Laying a Foundation: Bonus volume: Includes series prequel, The Groundbreaking (The Love Under Construction Series) (40 page)

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Authors: Deanndra Hall

Tags: #Romance, #Drama, #Erotica, #Erotic Romance, #Mystery

BOOK: Laying a Foundation: Bonus volume: Includes series prequel, The Groundbreaking (The Love Under Construction Series)
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“Oh, god, Tony, that’s wonderful!” Cheryl gushed. “I’m so glad! Think she’ll say yes?”

“I don’t know why she wouldn’t. We’re together all the time at one house or the other, but I want her there with me, plus she’ll be safer and not alone. And I think it’s time.”

“So you’re thinking you want to make this relationship permanent?” Cheryl crossed her fingers.

“Yeah. If things keep going like they have been, she’ll be Mrs. Walters by the end of the year if she’ll have me.”

“Oh, Tony! I’m so happy for you.” Cheryl’s her eyes welled. “You know I love you like a brother. More than anybody I know, you deserve a chance at happiness. And she’s a smart one; she’ll never let you go.”

“You know I love you like a sister too. Thanks for loving me and supporting me in this. It means a lot. If I hadn’t had you, Annabeth, Clayton, Vic, Cal, so many supportive people around me the last few years, I’m not sure I would’ve made it.” Tony sat up straight. “It’s been a long, hard journey. I think I’m finally coming to the end of it and maybe starting a new journey on a wider, smoother, better road.”

“You’ve earned it, boss man, if ever anybody has.” Cheryl smiled and slapped his knee. “Now, let’s get the hell out of here!”

When they left the gym that night, Tony said he’d go to the store on the way to his house and pick up some fresh green beans for her to sauté for him – he loved the way she cooked them – and then he’d be right home. He’d seen the grey sedan sitting nearby, and when they pulled out of the parking lot, the sedan turned and followed Nikki, while Tony turned the other way and he drove straight to the store.

But when he got to the house, no Nikki. Her SUV wasn’t there. She should’ve beaten him to the house with time to spare. He called her – no answer. That was when he started to panic.

He called the number Steve had given him, and a man answered.


“This is Tony Walters. Who is this?”

“This is Peyton Stokes, sir, Ms. Wilkes’ security detail. Where are you, Mr. Walters?”

“I’m at home. Where’s Nikki?” A sense of dread had started to creep over him.

“She’s about two cars in front of me, sir. I don’t know what she’s doing. She’s been driving around kind of aimlessly for fifteen minutes now.”

Tony was puzzled. “Where are you?”

“Just a few blocks from your house. I think she’s headed that way now. But she’s in my crosshairs, sir. I’ve got a constant visual on her.”

“Okay. She’s not answering her phone. I was just, you know . . .”

“I know, sir, but don’t worry. She’s never been out of my sight.”

“Thanks, Stokes.” Tony hit END and put down the phone. What in the hell was she doing?

Within minutes, he heard her SUV pull up. She hit the front door like a tornado and ran straight into his arms, shaking all over and dropping her purse smack on the floor.

“Baby! What’s wrong? Where in the hell have you been?” He kissed the top of her head and held her tight, trying to stop her shaking.

“Oh, god, Tony! Somebody was following me!” she shrieked. She pulled back to look into his face, and he could see she was terrified. Then she started to cry.

“Yes, honey, someone is following you,” He hugged her tight and she cried into his chest. Then he pushed her back and looked at her from under his brows. “Someone is following you, babe – someone I’ve paid to follow you. They’re security. They’re there to keep you safe.”

Her head snapped back and she looked at him, an unfamiliar, wild look in her eyes. “What do you mean, to keep me safe? You’ve been having me

“Yeah. They’re Steve’s people, and they’re really good at what they do. Former military, mostly.”

“You’ve been having me
?” she repeated, a little louder this time. “For how long?”

“Since the night Steve came to dinner.”

A look he’d never seen before passed over her face, and her cheeks turned bright pink. “You’ve been having me followed and you didn’t show me the courtesy of telling me? Oh, that’s just spectacular! What happened to all that bullshit about expecting honesty from each other? You have the right to expect it, but not me? And, pray tell, why exactly is it that you didn’t think it important enough, you didn’t respect me enough, to tell me this? Why would you do this and not tell me?” She was practically yelling at that point, indignant and furious.

“Well, for exactly this reason. The way you’re reacting right now.”

The look on her face told him that was not the right answer.

“Oh, I see. Uh-huh. So now I can’t take care of myself. So it’s okay to have somebody follow me, without my knowledge, and scare the living hell out of me? What the fuck? Uh-uh, no. That’s just wrong!” Nikki turned and picked up her purse where she’d dropped it on her way in. “No.” She stormed toward the door.

“Nik, wait! Baby, I just want you to be safe, and . . .”

She waved him off and opened the door. “I’m going home. I’ll talk to you later.” She slammed the door behind her as she stomped out.

Oh, that went well,
he thought. He ran to the front door in time to see her open the door of her SUV. She put one foot in, then turned, looked across the lawn, and yelled, “I know you’re out there! I’m going home now! I’m sure you know where I live, so you can just follow me there and sit outside my house all night because I’m sure as hell not coming back here!” She got the rest of the way into the SUV, slammed the door, started it, and squealed out of the driveway.

