Leasing Love: A #GeekLove Contemporary Ménage Romance (Your Ad Here Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Leasing Love: A #GeekLove Contemporary Ménage Romance (Your Ad Here Book 2)
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“Yeah, I get it.” Liz laughed. “You stroke it. Fondle it. Run your finger over the tip, to make it move the way you want.”

Jordan wiggled his eyebrows. “You know your packages.”

“Not as well as I’d like to.”

Chloe wondered how long this would go on if she let it, then bit back a snort at the word
“He’s animating his drawings. Turning them into cartoons.”

“She’s being generous. Without her script, they’re simply moving drawings.”

Liz looked between them. “You’re using K.M.’s engine for that? Don’t you have animation software at work?”

“No.” Chloe shook her head. Liz really didn’t know anything about the industry. “What we have at Rinslet isn’t made for distribution. The developers use it, but that’s not us.”

“I’d love to see what you’re doing with it sometime.”

“You want to watch me play with my package?” Jordan’s wink was exaggerated.

The weird facial tics were a bit much. Chloe swatted at him. “Are you done?”

“Most likely not.” He covered Liz’s hand with his free one, tracing his thumb over Chloe’s knuckles. “For personal or professional reasons?”

“I might tell Jonathan you thought his commercial package was too big.” Liz quirked her mouth in amusement. “But this is between us. I’m genuinely curious.”

“We have a copy upstairs.” Chloe winced when she realized how that sounded. “That’s not a line. Not that you’re not welcome upstairs. I— It’s where the laptops are. We can show you after dinner.” Not that Chloe could eat at this point. The joking was fun, but it didn’t untie her insides.

“If you two are waiting on me to order, don’t. I’m not hungry,” Liz said.

“In that case, do you want a sneak peek now?” Jordan slid from his seat and tugged Chloe up.

Liz stood too. “That sounds like fun.”

Jordan snagged the waiter. “Bill this to room 512.” He turned back to Liz and Chloe. “Shall we, ladies?”

Chloe’s anticipation spiked, and her thoughts stalled on a single question.
What now?

“Evening, folks.” Stew blocked their path. The bottom dropped out of Chloe’s stomach.
Better question—why now?
He locked his gaze on hers. “I thought you three weren’t acquaintances.”

An irritated growl rumbled from Jordan’s chest. He was thinner than Stew but a couple inches taller, and when he moved forward, the blogger retreated. “I’ll catch up with you ladies in a minute.” Jordan didn’t look at Chloe, and irritated threat lined his words. “Stew and I are going to talk about Elizabeth Thompson and how uninteresting a story she is.”

Chapter Six

“Is he going to be all right?” Liz asked as they entered Chloe and Jordan’s room. She owed these two so much for repeatedly whisking her away from whoever that guy was.

Chloe nodded at a chair in front of the table that held two laptops. “He’ll be right behind us. Stew’s looking for the story you told us downstairs?”

“I guess.”

Chloe frowned. “It’s not a super interesting story. No offense—I’m sorry it happened to you, and it must have hurt like hell, but it’s not news.”

“No, it’s not.” Liz was grateful for the understanding.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, ladies.” Jordan’s greeting blended with the sound of the door swinging open and then shut again. “You still want to take a look?” He flipped open one of the computers and logged in.

“Yes. Definitely.” When Liz accepted the invitation upstairs, she wasn’t sure what to expect. Some of her nervous tension slipped away at the realization they were actually going to show her their work. Despite the bravado, thinly veiled jokes, and flirting, she wasn’t sure she was ready to take things a step further. Staring possibility in the face was more jarring than she expected.

The video started playing, complete with subtitles at the bottom. The visuals were gorgeous. “You drew these? You’re crazy talented.”

“Don’t sound so surprised.” Jordan wore what had to be a semi-permanent smirk. “I didn’t get here on looks alone. I needed some talent.”

Chloe rolled her eyes, but she didn’t look bothered by the comment. “Besides, it’s harder for a guy to sleep their way to the top.”

“You wound me.” Jordan clutched his chest and feigned falling from the chair, but caught himself before he left the seat. “Looks like these transcend traditional labels.”

“Ass.” Chloe tried to slap him, but he caught her fingers before they hit his arm and kissed the tips, one at a time.

Liz turned her attention back to the video, embarrassed at being in the middle of the intimate moment. At least she didn’t have to worry about things like jealousy if the three of them did hook up. Chloe and Jordan were obviously infatuated with each other. She reached for the volume control and realized it was already turned up. “How come there’s no sound?”

“We don’t have anyone to do her voice.” Chloe slumped back in her seat.

“You?” Liz asked.

“No.” Chloe sounded as if that was a bad idea. “I couldn’t. I can’t.”

“Why not?” Liz read the lines aloud as the subtitles scrolled past. “See? Easy peasy.”

“Not for me. I hate the sound of my voice.”

“Liz, you’ve got it down.” Jordan picked up the hero’s lines.

