Laying Low in Hollywood (12 page)

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Authors: Jean Marie Stanberry

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary Women

BOOK: Laying Low in Hollywood
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   “Well Ms. Jensen, we are finally alone,” he said, leering at me.


   “Whatever you have on your mind the answer is no!” I snapped.  “Sir, can you please turn around and take this man back to the party, we’re not together.”


   “Oh come on Lane, don’t be that way,” said Maurice, looking into my eyes and sliding even closer to me, sliding his hand up my thigh.


   I grabbed his hand and removed it from my thigh.  “I mean it Maurice, back off...”


   Without warning, Maurice pounced on me.  In seconds the slime bucket was on top of me, ambitiously trying to cram his tongue down my throat. 


   “Maurice, what are you doing?” I cried, trying to push him off of me. 


   “Did you want to go back to your place or mine?” asked Maurice, raising his eyebrows at me seductively.


   “Get off of me now Maurice, or I will...”


   “Or you will what?  I don’t believe you can make me any hotter than you already have.  Come on Lane, I can give you what you need,” breathed Maurice, pressing his body seductively against mine.  I was struggling to push him off of me.


   “Mr. Dubois, I advise you to keep your hands to yourself.  I am very sorry to inform you that I am not drunk at all.  My drunkenness was simply a little act.  I was merely hoping to get out of the party early.  My boyfriend, your boss, I might point out, will not be very happy to learn that you have been hitting on me,” I told him, playing the only card that I had.


   Maurice rolled his eyes and gave me an arrogant smile.


   “Lane darling, you may have everyone else around here fooled, but you cannot fool me, Jorge is not your boyfriend, he is gay...I am not an idiot.  Besides, I have been there on the ice with you every day, I can see what is going on.  Ron Brannon is the one that you want.  I’ve been going over the practice footage, and I must say, I have some very interesting footage of the two of you together, when you think that no one else is around.”


   “You have nothing, Ron and I are friends, that’s all,” I snapped angrily.


   “Most people would believe that, but being there every day, I guess you could say, I see more.  I see the smiles, the glances, the longing...” he whispered seductively.


   I glared at him angrily.  I couldn’t say anything, I was guilty.


   “You want him,” said Maurice, as he reached out and traced his finger across my cheek.  I snatched his hand away quickly.


   “I mean it Maurice, don’t touch me!” I seethed.


    “Come on Lane, you want me to keep your little secret, don’t you?  You and me, one night, I promise you’ll have a good time.”


   “If you so much as lay a finger on me again I will make sure that you loose your job,” I snapped.  My voice was strong, but I felt like I was on the verge of tears.  I didn’t deal well with intimidation.  Maurice obviously thought that he had the advantage over me somehow.


   “I’m the one holding all the cards here.  I have incriminating video footage, video clips that could sneak off to another show that would pay handsomely for it.  I could be a rich man, just by ratting you out,” he said, smiling at me seductively.


   I grimaced, I found Maurice to be completely repulsive.  I narrowed my eyes and glared at him, there was no way I would ever give in to someone who was trying to blackmail me.


   “You have nothing...I’m his coach...”


   “Brannon is married, but the two of you are very close. In fact, I get the feeling that you and Mr. Brannon have done a little bit more than just skate together,” said Maurice, leering at me.


   “There is nothing between us.  I’m his coach and choreographer, so of course, we spend a lot of time together...” I was trying to sound indignant, but my voice was laced with guilt.


   “Think about your career Lane.  Let’s just say, I know exactly how Jorge feels about negative publicity, he’s pretending to be your boyfriend, to keep the heat off of you and Brannon.  I think Mr. Broussard might be a bit shocked if he saw some of my footage, and saw the way you have been throwing yourself at Brannon,” said Maurice, flashing me a sly smile.


   “I have not been throwing myself at Ron!”  I cried indignantly.  I was acutely aware that the cab driver was assessing us casually in his rear view mirror.  I wondered if perhaps, there was a reason Maurice was throwing names around so freely.


   “I’m sorry, but you haven’t exactly been playing it cool and aloof either,” said Maurice, staring me down arrogantly.


   “What, exactly, are you planning, Maurice?” I seethed, the man was a snake.


   “Let’s just say that my good discretion comes at a bit of a price.  A price that no amount of money can satisfy,” Maurice was flashing me a smug smile. 


   “Let me out,” I cried, I was suddenly panicking.  My own cameraman meant to blackmail me.


