Learn to Fly (32 page)

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Authors: Heidi Hutchinson

BOOK: Learn to Fly
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stared into the fire,
a simple conversation,
shouldn't be that hard. You guys used to talk all the time.
He didn't look up as Lenny entered the room and handed him a mug of
homemade hot chocolate. One more thing he was going to have to miss
in a week.

She'd only been home
for a few days and she had easily settled into their old routines;
cooking all his favorite winter comfort foods, cleaning up his wet
clothes after a day's run, going into town for gas for the sled. She
wouldn't go out on any runs with him, but he never stopped asking.
He knew there was still so much more to say, to talk about. Too many
things were getting ignored and he wasn't even sure where to start.

does their plane get in tomorrow?” Duke asked instead. That
was another thing that he was trying hard to come to terms with. The
guy who had set her world right again was going to be in his
home the very next night. He had no idea how far this little
relationship had gone but he wasn't going to be cool with them
sharing the same room.

noon I think.” A lazy smile played on Lenny's lips. “Nathan
is gonna pick them up when he goes to get his brothers.”

still weird that Nathan was part of a fraternity.” Duke shook
his head.

what's weird is that they still show up at
house every New Year's Eve.”

it's really Nathan's party. We both know you wouldn't throw a
party...ever.” Duke smiled as he sipped his hot chocolate.

true.” Lenny agreed.

Duke let the silence
become comfortable again. They had talked a lot the past few days.
Lenny had shared nearly every detail of being with the band. Duke
was positive he'd be able to identify them by name on sight. She had
obviously made lasting friendships with these guys. He understood why
she was going to at least finish the tour. But he hoped she wasn't
using that as an excuse to walk away from snowboarding permanently.
That was what he needed to ask her...now, where were the right words?

this our last night alone for a while?” He kept his gaze
focused on the flames but he felt her shift a little on the couch.

for a little while...I'm coming home after Europe.”

Duke didn't reveal
his surprise at her answer. He took another slow slip of hot
chocolate before asking his next question.

about Luke?” He didn't want to know, but he had to just the

don't know, Duke.” She let out a deep breath. “I like
him and stuff but he's a rock star. And, I guess, I just don't see a
future there.” She stretched her legs toward him and reclined
against the armrest. “I miss being here, with you. This is
nice, right?”

This is my personal heaven.
it's nice.” Duke knew she was staring at him so he finally
turned to meet her eyes. She gave him a small smile and he deepened
his frown. “You ever gonna go back out there?” Her
smile faded and she looked away.

don't know.” Her voice just above a whisper, “I'm

Duke narrowed his
eyes, “Of what, Lenny?” He matched her tone, not wanting
to make her jumpy. Her eyes lost focus as she stared into the fire
and Duke knew the answer lay there, in her perfect memory. But she
wasn't telling him tonight.


Lenny watched as
Nathan hung the giant silver and gold wreath in the main foyer. He
really loved decorating way too much for a mixed martial arts

that look centered to you?” He asked, leaning back on the
ladder trying to get a better vantage point.

it's perfect, stop obsessing.” Lenny chuckled and crossed her
arms over her chest. “The whole place looks perfect, you've
outdone yourself this year.”

Nathan grinned at
her and she swore he was seventeen again instead of his actual age of
thirty-five. His blue eyes shone brightly as he hopped off the
ladder and surveyed his latest achievement.

am pretty awesome, aren't I?” He stood proudly with his fists
on his hips, a happy smile spread on his face. “This party is
my favorite every year and this one is probably my best yet.”

you decide to pull out all the stops this year?” Lenny picked
up a box of extra decorations, handing it to Nathan and then picking
up another one for herself. He followed her through the house and
towards the garage.

don't know, last big hurrah I guess.”

Lenny spun suddenly,
nearly colliding with Nathan as she stopped short. “What?
This is the last one?”

Nathan chuckled, “I
guess you haven't heard then?”

Lenny shook her
head, waiting for his explanation.

completed my coaches certification a few months ago and to make a
long story short, the USOC has tapped me to be assistant coach for
Team USA. I'm going to be busy for a while. Like, years.”

my gosh, Nathan!” Lenny set her box down hastily and threw her
arms around her big brother's neck. “I'm so proud of you!

Nathan shifted the
his own box to one arm and hugged her back, his smile stretching from
ear to ear. “Thanks, Len. I'm pretty excited about it. I've
always loved coaching and the Olympics is the ultimate for me.”

