Leah's Story Finding Jake (3 page)

BOOK: Leah's Story Finding Jake
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“Rob” squealed Lucy; she was swept up for a hug as they gushed over each other. Adam stood
looking around; I guess he hadn’t noticed me so I poured another drink. Lucy was dragging them into
the kitchen as more guests were filing in that’s when Adam saw me.

He stopped for a second, eyes widening his gaze wandered along my legs then moved upwards
stopping at my chest then he met my eyes. He must have seen a hint of anger as he cleared his
throat to acknowledge me correctly, Natalie I could see was suddenly feeling like a spare part so
tucked her arm into his possessively

“Ad’s darling fetch me a drink will you whatever that girl is having” he looked across at her as if just
noticing her presence

“Of course Leah Hi you are looking... well! what is that you are drinking?” I pointed to the punch
bowl then turned myself back to our other guests, Lucy was filling everyone’s glasses and passing
round nibbles, I noticed lots of glances my way from Natalie so I decided to introduce myself as he
had not been polite enough to

“Hi I am Leah Lucy’s flat mate” she took my hand limply smiling warily at me

“Oh I heard Lucinda had a dumpy friend I didn’t expect her to be you” she looked accusingly at Adam
who had the grace to blush
dumpy hey!
I slid off the stool and headed out to the new arrivals feeling
his eyes burning into me as I walked away to where my friends were congregating, my heart lifted as
I saw Chris.

“Leah Oh My God girl look at you where have you been hiding that body” it was Todd and Chris who
both lifted me off my feet Chris kept one arm on my shoulders as Adam followed us into the living
“Of course I am one of the few who have known exactly what body you have been hiding” he
whispered though it was loud enough for most to hear I elbowed him hard blushing furiously. Adam
did not look impressed, I imagine I went down even further in is estimations now. His behaviour
towards me was confusing and annoying. He was so considerate the other day, now he had turned
back into Mr Aloof what is his problem?

I grabbed Chris to get a drink then we all piled outside for some food. Rob and Lucy were running
the meat station they looked very cosy, five years was not long enough to dampen her crush that
was obvious. I think I was on my fifth punch when I heard a voice in my ear

“Are you going to have water with that alcohol at all? “ I turned to Adam and snarled back


“Are you having chips with that vinegar sir!” he was really annoying me now, I know what would
make me feel better a dance.

“Music time come on Chris lets show em” We led the way to the lounge we had pushed the sofa’s
out of the way earlier to create a dance space. On came the beat, we were straight in the centre of
the floor, Chris was a street dancer his moves were awesome. I could certainly match him in the
swagger department so we had a mini dance off soon we had an audience Adam included, most
were stamping their feet and clapping. I took my shoes off so I could be more flexible, when I did a
backwards drape over Lucy declared me the winner. Hot and sweaty I wandered outside for some
well needed cool air, as I walked past Natalie I heard her whispering to Adam

“She dances like a pole dancer, but then what else would you expect from a girl who dresses like a
whore” My head span towards her Adam gasped realising the enormity of her words, my head
pounded it was like I had a brass band playing in my head. I snatched a drink off the nearest person
throwing it straight on her pretty stuck up face covering her in red wine, half of which hit Adams
crisp white shirt. We stood stock still all in shock, Natalie was spluttering, people had wandered over
to see what was happening. I couldn’t believe I had lost control like that

“you evil witch why the hell have you done that” wine was running down her cheeks “Adam look
what the weirdo did to me” Adam was out of his comfort zone with this situation, he flapped around
with kitchen towels trying to mop her up, I stormed out of the room before I slapped her. The words
she whispered still stinging me. I slammed my bedroom door locking it behind me went to the
bathroom and tore the dress straight off washed my face in cold water then crawled into bed
ignoring the banging on my bedroom door

“Lucinda she was really upset we need to get in there to her she wasn’t in her right mind” Adam was
shouting loudly, an ear bashing from him was not what I needed

“I know my friend Adam, she just needs peace so leave her alone go take your girlfriend home she
needs you more, I will sort my friend out Adam just go!” The noises faded so I settled into my covers
sliding my hand under my pillow to feel the tiny piece of wool that I had hidden there, that was how
I went to sleep.

