Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 4) (20 page)

BOOK: Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 4)
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“You got us a cake.”

“Of course I did.
Doreen and Eliza couldn’t do anything fancy in such a short time,
but they made this for us. I knew you’d want it, I just wish it
could be fancier.”

“I love it, Luke.
It’s beautiful, and I’m just so happy right now. I really did
want a cake.”

“All I want is to
make you happy. I hope you know that.”

know that. I love you.”

“I love you, too.
Let’s cut this so I can feed you the first piece.”

He comes back around to
my side of the bar with a fancy wedding knife. We hold it together
and cut the cake. The moment feels so perfect and wonderful. I once
dreamed of doing this in front of a room full of people. I don’t
need that, though. I realize that my dream is right next to me,
holding my hand. I need to tell him that.

“This is better than
anything I ever dreamed about as a little girl. You, here with me, is
the best ever.”

“Really? You’re
sure?” I can see the nervousness in his eyes.

“Yes. I can’t
remember ever being so sure of anything before this.”

Luke smiles then, one
of those devastating Griffin boy smiles that can bring a woman to her
knees. I was already on my knees, but I’m about ready to drop down
again. I’m not immune by a long shot. As my knees start to buckle,
my husband reaches out to grab me.

“You okay, Ollie?”

“Just a little weak
in the knees.” He quirks an eyebrow at me in silent question. “You
smiled your full smile, Luke.”

“And you got weak in
the knees?”

“Maybe.” I’m
mortified now that I told him. I try to turn away. He’s not having

“Oh no you don’t.
You’re not going anywhere.”

“I just embarrassed
myself. I need to go recover,” I tell him as I try to pull out of
his grasp.

“Embarrassed? First
off, you shouldn’t ever be embarrassed with me. Second, that is so
fucking hot. Knowing I can still bring you to your knees with a
smile, even after I put a ring on your finger. And third, you make me
weak in the knees all the time. All. The. Time.”

I look up and see the
sincerity in his eyes. He means it, and I’m humbled by the love
this man shows for me. Every time I think it can’t get better, it
does. I reach up and kiss him, trying to convey all my gratitude and
love. I can’t say it out loud. It’s too much.

We kiss for several
minutes. Little kisses and nips at each other’s lips. Finally, Luke
smiles against my lips as he touches his forehead to mine. I try to
kiss him again, but he pulls back.

“Cake first, then we
can kiss some more. All night, if you want.”

“I want. I’ll
settle for cake for a few minutes. It’ll be a hardship, though.
There’s really no substitute for your mouth.”

“I’ll make it up to
you. I plan to have my mouth all over you. More than once.”

“Are you trying to
make me fall to the ground?”

“No. Why would I want

“Then stop being so
sexy and swoony. Just turn it off.”

“I didn’t know I
had a switch.”

I put my hands on my
hips and arch an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Okay, so I normally
do know how to turn it on and off,” he says with a laugh. “Not
for you, though. I’m powerless against you.”

“I’m not
complaining. Just having trouble standing.”

“I’ll always catch
you if you fall, Ollie. No matter what. Always.”

“I know. I’ll catch
you, too.”

“Let’s have some
cake so I can take you back to bed.”

‘Could we just take
our cake to bed?”

“Too messy.”

“True. Feed me cake,

We each grab a piece of
the slice, and just like expected, we smash it into each other. Luke
reaches out and rubs some above my corset, and I put a handful on his
neck. We each manage a few bites in between covering one another in
cake and icing.

He grabs my hand and
leads me laughing into our bathroom. We both start undressing, but
Luke stops me as I’m about to undo my garters. “Oh no. I’m
taking those off you.”

My hot and naked
husband drops to his knees in front of me. He caresses my calves, up
to my knees, and finally my thighs. He pushes my legs apart as I hold
on to his shoulders for balance. Luke fingers my garters and slowly
snaps them off, running his hands up to the edge of my thong. He
yanks on the sides and the fabric rips. He lets it fall to the floor
as he pushes my stockings down. He helps me out of my shoes and the
stockings, then makes sure I’m firmly back on my feet.

