Legacy of Blood (10 page)

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Authors: J. L. McCoy,Virginia Cantrell

BOOK: Legacy of Blood
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“I need to see Archer,” I breathed as I scrambled up out of bed.

Oleif flashed to the door, blocking my exit.  “It is the middle of the night.  Everyone is sleeping, as you should be.  Tell me, what did you see?”

“Get out of my way, Oleif!” I said through gritted teeth.  I was in no mood for controlling men at the moment.

“No,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest as he stood up straighter.

“I don’t have time for this shit,” I spat as I shoved him to the side with everything I had in me.  His body flew to the right, crashing heavily into the dresser, as I flashed out my door and threw open Archer’s.

The sound of Oleif’s body breaking the wood dresser had awoken him and he was just starting to flash out of bed when I roughly pushed him back down on it.

“Amun,” I breathed quickly as Oleif’s fierce growl sounded at Archer’s doorway.  The next thing I felt was Oleif’s hands in my hair, jerking me back and away from Archer.  I screamed out in pain as hair began to rip from my scalp.

“Stop!” Archer yelled as he flashed to Oleif and tried to pry his thick hand from my arm.  “Get your hands off her!”

Oleif let go of my hair, put his forearm around my throat, and squeezed hard as he growled out something in Gaelic.

“Let go of me.  I have to talk to Archer!” I choked and coughed out as I clawed at Oleif’s massive arm.

“What the hell is going on in here?” Hagan growled from the doorway, a bag of blood in his hand and a shocked look on his face.

“The girl attacked me,” Oleif snarled as he straightened his body, my feet leaving the floor, and squeezed harder.

“Let her go!”

“Gah wa le mah fahk aaah shii-!”

“Are you idiots done yet?” Hagan sighed as he leaned against the doorframe, his face taking on a look of boredom, as he slowly took another sip from his blood bag.

Oleif snarled frustratedly and instantly let go of me.  I fell to the floor and grabbed my throat.  He had crushed my windpipe.  “She attacked me!”

“I’m sure she had good reason,” Archer growled protectively as he crouched down on the floor in front of me, tilting my head up so he could get a good look at me.  My throat began to tingle and itch as it healed.

“Why did she attack you?” Hagan asked, walking into the room.

“She was sleeping, and then she jumped out of bed and tried to leave her room.  I told her everyone was asleep and she couldn’t leave.  She threw me out of the way and left anyway.”

“Is that what that crashing sound was?” Hagan chuckled.

“You think the assault of one of your brethren a joke?” Oleif asked very quietly and his sudden change in temperament made me scared.  His voice promised death; a long, slow, and very painful death.

“Calm yourself, brother,” Hagan placated.  “I apologize.  An assault on you is no laughing matter.  I was merely surprised that she was able to.”

“She caught me off-guard,” he straightened his back indignantly, “otherwise it would not have happened.”

“You didn’t have to crush my windpipe,” I huffed as I stood up off the floor, my throat completely healed but still a bit sore.

“And you did not have to shove me across the room!” Oleif yelled, his aqua eyes pissed.

“I’m sorry, okay?” I held my hands out to my sides.  “I tried telling you that I had to talk to Archer but you wouldn’t let me out.  I didn’t want to stand there and argue with you.”

“What was so important that you would risk your very life to disobey me?” Oleif demanded.

“Amun came to me in my sleep again,” I answered fearfully, turning to Archer, as I remembered his threat.  “It’s bad, Archer… really, really bad.”

Oleif immediately took his cell phone out of his pocket and hit speed dial as Archer led me to his couch.  Oleif and Hagan stood in front of me as Archer sat next to me.

“Tell me,” Archer commanded, his eyes worried.

“Wait,” Oleif said and we all looked up at him.  A silent second passed before he spoke into the phone.  “She dreams of him,” he said and activated the speakerphone feature after a brief pause.

“What did you see?” Ruarc’s disembodied voice demanded.

“How do I know you won’t kill me after I tell you?” I asked fearfully.  I wasn’t stupid.  Ruarc saw me as an abomination and did not see me fit to live unless I passed whatever tests he chose to give me.  What if he decided that Amun’s influence over me was too great and killed me anyway, before I got a chance to prove myself to him?

