Read Legion of Shadow Online

Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

Legion of Shadow (47 page)

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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Before you can thank your mysterious rescuer, you are swung round to face a fresh adversary. Turn to


The flame giant has been defeated. Its roaring body of flames are silenced forever as it vaporises into a cloud of black ash and smoke, blackening the sky.

Around the island you find the charred remains of several less fortunate adventurers. You have gained 200 gold crowns and may now help yourself to one of the following items:

Crimson cuffs


Firewalker’s faceguard


Burning heretic



(main hand: sword)

+1 speed +4 magic

+1 speed +3 armour

+3 speed +3 brawn



critical strike

(requirement: mage)

(requirement: warrior)

(requirement: rogue)

Elated with your victory, you head back across the stepping stones to the black-stone island. From here, you take the pathway eastwards, into the dark cave. Turn to


Totsvig sets you to work – to test some fragments of the black stone with a number of different chemicals. He watches you intently as you record the results of your
investigations. It appears that the rock reacts strongly to anything it comes into contact with, giving off a foul-smelling green smoke. It also appears to introduce mutations into the compounds
that are created.

Totsvig is clearly impressed by your findings. So much so, that he offers to teach you some of the basics of his profession. As a mage, you may now learn the alchemist career.

The alchemist has the following abilities:

Good taste (pa)
: Each time you use a backpack item that raises
in combat, roll 1 die and add the result to the item’s benefit. For example, if you
use a pot of magic (+3 to
) and you rolled a
, you would benefit from +8 to your

Midas touch (pa)
: Every time you destroy an item of equipment (by replacing it with a new item) you gain 30 gold crowns. This ability does not work on backpack

Once you have updated your hero sheet, turn to
if you wish to talk to Totsvig further, or return to the quest
to continue your journey.


In less than a heartbeat your weapons are in your hands. You swing at the guard, taking him by surprise. A glancing blow knocks him backwards, sending him toppling over one of
the chests.

The coach driver gives an animal-like snarl. ‘Vermin! Yer really shouldn’t have done that!’ He tugs a club loose from his belt and then lunges at you, his teeth bared.

If you lose the combat, turn to
. If you manage to defeat Jenkins, turn to


The tunnel ends in a circular cave filled with a bubbling pool of mud. Several items of equipment are floating in the thick gooey sludge, including a longsword and a white
polished staff. Across the other side of the cave is another tunnel opening.

Will you:

Try and retrieve the items? —

Continue onwards? —


The taproom of Pisa’s Rest is almost full to bursting point. As you make your way through the smoky haze, you spot a woman weaving between the crowded tables. She is
carrying an open leather case, which she passes under the noses of the curious patrons. One man lifts a pair of metal gauntlets from out of the case, inspecting them thoughtfully. Gold exchanges
hands, and the woman moves on to another table. You suspect she is a tinker, selling odds and end of armour and equipment.

Where the sloping floor has sunk into the marsh, a make-shift bridge of wooden planks has been erected, forming a pathway to the bar. Behind it, a skinny man in a greasy apron, is serving drinks
to the waiting clientele.

Will you:

Talk to the barman? —

View the tinker’s wares? —

Leave the tavern? —


‘Hurry,’ says the boy, looking back over his shoulder. Most of the crowd have already left the room. ‘Take what you need and let’s go.’

You may select a main-hand and a left-hand item from the selection on offer:

When you have made your choices and updated your hero sheet, turn to


The eagle veers around in a tight arc, before swooping down to land next to you on the moss-covered rock. Solandris turns in the saddle, eyeing you with a newfound respect.

‘That was nice work back there – for a human. Now, did you get the mandrake root?’

You pat the side of your backpack, wary of the dryad’s intent. After all, it wasn’t that long ago that Solandris was holding a knife to your throat.

‘Don’t worry,’ she says, reading your expression. ‘I followed you to the wreekin village.’ She glances back, towards the corpse of the giant. ‘Bern convinced
me of the urgency of your quest. I suppose it’s the ranger you have to thank for saving your life. Now, let’s get back to the village. Their leader doesn’t have long.’

You accept Solandris’ hand, climbing onto the saddle behind her. Then, the giant eagle takes to the air, its enormous wings rising and falling as it ascends out of the murky swampland.
Turn to


As a mage you may also take the following item:

Core of flame


+1 magic

Ability: pyromancer career (see below)

You must have the
core of flame
talisman equipped if you wish to learn the pyromancer career. As soon as this item is unequipped or you learn a new career, you lose the
abilities associated with this career.

The pyromancer has the following abilities:

Ignite (co)
: If you win a combat round, instead of rolling for a damage score, you can cast
. This automatically inflicts 2 damage dice to
opponents, ignoring
. It also causes them to
(see below).
can only be used once per combat. (Note: You cannot use modifier abilities to increase this

Burn (pa)
: All opponents who have suffered health damage from
automatically lose 1
at the end of every combat round. This ability ignores

Once you have made your decision, return to the quest
to continue your journey.


When you re-enter the hall, you find yourself confronted by a scene of chaos. Bodies lie everywhere, sprawled like rag-dolls over broken tables and chairs. Fights still continue
in small pockets around the room as the last of the vampires seek to destroy the remnants of the resistance.

You see the man in the black coat and hat weaving dextrously through their ranks, spinning twin swords in an elaborate pattern of swirling blades. Wherever he moves, vampires are cut down,
reduced to dust the moment they come into contact with his magical swords. Behind him, Spink follows, a flint-lock pistol in one hand and a crucifix in the other.

You hurry to join the fight but skid to a halt when you see two vampires striding purposefully towards you. One you recognise instantly. It is the Lady Roe, her long white gown splattered with
blood. Next to her walks a tall, barrel-chested man. A thick fur cloak is flung back across his shoulders, making them appear even wider than they already are. In his massive hands, he carries a
double-headed axe.

Suddenly, the black-coated stranger appears at your side. ‘I’m Eldias Falks,’ he says, his eyes twinkling beneath the brim of his hat. ‘Glad you could make the
party.’ He watches as the two vampires approach, bowing to them with exaggerated flourish. ‘Ah, the Lady Roe and Baron Greylock. An honour to make your acquaintance. A shame it will be
such a brief meeting.’

Will you:

Attack Lady Roe? —

Attack Baron Greylock? —


You scramble down into the crater, your eyes stinging from the thick green smoke. At the bottom, you discover a jagged splinter of black rock sticking up out of the charred
soil. It glows as if alive, each pulse giving off more of the green, putrid-smelling smoke.

The rock is far too large for you to pull out of the ground. It also looks too thick and strong to break. As you ponder your next move, you suddenly notice a large burrow-like tunnel to the
north, winding away into darkness.

Will you:

Examine the black rock further? —

Enter the earthen tunnel? —

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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