Chapter 4

The day after the party was spent cleaning up, Lucy bless her did not say a word about my wine
throwing moment of madness, in return I didn’t mention that I saw Rob sneak out of the flat early
this morning when I went for a run. Lucky girl at least one of us pulled.

I felt ashamed of myself perhaps I should apologise, the girl was a bitch but she had no idea how
much that comment would hurt me so I can’t really hold it against her. Well there was a silver lining
of course at least he wouldn’t bring her out with us any time soon, in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if
he stayed away as well.

We had been clearing up for over three hours now yet still the place looked a tip

“ Where are the cleaning fairies when you need them, this is taking hours we have our first day at
work tomorrow you would think some of the ungrateful bastards would have offered to come back
today to help” Lucy smiled sheepishly

“Rob did but I thought you may want an empty house today” Lucy blushing again? I wanted to quiz
her, get excited with her, ask for all the details but the selfish side of me wasn’t ready to bask in her
happiness just yet maybe later after a glass of wine. We were just about to try lifting the sofa’s when
there was a knock at the door. I went to get it as I was closest, unfortunately it was the wrong
decision Adam was standing there.

“Hi” I squeaked aware of my scruffy attire, he was aware too as I caught him giving me a sly once
over. I decided to break the ice.


“Come in, perfect timing we are moving the sofa’s back” he followed silently behind me I knew I
should say something else so bravely I turned round to face him

“Look I am sorry about my behaviour last night she..Natalie touched a nerve, she was right though I
looked ridiculous letting Lucy pick my outfit was never going to be my best idea, sorry if I spoilt her
night, if she has to replace the top let me know I will pay” Adam shut me down

“Leah you don’t have to apologise ignorance is no excuse for the language she used to describe you,
please don’t worry about her clothes she has too many anyway. You looked beautiful last night pay
no attention to jealous females, looking the way you did will always make other females get their
claws out” That was a compliment I think? Blimey second one in a month I didn’t know quite how to
respond so I led him to Lucy and the sofa job.

“Bro just in time cool, Leah stick the kettle on hon” I did the honours while they carried on shifting
furniture then we all sat down for a well-earned tea break. Two hours later the flat was sparkling
clean again, Adam had pulled his weight so we got it done in half the time, we put music on to help
the time pass more pleasantly.

“Right you two I am treating us to a Chinese if you fancy it?” I was starving so nodded eagerly, Lucy
blushed again
“I have a date coming round” eek I knew who that would be, I wonder if big bro would approve of
his sister bedding his closest friend.

“Lucinda, Rob and I have spoken so he knows I am round here, we can all share a takeaway then you
two can do your thing or whatever it is you do” he stumbled over the last part.

So Adam was okay with it that surprised me, pleasantly though I admit. I went to have a quick
shower; this time I let my hair to dry naturally, I threw on my new skinny Levi’s and one of the t
shirts Lucy had picked for me. It was a lot tighter than I would wear normally, but looking in the
mirror I could see that I had a really nice shape, so maybe she knew what she was doing after all.
Lucy grinned when I walked into the lounge,

“Hot babe, told you I was right” I glared at her to be quiet as Adam was staring at me, making me
feel very conscious all of a sudden. We had plenty of Bud’s left over from last night so we all grabbed
a bottle. The door went and Rob strolled in his hand possessively on Lucy’s backside, not unnoticed
by her frowning brother.

“Hey Adam, Leah, looking good girl you have been hiding away somewhere how come I never
noticed you before” he meant it as a compliment; thankfully Lucy didn’t appear to be bothered by it
so I laughed and wandered to the sofa’s to get comfy. Conversation flowed easily between the four
of us; I was surprised by how jovial Adam could be.

Rob being in the police force meant of course we discussed Adams high profile defence case; it
appeared a very wealthy and powerful business mogul Victor Bosic had money embezzled out of one
of his vast business accounts. Victor had sacked him and was in the process of putting together a file
to give to the police, the man in question was found murdered the day Victor reported him. The
police were convinced this was not a coincidence and that Victor had ordered the kill himself, so far
the defence was strong. Adam could not see him getting prosecuted but actually admitted he
thought him guilty.

