Leah's Seduction: 8 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction) (2 page)

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 8 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)
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Chapter 3

When Leah went home to visit, she normally stayed in her youngest sister’s room, or slept on the sofa bed. Once their daughters moved out, Patrick and Sylvie Ivers had moved to a smaller home. Gianni deferred to Leah about where to stay, and she chose staying at a hotel. Her mother was more than willing to accommodate them, but Leah couldn’t envision sleeping in the living room with Gianni. Not as long as she had options.

They had reservations at Benson Hotel, a historic landmark in downtown Portland. Leah had been inside before, but hadn’t stayed overnight. The room had a luxurious continental feel, and was designed for comfort. The hotel was within walking distance to shopping, breweries, and performing arts venues.

The Benson was a treat for Leah. She had been inside many times but hadn’t had the opportunity to stay there. It had been designed in 1912. Only the finest materials were reflected in the glazed terra cotta and brick floors against the walnut paneling of the walls. The arched lobby window, an immense mirror, Austrian crystal chandeliers, and Italian marble gave the décor a classic European look.

Gianni and Leah arrived Thursday evening, and ate a late dinner at the hotel. The next morning, they went to her father’s bakery in downtown Portland. Sylvie was already there, helping with customers. She had her hair brushed back and tied at the nape of her neck, and looked very pretty.

She had the honey-blond hair that Leah had inherited. Sylvie’s skin glowed, and her soft blue eyes revealed the joy of seeing her daughter. “You made it,” she said, hugging Leah. Then she looked up. “And you must be Gianni.”

Leah was relieved to see that Gianni didn’t seem nervous. He accepted her mother’s warm embrace graciously. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

They sat at a table, and Leah’s father came out with baked goods. He shook hands with Gianni, leaving a dusting of flour. “Hi, honey,” he said to Leah, and gave her a kiss. “I made these especially for you.” He put a plate of French pastries on the table, and the smell of the fresh-baked goods wafted up.

“They look delicious,” Gianni said.

“Wait until you taste them. No one makes these like my dad,” Leah said, taking a fluffy pastry.

A waiter came by with coffee to go with the breakfast. Everything was as delicious as Leah knew it would be. Patrick Ivers had a magic touch when it came to baking, and the shop was thriving as a result. Gianni ate his pastry and took more. Sylvie smiled.

“I’m sorry Dad can’t come with us,” Leah said.

“Yes, it is just too busy. But he will meet us later for dinner,” her mother said.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” Gianni said, smiling at Sylvie.

“Well, you picked one of the rare months when it doesn’t rain or drizzle all day here. So, Gianni, I thought you might enjoy Powell Butte Nature Park. What do you think, Leah?”

“That’s a good idea.” Leah looked at Gianni. “It is an extinct volcano, and we can walk around the top. You can see all the mountains in the area.”

“I’d enjoy that,” he said, and smiled at her mother.

They finished eating, said goodbye to Leah’s father, and went to the park. Gianni had hired a car, and the driver also served as bodyguard. The drive wasn’t long. The trails started at the edge of the park, and then went uphill through huge trees, to thinner trees, and finally to grasslands at the top. It was a clear day, and the views of cascade peaks were spectacular.

They walked around the gently rolling grassy meadow at the top. There was an old orchard of walnut, apple, and pear trees. They spotted a variety of birds on the butte, and even saw a red-tailed hawk hovering on the winds from the Columbia Gorge.

Sylvie pointed out the different mountains around Portland. On Mount Hood, the tallest mountain in Oregon, snow was visible. Gianni put his arm around Leah, and they admired the view. “You live in a lovely area, Mrs. Ivers,” he said.

“I’ve always loved it here,” her mother said. “And call me Sylvie, please.”

They spent time enjoying nature and the stunning views. When they went back to the city, Leah suggested coffee. “Just wait,” she said to Gianni, “coffee making is like a sport here. There is a real coffee culture, and it is special.” She took them to one of her favorites, a coffee bar that used locally roasted beans, and Gianni agreed the espresso was on par with any he had experienced.

Leah splurged and split affogato with her mother. It was just as she remembered, a scoop of incredibly smooth hazelnut gelato covered with a shot of espresso.

“That’s not coffee,” Gianni said.

Leah and her mother replied in unison, “Oh yes it is.”

They stayed for a while to chat, then strolled downtown for Gianni’s benefit. He seemed to enjoy it, and Leah was pleased that her mother got along with him so well. But then, why wouldn’t she? Gianni was utterly charming.

At one point, when he was inside a gallery examining some artwork, Leah’s mother whispered in her ear, “He is wonderful. I’m so glad I have the chance to get to know him.” She beamed at her mother’s compliment.

