Legion of Shadow (29 page)

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Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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You search the goblin and find 5 gold crowns. You may also take any/all of the following rewards:

Meat cleaver


Chieftain’s furs


Rat-skin boots

(main hand: sword)



+1 brawn

+1 armour

+1 speed

After the bodies have been disposed of, you both settle down to a hot meal of rabbit stew. As you are just tucking into your second helping, the crunch of approaching feet makes you both look up
in surprise. It is the woodsman’s daughter. She steps into the circle of light cast by the campfire, her shawl and clothes caked in mud. Manni immediately hops to his feet, and runs over to
the girl.

‘Liselle, dear Liselle. What happened to you?’

The girl starts sobbing. When at last, she can speak, she confesses to Manni about her plan to make a love potion, but her efforts to find the last ingredient proved in vain. Manni takes her
aside to talk. When he finally returns to the campfire, he offers you a knowing smile.

‘She will be OK. A little heartbroken perhaps – but she will survive. A tough one, that girl.’ He reaches into his jerkin and pulls out a locket. ‘This was given to me by
my sweetheart, to always remember her wherever I roam. When I am done, I will return to her. I showed it to Liselle. I think she understands now.’ He slides the locket back under his jerkin.
‘Let us sleep, and tomorrow I will return to the woodsman and explain everything that has happened.’

The next morning, when you awake, you discover that Liselle and Manni have already left for the woodsman’s hut. You help yourself to some porridge that Manni has left for you, then rejoin
the trail. Return to the
to begin a new quest.


You wrap the hot pie in a blanket and tuck it into your backpack. Then you head back down the hill to Beatrice Fletcher’s cottage. As Martha predicted, you find a
freshly-baked pie resting on one of the windowsills.

You push open the garden gate and carefully creep up to the window. After a last check to make sure no one is watching, you remove your backpack and take out Martha’s pie. Both are of
similar size and colour – you doubt the old woman will notice much of a difference. Quickly, you switch the pies, placing the turnip pie on the windowsill.

Will you now:

Hide in the garden and wait? —

Return to Martha? —


You make your way carefully down the side passage, avoiding the puddles and dripping strands of gooey acid. You haven’t gone far, before your torch illuminates the source
of the squelching sound. A giant white maggot is chewing through the dirt and earth at the end of the passageway.

The creature must have sensed you, because it suddenly shuffles round, its bloated body rippling as it moves. Although appearing blind, the giant maggot clearly knows you are there – its
wide maw opening to reveal serrated teeth, dripping with acid.

You put aside your torch and prepare to defend yourself:

Special abilities

Acid: The burrower’s mouth drips with a deadly, corrosive acid. Roll a die at the start of each combat
round. If you roll a
or a
you automatically take 2 damage from
the acid. This ability ignores

If you defeat the burrower wurm, turn to


You find yourself standing at the edge of a walled courtyard, lined with trees and flowers. Beyond the walls you can see a skyline of towers and minarets, soaring up into the
dark, smoky skies. The man walks towards you, his grey robes rustling around his thin frame. You try to get a glimpse of his face, but it is hidden deep within the shadows of his gold-embroidered

‘Give me the last piece,’ he orders. It is the same deep voice that you heard in your dream.

You hold out the stone fragment without question. The man takes it and carefully slides it into a cloth bag hanging at his waist. Then he raises his hands, palms turned outwards. He makes a
quick gesture – and suddenly you feel yourself being tugged backwards.

You find yourself back in the stone chamber. The archway continues to glow for several seconds, then the light flickers and is gone. You are left, standing alone, in a deep, impenetrable gloom.
Turn to


The ghoul’s broken body flies back through the air, crashing into the nearest pew. It slumps to the cold stone floor, black blood oozing from its gaping mouth. You are
about to breathe a sigh of relief, when you hear more guttural cries coming from the far end of the nave. Three more ghouls are slipping and bounding across the stones towards you, racing on all
fours like hungry dogs.

Frantically, you scan your surroundings, looking for some kind of advantage. Behind you is the stone pulpit, and beyond that a painted screen that divides the chancel from a small room beyond.
To your left you see an archway and a set of stairs leading up into darkness, and to your right you see a stone font, carved with the figures of angels.

Will you:

Investigate the room behind the painted screen? —

Make for the stairs? —

Run over to the stone font? —


‘Wise choice,’ grins the boy, spitting into the palm of his hand and then offering it out in friendship. ‘My name is Afty. A pleasure to make yer
acquaintance.’ After exchanging a hasty handshake, you both start towards the town.

The boy takes the lead, guiding you along the rickety walkways and swaying rope-bridges that connect the buildings. ‘Bet yer wondering why this place even exists, yeah?’ says Afty,
looking back at you with a smile. ‘Rubies and emeralds, big as yer hand. That’s why.’ He jerks a thumb in the direction of the marsh. ‘Prospectors came ’ere long time
ago. They discovered the waters of the swamp have all kinds of goodies. There’s jewels to be sure, but there’s also gold to be found – not to mention all those smelly weeds and
other shrivelled up things that grow out in the swamp. Mages pay high prices for those back in the cities.’

The boy stops abruptly, and points to a large wooden amphitheatre on the edge of the town. Lanterns hang along its walls, illuminating the queues of people waiting outside its doors.
‘That’s the pit,’ says Afty. ‘It’s what passes for good wholesome entertainment out here. Dangerous sport, the pit – but many fortunes been made in that place,
if yer bet on the right fighter.’

He tugs your arm. ‘Come on, I wanna show yer the warrens.’ You follow Afty along another series of walkways, until you come to a shabbier end of town. Most of the buildings here have
subsided into the marsh and many of the bridges look frayed and rotting. Nevertheless, it is still thronging with people – many of whom are eyeing the exotic wares of the street vendors,
lined up along the dark, dingy lanes.

‘The king ain’t bothered about this place,’ says Afty, pushing through the crowds. ‘That’s why you get smugglers and criminals, and all sorts coming ’ere. No
king’s troops would wanna risk making trouble – even those inquisitors know to keep their holy noses out of swamp business, know what I mean?’

He stops and turns, knocking into you. ‘Ah, sorry mister. Clumsy of me.’ He steps back, and to your surprise you see that he is holding your money pouch. ‘Ah, this
yours?’ The boy shrugs his shoulders. ‘Payment for the tour, eh? Well, thanking yer very much. Now, must be off!’

Before you can grab him, the boy races off through the crowded market – carrying all of your gold (deduct your gold from your hero sheet, but keep a record of how much you were

Will you:

Attempt to give chase? —

Return to the main part of town? —


You attempt to cross to the other side of the cave by stepping carefully between the sticky strands of webbing. You must pass a


Webbed cave    


If you are successful, you cross the cave without incident and enter the new passageway, turn to
. If you fail turn to


‘Ah, a shame. A terrible shame,’ sighs the man. He fishes in one of his pockets and pulls out a business card. ‘Look, if you change your mind then call back
here any time. Show that card and someone will point you in the right direction to find me.’ (Make a note of the number 286 on your hero sheet. If you wish to return to the gladiatorial pit
and take up Bart’s offer, then turn to that entry number when you are ready.)

Thanking Bart, you watch the rest of the show and then leave. Turn to


You tell Lady Roe that you are searching for a man named Jenlar Cornelius. She puts a finger to her chin, her thin brows creasing together.

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