Lee: Emerson Wolves—Paranormal Erotic Wolf Shifter Romance (11 page)

BOOK: Lee: Emerson Wolves—Paranormal Erotic Wolf Shifter Romance
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When the room darkened, she laid her head on the inadequate pillow and tried to think what she had to do to get out of here. While nothing was coming to mind, plenty of plans about what she was going to do when she finally left did. Kimber was going to have to be taught a lesson. She’d thought about simply having her killed, but that would require more time than she had. Finding someone to do it, having to work out a payment arrangement. Then there was the simple fact that as long as she was free and walking around, it was going to continue to be a problem. No, Kimber had to be killed.


Chapter 10


Kimber sat and watched Sloan sleep. She’d been here about five minutes, not much longer than that, but Sloan had been sleeping soundly since she’d arrived. The baby was asleep too, and her little face was all she could see of the little bundle. Kimber wanted to pick her up in the worst kind of way.

“You can, you know.” Kimber looked at Sloan, who was staring at her with the most serene smile. “I just like holding her close to me and smelling that wonderful baby smell. Just hold her. I know you want to.”

“I do.” Kimber put her bag on the floor with the brightly colored gift bag beside it. As she stood up and walked to the bassinet, she continued talking to Sloan. “Hannah and I went shopping yesterday after we left the jail. I left the tags on things in case you get the same things we did. But we had so much fun.”

“How did that go with your aunt? I’m assuming not so well.” Kimber only shook her head. “Yeah, that sucks. I remember when my guardian came to my house once and told me that I had crippled him in his pursuit of a normal life. Then he tried to kill me. Sucks to have family that you’d just as soon not. But what can you do?”

“She’s acting like we’re doing her a great disservice by treating her this way. And everything she’s done to us, it has been because she wanted it and no other reason that I can see. Steward saw her before we did. He said that while she’s insane, she really believes that what she’s done is all right. And that anyone that disagrees with her should be put to death. Not his words, but that’s what I took from it.” Kimber sat down and held the little girl tightly in her arms. “I can hardly remember when Hannah was this tiny. She was all I had left of her dad. He was dead by then.”

“She’s something else, your daughter. When she was with me the other day, she informed me that she was going to be my niece as well. I told her I was fine with that, but that I would require a few things. The little minx told me so long as it was reasonable and sound, it was fine by her. I nearly wet myself laughing so hard.” Kimber nodded as she peeled some of the blankets from the baby in her arms. “Do you and Lee want children?”

“I think he does. He’s mentioned it, but nothing concrete as yet.” Kimber looked at Sloan. “I needed to talk to you about something. I started to ask Addie, but she kinda scares me a little, and Jack simply scares the shit out of me with her laid back, I can kill you sort of ways. I don’t think she will, but she still frightens me. And, of course, Hannah thinks she’s wonderful.”

“Yeah, that’s Jack for you. Who would have thought that only a few months ago she was this timid little thing with not a lick of confidence? Something like me, I guess. As you know, as your alpha I can only advise you on things. I won’t make you do them.” Kimber was glad that she’d gotten more information on pack things before coming here. She knew what Sloan and Hunter could make her do and some of the things that she could demand of them. Not that she would, but it was nice to know that she had things on her side as well. Sloan laughed before continuing. “However, as your sister-in-law, I can give you anything you want so long as it’s reasonable and sound.” They both laughed, startling the little girl to look up at her and glared. In that moment Kimber knew that this little girl was going to be a great person, just like her parents.

“You’re opening a restaurant in town. I’d like to help you. Not help you so much as be a part of it.” Sloan nodded but said nothing. Kimber looked at the baby rather than Sloan as she continued. She didn’t want to see the disappointment on Sloan’s face right now. “I’m figuring that you’ll have some sort of cook off to find a chef. I was fired from my last job because…well, that’s not really important, but I’m really good at…I’d really like to have the chance to try out.”

“Kimber, look at me.” She did, and Kimber could see the hint of a smile, but she had no idea what to make of it. “You’re the one that I was hoping would run it. I don’t know a great deal about the kitchen other than what I can do to help out my family. I wouldn’t have any idea how to make sure that everyone sitting at my table got what they wanted, how they wanted it, in a reasonable, timely manner. I can cook, don’t get me wrong, but not like you can. Not nearly on that scale.”