The afternoon drifted by, and late in the day, they met Leah’s father at Portland City Grill. The restaurant was on the thirtieth floor of a bank tower, and Gianni managed to get them a window seat near the piano. They had a view of the city, and the surrounding waterways that were lit up for nighttime.

Patrick Ivers looked handsome in a white shirt and dress slacks. His dark hair was groomed, if a bit wild and curly. Leah saw him dressed up so infrequently that she had to comment on it. “You look great, Dad.”

He smiled. “You didn’t think I’d wear my baker’s apron, did you?”

Leah laughed. “Of course not. But it’s nice to see you out for the evening. You work so hard all the time.”

They placed their orders, and wine was poured. Leah’s father looked across at Gianni and said, “So Leah tells me you collect cars?”

Gianni launched into a description of one he had recently acquired, and that started a discussion. Leah knew her father liked cars too, and she observed his enjoyment at chatting with Gianni about the different models. She focused on her mother, taking the chance to talk with her while the men were busy.

“Maybe you’ll have a chance to go to the farmer’s market tomorrow,” her mother said.

“Yes, I think we will. And I can show him the university while we are there,” Leah said. “I guess Aubrey is working on a show, but she said she would join us for coffee. She wants to meet Gianni while he is here.”

“That’s good. I don’t know when you will visit again, so I do want your sister to meet him.”

“Jena is coming back from Greece soon, she said. I got a long email from her last week. Too bad it wasn’t a bit sooner, so she could be here too,” Leah said.

“Yes, it will be so good to see her. I miss her. She has been away so long. But I know she’s had a wonderful time.”

“I don’t see my sisters enough,” Leah said. “I guess we have our own lives. But I should talk with them more. I’ll have to make a point to do that.”

“Well, the way you travel, I don’t expect you to be able to come and see us often. But I am so glad we got to meet Gianni. I can tell he is a good man,” her mother said.

Leah’s heart warmed. “He is, Mom. He really is.” She looked over at Gianni, but he was still lost in conversation with her father. Leah squeezed his thigh and smiled at her mother.


Dinner had been delicious, and they had such a good time with Leah’s parents. After the meal, they hugged goodbye, with plans to meet the next day for lunch. Sylvie wanted to make something at home, and they accepted her invitation.

Leah wasn’t ready for the evening to end. It was the first time Gianni had been to Portland with her, and she wanted to make the most of it. “Let’s go to the zoo,” she said.

“At night?”

“Yes, they have concerts during the summer in the evenings. They’ve been doing it for years. It’s such nice weather. It will be great.”

“Sounds like fun to me,” Gianni said. “And by the way, you have wonderful parents.”

“I’m glad you liked them,” Leah said. “It seemed like you and Dad got along.”

Gianni smiled. “A kindred spirit.”

“Because he is a car fanatic like you?”

Gianni nodded. “You have your dad’s brown eyes,” he said, and ran a fingertip down the bridge of her nose.

She crinkled her nose. “But I think I look more like my mom. My sisters do too.”

For a moment, Gianni looked serious. “There is only one issue I have with spending the day with your parents.”

Leah looked at him and pretended surprise. “And what is that?” She could tell by the gleam in his eyes that it wasn’t anything bad.

“I had to keep my hands off you.” As if to make his point, Gianni dug his hand into her hair.

She faked a pout. “Oh, that sounds awful.”

“It was.” Gianni tried to appear tormented, but his eyes sparkled. “I wanted you all day. But I behaved myself. I don’t want your parents getting the wrong impression.”

She widened her eyes. “And what impression would that be?”

“That my lust for you is overpowering.”

“I wouldn’t want them to think

Gianni put his arms around her. “Let’s get to that concert. Because if we aren’t back to the hotel pretty soon, I’m won’t be able to keep from ravaging you in public.”

The way he said it made Leah flush. And his threat was tempting. “Maybe that wouldn’t be so terrible.”

Gianni pulled her close and kissed her deeply. The taste of his maleness and the scent of his cologne made her weak with need. It had been too long. Her desire equaled his. “Or maybe we will skip the concert,” she said. “I’ve been to them before.”

His eyes filled with lust. “Maybe we will, baby.”

Giving in to temptation, Gianni took her back to the room. They had a lovely downtown view, and she sat on his lap sipping brandy, gazing out at the skyline. But her mind was not on the city. Leah was grateful she had chosen to stay in a hotel.

Staying away from Gianni took more restraint than she had. When he took her brandy glass and put it on the table, her skin tingled. The look in his eyes was hot, and his jaw was set. She knew that look, and it excited her.

Whatever he had in mind, Leah knew it would be good. It was always good with Gianni. The fact that he had met her parents made him sexier. She doubted that he would understand that, so she didn’t say anything. It was as her mother said: “
He is a good man
.” He was that. In so many ways. Not all of which she could share with her mother.

