. She threw her head back and moaned as he thrust one final time. Her body clamped tight and a feral growl left him as his release emptied into her hot and fast.

Her nipples brushed against his sweat covered chest and both of them struggled for breath.

Unbelievable, he is unbelievable.

turned his head and their eyes met. A wicked grin flashed across the mouth she already wanted to kiss again. “What do you say we finish this in the bedroom?”

laughed in a breathy whisper. “Finish?”

“Sweetheart, I’m just getting started.”

Chapter 5


Jack was aware of the sun coming through the window and warming his shoulder. Inhaling a deep breath, he took in the scent of Abby’s perfume. Again he had fallen asleep after their lovemaking, which he was pleased to say wasn’t only seconds on dessert but an incredibly hot third. Now he was wrapped in her expensive sheets with her soft body partially draped over him. He never spent the night with women; so far he’d spent two for two. However, there was something about Abby that kept him wanting more. Slowly opening his eyes, he met her crystal blue gaze.  Her full lips curled into a smile.

“Morning,” she whispered.

His heart picked up speed at the sight of her beauty. “Good morning. Have you been awake long?”

“Long enough t
o watch you sleep for a bit.” Her cheeks flushed with a hint of color. “I’m glad you stayed.”

body inched closer to hers as he ran a hand over her bare hip. He loved the feel of her smooth, milky skin and took in every detail of her pretty face. “I have to admit, I could get real used to waking up next to you.” Thinking about his words a moment, he continued. “You have this incredible effect on me.”

He leaned ove
r and kissed her mouth. She rolled onto her back and his groin stirred. Running his tongue over her full bottom lip, he nipped it gently. His chest slid against her breasts and her nipples hardened. He wanted her again, but decided to take his time to enjoy her since neither of them was in a hurry to get out of bed.

She shifted beneath him and
he rubbed his growing erection against the soft skin of her leg. Lifting his lips from hers, he trailed kisses down her neck and teased the tip of his tongue over her collarbone. He brought his mouth to a breast and froze as the sound of a cell phone ringing killed the moment. Jack wanted to ignore it, but there was a good chance it was either Anthony or his father trying to reach him over the lawsuit.

Abby groaned in displeasure as he lifted his body
from hers and rolled off her. “Talk about bad timing.”

“Tell me about it.”
Jack leaned over the edge of the bed, rummaged through the heap of both their discarded clothes. He grabbed the ringing device. “It’s yours.” He passed her the phone.

“If it wasn’
t work, I wouldn’t answer it.” Smiling, she took the phone from him and ran her other hand over his chest. She flipped open the phone. “Hello?”

pretty face scrunched into a frown and she sat up in bed. The sound of another cell phone ringing indicated that it was his turn. Leaning across her, he reached for his phone. “This better be important!” he greeted, not caring who it was at the other end of the phone.

, slow down and stop panicking. What’s going on?” Abby shot him a look and slid out of bed, slipping on his blue dress shirt that he’d worn yesterday, and covered her body. He was almost disappointed, but she looked amazing in the color. There was something completely sexy about the way the large shirt curved over her slender frame and barely covered her.

, are you there?” Anthony barked into the phone.

, I’m here,” he answered as Abby started to pace the floor like a caged animal while listening to whoever was on the other end of the phone. Her expression was far from happy. Stopping, she glanced at him.

“Things are worse than we imagined on the Gibson Street
project. I just received a letter from the attorney Abigail Crosby and she is going for 12.5 million in punitive damages.”

Anthony had disrupted his
morning to tell him this? Crooking his finger in a come-hither, she stepped toward him as she continued listening to the person at the other end of the phone in her hand. He snaked a hand around her and ran it up the milky flesh of her leg. The blood moved to his groin and he wanted to pick up where they had left off.

He focused on Anthony still rattling on for a moment before he let him go so Jack could get on with where he left off with the sexy blonde.
“What do you want me to do?” he asked the mood wrecking attorney.

“Your father i
s losing his ever loving mind. That shark bitch has pushed too far this time.”

“Marcie, r
elax. Don’t let him upset you. You know he is just an asshole, and a money grubbing one at that.” She rolled her eyes and Jack traced a finger across her thigh until it dipped up and in between her legs. Abby needed to relax and he intended to help her do that and if it took all morning so be it.

en, I’ll be there soon enough. Tell Dad to relax, and that I have an appointment this morning that I need to attend to.” With the push of a button he ended the call.

Making Abby come is top priority.

Tossing the phone down, he shifted on the bed so he could work his fingers. The tip of his forefinger glided gently over her clit and she bucked beneath his touch. Her free hand came up and grabbed his shoulder for support. His fingers continued their dance over her clit and he pushed the blue shirt open to expose her flat stomach and perky, round breasts. Sliding his tongue over her navel, he worked it up towards her breasts.

, I will be there soon, and as far as I’m concerned, JW Hunter can bite my ass.”

He looked up wickedly.
“I think that’s the only thing I—”

Oh my god!

A strange expression crossed Abby’s face and she stepped backward. Jack leaned against the headboard. His chest tightened and realization dawned on him like a clap of thunder. “Abby…as in Abigail Crosby.”

“What?” She blinked then her eyes flew wide
open. Her full lips parted as her expression shifted to horror.

“J in JW stands for Ja
ck.” He couldn’t believe this. No more than she could, apparently. She gasped, slammed the phone shut and dropped it as her hands lifted to her mouth. Traumatized, she looked completely traumatized.

“Oh my God!”

“Yeah! Oh my God is right.” Everything came into perspective: names, places, and the fact he had ruthlessly made love to the woman ruining his life. Shoving a hand through his hair, he glanced at her and his stomach started to ache. “This gives a whole new meaning to sleeping with the enemy.”