“Would you like me to torture it out of her, sir?” Oleif asked as he sneered at me.  “It would be my pleasure.”

“Jesus, Oleif!” Hagan rolled his eyes in exasperation.

“I made a promise to my son that I would give you a fair trial,” Ruarc said impatiently.  “I am a man of my word, Miss Morrison.  No harm will come to you if you pass my tests.  Now tell me everything; leave no detail out, no matter how small or insignificant you think it may be.”

I took a deep breath and looked up at Hagan for guidance.  I trusted him to tell me if I was indeed safe.  He nodded his head encouragingly and I did as Ruarc asked.  I told him everything; from me feeling a pulling on my consciousness as I slept and me choosing to let it in to Amun telling me to wear the presents he left me when I came to him.  Oleif’s growl prompted me to inform Ruarc of our scuffle and I made sure to tell Ruarc, and Oleif again, how sorry I was for the slight.

“This proves he cannot control her,” Archer said, deep in thought.  “She also said he called her a Day Walker.  She is indeed one of us if he was angered by it.”

“Not so fast,” Oleif spoke up.  “He said his soul was inside of her which means she is partly whatever… thing he is.  That proves she is not one of us.”

“That proves nothing,” Hagan countered. 

“I am inclined to agree with Hagan,” Ruarc sighed, sounding none too happy about it.  “We can’t know the extent of his infection until Skye is tested.”

“Hello!  You guys are missing the big picture here.  He expects me to come to him before seven days are up or he starts killing my friends and family!”

“This may be the opportunity we have been waiting for,” Oleif smiled as he looked down at me.  “She can lead us to him.”

“You want to use me as bait?!” 

“Sounds good to me,” Oleif grinned wolfishly.

“Silence, the both of you,” Ruarc growled and then sighed heavily into the phone.  “This is the chance we have been waiting for.  It’s the best position we have been in thus far.  Amun is here in the city and not going anywhere until he gets what he wants, and that’s the girl.  I intend to give him what he wants.”

“What the hell, Ruarc?!” I flashed upright as I ran my hands through my unruly hair in frustration.  “You’re just going to let that sick bastard have me?”

“Sit, Morrison,” Hagan growled as he pushed me back down on the sofa.  “Hear him out.”

“Do you still have the ring,
?” Ruarc asked, completely ignoring my previous question.  “We left the dress in her closet.”

“What dress?” I asked confused, my brow furrowing deeply.  “And what ring?  What are you talking about?”

Archer sighed and looked up at me as he answered Ruarc.  “The ring is in my office at the club.  I didn’t think it safe to bring into our home until we knew more about it.”

“Good thinking,
,” Ruarc sighed as well.  “Leave the ring there for the time being.”

“Isn’t anyone going to answer me?” I asked with a frown as I crossed my arms unhappily across my chest.

“Hagan, I will arrive in a few hours,” Ruarc continued.  “Prepare the basement for her testing.  I’m afraid we’ve run out of time, my son.  We need to know if we can trust her to help us catch Amun and the only way is to do it now. 
, I hope you will not mind accommodating us sooner than expected.”

“As always, Ruarc, my home is open to you and
An Dilis
at any time,” Archer said softly as he looked over at me with sympathetic eyes.  “I’ll be sure Skye is ready for you when you arrive.”

“Thank you, Archer.  Oleif and I have much to discuss.  If you don’t mind I’m going to have him leave the room so we can talk.  Oleif?”

“Yes, sir,” Oleif smiled crookedly at me as he turned to walk toward Archer’s bedroom door.  “I’m leaving the room now.”

After the door closed, I stood in a flash and started pacing the room.  To say I was upset was an understatement.  I was angry that everyone had ignored my questions and treated me as if I wasn’t even in the room. 

“What the hell is going on Archer?” I huffed as I turned.  “What ring is he talking about?  And what dress?”

