Letters of Love (Green Division Series Book #3) (11 page)

BOOK: Letters of Love (Green Division Series Book #3)
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The weather wasn’t very cooperative for the outdoor horse show.
 As soon as they put the truck in park, it started to drizzle. The show went on as planned though.  The third exhibition was the event Tiffy would have partaken in.
“They did well.”  Tiffy said after the last competitor finished.  “I think I could have won it though.”  She sighed.
Aubrey ran her hands through Tiffy’s curly hair.  She could tell how much Tiffy wanted to compete.  If not for the worry of her passing out and falling off the horse, they would have allowed it.  But after discussing it together, the three of them, Jack, Joanne, and Aubrey decided it was best to not let her ride alone.  It was one thing to fall ground level, another to fall from a horse’s back.
“You can ride with me anytime you want.”
“I’d like that.”  She looked up at Aubrey.  “And Uncle Ben can bring me over like he did for my lessons.”
Ben returned from his bathroom reprieve just as it started to downpour and thunder followed.  
“Time we head for the truck ladies.”  Ben coaxed Tiffy and Aubrey to follow him.   They reached the truck, but not before the torrential rain had thoroughly soaked the three of them.
“I’m famished.  What about you?”  Aubrey looked back at Tiffy.
“I’m starved too.  We need some McDonald’s.  I could have me some french fries and McNuggets right about now.”
“You eat like me.”  Aubrey almost started to say something about eating unhealthy, but the point was not one to be made to Tiffy.  “All the good stuff, right.”
“I’ll be the one saying yuck this time.”  Ben started up the truck.  “But, it’s two against one.”
“Yup.  McDonalds, right Aubrey?”
“Right.  Good and good for you food.”
“Good for a heart attack,” Ben chimed in.
Aubrey saw the change in Ben.  He wasn’t the same man who’d pulled her over two months prior.  The way he looked at her was different too.  It was all different.  Their dynamic, their give and take.  It was fun, not spiteful.  
Ben pulled onto the road and they headed for Killington.  There would be enough time to stop to grab fast food, go home, shower, and go back to work. It would be a long night at work with the amount of sleep she had, but it was worth it.  It was all worth it for the smile on Tiffy’s face.



“Thank you.
 I had a super good time.”  Tiffy hugged Aubrey.  “And ‘member my birthday.”  She pointed her finger at Aubrey.  “I expect to see you there.”
“I’ll be there.”  Aubrey pointed her finger back at Tiffy.
“Good.  I’ll talk to you later.”  Tiffy’s grin spread across her face and she hopped down the stairs back to Ben’s truck.
Aubrey let out a deep sigh.
“She’s adopted you, you know.  You’re her adopted sister.”
“So that makes you my Uncle Bennie?”  Aubrey said smartassedly.
“Oh, that’s a low blow.  If I remember right, you’re older than me, old lady.”
“Old lady?”  Aubrey’s jaw lowered.
“Stating the facts.”
“You better be moving along.”  Aubrey opened the front door to her house.
“If it makes you feel any better, you don’t look like you’re in your thirties.  I’d put you at twenty six, tops.”
“Hmmm...why are you being so nice?”  
“Just telling the truth.”  She very much didn’t look her age.  
“Nice try at redeeming yourself, but you failed.  Miserably.  Bennie.”
“Bennie...”  He repeated, trying to decide if he liked the pet name.
“I have to get ready for work.”   She hovered in the doorway.  
“Right.  Well, thank you for coming along with us to the horse show.  It meant alot to us...it meant a lot to Tiffy.”
“No problem.”
“Night, Aubrey.”  
“Night Bennie.”  She smiled.  He merely shook his head and walked down the stairs.  All he could do when he was around her anymore was smile.


“Seriously, we haven’t heard from you in weeks.
 What is going on with you?”  
Aubrey surfed around on Ebay looking for vintage signs and decor for the bakery on her day off.  
“I’ve been busy.”
“Spill. Are you and that trooper involved?”
“His name is Ben,” Aubrey said in his defense, then realized she’d incriminated herself.
“Be honest with me Aubrey, are you two...”
“NO!  God, no!  I haven’t done anything with him.”  She wasn’t going to tell Jill about passing out on top of him.  She’d never be able to convince her they weren’t involved if she told that story.
“You seem different.”
“Why don’t you and Taylor come over tonight and we can have a girls night.  Then you can stop harping about how I’ve been a hermit.”
“You don’t have any plans with

