Layayoga: The Definitive Guide to the Chakras and Kundalini (85 page)

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The ida and piṅgala assume two positions in their upward courses: bow and half-coil. In the bow position, the ida and piṅgala, in their upward course, become like a bow, the one end of which is in the kanda-mula, and the other end is in the ajña. In the half-coil position, the ida and piṅgala, in their upward course, go round the chakras—muladhara, swadhishthana, manipura, anahata and wishuddha—in a semi-circular way by alternating their courses from left to right and right to left, and reach the ajña. (See
Plate 26

Positions in the Chitrini


The positions are normally formed by the chitra-power-centralization at certain points along the course of the chitrini nadi. This centralized and plexiform power arrangement is technically called the chakra or lotus. The positions indicate the locations of the chakras in the chitrini.

It is very difficult for a beginner, practising concentration to form a clear notion of the locations of the chakras in the chitrini. An advanced layayogi ‘sees’ the chakras in deep concentration, there is no problem for him. To help the beginners, the gurus have introduced a method of sensing the positions in the chitrini by determining certain borderland physical positions which are linked with the chitrini positions. These physical positions are enlivened by thought-concentration and become the centres of receiving the replicas of the chakras. This increases the depth of concentration, and, in proper time, thought-concentration is finally transformed into dhyana.

These physical positions are near, and closely connected with, certain vertebro-cranial points, which again correspond approximately to certain surface points. The surface points are particular points in the specified external areas or regions of the body. The surface points correspond approximately to certain vertebral and cranial points which are very closely related to the physical positions where the replicas of the chakras appear in thought-concentration, A layayoga guru is able to make his pupil feel the chakras by placing his fingers (the guru’s) on the appropriate points of the pupil’s back.

To determine the vertebro-cranial points in relation to the surface points, a number of roentgen pictures of some of our pupils were taken. The surface-vertebro-cranial relations, based on these pictures, are shown in the figure,
Plate 27

Surface and Vertebro-cranial Relations (
Plate 27


There are ten surface points:


1  Perineal Point, situated in the perineal region. It corresponds to the vertebral point which lies in the second segment of the coccyx, where the filum terminale ends caudally. This we call the coccygeal point. Very close to the last-named point is also the caudal end of the blue line. At this point of the blue line is situated physical position 1 which indicates approximately the location of the muladhara chakra in the chitrini.

2  Genital Point, situated, in the male, at the root of the penis, and, in the female, in the clitoral region. It corresponds to the vertebral point which lies in the fourth sacral vertebra. This is called the sacral point. The sacral point corresponds to a point in the blue line which is within the filum terminale. At this point in the blue line is situated physical position 2 which indicates approximately the location of the swadhishthana chakra in the chitrint.

3  Navel Point, situated in the abdominal region. It corresponds to the lumbar point, lying in the fourth lumbar vertebra. The lumbar point corresponds to a point in the blue line which is within the filum terminale internum. At this blue-line point lies physical position 3 which indicates approximately the location of the manipura chakra in the chitrini.

4  Thoracic Point, situated in the thoracic region, on a level with the middle of the heart. It corresponds to the thoracic vertebral point, lying in the ninth or tenth thoracic vertebra. The thoracic vertebral point corresponds to a point in the blue line which is situated within the central canal of the spinal cord. In this blue-line point lies physical position 4 which indicates approximately the location of the anahata chakra in the chitrini. Just below the anahata is situated the hrit chakra, also in the chitrini.

5  Cervical Point, situated in the neck region. It corresponds to the cervical vertebral point, lying in the fourth cervical vertebra. The cervical vertebral point corresponds to a point in the blue line, which lies within the central canal of the spinal cord. In this blue-line point lies physical position 5 which indicates approximately the location of the wishuddha chakra in the chitrini.

6  Nasal Point, situated in the nasal region, between the apex and the middle part of the external nose. It is equivalent to the palatine point. The nasal point corresponds to the medullary point, lying in the medulla oblongata. The medullary point corresponds to a point in the blue line which is approximately at the junction between the rostral end of the central canal in the medulla oblongata and the lower part of the fourth ventricle. In this blue-line point lies physical position 6 which indicates approximately the location of the talu chakra in the chitrini.

7  Eyebrow Point, situated in the space between the eyebrows. The eyebrow point corresponds to the ventricular point A, lying in the caudal part of the third ventricle. The ventricular point A corresponds to a point in the blue line, which lies in the caudal part of the third ventricle. In this blue-line point lies physical position 7 which indicates approximately the location of the ajña chakra in the chitrini.