Archer tiredly rubbed his hands over his face and took a deep breath.  “When
An Dilis
searched your house after Amun was there, they found a wedding dress had been laid out on your bed along with a box containing a ring.  They appeared to be gifts from him.”

I stopped pacing and looked over at him with hurt eyes.  “What?  Why didn’t anyone tell me this sooner?”

“Because, Skye, you were already so upset with the dreams you had been having and your temperament was so strange and unlike you… I didn’t know how you’d take it.  I didn’t want to alarm you either.”

“You should have told me, Archer,” I whispered, feeling betrayed.  “I need to know things like this.  This asshole is haunting me, stalking me, torturing me… I need to know everything he does that involves me.  You can’t protect me from him, Archer.  Not anymore.  Things have gone too far.  A part of him is inside me now, for fuck’s sake!”

“You’ve got bigger things to worry about right now, Morrison,” Hagan said, crossing his corded arms over his chest.  “Ruarc and his team will be here in a few hours and you need to be prepared for what is about to happen.”

I swallowed thickly and sat down on the couch next to Archer.  “What is he going to do to me?”

Hagan shook his head as his eyes emptied of all emotion.  “I can’t tell you that, Morrison.”  He quickly glanced at his watch before looking back up at me.  “It’s five in the morning now.  We may have three hours tops to get you ready, if we’re lucky.  Get in your gear, Morrison, and meet me downstairs.”  He turned to leave but stopped at the door.  “Make sure you wear something you don’t mind getting ruined,” he said over his shoulder before shutting the door behind him.

I took a deep shuttering breath as I continued to stare at Archer’s closed door.  “I’m so screwed.”

Archer put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him.  “You’re going to do fine, baby,” he said soothingly as he kissed my forehead.  “I promise.  You are a Day Walker now and they will see that as soon as testing begins.  You’ve done better than most newborns when it comes to feeding.  You’ve already shown your superior control over the bloodlust.  You have nothing to fear, Skye.  I’ll be there by your side if Ruarc will allow it.  I won’t let anything happen to you.”

His words eased me immediately and for once, I was grateful for the blood bond that I now shared with him.  I felt the honestly of his words and I took a deep breath as I relaxed into his strong, bare chest.

“Thank you, Archer,” I whispered against his cool skin.  “I don’t think I would have the strength to face this without you.”

Archer lifted my chin with his finger so that our eyes met.  His ice blue eyes drank me in as he whispered, “Yes you would.  You are stronger than you realize, my love; much stronger than anyone gives you credit for.”

I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and hugged him gratefully. 

“Skye,” he squeaked out as he tapped my arm gently.  I immediately understood and let go.

“Whoops,” I cringed, contrite.  “Sorry.”

“There’s some of that strength I was talking about,” he chuckled as he rubbed his throat.  “Do you want me to go downstairs with you while you prepare with Hagan?”

I bit my bottom lip sheepishly.  “Would you mind terribly?  I’m a little nervous at the moment.  These could be my last few hours on Earth.”

“Never say that again!” he growled, his eyes immediately fading angrily.  “You WILL pass his tests, Skye.  Say it!”

His sudden change in mood shocked me and I nodded my head, obeying him right away.  “I will pass his tests.”

Archer smiled tightly and stood up.  “Yes, baby… you will.  I’ll just get changed and meet you downstairs, okay?”

I looked down at his black silk pajama bottoms and remembered how early it still was.  “You don’t have to, Archer… honestly.  You couldn’t have been asleep for more than just a few hours.  You need your rest.”

“You are exponentially more important to me than a few more hours of sleep, my love.  When will you finally begin to understand that?” he asked rhetorically as he smiled sexily over his shoulder and winked while he walked to his dresser.

Chapter Ten



After quickly getting changed into my spandex capris and an old sports tank, I threw my hair up into a tight bun on top of my head and headed through the house toward the front foyer.  The place was eerily quiet as everyone still slept.

As I flashed down the basement stairs, I heard hushed, heated whispering back and forth in Gaelic.  Archer was pointing his finger angrily at Oleif and seemingly letting him have it.  Hagan had his hand on Oleif’s chest trying to keep him away from Archer as Oleif spat angrier words back at him.

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