He picked up his phone and dialed her number. It rang once, then went to voicemail; she’d declined his call. He tried again; same thing.
I’ll just keep calling until she answers,
he thought
. She can’t keep this up forever.
He called three more times, all with the same result. On the next attempt, she answered and screamed into the phone, “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?”

“I want to talk to you in a rational, calm manner.”

“I’m in no mood for rational or calm! And I don’t want to talk to you right now – I’m too mad!” She hung up again.

“Well,” he said out loud to himself, “I think we’re officially having our first fight.”

Tony went into the den, poured himself a bourbon, and waited. He’d rather wait a few hours for a mad, live girlfriend to calm down than to wait a lifetime for a dead one to come back to life and blame him for her demise. He wouldn’t be able to sleep without her anyway, so he’d just sit there and wait.

Peyton was about to get the jar out of the back floorboard to relieve himself in when he saw Nikki’s front door open. She half walked, half stomped down the steps and down the walk, coming straight toward his car. He watched, astonished, as she crossed the street, walked around the front of his car, then knocked on the front passenger window. So much for staying invisible. He put the window down a crack.

“Unlock the door,” she said matter-of-factly.

“But, ma’am, I . . .”

“Unlock the damn door,” she demanded, her face totally unreadable.

Peyton hit the button; she opened the door and plopped down on the seat beside him, then closed the door behind her. “Here,” she said, holding out a plastic container and a big cup. “Lemon and rosemary cookies and some herbal tea. Sorry – I don’t have coffee.” He didn’t dare turn down anything she was offering him. He’d already seen her fury earlier and he sure as hell didn’t want to be on the receiving end. If what had gone on inside was anything like the display he’d seen outside, he almost felt bad for Tony, but Peyton believed he’d brought it on himself, even though Peyton couldn’t say so.

“Thanks, ma’am.” Peyton took the cup and put it in the cup holder, setting the container of cookies in his lap.

“You’re welcome. You already know my name – what’s yours?”

“Peyton, ma’am. Peyton Stokes.”

“Nice to meet you, Peyton Stokes,” she said, staring straight ahead. “And I’m sorry. This isn’t your fault. You’re doing what you’ve been paid to do, and quite well, I might add. I tried everything I could to shake you, but I just couldn’t lose you. Well done.”

“Um, thank you, ma’am.”

“What is it exactly that you’ve been paid to do?” she asked.

“Watch you. Actually, there are three of us. We take eight-hour shifts.”

“I see. So you’re just watching me. Knowing where I am, what I’m doing. That sort of thing.”

“Yes ma’am. Making sure you’re safe.”


“Because Steve told us to. Because there’s someone out there trying to hurt Mr. Walters, and the easiest way to hurt him . . .”

“Would be to hurt me. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. He’s already told me all of that. But tell me something: What do you think? You’ve done this before, right? What’s your opinion on all of it?”

“It’s not any of my business, ma’am. I’ve got a job to do. It’s not about my opinion.”

Nikki let out an irritated sigh. “So let’s pretend for a minute that it is your business, and your opinion
count because I say it does,” Nikki declared with a certain amount of force. “So, let me ask you again – what’s

Peyton knew to choose his words carefully, but he still wanted to be honest with Nikki. She seemed smart and kind, and she’d been put in a very difficult position. “Well, personally, I think this is a really good idea. Steve’s trying to find this group, find out exactly what they’re up to, and if anybody can, it’s Steve. But it seems to me, from what we know, that this is a personal attack. They’re using ecological talking points as a smoke screen to go after Mr. Walters. You could inadvertently be his Achilles heel, if you know what I mean. He loves you, and hurting you would destroy him. And destroying him seems to be what they want to do.”

“Do you have
leads on these people?”

“No ma’am. I’m afraid this is going to be a long, bumpy ride.”

“And exactly whose call was it to keep from me the fact that you guys are following me around?” Nikki asked pointedly.

Peyton decided she didn’t deserve to be lied to. “I’m not sure, but I
it was Mr. Walters’ decision. I think he was afraid you’d do exactly what you did, try to shake me – which, by the way, can’t be done.” He grinned. “But I will tell you this: That man loves you. He’s obsessed with keeping you safe from these people.”

Nikki sighed and finally turned to look at him, and he grinned at her again. She couldn’t help but notice how dazzling his smile was. “Thanks, Peyton. I appreciate your honesty. I’ll probably go back to Tony’s in a little while, after I get the dogs gathered up, so consider this your heads-up.” She opened the door and got out.

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you, ma’am.”

She bent over and stuck her head back into the car. “And that’s Nikki to you. Enjoy the cookies.” Closing the door, she crossed the street and walked back to the house.

Wow, Tony’s got his hands full with that one,
he thought as he sampled the cookies.
But if she can bake like this, she’s worth it.

It had been almost two hours when Nikki’s ringtone finally sounded on Tony’s phone. He braced himself, snatched it up, and answered soothingly, “Hey baby.”

“Hi,” he barely heard her say in a near-whisper. “Can I come back?” she asked, her voice breaking. “I’m sorry for the way I acted.” She started to sob.

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