   “Wait a minute darling.  It’s so easy, all you have to do is give me what I want and my lips are sealed.  No one needs to know that you and Ron Brannon have been getting it on,” said Maurice.


   “Keep your voice down Maurice,” I seethed, the cab driver’s eyes darted back to the road when I caught him looking at me in the rear view mirror.  “Ron and I haven’t been getting it on!”


   “The footage I have is pretty steamy,” said Maurice, fanning himself and raising his eyebrows at me.  “What did you think of my video clips Tamir?  They are like lovers, are they not?” asked Maurice, now addressing the cabbie, who had obviously heard everything.


   “One could hardly deny the passion,” said the cabbie in a thick middle eastern accent.   I frowned, Maurice had totally set me up.


   “Too bad he’s married.  The whole would be nothing but bad publicity, especially if the press were to get ahold of some of my steamy practice footage.” said Maurice, flashing me a sly smile.  I was furious.


   “Jorge will kill you himself,” I seethed, silently fearing that he might kill me also.  I wondered if Maurice had caught my barely aborted kiss several days ago.  Of course, that would put Jorge right over the edge!


   “I’m not stupid Lane, your little affair with’s nothing but a scam.  Jorge can’t give you what you need.  Jorge don’t want you baby, he likes the men.”  Maurice was leaning over me, his body was on top of mine and he was now sliding the straps of my dress over my shoulders.


   “Get off of me Maurice. I swear to God,” I snapped.


   “Come on Lane baby.  I want you, and you want me to keep my mouth shut, that’s just how things work in Hollywood,” said Maurice, his voice was taunting as he whispered in my ear.


   “Jorge will rip your balls off with his teeth, if you cause any bad publicity,” I seethed.


   “I would much rather have you rip my balls off with your teeth.  You’re much sexier than Jorge,” taunted Maurice, his hot breath was in my ear as he rubbed his body against mine.


   “Don’t tempt me. I might actually do it,” I told him dryly.


   The cab had pulled up in front of my condo and the driver was waiting patiently for me to get out.


   “What’s the matter?   Aren’t you going to ask me in?  You might be sorry if you don’t,” said Maurice, his voice was dripping with sarcasm.


   “I’m sorry Maurice, I’m afraid you’re not up to it tonight,” I told him, flashing him a coy smile.


   Maurice was suddenly towering over me again, pressing his body against mine.


   “I beg to differ with you.  Would you like to feel how up, I am for it?”


   I was angry and I’d had enough of his games.  I grabbed his crotch and began squeezing as hard as I possibly could.  Soon, Maurice was begging me to let go, but I kept squeezing. His pleas became more and more desperate and high pitched.  Finally I let go and he flopped down on the seat in relief.  I slipped the hundred dollar bill out of his shirt pocket and handed it to the cabbie.


   “Keep the change,” I told him, then I stomped away angrily.




   I paced back and forth across the floor of my condo.  I was worried.  Unfortunately, I didn’t doubt that Maurice had convincing footage of me with Ron.  I was attracted to Ron and there were times when I felt like I didn’t do a very good job of hiding my barely concealed lust.


   I finally stopped my pacing and went down to my car.  I had decided I was going to Jorge’s house, surely he would be home by now.  I thought it was important that I speak to Jorge before Maurice did, I had the feeling that Jorge’s house would be Maurice’s second stop of the evening.


   I was feeling guilty, I had no doubt that Maurice had caught some rather “special” moments on tape, but I refused to be blackmailed.  I figured the best thing to do would be go straight to Jorge and fess up.  If he wanted to fire me, then so be it. 


   I would never succumb to Maurice’s threats, anyway.  How could I be certain that he would have destroyed the tapes, even if I slept with him?  I cursed myself for being so naive. 


  I pulled into the driveway of Jorge’s gorgeous Hollywood Hills home.  The house was still aglow with dozens of lights so I assumed that someone was still awake.  I marched right up to the front door and hit the buzzer.  I was startled when the front door opened and it was Jorge’s partner, Jean Luc, that answered the door.  I was completely astounded when I got my first look at Jean Luc.  I knew that Jorge had a partner, but Jean Luc, was not what I had expected. 


   Jean Luc looked more like a male Italian supermodel, than the French lover of an aging Hollywood producer.  Jean Luc was tan, muscular, and not a day over thirty five.  I now knew why Jorge had found Ron so “yummy”.  His own lover was a stunning mix of dark skin, six pack abs and rippling muscles.  I could barely stop staring, Jean Luc did have a certain “drool factor” about him.