“I thought you’d want Lee to run it. I mean, he’d be my pick. Since we’ve been living together, he’s made us some fantastic meals. He said that he doesn’t want to be the chef for it, but I’m not sure.” Sloan told her that Lee didn’t want it. “Why not? I mean, really, why doesn’t he want to have his own restaurant?”

“He likes helping them long term. When he goes into a place that is failing or nearly so, he told me that he enjoys bringing it back if it’s fixable. He hates to tell them it’s not going to work, and believe me, he’s gotten really good at knowing too, but he enjoys the uphill battle that comes with bringing something to life again. And while he does like to cook and enjoys it, it’s the end project that he likes more than that.”

“He told me about the same thing.” Kimber ran her fingers down the soft downy cheek of the baby in her arms. “I’m terrified of being in his family. In this family. I’m not sure I know what to do with you guys. I know that sounds silly, but you’re so nice to each other and help out when you need to.”

“Why shouldn’t we help each other?” Kimber stood up and took the baby to her mom. But when she started to pull back, Sloan put her hand on her arm. “Why are you afraid of this family?”

“I’m afraid that having Kimberly as my aunt will make it so you guys won’t accept us. I’m not afraid of the family. It’s being a part of one. This one. I’ve had so many fuck ups in my life. One right after the other. And this thing with my aunt? Christ, I had no idea of the stuff that she’d been up to. The Feds said that we can do what we want with the house, but they’re still going over some of the things inside it. Did you know that she had a Rembrandt? No one can figure out where she might have acquired it. And it was in her closet with some old shoes that they think she was tossing out.” Kimber sat down again. “Anyway, Clemmie has asked me if she could buy the house if we’re not going to live in it. I told her that I had to wait and see what…Lee said that I’d have to clear it with you and Hunter first.”

“You do. I know what she has in mind for the house, and I think it’s a wonderful idea. But I’d not sell it to her. Not yet at any rate. Rent it to her. Not for much, a few hundred a month, just enough to cover the cost of running it. Renting it will save both of you so much in revenue, as well as it’s a nice tax write-off for you.” Kimber nodded. Luke had told her that as well. “What is it, Kimber? I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”

Kimber laughed. “Where do I even begin? Let’s see. Hannah’s grandparents want to come here and see her. And they are still worried, or so Addie has told me, that they’ll have to take her from me. They don’t want custody of her, not this late in their lives, but they don’t want a drug addict raising their son’s child either. That’s what my aunt told them I was, a person who was high all the time, and when I wasn’t high, I was fucking anything, and I mean anything, with a dick. Then there are the things with my aunt, which I know you’re aware of. The money that was found in the house notwithstanding, I’m now fairly well off. I have no idea how to be anything but dirt poor and struggling. But Lee has told me that even without her money, we’re well off. I have no idea what that means, but he’s pretty confident. Hannah wants to change her name to Emerson. Like now. And she is so in love with Cash…well, so am I. But she wants him to come and live with us forever. I’m sure that he likes her as well, but now that he has his own granddaughter, I’m worried that she’ll be hurt. It’s not him, I just worry because of…I’m overthinking this, I know, but I’m very stressed right now.”

“You are. But let’s work through this. Cash. He’s the most loving and understanding man I’ve ever met, including my husband. The first man that I ever trusted too. As for your daughter, he’s already making plans for her birthday, which I understand is soon. And just the other day, I heard him call both her and Kelly his family, and was showing off pictures of all of them to Mabel. Who I’m sure is sick of seeing them.” Kimber nodded, knowing that the man had taken more pictures of her daughter in the last few days than Kimber had Hannah’s entire life. Sloan laughed again. “Well off, Lee told you? Well, you are that. Very well off. Lee has not spent a great deal of his money, and I pay him very well. The house that the three of you live in is paid for. He has invested well and owns three more properties across the world. All paid for. He’s worth millions last I had him in my office, and he’ll be worth more before the end of the year. He’s that good.”

“I never expected that much. I mean, a lot, but…millions? What does he do to…? Never mind. I was thinking down a path I no longer have to. But my aunt. She’ll continue to make problems for us. She’s not going to just go away.” Sloan leaned back on the bed and started nursing the baby. “I’m not even sure what all she’s done to how many people, but I’m betting that there is a lot.”