Gianni put two fingers under her chin and tipped her face up. His eyes pierced into her. “I want to feel you naked and trembling under me tonight,” he said, then pressed his soft lips to hers. “And I’m not a patient man.”

He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. It was dark except for the city sparkling below. Gianni didn’t bother with lights. And when he lowered her to her feet, Leah didn’t need any more illumination to see the gleam in his eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, and she folded into him for another kiss.


Chapter 4

Leah had worn a dress made of crepe. It was a pale lime color that was alluring. During dinner, Gianni had wanted to peel it off of her luscious body. In the muted light, her silky skin glowed, and he skimmed his palms down her arms.

Reaching behind, Gianni undid the zipper. Leah held his gaze, excitement showing in her expression. Slowly, he let the filmy dress slip to the floor. Still in her high heels, Leah stepped out of it. She looked ravishing in her lace bra and bikini panties.

He might let her keep them on. Gianni shed his shirt, shoes, and socks. Leah watched him remove his belt. He tossed it aside. As her eyes raked over his bared chest, his arousal stirred deeper. Her admiring gaze made him want to see her come.

Gianni wanted to witness Leah’s ecstasy, drink in how she looked in the heat of passion. He moved closer until he could feel her sweet breath on his skin. Leaning in, he pretended to rake his lips over her jaw and neck, but without actually touching her. His breath was the only caress.

Leah emitted a delicious feminine sound. Gianni dug his hands into her thick hair and tipped her head back. He waited, and her breathing sped up. He looked into her eyes, letting her anticipate. Letting her wonder what he intended.

He moved his lips to hers, but without touching. Leah looked in his eyes for permission to kiss. Gianni gave one shake of his head. Gianni fisted her hair tighter.

“Sit on the bed,” he said.

With one step back, Leah reached behind to feel the bed. Then she got up on the mattress.

Gianni watched her, noting her escalating desire. “Spread your legs.”

Leah looked so sensual with her leather high heels still on, and her shapely legs spread for him. It was all the more tantalizing that she wore her skimpy panties and a low-cut bra. Keeping her dressed would make it better.

And sometimes clothes added to the temptation. Gianni looked, envisioning what she would look like completely naked. And his imagination ran wild. He would have her naked and vulnerable before the night was over.

Gianni removed his pants and briefs, freeing his erection. He knew Leah wanted to touch. But it was too soon. To taunt her, Gianni fisted his cock twice.

“Lie back on the bed,” he commanded.

Leah leaned back on her elbows, then all the way down on the bed. Her hips were near the edge, and her feet were still on the floor. Partially clothed, with a fine gold chain around her neck and her long hair falling over the satin sheets, she looked utterly enticing.

Stepping to the side of the bed, Gianni stood between her legs. Leah licked her lower lip. Reaching to the side, he touched her knees, then let his hands slip up her inner thighs. Her eyes partly closed for a moment. He could see her chest moving with heavy breathing.

Gianni moved his hands up, but did not touch her sex. He slid over the smooth skin of her hips and belly. Then he cupped her breasts, feeling the firmness through the lace covering them. “You are beautiful,” he said.

Taking her wrists, Gianni held her hands at the side of her head. He leaned down and showered her with kisses. Her skin was so soft and warm. His lips pressed against the soft spot under her jaw, along her neck, and over the curve of her breasts.

He could see her taut nipples poking against the lace. It turned him on to see the effect he was having. Gianni raked his tongue over her collarbone, enjoying her taste. Then he lightly kissed her lip, purposely teasing her.

Leah whimpered, and he looked into her soft brown eyes. The need he saw in her expression made his own desire spiral higher. He licked her lower lip then kissed her, letting his tongue dip inside. With a tiny moan, she raked her tongue along his.

Gianni kissed her deeper, delving into her hot mouth. He knew how wet she must be, and the thought made his cock pulse. Leah lifted her head slightly to press harder into the kiss. He pulled away, kissing beside her lips, then her cheeks and temples.

He could devour her; Leah was so tempting, sweet, and hot. Standing beside the bed, Gianni placed his palms on her upper thighs and squeezed. Leah’s eyes were glassy, and he knew she needed more. That was good.

Gianni stood, straddling her with his legs pressed against the outside of her thighs. Leah’s breathing was ragged, and she eyed his shaft hungrily. Her panties covered her hot sex, and Gianni knew if he reached inside he would feel the cream flowing there.

But not yet.

With his fingertips, Gianni skimmed the inside of her thighs. He stroked up and down until Leah whimpered. “Yes, baby,” he said. “It feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Yes,” she gasped.

So far, Gianni had not touched her sex. The delay would make her craving spiral higher. He placed his palms on her belly and made slow circles. “Gianni,” she whispered. He slid his palms up her ribs, stopping underneath her swollen breasts.