Liz filled in the blanks, and within a minute or two, they were bouncing off each other, finding their voices, and bantering along with the animations on screen.

At some point during the evening, they all moved to the couch, still talking and laughing. Liz had worried she wouldn’t have anything in common with these two. Now she couldn’t remember a time in the recent past she’d had so much fun.


* * * *


Liz woke up to the teasing scents of jasmine and musk, neither one of them familiar. She opened her eyes, and joy flitted through her. She lay face-to-face with Chloe, whose back was to Jordan’s front. They fell asleep talking, last night. Nothing else happened. All that build-up, for such a simple evening. Liz had never experienced something like that, even with Mercy.

She focused on Chloe, who’d fallen asleep in her dress. The fabric had twisted around her during the night. Propriety said Liz should look away. She couldn’t help traveling her gaze along Chloe’s form, though—over round breasts, struggling to free themselves, down a narrow waist, along pale, slender legs exposed almost to the hip in places. The skirt slid higher, and Liz’s pulse jumped into her throat and hammered in her ears.

She dragged her attention back up, to find two pairs of eyes watching her. Her cheeks heated under the attention.

“Like what you see?” Jordan asked.

Liz swallowed but couldn’t work the moisture back into her throat. “Quite a bit.”

Jordan whispered in Chloe’s ear, and Chloe smiled, propped herself up on one elbow, and crashed her mouth down on Liz’s, hard and hungry. A jolt ran through Liz, starting at her lips, and sliding on sparks to her fingers. Her toes. Her core. She groaned into the kiss. It was like in the bar, but more intense. More vivid. She dropped her hands to Chloe’s hips, glided her palms up her stomach, and brushed the bottom of her breasts.

Liz was vaguely aware of Jordan moving from the bed, but she didn’t see to where because most of her attention was on Chloe. The way she tangled her fingers in Liz’s hair. Her soft gasp when Liz undid the top button on the dress. Liz was tired of fretting over every move and wondering if this was a good idea. Both her partners seemed willing, and God, Liz wanted this.

She trailed her fingers down the front of the dress and followed with her mouth along the path of skin as each inch was exposed. When she reached Chloe’s waist, she pulled the fabric apart, exposing round, pert breasts. Hesitation flitted through Liz. Daydreaming about being with another woman was one thing. Suddenly the world around her felt too vivid. Too real.

From behind, an arm lay along the length of hers, and Jordan’s breath caressed her cheek. He guided her hand up Chloe’s ribs. “Start with what
like.” His low voice drilled into her senses, amplifying everything further—the brush of cool air on her skin; the hum of the lights; the smooth skin in front of her.

She cupped one breast, the flesh molding to her palm, and flicked her thumb over a pink nub. Bigger than her own. Brighter.

Chloe arched her back with a groan when Liz pinched and tugged. “Use your mouth.” Chloe’s plea was breathless.

Liz felt ghosts of the same sensations she administered, flicking her tongue out and sucking on the swollen nipple. Each new wriggle and sigh echoed like a phantom over her own skin.

Jordan yanked Liz’s shirt off, and then her bra. He trailed his lips down her spine, as she kissed along Chloe’s chest and finished unbuttoning the dress. Liz was wet, her lower lips digging into her jeans each time she moved. She pushed aside the crotch of Chloe’s panties. Her fingers slid along smooth skin. Waxed? Her head spun with discovery as she parted Chloe’s folds. Her fingers were coated instantly. Liz wanted tips on accomplishing that. Later.

Stroking Chloe’s slit was like playing with herself, but better. Every rasp over the skin drew out Liz’s tension, each sigh torn from Chloe’s chest. She dipped her head and drew her tongue along the same path as her fingers. Fantasizing about tasting another woman was nothing compared to the reality. The act, the flavor, the way Chloe squirmed beneath her, it was almost enough to push Liz over the edge.

She eased two fingers inside Chloe, hooked them, and sucked her clit. Liz’s head grew light, as if it might float away. She matched the pace of her attentions to Chloe’s cries.

Liz gasped when Jordan cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingers. Chloe squirmed under her, grinding against her face as she came. Thrusting her hips until she shuddered away from Liz’s touch.

Chloe pulled her up and kissed her hard, driving her tongue into Liz’s mouth. Nipping. Teasing. Demanding. Licking herself from Liz’s lips.

Jordan undid Liz’s jeans and tugged those and her panties down her hips. Liz kicked the clothes off the rest of the way, not breaking the kiss. She couldn’t decide which sensation to focus on. So many assaulted and tempted her from every direction.

He broke the kiss when he pulled her upright, digging his teeth into her shoulder. “Did that turn you on as much as it did her?” He flicked her earlobe with his tongue, voice a whisper. He guided his hand between her legs, the tip of his cock nudging her bare skin. “Fuck, you’re so wet.”

Unable to find her voice, Liz nodded, responding late to his question.