“How can you defend a guy against murder, when you know he did it” I was struggling to
comprehend his morals, Adam answered honestly

“It doesn’t matter what I think, that’s my job, is it any better putting a man behind bars you know is
innocent, it all comes down to how well the evidence is collected and who happens to have the best
argument in court” I thought about it and decided he was right. It was wetting my appetite for my
new job though, court reporter would be fascinating. Perhaps if Victor goes to court I may get
chance to cover it.

It sounded like Victor was a rather ruthless business man; Adam’s fathers company had represented
him for over forty years and had his trust completely. No wonder Adam was putting his all into this
case, as their father’s biggest client it was a real privilege to be asked to replace him as his lawyer.
Adam obviously had a good reputation in court, Rob seemed to have utmost respect for him. I could
imagine him being able to persuade any jury of absolutely anything, especially if the majority were
The food arrived, I wolfed down a chow mein and half a portion of chicken fried rice, Rob kept
teasing me that he had never seen a girl with a healthy appetite before. What I didn’t explain was
having been a child with no food to eat it made you appreciate anything that was put on your plate.

Adam was staring at me, it was like he had the same thought in his mind too, exactly how much did
he read in my scrap book? The conversation turned to television I confessed to being an Idiot Abroad
fan, we all agreed on that one then we got onto thrillers

“Luther best thing ever shown in my opinion” Adam liked Luther wow, my box set sprang to mind
jumping up, I disappeared to my room. To everyone’s surprise I returned with my pride and joy,
Adam’s face lit up like a child. Lucy groaned, she had been forced to watch Luther many times

“Okay I give in, Rob time to retire with me, let’s leave the geeks to their box set.” I didn’t have time
to register that now I would be alone with her brother, Luther was going to be on so I didn’t care
who watched with me. An hour in we were curled up part way through series 1, I was fighting a
yawn but Adam didn’t look like he was leaving any time soon.

Funny but I actually felt comfortable with him, I know it’s only watching the telly but any
awkwardness I had felt previously seemed to have dissipated. It was dark now but we left the lights
off, it added to the atmosphere, Idris Elba was my guilty pleasure but I sneaked a look at my
companion. Stretched out on the sofa Adam looked dark and dangerous, his hair was falling over his
forehead and I wanted to run my fingers through it to get a better look at his eyes. What the hell
was I playing at, blimey Idris was affecting me rather too much. I focused back on the programme,
however tiredness was taking over and before I knew it I had drifted off, I have no idea what episode
we were on but the combination of cleaning, beer, lots of food and a dark room had finished me off.

Chapter 5

I awoke to my alarm; I sat up with a jolt how did I get to bed last night? I blushed as I noticed I was
only wearing my top and panties, eek he must have put me to bed. I jumped up suddenly excited
about my first day at work, Adam shot to the back of my mind. Suited up in my new grey fitted
jacket and matching pencil skirt, tights and heels, I was happy with the impression I would make.
Lucy was suited up too, she was going to be clerk at her dads Manchester office, working for one of
the female barristers Margie James, a real bolshie woman but nerves of steel. Lucy idolised the
woman and couldn’t wait to work for her.

Adam was based there at the moment so at least Lucy would have his support, me on the other
hand would be alone in the cut throat world of journalism. One good thing was that our offices were
on the same street so we could meet up for lunches occasionally. We both ate breakfast in silence,
unusual for us, we were really nervous and neither of us finished our cereal. I hugged Lucy hard and
wished her luck, she did likewise, we would normally share lifts but for today Lucy was working late
to do her induction.
My office used a multi storey car park in the Northern Quarter, permits were issued to all staff,
obviously mine was going to be sorted today so the car park attendant had to make a couple of calls
before he allowed me to access our level. Now I was running late by the time I found my floor in the
building it was gone eight thirty, I knocked on the department heads door.

BOOK: Leah's Story Finding Jake
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