Her pretty face crumpled
, her shoulders heaved beneath his blue dress shirt, and her hands covered her face as she burst into tears.


How could I be so stupid!

Devastation and frustration with herself
overwhelmed Abby. How could she have done this? How could she have fallen into bed, not once, but twice with a man whose last name she didn’t even know?

Jack was incredible and she like the way he made her feel—special
. Spending hours with him talking, sharing meals, and even the sex was like nothing she’d ever known. She didn’t fall into bed with men like she had with him, and she never had feelings so quickly for one. She didn’t do a lot of things—until Jack. Now, she could add compromise a case to the list of things she had done.

Another sob left her and she
looked up over her fingertips. Jack had moved off the bed and had pulled on his boxer shorts. He most likely wanted his shirt. With the back of her hand she wiped the tears away. She could handle this—maybe.

is expression revealed nothing and had become completely blank. He stepped closer and she tried not to notice what an amazing body he had, or acknowledge how much he had affected her. Again, she covered her face and swallowed back another sob. Why, out of all the men in the world, did she have to stumble into a relationship with the man behind the lawsuit that was intent on destroying her old neighborhood?

waited for his anger; but it never came.

A s
trong arm wrapped around her waist and the other stroked her hair. “I’m so sorry, Abby. This wasn’t supposed to happen.” His features wore a grave expression. “This—us—felt right. For it to turn out like this...”

wanted to pretend that she hadn’t slept with the man she would be facing in court. She wanted to pretend that she didn’t care and that he was no big deal. Jack was a big deal, though. She buried her face against his smooth, strong chest. This was unethical to her clients and completely unfair to her heart. Sniffling, she lifted her head, stepped out of his arms and looked into his eyes.

rief squeezed her heart. “We can’t do this.”

His brows furrowed.
“Drop the case; don’t quit us.”

“I can’t do that.”
Her voice barely reached her ears and she knew he had strained to hear. “This may be hard for you to believe, but I’m doing this for free.”

“Yes, so I heard.” He sounded frustrated
, but he remained calm.

“They can’t afford to move
from where they are living; they can’t afford a new attorney. I’m all they have, Jack.”

he way he flinched you would think Abby had slapped him; the blow would have had the same result. He closed his eyes then opened them. Sad was the only emotion on his face. “I can’t believe this is happening.” His long lashes fluttered as he blinked. “I finally find someone who--”

“Don’t finish that
Jack; it will just make this more difficult.” This was past unfair and bordered on cruel. Fate was a bitch. “I grew up in that neighborhood and I’m not backing down.”


She stepped further away and slipped off his shirt. They had ravished each other like starved animals. It was a little late and pointless for modesty. His intent dark stare raked over her naked body and she pretended that it didn’t melt her and make her want him even now. Ignoring the fact that her body heated with just his look, she passed him the shirt and lowered her gaze. She couldn’t look him in the eye, but noticed that arousal stirred beneath the black silk of his boxers. She stepped around him and headed to the bathroom.

her robe from the back of the door, she wrapped it around her body tight. She was cold, but not on the outside. Her heart ached and everything felt completely wrong. Odd, since it was the ethical thing to do. She walked back into the room and noticed Jack had already dressed. The top buttons of his dress shirt were undone and his jacket was thrown over the un-tucked shirt. He looked sexy as he shook his head. It was obvious that he couldn’t believe this and was as miserable as she was.

“I’ll walk you out.”
She turned toward the door, but his hand gently caught her arm and spun her around to face him. Looking up, his lips came against hers in a rush of heat. Her body trembled and his lips lifted from hers as quickly as they had brushed against them.

“If you change your min
d, you know where to find me.” Releasing his grip, he walked past her and out of the room. She collected herself and followed him down the hall. He walked to the entry, pulled the door open, and appeared as if he was going to speak, but instead crossed over the threshold. The heavy door closed behind him.

she started to cry again.


Jack was more than aware, as he sat in the lunch meeting with his father and Anthony, that there was a conversation going on around him. Currently, he didn’t care. The only thing he cared about was how he felt, which was sick to his stomach and miserable. Make that, beyond miserable.

Seeing Abby cry th
at morning had confirmed that she was as shocked with this warped twist of fate as he was and equally as upset over the circumstances. He knew he was falling for her and had even known yesterday she would be hard to let go if things didn’t work. Now, their reckless behavior had not only led them to each other, but had put an interesting spin on the Gibson Street project.

“I had a call from the building commissioner
.” Anthony sounded pissed. For the last two days that had been his state.  “Seems that bitch Crosby is going for blood.”

The pretty attorney
was ruining his life, but that wasn’t what grated on Jack. It was the manner in which Anthony spoke of Abby. “Don’t call her that.” He started to get mad.             

“I’ll call that snotty
slut whatever the hell I want. She’s trouble,” Anthony snapped.

temper flipped to the surface. Abby was far from snotty, and she certainly wasn’t a slut. “You won’t call her another name if you value your teeth in their current location.”

His father was shocked, probably no more than Jack had been earlier this morning in Abby’s bedroom.

hadn’t dropped the case. Instead she’d stopped their relationship from going any further. The thought didn’t seem right, not when she—they—seemed to be such a good fit. They were good together. He was crazy about her and, somehow, in a matter of days, had started to fall in love with her. Was that normal? No, most likely not, but then again she wasn’t like normal women. She was…incredible.

“What has gotten into you?”

Jack glanced at his dad, then to the food in front of him. He’d lost his appetite.

does Anthony get off saying that about her?

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