   “Bonjour?” said the man, eyeing me curiously.  I gave him an embarrassed smile, once again I was ogling, I couldn’t help it.  I hadn’t paid much attention to things like this when I had been happily married, suddenly, here I was, thrown head first into a buffet of gorgeous men here in Hollywood.  I was anxiously trying to compose myself as I stood face to face with Jorge’s lover.  Even his voice had “drool factor”.  It was deep and velvety, with a smooth French accent.


   “May I come in?” I asked, I hesitated a bit.  I didn’t want to frighten Jean Luc with my boldness, but what I really wanted to do was barge in anxiously.  I felt a certain urgency in my need to speak with Jorge.  “Actually, it is imperative that I come in...forgive me for my brashness, you must be Jean Luc.  My name is Lane Jensen, I...”


   “Who is it?”  I could hear Jorge’s voice as he came around the corner.  He stopped short when he saw me standing there in the foyer.  He was standing there in a navy silk bathrobe, staring at me in shock.


   “Lane?  What are you doing here?  It is late, we were getting ready to go to bed,” he cried, staring at me in shock.


   “Jorge, I’m sorry to barge in on you at home like this, but I wanted to talk to you before Maurice did.  He’s trying to to blackmail me.  He told me he had incriminating footage of me with Ron, I’m afraid he might try something underhanded.”


   “What have you done with Brannon, that Maurice has incriminating footage of?  I told you to stay away from him,” boomed Jorge, who was suddenly enraged.


   “I haven’t done anything with him, but Maurice seems to think that I want him and...”


   “Listen to me Lane, Maurice Dubois has been working for me for ten years.  I hardly believe that...”


   “Please Jorge, just hear me out.  I never saw any of the footage but I’m afraid I haven’t been hiding my attraction to Ron very well, and the other day when he almost kissed me...”


   “You almost kissed him?” cried Jorge, his face was devoid of any color he was so shocked.


   “It was a weak moment, I’m sorry, but Maurice has no right to try to force himself on me, and I think the cabbie was in on it too, and...” I felt as if I was ranting on, I was so nervous and shook up.


   “Wait a minute...Maurice tried to force himself on you?” cried Jorge, staring at me intently.


   “Yes!  I wasn’t as inebriated as I let on to both of you, thank God for that.  I might not have been able to defend myself against him, had I been as drunk as I let on,” I cried.


  “Oh my God, I cannot believe it!” cried Jorge, thoroughly upset.


    “Really Jorge, nothing has ever happened between Ron and I, Maurice was trying to make it seem like...”


   “Yes, I understand...what did you have to do to get him to back off?” asked Jorge, he appeared to be thinking now.


   “I had no choice but to use force,” I said, shrugging slightly.


   “What kind of force?” asked Jorge.


   “The man disgusts me, I tried to twist his nuts off,” I told Jorge, hiding my amusement as much as I could.


   “Oh,” said Jorge, cringing distastefully.  Jean Luc, let out a shout of laughter.


   We were all startled when the doorbell rang.  Jean Luc checked the security camera and announced that it was Maurice.

   “What now?” whispered Jorge.


   “I have an idea,” I told him.


   In moments, Jorge was opening the front door for Maurice.


   “Maurice, what are you doing here?” cried Jorge, when he saw him.


   “I have some information for you, it’s something very important, I thought you should know.  It’s about one of your cast members, Lane Jensen,” said Maurice, his tone was conspiratorial.


   “Really?  Does this information have anything to do with the fact that you tried to force yourself on my girlfriend when I simply asked you to get her a taxi cab home?” asked Jorge, eyeing him seriously.


   “Wherever would you hear such a tale?  The very idea is ludicrous!” cried Maurice.


   “Oh, I don’t know Maurice.  Maybe Lane told me herself tonight, when we were in bed.  Didn’t you darling?” asked Jorge, as I walked around the corner into the foyer, wearing nothing but Jorge’s silk robe.  I gave Maurice a coy wave as he stared at me in shock.


   “This is crazy!  I’m not buying this for a moment.  I know you and Lane aren’t a couple, you’re gay, you have a partner!” cried Maurice.


    “I’m sorry Mr. Dubois, but I have no idea what you are talking about,” said Jorge, taking Maurice by the arm and walking him toward the door.


   “This is some sort of a scam, Lane is doing Brannon...I know it!” cried Maurice.


   “By the way’re fired,” said Jorge, as he escorted him out the front door.  I let out a sigh of relief when Jorge had finally closed the door behind Maurice.  I couldn’t believe the nerve of that slime bucket, trying to blackmail me like that.