I’m in my garter belt
and nothing else as he rocks back on his heels and looks at me.

“Are you referring to
my last scrap of lingerie or the cake I’m covered in?” I ask with
a smile.

“Lingerie. Definitely
the lingerie. Seeing that belt on you with your pussy glistening for
me below it…I…thank you.”

“I was hoping you’d
like it.”

“I fucking love it. I
was going to wait until we washed off in the shower, but I need to
taste you now. Hold on to my shoulders, honey.”

I do as he asks while
he twists my garters around his fingers and pulls me to his mouth. As
soon as his tongue touches me, my knees go weak again and I moan. I
can feel Luke smile against me as he twists the garters tighter
around his fingers to hold me up. I’m still sensitive from my show
earlier, so it doesn’t take more than a few licks and sucks on my
clit to send me flying. I leave marks on his shoulders from my nails
as I dig them in.

“Oh my God, Luke. I
almost blacked out that time.”

“The night’s still
young,” he tells me as he stands and carries me into the shower and
turns it on.

He leaves the garter
belt on as he takes me against the shower wall. It’s fast and rough
because we’re both too far gone for gentle. We can be gentle later.
After we both come hard, we actually wash each other off and stagger
to the bed. Seriously, neither one of us is walking very easily. We
collapse on the bed and fall asleep in each other’s arms.

* * *


I wake up with Olivia
lying across my chest. Damn, but it never gets old to have her in my
arms. Especially when we’re both naked. I’ve got some serious
morning wood going on, but my wife looks so content while she’s
sleeping. She also looks sexy, so I can’t help myself. I start
rubbing her back as I kiss the top of her head.

It takes about a minute
before she stirs. “Good morning, Mr. Griffin.”

“It is when my wife’s
in my arm, Mrs. Griffin.”

very nice to wake up like this.”

“I’m going to have
to ravish you right now, but then we’ll have whatever you want for

“Oh, are you hard?”
she teases as she moves her hand down and strokes me. I growl at her
in response. “Just a little, huh?”

“Little? Honey,
there’s nothing little down there.” I tell her as I roll us and
lean over her.

“Put your
cock in me then, Luke.”

Oh hell yeah. I reach
down and guide myself to her entrance. I lean back a little and then
slam into her. I’m deep inside and it’s like coming home. She’s
my home.

Despite how hard I am,
I realize that I want this morning to be sweet, so I rock in and out
slowly. We kiss softly, little pecks and bites. She’s on the same
page as I am. We both want to savor our first morning as husband and
wife. I can tell she’s getting close, and I’m starting to feel my
release within reach as well. I start moving a little faster and then
we’re both going over the edge, whispering each other’s names.

“That was perfect.”

“Yeah, Ollie, it

I roll over and pull
her back into my arms. We cuddle for a long time, just touching and
kissing and whispering about our love. I could probably stay here
forever, but her stomach growls right before mine does the same

“I think we need
food, husband.”

“I think you’re
right, wife.”

“First rule of
marriage—your wife’s always right.”

I wait until after I
call to order our breakfast before I respond to that. “I’d hate
to break that rule, but we both know I’m usually right.”

“We do not
know that, jerk.”

“Jerk? That’s the
best you’ve got?”

asshole. How about that?” she asks as she whacks me with a pillow.

“Are you a mother?
‘Cuz you’re the only one I’m fucking.”

I dodge the pillow this
timeand pull her down on top of me. “You are impossible, Luke

“Impossibly sexy?”


“Maybe, huh? That
won’t do.” I lean over and capture her nipple in my mouth,
sucking hard.

“Oh God. No maybe.
Yes, sexy.”

I let go with a smirk.
“Impossibly handsome?”

“You know I think
you’re hot.”

“I like to hear it.”

“Idiot.” I get
whacked with the pillow again.

“Hmm…what else can
I ask?”

“Impossibly annoying

“Oh no. This is all
about how great I am. No negatives.”