“There is. Addie told me. Do you want to know?” Kimber shook her head. “Good. That’s the way to approach this. You don’t owe her anything, and from what I’ve been told, you don’t need it. Luke said that her prison sentences are going to be for a very long time, but at her age, it won’t be long anyway. And everything that she has taken from you has been returned. Correct?”

“Yes. The money, if that’s what you mean.” Sloan told her it wasn’t all of it, but some. “She’s not…she never has seen what her actions can do to other people, and she just doesn’t care either. I’ve never seen a person so set in her ways to the point of murdering people to have it that way. Why would she think the things she does? And for what reason? She had money, more than either of us could spend in several lifetimes. Why?”

“Who knows? Perhaps her parents or someone along the line gave her what she wanted, or not. That would make her a bully, I suppose. And that’s what she is. A bully. But one with the means to back things up with money. That’s not quite true about her not caring. She does care, but only in the way that it affects her. Steward talked to her, as you’ve said, and he’s talked to Hunter and me as well. He doesn’t think she’s insane as much as self-absorbed. It’s all about her and her gains, and hell hath no fury should things not go according to the gospel of Kimberly Schroeder.” Sloan changed breasts, then continued. “But what I meant was, everything has been returned. I mean your reputation as a chef, as well as all the back money that you were owed. I heard that you put it in an account for Hannah. What a lovely idea. As smart as she is, she’s going to need that for college, and sooner than you think.”

“She’s being tested for another grade level. They put her in the third grade when we arrived, but the teachers say that she’s well above that. And I got a very nice letter from the board of review about my college scores too. Did you know that instead of being second in my class, I was first?” Sloan congratulated her. “Thank you. But Kimberly did that, had them take away my points to make me second because she didn’t want me to have the best. Not unless she approved. How sick is that?”

“You are well rid of her.” Sloan adjusted her clothing and lay back with the baby on her shoulder. “You’ve never asked me what her name is. I thought for sure you would right off. No one has. I’m somewhat disappointed in that.”

Kimber laughed. “I heard that we’re not to ask until you’re ready to explode with the news. I want to know. I really do.” Sloan told her she was going to kill Jack. “How did you know…? Never mind, I would have guessed the same person. Did you know that when I first met her, she told me she was the nice one? Scared the shit out of me.”

“I’d like to introduce you to Lea Alexandrea Bethany Emerson.” Kimber told her it was beautiful. “The Lea is for my mom, who I never knew, and Alexandrea Bethany for Hunter’s mom, who died before I met him. Cash has no idea either. I can’t wait for him to find out. The old poop is going to love it. And he already does her and the rest of the kids.”

After they looked over the things that she and Hannah had gotten the new baby and the gift that Kimber had gotten for Sloan, she told her that she had to go. Before she left, Sloan called her back.

“You’re going to have to come up with a name for your restaurant, love. No pressure, but Jack is biting at the bit to get your stationary done, as well as the logo for it. And she’s going to blast you across the airways until you have a waiting list for a table for ten years or more. I’d tell her to slow down on that when you talk to her. Easing into this slowly will be better for us all, I think.” Kimber leaned against the door, suddenly overwhelmed again. “It needs to be simple and elegant. Something clean and full of promise.”

“But no pressure, right?” Sloan laughed. “I’ll give it some thought. But the first thing that comes into my head is just Emerson’s. I have no idea why, but there you have it.” Sloan told her that she loved it. “I’ll think on it. But I love it too.”

Kimber went back to the house feeling a little lighter. Nothing had been resolved really, but she did feel better. When she pulled into the long drive, she saw Lee’s car and one that she didn’t know. Getting out, she moved to the house only to be stopped when a man dressed in a coat and tails stepped in front of her from the shadows. Taking a step back from him, she nearly fell off the deck, and would have if Lee hadn’t caught her.

“This is Steward Thomas. He’s come to ask if we can put him up for a few days. Something has come up on his home and…well, he needs a place to rest.” Kimber nodded. “Do you know what that means?”

“He’s a vampire. And I’m assuming he needs somewhere safe.” The man smiled at her and she saw his teeth. “Don’t do that around my daughter or there will be hell to pay. I don’t care what you are.”

BOOK: Lee: Emerson Wolves—Paranormal Erotic Wolf Shifter Romance
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