Leather for Two: Wings of Steel MC (2 page)

BOOK: Leather for Two: Wings of Steel MC
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He dropped to his knees in front of the chair, placing his large hands on either side of me. His heat spread over the exposed skin of my arms and I wanted to reach out and touch his cheek, but I kept my hands clasped. I’d never been this close to him before, and every concealed urge in me came to the forefront. Goosebumps popped out on my skin and my lungs wouldn’t work properly.

“I’m not a romantic man, Rena. I can’t offer you sweet, fancy words, but I need to know. Do you have the same feelings for me?” The freestanding light behind the chair illuminated his features.

“I-I can’t do this. We can’t do this.” I stood up and his hands fell to his sides. My knees quaked as I moved around him, quickly heading toward the hallway. I heard the heavy beating of his boots as he followed me, gaining on me. My heart raced and I thought it possible it would burst right out of my chest. I placed my palm over the beating as if I could calm it with my own touch.

His fingers dug into my arm and he twirled me around to face him. I could see a mysterious darkness in his eyes, the grim set of his jaw, and I knew he faced an internal tug of war. “Tell me you don’t feel the same and I will walk away. I will never mention this subject again.” The confession was there, at the back of my throat, itching to break free. His hand came up and he swept a callused palm across my cheek. He lowered his face so close that I could smell the mint and whiskey on his breath. “Have I been wrong, sweetheart?”

I blinked, hoping the tears didn’t fall. “No, Blaze. You’re not wrong.” The divulgence came as if the prison door opened. Freedom at last. No more secrets. No fear of exposing my foolish self.

His jaw softened. I had never seen him look so pleased. “I can’t get you out of my mind. I’ve tried everything, just short of cutting out my own heart. I would if I thought it’d relieve this misery.”

I took a step backward, pressed against the cold wall. My body temperature rose to boiling. I could melt—into his arms. If I did, I wouldn’t leave, and I couldn’t be entranced by something that could never be. “Why are you telling me this?”

“I was drowning in this need, baby. The look I saw in your eyes tonight, it snapped my last bit of control. My God, if you were mine, I’d have you in my bed every breathing moment.”

My adrenaline kicked into racecar gear. My heart thumped so loudly, I wondered if he could hear it beating. Could he also smell my desire warming my inner thighs? His fingers touching my neck faded any more thoughts. His rough hand smoothed over my skin, awakening cells. Would he kiss me? Oh how I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to feel his beard on my neck, my chest, breasts, and lower to my quivering thighs. He could take me and I wouldn’t refuse. I wanted to make love with the real man, not his image.

Diesel’s scent and touch were the only I’d ever known, but I’d craved Blaze’s. I’d fantasized what he would feel like. What his lips on mine would do to my soul. “I can’t hold the lies any longer. I’ve wanted you for so long. I never would have dreamed that you’d want me too,” I said on an exhale of breath.

“I don’t want to hurt Diesel. You belong to him…”

Blaze’s words cooled the desire flowing through my veins. ‘Belong’ was not a word I ever related to my relationship with Diesel. I pulled my head back slightly. “I don’t belong to him.”

“You’re his woman.”

“In name only. My heart…it belongs to—”
Should I speak the words?

“To who, baby?”

“To you,” I said it. There was no going back now. Life would change as I knew it. The truth had a way of turning things upside down.

He slipped his fingers upward into my hair, coiling the strands around his fingers. “We could leave, Rena. We could get away from here. Just you and me. I have enough money saved.”

I blinked. Did he realize the magnitude of his words? Did he understand how hopeful he made me? “Blaze. You’d never leave the club.”

“This is the only life I’ve known. My dad wore this cut before I was a gleam in his eye. I’ve worn it ever since I can remember, but we can’t stay here. Not like this. Here you’ll always be Diesel’s woman. I want you as mine and only mine. Every time he is near you I have to battle painful emotions.”