“I want to bury myself inside you.” His words vibrated against her skin. “Feel you clench around me, while Chloe plays with you.”

Liz looked at Chloe, who stared back with bright eyes. Pink colored her cheeks. Chloe nodded.

“Okay,” Liz managed.




Jordan guided Liz onto her back, nudged her legs apart, and rolled on a condom. He was exercising the last of his control, to keep his mind from spiraling into blankness. Chloe looked gorgeous. Glowing. Freshly fucked. Seeing it happen was different from doing it himself, but just as tantalizing. He dragged the head of his cock along Liz’s gorgeous pussy, short curls of black hair teasing him even through latex. He nudged her opening, then drove inside, unable to hold back anymore. That first, sweet, tight penetration threatened to make him come.

He bit the inside of his cheek to hold back, and a hint of copper hit his tongue. “Chi…” He couldn’t finish the thought. Wasn’t able to wrap his head around words.

Chloe seemed to know. She suckled Liz’s breast, her ass in the air, waggling at him. He pounded hard. Matching his pace to the rocking of her hips. Falling into the rhythm.

Chloe moved her hand down Liz’s stomach, drawing another groan when she found Liz’s clit.

Liz clenched around his dick, grinding and milking him as she came. Her sweet mewls and strong grip drew out his own orgasm. He hammered inside her, spilling, sparks dancing behind his eyelids, until he was spent.

Frantic grinding slowed, and moans became pants for air and then tiny giggles. He collapsed to the bed and pulled Chloe close, between him and Liz. Her chest pressed into his side, heart hammering against him.

A second set of fingers brushed his chest. Liz pressed herself to Chloe’s back. Both women wore faint smiles.

“Fuck, the two of you are amazing.” He forced the words out through lungs still searching for breath.

“Crap.” Liz bolted upright. “Yes. Definitely. And I didn’t realize what time it was.” She wobbled and grabbed the edge of the mattress as she stood. Jordan couldn’t help his satisfaction at the sight. She grabbed her jeans. “I have to go. Meeting in half an hour. I had a fantastic time. I mean it. Thank you both.”

After she left, Chloe cuddled closer. “Thank you from me, too.”

“Sure. Because it was completely selfless on my part.” He chuckled. That was better than any fantasy. What held them back for so long? Whatever it was that stopped them before, that had them fighting, he wasn’t letting hang-ups or lost words get in the way again.


* * * *


Jordan mentally ticked through a list of bullet points for their E3 demo. He paced outside the convention hall, waiting for the previous demo to let out so their people could get in and set up. Chloe joined him, halting his journey.

“Hey, handsome.” She rose on her toes and kissed him. Her white T-shirt and black jeans matched his. Part of the visuals for their time on stage. Things between them went smoother today than they had in a long time. No miscommunication or barely-suppressed snarls. He refused to linger on the fact they hadn’t made any future plans with Liz. Hooking up was a one-time thing.

The high from the shared moment this morning still coursed through him. He pulled Chloe closer. “Lighting and sound all squared away?”

“Ready and set.”

“Jordan Iverson?” A stern voice carried over the chatter of the crowds.

Jordan looked up, to see two police officers standing a few feet away. “That’s me.”

“We need you to come down to the station with us.”

Around them, a few people slowed and stared, murmurs running through the throngs of onlookers.

“Can I ask what for? The timing’s not so good right now,” Jordan said.

One officer thumbed the clasp on his holster. “I think you’d rather do this quietly, but we can cuff you here and escort you to the car forcefully if you prefer.”

“Shit. You’re not joking.” Not the smartest thing he’d said today. “What’s going on?”

“We’d like to talk to you about the assault on Stew Knapfer last night.”


“I’ll call Legal and have them get us local representation,” Chloe said. “We’ll meet you down there.”

“Sure. Okay.” Any thoughts of the demo slammed into the back of Jordan’s head, as he processed this information. He was grateful they didn’t cuff him as they put him in the back of the patrol car. When they mirandized him, he swore his heart stopped for a beat. He wanted to protest. Point out he didn’t realize Stew had been assaulted, let alone having been party to it. He kept his mouth shut. One of the instructions Zach drilled into their heads after the fake marriage proposal at E3, was that if for some bizarre reason they ever got in trouble with law, they weren’t supposed to say anything without a lawyer present.

This was the first time he ever had to put it into action. Acid churned in his gut and surged up his throat. He swallowed it back.

“It’s a simple assault case.” The officer in the passenger seat glanced back at him. “We have witnesses and proof. Do you really want to jump through all the legal hoops for the inevitable?”

Jordan didn’t know how it was possible to have evidence for an incident that never happened. No, that wasn’t true; he could list a lot of ways. But it meant what they had wasn’t legit. He shook his head. “My lawyer will meet me at the station.”

BOOK: Leasing Love: A #GeekLove Contemporary Ménage Romance (Your Ad Here Book 2)
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