8  Forehead Point A, situated in the forehead. It corresponds to the ventricular Point B, lying in the rostral part of the third ventricle in the telencephalon medium. The ventricular point B corresponds to a point in the blue line, which lies in the rostral part of the third ventricle. In this blueline point lies physical position 8 which indicates approximately the location of the manas chakra in the chitrini.

9  Forehead Point B, situated in the forehead, just above the forehead point A. It corresponds to the telencephalic point, lying in the region where the lamina terminalis and commissura anterior are situated. The telencephalic point corresponds to a point in the blue line in the telencephalic region where lie the lamina terminalis and commissura anterior. In this blue-line point lies physical position 9 which indicates approximately the location of the indu chakra in the chitrini.

10  Head Point, situated above the forehead point B. It corresponds to the cerebral point, lying in the cerebral cortex. The cerebral point corresponds to the upper endpoint of the blue line, situated in the cerebral cortex. In this blue-line point lies physical position 10 which indicates the location of the nirwana chakra in the chitrini. The upper end of the blue line indicates the terminal points of the sushumna, wajra, chitrini, and brahma nadi, and at this terminal point of the chitrini lies the nirwana chakra.


There are two chakras which are not located in the chitrini. These are the guru chakra, and the sahasrara, which is above guru but is in connection with it. The upper end of the chitrini lies intracranially, and is marked by the presence of the nirwana chakra. Beyond the intracranial end of the chitrini and the nirwana chakra is the extracranial void-region where lie the guru chakra and sahasrara. The intracranial end of the chitrini, and, consequently, the nirwana chakra are connected to the guru chakra by wisarga (power-bridge). Wisarga consists of two rings arranged vertically. The lower ring is placed in close contact with the intracranial end of the chitrini, and the upper ring lies in close contact with the guru chakra. This means that the void-region is crossed by the wisarga from the nirwana chakra to the guru chakra.

The location of the chakras can be summarized as shown in Tables

Table 12.1 Chakra-location Table


Surface Point


Vertebral Point


Cranial Point



1 Perineal Point in perineal region


Coccygeal Point in segment II of coccyx


2 Genital Point at root of penis


Sacral Point in sacral vertebra IV


3 Navel Point in abdominal region


Lumbar Point in lumbar vertebra IV


4 Thoracic Point in thoracic region


Thoracic Vertebral Point in thoracic vertebra IX or X


5 Cervical Point in neck region


Cervical Vertebral Point in cervical vertebra IV


6 Nasal/palatine/Point in nasal region


Medullary Point in medulla oblongata


7 Eyebrow Point in space between eyebrows


Ventricular Point A in caudal part of ventricle III


8 Forehead Point A in forehead


Ventricular Point B rostral part of ventricle III


9 Forehead Point B above forehead point A


Telencephalic Point in telencephalon


10 Head Point above forehead point B


Cerebral Point in cerebral cortex







Surface Point


Blue-line Point


Location of Chakra in Chitrini



1 Perineal Point in perineal region


Physical Position 1 at caudal end of blue line


1 Muladhara Chakra


2 Genital Point at root of penis


Physical Position 2 blue-line point lying within filum terminale


2 swadhishthana Chakra


3 Navel Point in abdominal region


Physical Position 3 blue-line point lying within filum terminale internum


3 Manipura Chakra


4 Thoracic Point in thoracic region


Physical Position 4 blue-line point lying within central canal of spinal cord


5 Anahata Chakra


4 Hrit Chakra Just below anahata


5 Cervical Point in neck region


Physical Position 5 blue-line point lying within central canal of spinal cord


6 Wishuddha Chakra


6 Nasal/palatine/Point in nasal region


Physical Position 6 blue-line point lying at junction of rostral end of central canal and lower part of ventricle IV


7 Talu Chakra


7 Eyebrow Point in space between eyebrows


Physical Position 7 blue-line point lying in caudal part of ventricle III


8 Ajña Chakra


8 Forehead Point A in forehead


Physical Position 8 blue-line point lying in rostral part of ventricle III


9 Manas Chakra


9 Forehead Point B above forehead point A


Physical Position 9 blue-line point lying in telencephalon


10 Indu Chakra


10 Head Point above forehead point B


Physical Position 10 at upper end of blue line, lying in cerebral cortex


11 Nirwana Chakra



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