I swallowed back the pain of comprehension. That’s all I was known as, ‘Diesel’s woman’. I wanted more…wanted to be known for more. I’d never fit in here, in the club. I wasn’t like the other women who abided by the rules, felt at home on the back of a Harley.

Blaze was willing to give it all up for our love.

The choice would be with us forever…





Blaze walked into the compound. He passed Dog at the bar, his head hung over an empty shot glass. Blaze patted him on the back. “Dog, you okay?”

“Fine,” Dog muttered.

“Where’s Diesel?”

The man shrugged and mumbled something incoherent.

Blaze shook his head and made his way down the dark hall and to the last door on the right. It was closed and as he started to knock, it swung open. Candy, a chick that had just started as a barmaid adjusted her big jugs in her too-tight T-shirt. She looked up, a smile extending her mouth from one noisy hoop earring to the other. “Hi there, Blaze.” She showed off a top row of yellow, uneven teeth. As she sashayed past him, she tiptoed her fingers across his cut. He got a strong smell of flowers and pussy, both making his stomach churn. “You and I haven’t had a chance to get to know each other yet,” she slurred. She shook her head so fast her long earrings

Blaze frowned, stepped into the room and closed the door in Candy’s face. A quick sweep of the dark space and he found Diesel in the corner pulling on his jeans.

“One minute sooner and you’d seen tits juggling and white ass bouncing.” Diesel laughed.

“What are you doing, buddy?” Anger sliced through Blaze. An image of Rena with her lovely, green eyes and her perfect alabaster skin flashed through his mind. He loved her and couldn’t imagine mistreating her. What the hell was wrong with his friend?

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m getting dressed.” Diesel pulled on his black T-shirt.

“I’m talking about Candy.” Blaze shoved his hands deep into his jean pockets. He wanted to throttle his old pal.

“What can I say? I’m a sucker for big tits and sweet ass.”

Blaze rubbed the bridge of his nose. He’d always thought he and Diesel had a lot in common until recently when his buddy seemed more interested in seeing how many women he could land and less about his commitment to the Club, the shop, and Rena. When Diesel and Blaze bought the bike shop together ten years ago, he never thought he’d end up regretting the decision “Yeah, Candy might have big tits and nice ass, but once she opened her mouth, my dick would go flaccid.”

“What’s that?”

“Nothing.” Blaze shrugged.

Dressed now, Diesel came around the side of the bed and switched on the overhead light. “You look like hell, man. Something bothering you?”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“Spit it out, bro,” Diesel urged.

“I don’t think this is fair to Rena.” Blaze nodded at the bed.

Diesel squinted. “Bambi? You let me worry about my old lady.”

“She deserves better.” Blaze knew he had to tell Diesel the truth. If Blaze had any chance of being with Rena, this was the only way. If he had any luck, Diesel would agree that she deserved better. Blaze would have to leave the Wings, but he was willing to do anything.

“Look, I’ve known for some time that you have a hard on for Bambi and, because you’re my best friend and a damn good member, I choose to ignore the sweet crush. But don’t push your luck.”

Blaze gritted his teeth. “Nothing has ever happened between—”

“I didn’t think so. I know you’re loyal.” Diesel patted him on the back. He had seven years of age on Blaze, but Diesel looked worn out. The hard life had worked on his skin, making him appear older than forty. “Now let’s go grab us a drink.” He started for the door.

“Wait, Diesel.” Blaze rubbed his jaw, preparing himself for the right words. This had to happen.

Diesel turned, a harsh set to his wide jaw. He took three quick steps, his boots thudded the old flooring. He placed his hands on Blaze’s shoulders. Diesel’s fingers dug into Blaze’s cut. His nostrils flared at the musky scent of Diesel’s breath. His eyes turned dark and sinister as his mouth twisted. “I know where this is headed, pal. If you care for Bambi, you’ll keep your mouth shut. Don’t make waves. You know I’ll never hand her over, even if she can’t stand me any longer because she wants you. She likes your pretty face and caring heart.” Diesel patted Blaze’s cheek. “But I found her and I get to keep her. That’s a promise.” He dropped his hands to his sides. “Now, do you still have something to say?”

