Layers (20 page)

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Authors: TL Alexander

BOOK: Layers
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“Sorry. I was just enjoying the moment—for a moment more.”

“You are so not sorry.”

He pulls me up and I pull up my pants.

“What are you doing?” He pouts.

“Practicing safer sex.”

I push him up against the tree then kneel in front of him. I look up and he’s grinning down on me like an idiot.

“I think I’ll like this safer sex stuff.

“Yeah, you’re going to like it.” I reach for his junk then bring it to my lips.

There is a lot of pre-come. I look up. “You didn’t…?”

“No.” He pouts.

I raise a brow. I keep my eyes on his and lick him off.

He growls. Then I take him into my mouth.

He hisses. “Fuck me, I love safer sex stuff.”

I smile as I suck and lick him clean. “Not as bad as I thought.”


“Sweaty junk.”

He groans. “Thank fuck.”

I look up and his eyes are closed and his head is resting against the tree. I play with his junk for a bit and then take him in as far as I can.

“God that feels good.” He breathes out.

Okay, I was going for more than good. I was going for fucking spectacular. I pick up the pace and pump him with my mouth, while rolling his balls. He groans and I take my thumb and drag back and forth over his perineum. He stills then growls. His balls draw up and tighten. Yeah, he likes that.

I adjust my position and swallow him back as far as I can. I gag, then choke and pull up. Damn those porn stars for making the rest of us girls feel like cocksucker losers. I do my best and as long as I hear moaning I know I’m doing something right.

I continue to pump and drag a finger over his perineum. With each drag I get closer to his asshole. When I touch it he whimpers. The good kind of whimper, not bad. I drag over it again this time applying a bit of pressure. His balls tighten in my hand.

He’s close and I’m fucking happy about this because my lips and tongue are starting to go numb. Now don’t get me wrong, I love pleasing my man. And hell yeah it turns me on to see him so turned on. But holy crap his cock is hard for this cocksucker to suck.

He groans. “Babe, I’m close. If you don’t what me…oh fuck that feels wonderful.”

I love that he warns me every time—that he continues to respect my choice. I tighten my lips around him signaling the ‘okay’ to stay. The taste of spunk isn’t a big turn on for me but I hate the mess it makes in my hands and I’m not into face creaming. Yuck.

His dick begins to pulsate against my tongue. He’s close and I need him to come because I can no longer feel my lips. I tug on his balls then push my finger just inside his hole. His whole body jerks and he lets go.

He begins to fuck my mouth, fast and hard. “Fuuuck. Fuck. Fuck. I’m coming babe.” He pants. Then he blows his load in the back of my throat.

After he comes like
I let him drop from my numb lips. I stand and brush my knees off and he pulls up his shorts.

Babe, that was heaven” he says and plants a kiss on my forehead.

“Mmm.” Is all I can answer because I think my jaw might have dislocated.

“I wasn’t too rough, was I? That last part got a little out of control.”

“Mmm.” I shake my head in a circle—a maybe.

We walk from behind the shag tree. Jaxson’s legs are still trembling. “There is no way that I’ll be able to run home after that. I’ll call Mary and have her pick us up.”

He pulls me into him and kisses the top of my head. “Not saying much babe. Are you being shy? Cat got your tongue?”

Yeah, something like that babe.


A couple of weeks later I’m pumping iron in Jaxson’s home gym—sweating my ass off. God I hope so. I better not see you when I get up from this bench. If you dare show your assed self—you big ass—I’ll make you run ten more pain-filled miles.

What? What did you just say to me?
Fuck off.
Okay, I’ve had it with you. Should we make it twenty miles, then twenty laps in the pool? What?
are fighting words
. You bet your big ugly assed self they are. You haven’t heard anything yet. So just shut the fuck up and be gone before I walk out that door. Yeah, that door right over there.

, you say. You call truce. It’s about fucking time. Now just shut up and let me finish with these curls. You’re not the only body part that needs attention.

Crap, sorry. Forgot I had an audience. Have I lost my marbles or hit my head? Why do you ask? Oh I see, because I’m talking to my ass. Oh pish-posh. Like you don’t? Everyone has a body part that needs a little talkin’ to.

What did you say— your body is perfect? Really? Well… excuse the rest of us. I know something that needs a workout—your
big ass head.
Just kidding.

Okay, so I’m a bit crazy—I talk to my ass. We don’t exactly get along. Okay we have issues. It needs to
up—if you know what I mean. It just can’t get its shit together. No matter how much, or what kind of therapy it gets: individual, group, rehab—it just can’t get it together.

All I can say is—thank fuck Jaxson loves it. I mean he really does. He likes to massage it, kiss it, lick it—you get the picture. It really is one lucky ass. Maybe all it needs is love.

“Hey, babe.”

I look up. Oh my. It’s the love of my ass’ life. I put down the dumbbell. Okay the seven-pound pink—padded girly weight.

“Hey yourself.”

He walks over and kisses me on the top of my head, and then he smells my hair. Is that not the sweetest thing

I look at my all-knowing, does-almost-everything watch. It’s just past one on a Wednesday.

“This is a surprise. Is everything okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, why?” he says and sits next to me on the weight bench.

“Well, because it’s a Wednesday, in the middle of the afternoon, and you’re home and wearing jeans. And FYI Mr. Ryan, your ass—those jeans—hot.”

He grins like an idiot—so would you if someone put your ass and hot in the same sentence.

“Hot, huh?”