“Where are my

“You, my wife, are
impossibly sexy, beautiful, and smart.”

“Aww. You’re
impossibly smart, too. “

“See. That wasn’t
so hard to say, was it?”

“Just shut up and
kiss me.”

“That I can do.”

We kiss for several
minutes and then realize we should put something on for when the food
gets here. I put on jeans and Olivia wears my button down shirt from
the wedding. The food arrives and we sit on the coach to eat, feeding
each other from the different plates. Once we’re done, I reveal my
final surprise.

“So I was thinking
that we should get a place together.”

“But we can’t tell
anyone, Luke.” She looks so scared, and my heart shatters a little,
both for her
me. I don’t want to hide, but I will. For her.

“I know. We can keep
our apartments if you want, but I was hoping you’d go look at a
house with me this afternoon.”

“A house?”

“Yeah. I’ve seen a
‘For Sale’ sign on a house near my new school, and I think it’d
be nice to live there with you. I set up an appointment for this
afternoon. But if you don’t want to do this, I’ll cancel.”

“I’d love to have a
house with you, Luke. I’m sorry that I’m making you keep this
quiet, and I appreciate it

“Just promise me it
won’t be for too long. My family’s already going to be upset that
we got married without them. I need to know I can tell the world
you’re mine soon.”

“As soon as I can. I

She pulls me to her and
hugs me tight. We hold each other for several minutes and then get
dressed. I check out by phone, grab our bags, and we head down to
valet pick-up. The ticket was waiting for me in the suite along with
our bags. I drive us to the house, hoping Olivia will like it as much
as I do.

When we pull into the
gate she tells me it looks beautiful from the outside. It’s red
stucco and brick. Not huge by any standard, but perfect for us. At
think it is.
I get out of the car and open her door, taking her hand. The realtor
meets us at the door.

We tour the inside—an
open living space and kitchen, plus a bedroom and a bathroom on the
bottom floor, and then two bedrooms and a loft upstairs. It has a
nice sized yard that could fit a pool. I’m anxious as I wait for
her to tell me what she thinks. She finally turns to me and tells me
she loves it and can’t wait to move in. I kiss her hard and then
tell the realtor that I want to make an offer. She says we should
hear back today.

I’m nervous as we
head to my place—I really want that house. As we pull in, Olivia’s
cell rings. “Hi Mom…no I’m not home. Why?”

She listens for a
minute. “I’m out with a friend. I won’t be home until late…yes,
I know I have school tomorrow.”

I won’t lie. That
just hurt. Really bad. I put an offer on a house for us, and she
called me a friend. I know she feels she has to, but it doesn’t
make it feel any better. She finishes the call as I pull into my
parking space. We both just sit there for a minute.

“Are you okay?” she
asks me, breaking the silence.

“Honestly? No.”

“I’ll tell them. I

“I just don’t
understand, Ollie. I know you want to please them, but I don’t
think that will ever happen. They’ve set their expectations too
high. And to tell you the truth, I think they know it and are using
that to keep you under their thumb.”

“I think that, too.”

“So don’t let them.
Even before we got married, you didn’t need money from them
anymore. And now, well, you definitely don’t.”

“I’m not taking
your money, Luke. You can buy the house, but I’m splitting the
bills.” I start to open my mouth, but she stops me. “Don’t
argue. I make a good salary from Candi, and I’ve been thinking
lately that I want to stay on with her and not do my internship. I
think I help her business.”

you help her, and I love that you don’t want my money, but it’s
there whenever you want or need it. I’m adding you to my accounts,
and this is something I’m going to win at.”

“Fine. As long as I
can add you to my accounts.”

“Deal. You didn’t
answer my question, though.”

“It’s because of
Rose. I’m worried that they’ll put the pressure on her if I’m
not around. I also worry that they’ll keep her from me. She needs
her college money so she can go to Harvard. They control it until
she’s 21.”

“I could pay for her
college, you know. And she could move in with us if things became
hard for her.”

“I love that you just
offered that. Let me work up my courage, okay?”

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