At that very second, Blaze knew Diesel wasn’t the man he once was, and definitely couldn’t be trusted. He thought of Rena as his property, not his partner. Diesel could be dangerous if pushed.

Blaze guaranteed there would come a time when Diesel lost his seat on the throne. Blaze would see to it.





I stretched my arms high and rolled in the welcoming comfort of the blanket, pushing one foot outside of the warm cocoon. The sun streamed through the open window and a bird chirped merrily. I started to drift back into the sexy dream…


Throwing back the blanket, I jumped up so fast I lost my balance and almost fell. The digital clock on the nightstand read
7:15 A.M.
My stomach twisted. “Damn!” I was late.

Running across the room, I grabbed the first thing my fingers touched in the closet, dragged it off the hanger sending the metal flying past my head. Making a mad dash into the bathroom I glanced at myself in the mirror and cringed. I didn’t have time for a shower so I splashed my face with cold water, pulled my long hair into a bun—a messy bun at that—and slid into my favorite slingbacks waiting by the door. As I passed the kitchen, I grabbed a candy bar and a bottled water.
Breakfast of champions

The sun was shining, but the air was still cool as I stepped outside. I didn’t have my sweater and didn’t have time to go back and grab it. I hurried down the broken sidewalk when movement across the lawn caught my attention. Hoover, my neighbor, stood in his yard watering his flowers. He waved and I waved back, keeping my fingers crossed that he wouldn’t decide to hop over and speak to me. I didn’t dislike Hoover, although I didn’t like him much either. He had a way of making me feel like I needed a shower after talking to him. In fact, in the few years I’d lived on Dolphin Street, I still had no idea what color of eyes he had because he never made eye contact with me, not once that I could remember. Hoover had conversations with a woman’s boobs and not her face. Considering I only wore an A cup, I often wondered what fascination he had with mine?

He stayed in his yard, face plastered with a shit-eating grin, holding the hose that now leaked on his white tennis shoes.

I hit the unlock button on the keypad, hurried and slid behind the steering wheel, and sighed in relief.

My reprieve only lasted a millisecond.

Turning the key, nothing happened.

My car had seen better days. With over two hundred thousand miles, I had put on fifty-thousand of those. I’d known for some time the dependability would end, but why on a morning when I was running late?

I tried the key again. No luck.

I opened the car door and got out as my mind scrambled for plan B.

Plan B walked across the lawn toward me. Hoover’s smile made my stomach sink. I slammed the door and the mirror popped off. I rubbed my temple where a headache developed

“Is there a problem, Rena?” His high-pitched voice shot through my brain like the stab of an ice pick.

Stepping out into the grass, the dew wetted my toes and my favorite shoes. “My car won’t start and I’m running late.”.

“No problem, dear. I have to run a few errands. I don’t mind dropping you off.” His gaze remained on my chest, as usual.

I hesitated, quickly assessing my situation. I glanced across the street, looking for any activity from Mrs. Johnson who sometimes helped me out. Then I remembered she told me she would be visiting her kids in Boston this week. What other choice did I have but to accept Hoover’s ride? “Okay.” I tugged my purse high on my shoulder and dropped the candy bar and water in. I wasn’t in the mood to eat, not even chocolate.

Losers can’t be choosers.
That’s what I told myself as I sat in the passenger seat of Hoover’s truck listening to him brag about the deer he hunted and killed last weekend. I understood the circle of life, but I didn’t want to face the gory details before I had my first morning coffee.

I stared through the side window at the scenery of the small three-stoplight town and wished Hoover would put the pedal to the metal. At the slow rate he was driving, I’d get to the school by tomorrow morning. I couldn’t lose this teaching job. I loved working with the first graders and the staff at the public school. Their excitement made me eager to teach. Not to mention, I needed the money.

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