“Yep. Scorchin’.”

He takes my hand and puts it over his jean-clad dick. “I got something else that’s scorchin. Maybe later I could give you a sample.”

“Sample huh? Samples are what you give out when you’re trying to entice new customers. I’ve already tasted the whole enchilada—samples aren’t good enough for me anymore.”

“Greedy much?”

“Not greedy—just statin’ the facts.”

I give his erection a nice squeeze. He moans and pulls me over and onto his lap. I pull up his t-shirt and let my hands do what they do best…roam all over their man.

I rest my forehead against his. “You feel hot.” I pull back and put the back of my hand on to his hot cheek. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“You don’t feel fine—you’re on fire

“Lex, I’m
—drop it,” he says, biting out his words.

“Something going on at Ryan?”

“Lex. Stop!”

“Okay, don’t get all bent.” I remove myself form his ornery hot lap. “Will you spot me?” I gesture toward the barbell.


He gets up and I adjust the weights. There is this weird tension between us. Something is up, but if he doesn’t want to talk about… I shake it off then lie down and position myself under the bar.

Jaxson walks behind the bench then rolls up the sleeves of his tee. I look up at him as I grab the bar. 

“Okay, five sets of ten.”

“Got it.” He replies then helps me lift the bar off the stand.

I give him a half smile and begin. Half way through my second set his scowl is gone and has been replaced with a big-ass grin.

“Why are you grinning like an idiot?”

“I didn’t know I was.” His face kicks into neutral.

I finish the set and start my third. I look up and he’s grinning like that idiot again. I follow his gaze. “What are you looking at?”

He stops grinning. “Nothing.”

“Really? You’re looking at nothing?”


He’s so lying. I finish set three and start four.

His grin returns and I follow his gaze again.

“You’re looking at the tatas.”

“I’m not looking at the tatas.”

“Are so!”

“So not!”

We hear a shuffle by the door and look over as Mary walks in. Her eyes go big when she sees Jaxson.

She walks over and stands next to him. “What’s wrong? Why are you home? Are you sick?” She puts her hand on his forehead. “You don’t feel hot.”

He looks down at me.

“Don’t even,” I say and try to remember my count.

He smiles. “I’m fine, Mary. Just taking the afternoon off.”

“Why?” Mary asks with concern in her voice.

“Because I want to.”

“Are you sure everything is okay?”

“Yes, Mary I’m sure. What is with you two?” He shakes his head and returns his eye groping of the tatas.

“Okay,” she huffs. “When you two get done with your…training, lunch is in the kitchen.” She walks to a cabinet and starts filling it with clean towels.

I push up my second to last rep and my arms start to shake. Crap they burn. No burn no return—to hell with that shit.

Thank Christ, my last one. My arms all but crash down. Then as I push up they give out. Damn them. “Jaxson. Jaxson!”

He is still looking at the tatas.

“A little help here!” Geez Louise.

“Oh, sorry,” he says and helps me with the bar and
I sit up and grab my towel.

“What is with you? It’s not like you haven’t seen them, touched them, pinched them, sucked on them, and well other stuff.”

Mary coughs. “Sorry Mar.”

“It’s okay. Just knowing my boy is doing all that stuff to your tatas…” She gives me a weak smile.

“I get it. TMI.”

“I wasn’t looking at the tatas.”

Mary clears her throat. “Jaxson dear, you were so looking at the tatas.”

“All right! I was so looking at the tatas. They’re mine after all.”

“Oh really? Your think you own these?” I give them an overdramatic squeeze.

Mary snorts.

“What?” Jaxson asks her.

“Just waiting to see how you get yourself out of that one.” She folds her arms.

He looks at me. “I seem to recall you telling me that I own you. “So, if that’s so…then I own the tatas.”

Mary looks at me.

Crap, nothing like performance pressure. What can I do? I need to stake my claim. Yeah. I walk over and stand in front of him. “Well babe, if the tatas are yours then this is mine.” I reach down and give his cock a
squeeze. “And so are these.” I cup his balls with a
hand.” He winces.

“Okay, that was something I didn’t need to see.” Mary spouts. I’m out of here.”



“So why are you home?” Lester asks Jaxson as we all sit around the kitchen table.

Why is it so hard for everyone to believe that I took the afternoon off?”

Mary clucks. “Maybe because it’s as rare as Alexia’s steak sandwich.”

“Alexia’s not eating a steak sandwich, she never …”

“Exactly.” Mary says.

“Okay, I’ll concede—it’s been awhile.”

“Just out of curiosity,” Lane asks me. “When was the last time you ate a steak?”

I take a bite of my salad as I watch them munch on their animal flesh.

“London. Thursday June 4 1998. Seven thirty five p.m. A restaurant called ‘The Petal.’ It went out of business Saturday, April 5 2003. Time unknown.

“How can you remember all that?” Mary asks. “Was it an important day?”

“No. Not that I know of.”

“Amazing,” Mary states.

“Not really. It’s not like I’ve found a cure for cancer, or ended world hunger. That would be amazing.”

“Speaking of amazing…” Lester quips.” I’ve come up with the most amazing meatless Shepherd’s pie. I can’t wait for you to try it tonight, Lex.

“Sounds…wonderful, Lester. Can’t wait.”
I’d rather stick needles under my toenail, Lester.

“Bullshit.” Lane faux coughs into his fist.

Mary gives him the mother’s evil eye—the most evil of all evil eyes.

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