Lenny picked up her
box again and they resumed their trek through the house to deposit
them in the garage. She asked him questions as they popped into her
head, truly looking forward to her brother's new future. As they
entered the garage and Lenny turned the lights on she froze in her
place by the door. She had gotten distracted by her excitement for
Nathan that she had momentarily forgotten her earlier trepidation at
entering this specific part of the Lodge.

Nathan stood next to
her and let out a low whistle, “That is a lot of equipment.”

All along the back
wall of the the oversized garage was a huge assortment of snowboards.
It looked like a display from at an athletic gear store. Every size,
shape and color imaginable adorned the entire length of the wall.
Duke had expertly hung the shelving and track lighting in order to
make it look like an art exhibition. A huge cabinet with a glass
front showcased her various helmets, goggles and boots.

Lenny swallowed
twice before setting down her box. It was an odd feeling, like
walking into a funeral of someone you used to know well but just
didn't anymore.


Lenny snapped her
eyes to Nathan, his face was filled with concern. Her throat was dry
and she swallowed again before she answered.

fine.” Her voice was clipped and and she knew he didn't
believe her but she didn't want to have this conversation.

Nathan had already set his box down and he took a hesitant step
towards her, “let's talk about it.”

Lenny stiffened.
“There's nothing to talk about. I'm fine. We have a party to
get ready for.” She spun on her heel and left the garage with
Nathan hot on her trail.

no way you're okay, you're very clearly
okay.” He wasn't exactly shouting but his voice was louder
than Lenny thought necessary. She ignored him and rounded the corner
leading down a long hallway that would take her to the dining room.
She had a lot to get done before the caterer arrived.

please!” Nathan grabbed her elbow from behind and she yanked
it away. “I'm your brother, please talk to me about it.”

Hot tears started to
burn the back of Lenny's eyes and she grit her teeth in frustration.
She came into the dining room and ran full on into Duke. He grabbed
her by her forearms to keep her from falling but he didn't miss the
agitated look on her face. She turned away and tried to move past

going on?” Duke asked, not letting go and directing his
question more at Nathan than Lenny.

won't talk to me.” Nathan's frustration was obvious.

what?” Duke's deep frown looked down into Lenny's eyes and she
silently begged him to not pursue this.

same thing she always hides from...snowboarding.” Nathan ran
his hand through his short hair and let out an exasperated growl.
“Just forget it. I have to get to the airport.” He
paused and took a deep breath. “I'm sorry, I hope this doesn't
ruin your night.” He exchanged a look with Duke and left them

Duke's frown stayed
put and Lenny felt her heart rate returning to normal.

okay?” He asked, letting go of her arms finally.

Lenny gave a him a small smile and cleared her throat. “Um,
can you put the ladder in the foyer away? I'm going to go take a

Duke nodded but he
didn't say anything. Lenny headed to her room, relieved that Duke
had been there. Always backing her play.


The music had
started pulsing long before the party started. Nathan hired a DJ
every year and they had moved the furniture in the ginormous living
room to make way for a dance floor.

Lenny wondered if
Nathan was back yet. If Luke was there.

She had spent
considerable extra time getting ready. She hadn't seen Luke in a
while and she wanted to look...pretty. She curled her hair in loose
waves that hung down her back and lined her eyes with charcoal,
giving a slight smoky effect. She considered wearing a party dress
but settled on skinny jeans and a dark purple top that showed off her

Nathan's New Year's
Eve parties were unique in that they were amazing and alcohol free.
He wasn't taking any kind of an ethical stand. They were a family of
athletes, and winter was the height of training, it just never
combined well. When Duke moved in, an alcohol free environment
became the rule since he was a recovering alcoholic. It was one of
the reason's Lenny had been so impressed with the band's support of
Mike's sobriety. It was an obvious indication of loyalty and

But the lack of
alcohol never made the party dull by any means. Nathan's frat
brothers usually had a pool tournament, snowmobile races in the back
and of course dancing.

Lenny took a deep
breath and looked at herself in the mirror one last time.


Cody rubbed her
temples with her fingertips while Clara prattled on and on about
something she had absolutely no interest in whatsoever. Where did she
find these people? Oh yeah, they were her friends. The limo bumped
along the snowy road and Cody knew they were getting closer to their

She took a slim
bottle out of her purse and drained the remaining contents. She knew
Lenny's little soiree would be dry and she was going to need to be
decently lubricated if she planned on being a good guest.

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