Leap of Faith (37 page)

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Authors: Fiona McCallum

BOOK: Leap of Faith
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The only problem facing her these days was winning too many events and being forced up into the higher grades. Jessica and Tiffany had come first and second in their first events last week. Too many points and they'd be out. They'd discussed staying in the lower levels and entering as non-competitors. They had no ambition beyond keeping safe and enjoying themselves.

Jessica wished they hadn't been put so close together in the draw; they would have liked to watch each other go around. But Aaron was a keen photographer and would already be somewhere on the course staking out a good position from which to snap away as they went past.

‘And go!' said the starter. Jessica watched as Tiffany and Brandy bounded out towards the first fence – a nice, inviting log. The first fence was usually a good indication of how the round would go, in Jessica's experience. If the horse was spooky, hesitant, not going forwards easily, then there was every chance the round would be a tough ride. The only fault Tiffany's Brandy had was that he tended to get a little distracted by spectators and anything else he could find along the way to look at. Today he had his ears pricked and was keen to get to the first obstacle.

Jessica only realised she was holding her breath when Tiffany sailed over and she let out a sigh of relief. She felt responsible for Tiffany and regularly worried about her safety – she was the one who'd got her involved in this sport where, really, anything could go wrong and there were so many things beyond their control.

Jessica thought back over the past year and a half and saw that everything had had to happen to bring her to this spot and set of circumstances. Yes, some things she would have liked to have been spared – the loss of her father, her cross-country accident – but she wouldn't have wanted to miss this outcome for anything.

‘Rider twenty-one, two minutes,' the starter called.

She gave a final wave to Steve and Talia, who both waved back – Talia obviously with the help of Dad – before gathering Faith up a little more and getting totally focussed on the task at hand.

‘And go!'

Faith leapt over the start line beautifully. She was concentrating and felt strong, calm and balanced beneath her.

‘Good girl,' Jessica told Faith, and rubbed her neck as they landed after the first jump. What a great team they made.

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ISBN: 9780857996176

Title: Leap of Faith

First Australian Publication 2015

Copyright © 2015 by Fiona McCallum

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