The sensuous torture was affecting Gianni as much as Leah. His cock dripped pre-cum and his balls ached. She gazed at him with a pleading look. He looked back, giving nothing away. Slowly, he let his hands drift down her body and over her hips.

Then he pressed his legs against her thighs. Her inner thighs touched, and Gianni ran two fingers over the seam. Leah began to pant faster. With the back of his hand, he grazed the tops of her thighs, and she shuddered.

Then he let her legs part just a little. Watching her expression, Gianni dipped his hand between her thighs, just under her sex. She whimpered, but still he did not remove her panties or touch her sensitive tissues.

With a varying rhythm, Gianni slid his hand between her thighs, and alternately ran his fingers up and down her tender skin. He touched only her thighs, and was rewarded by her response.

Leah’s body tensed, and her abdomen flattened. He could see her nipples straining against the lace bra. “Yes, baby,” he said. “Give in to it.”

She rolled her head to the side, and then turned back to look at him. Without stopping, Gianni continued to arouse her. Thrusting his hand between her legs, he simulated a fucking motion. Leah moaned. Relentlessly, he continued to plunge his hand between her legs.

In a world of his own with the woman he craved, Gianni mercilessly stimulated her, while intentionally withholding what she wanted most. The denial affected Leah as much as his teasing strokes. He drank in the sight of her verging on climax. “I want your pleasure, baby.”

She panted rapidly and grasped the sheets. Gianni increased his speed. Dipping his hand between her upper thighs, he took care not to touch her sex. That was what she wanted most, or thought she did. He held back, knowing he had something better in mind.

He continued stroking her inner thighs, and her skin flushed. He moved his hand along her thighs to her knees, and back up. Repeating the motion, Gianni saw it created the effect he hoped. The muscles in her legs tightened, and her body stiffened.

Gianni lifted his hand above her thighs, and then plunged it between them. Over. And over. Leah cried out, and her body went rigid. Then she emitted a high-pitched sound as the pain of his torture pushed beyond her endurance.

Orgasm took her, and Leah’s body shuddered with the powerful waves. At her peak, Leah pressed her head against the mattress and pressed her thighs against Gianni’s legs. She panted and her chest heaved with each breath.

Then she collapsed against the sheets. Gianni yanked her panties down and pressed his lips to her sex. Leah was so hot and wet. He raked his tongue through her sweet cream and breathed in the exquisite scent of her release.

He undid her bra and took it off, covering her distended nipples with his mouth. Leah had come with her panties still on, before he touched her nipples. And with no more stimulation than the touch of her thighs and the anticipation of fucking. Her explosive passion heated Gianni deep in his core.

He slid her higher on the bed and straddled her. Leah fisted his cock, and he moaned. He couldn’t take much. Gianni was too close. She bent her knees and let her legs fall wide, inviting him in. He grasped her feet, wrapping his hand around her ankles, feeling the leather heels she still had on.

Kneeling between her legs, Gianni guided his thick shaft into her. An inch at a time, he dipped into her hot pussy. It was like a velvet glove around his aching cock. With her knees bent, Leah’s channel was shallower. The sensation pushed him closer to release.

Buried deep, Gianni leaned down and touched his lips to hers. Leah kissed back with wild abandon, and he pressed harder. It felt so good to be inside her. And she was so damn wet. Gianni began stroking, slow and steady. But the heady feel of her around him was too much.

He moved faster and faster, until he pounded into Leah. Her lovely breasts bounced with the motion, and her lips were red from his hard kiss. She drove him crazy. Then Leah squeezed repeatedly over his cock as if to milk his cum.

Rocking her hips in time with his motion, and with her knees bent, legs spread wide, Leah pulsed. The first time was a gentle warning, but when Gianni only fucked harder, she pulsed again. And again. Then she moaned as her inner muscles clenched around him.

As she shattered underneath him, Gianni let go. It felt so damn good to pour his cum into her. His muscles felt like steel, and his cock rammed deeper. He spurted hard, and the ache abated. He came hard and long, with Leah whimpering underneath him.

When she relaxed, Gianni put his head next to hers, supporting his weight with his arms. The harmony of their heavy breathing was the only sound. Leah reached up and put her arms around his neck.

Rolling onto his back, Gianni pulled her on top of him, and she rested her head on his shoulder. He stroked her spine and let his palm slide over her round ass. Leah felt so good draped over him. She nuzzled against him, and he put his arms around her.

“Gianni,” she whispered. “Gianni.”

He kissed the top of her head.

“I love you,” she said. Then Leah lifted her head and looked into his eyes. “I love you so much.”

Emotion welled inside, but Gianni was at a loss for a way to express it. What they had just shared was his way of showing how he felt. Intimate, giving, unrestrained sex was his way of communicating, the way he understood. Surely she knew that. Leah kissed his lips, then put her head on his chest, demanding nothing more.

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