   The next morning I was back on the ice with my team, minus one cameraman.  It was actually pretty nice to be free and not have a camera in my face constantly.   We were actually able to get a lot accomplished.


   Neither Elena nor Ron seemed inclined to ask about Maurice’s absence, and I had no intention on telling them what had went down last night. 


   Jorge would have another camera man lined up soon enough.  We were already working on our first two minute program.  The program that we taped next Wednesday would be the first elimination round.  I would be happy enough if my team wasn’t the first to be eliminated.


   For this first round the only requirements for our program was that we incorporate one lift, and the costumes and the moves must interpret the music.  The music theme for the week was “popular music of the 70’s”.


   I’d had a hard time selecting this week’s music.  I wanted something we could have fun with, yet I didn’t want it to be too fast, or too slow, like a ballad.  After listening to, what seemed like, thousands of music clips, I had finally decided on the song “Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves”, by Cher.


   Since my team was new to ice dance and pairs skating, I thought that giving them a song with a clear theme would make it much easier for them to interpret the music.  Besides, the costumes and the music would be fun, or at least, I thought so.  Elena was excited when she heard the music, and my ideas that went along with it.  Ron, on the other hand, wasn’t quite as enthusiastic.


   I frowned when he voiced his displeasure. “What don’t you like about it?” I asked.  I was willing to compromise in any way possible, so that he wouldn’t feel uncomfortable.


   “I don’t know, the whole thing just sounds kind of gay, that’s all I’m saying,” said Ron, shaking his head miserably.


   “Well if I were a big strong football player like yourself, this whole show would sound gay to me, but it was you who signed up for this gig.  Like it or not, you are now a figure skater.  Now, do you want to do something outside of your comfort zone, or not?” I asked, staring him down determinedly.


   He gave me a surprised look, then he started laughing.


   “You’re pretty damn cute when you’re pissed,” he said, laughing.


   “I’m not pissed, I’m just saying...”


   “Yeah, yeah, I know.  I’m all yours, make me into a freakin gypsy,” he sighed, pirouetting around with one arm over his head.


   The hardest part about this week’s program was that I  needed to incorporate a lift of some sort into the program.  It was the required element for this week in the competition, so we needed to include it in our program, or risk loosing points.


   The issue was, Ron was not a strong skater, and he would have to support not only his own body weight, but Elena’s too, on his somewhat shaky skates and hold the position for several seconds.               


   Even if he could manage it, Elena had never done any kind of pairs skating, so trust was an issue.  At some point she was going to have to be confident enough in Ron, to take both of her skates off the ice and allow Ron to completely support her body above the ice.  At this point, Elena had no confidence in Ron’s skating ability, so getting her to try any type of a lift was going to be a hard sell on my part.


   We spent quite a while working on other moves for our program, paired turns and other easy things that would help to build up Ron’s confidence, and Elena’s.  Then I decided it would be a good idea to work with Ron exclusively for a while.  Since Ron basically had no skating experience prior to this competition, I would have to make sure that his basic skating skills were strong before moving on to the harder things. 


   To make Ron a strong base for the lift, I needed to know what position he was most comfortable in.  The male, as the base of the lift could assume many different positions, I just needed to find out what position would make Ron the strongest base for Elena. 


   I had Elena go to the other end of the rink to work on some spins.  She had an extensive repertoire of spins and she was quite talented, I felt if we could capitalize on some of those spins in the future, it would be a gold mine!


   I worked with Ron for quite a while, showing him all the different positions we could work on for the lift.  The other good thing about this competition was the rules.  Since we were working with inexperienced skaters it was silly to try and use official figure skating rules, so basically, the show’s rules were based on official rules, but really much more relaxed.  In this competition we could choose to use actual pairs lifts which were more difficult or we could use ice dancing lifts.


   Since ice dancing lifts were easier and there was a huge variety of them, I chose to use an ice dance lift for our first program.  The best part about ice dancing lifts, was that not all of them were exactly lifts, as long as one skater suspended the other off the ice, it was considered a lift, that opened up a lot of possibilities, as far as I was concerned.


   After working with Ron extensively that morning, he seemed to be quite stable doing a lunge in a straight line.  I had been a pairs skater, so I was not well versed in lifts used in ice dance, but suddenly I had a fabulous idea.  I called Elena over and told her what I wanted her to do, she just glared at me as if I were a moron and told me, “Nyet!”

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