“I never have plans with Ben.  I have plans with Tiffy.”
“Mhm.  I know Taylor has plans, but I’ll be over.  You can fill me in on the gossip.”
“Don’t have high expectations, you’ll be disappointed.”
“Once I get the truth pried out of you, I won’t be.”
“Like I said, don’t have high hopes.  Why don’t you come over at seven and we’ll have a drink and you can fill me in on your perfect fiance and perfect love life.  Bitch.”
“Ohhhh, you know it.  See ya in a few hours.”
Aubrey went back to shopping.  She loved vintage, authentic vintage, not dollar store vintage.  Buying items piecemeal versus from a big box store took a lot more time, but it was what would make the bakery hers.  The personal touches. During the weekends to follow she would start combing through the antique shops to see what she could find locally.




“I thought I got rid of you.”  Kip pulled his warden truck in next to Ben’s cruiser.  “Please dear God tell me she hasn’t kicked you out again.”
“Ha...ha.”  Kip mockingly laughed.  “No, I have an invite for you.  Keep August 16th open on your calendar.  Oh, and would you be my Best Man?”
Best man?  
Ben cringed.  He hated weddings.  Hated more so to be involved in them.  
“All you have to do is stand up with me and show up at the bachelor’s party.  I know you have a lot on your plate, so I won’t be offended if you can’t.”
“I’d be honored.”  Kip was his friend.  Even if he hated weddings, he wouldn’t be a jackass about it.  It was Kip and Hanna’s day, not Ben’s.  “But, that’s only six weeks away?”  
“Shotgun wedding.”
“She’s pregnant already?  You work fast man.”
“I was joking you dick, she’s not pregnant.  We want a small summer wedding and don’t want to wait until next year.  So, all I need you to do is come and get fitted for a tux and show up to the wedding.  Oh, and the bachelor party.”
“The most important part of a wedding.”
“Indeed man.  I’m on my way to meet up with Kerr, so I’ll catch up with you later.”
Kip pulled out giving Ben the bird.  What love they shared for one another.




“So.”  Jill sat on the couch eyeing Aubrey.
“Come on.  Don’t make me beg.  You haven’t had a love life in, well, forever.  So if there’s anything of interest, you need to tell me.  Now.”
“There’s nothing of interest.”
“I’ve told you intimate details.  Like how I used—”
“I didn’t ask for intimate details Misses I Could Be A Sex Toy Test Dummy.”
“There’s nothing wrong with spicing things up.”
“Please don’t go into graphic detail again.  I need to be drunk for this conversation and I’m not drinking.”
“I could give you a catalog, ya know, help spice things up for you two.”
“There’s nothing to spice up!”
“The catalog could fix that.”  Jill winked at her.
“You are ridiculous.  It’s not like that, so stop it.”  Aubrey covered herself up with a blanket.   Though it was June, the evening was cool.  “Now either help me pick out paint swatches, or...”
“Or what?”
“Just help me pick out paint swatches.”
“Red. Red is sexy.”  Jill was such a vixen.
“I give up.”


“The big ten-oh, huh kiddo?”
 Ben lifted her high in the air.  Tiffy was dressed up in a bright pink dress and flats, her red hair pulled back in a fancy updo for her special day.  “This is a big party.”  Ben looked around at the crowd.  There was more than eighty kids there and at least another hundred plus adults.  It was as large as a wedding.  There were banquet tables set up outside underneath a large event tent, balloons hanging from every possible anchor point.  Pink was the color of choice and the theme was horses, of course.  Her entire family had shown up from both sides.   
“You should see my cake!  It’s three tiers, like a a wedding cake its so big.  And guess what it’s in the shape of?”
“Hmmm, I’m going to say a horse.”
“Yup.  Chocolate and chocolate frosting.  My favorite.”
“My favorite too.”
“Look how many people came!”
“And there’s all here for you.”
“You should try the bounce house with me.”
“A little later maybe when the crowd dies down.”  It was chock full of kids.
“Okay.”  She looked around.  “Is Aubrey here yet?”
“I haven’t seen her.”
Tiffy looked disappointed.
“She’ll be here.”  Aubrey was good for her word and Ben knew she would make an appearance.
“I hope so.”  
“You go play with your friends.”  Ben kissed her on the top of the head.  She tickled his sides then dashed away.
Ben looked to the roadway for Aubrey’s truck just as it pulled in.  
“What are you looking for?”  Jack snuck up beside him.
“Nothing.”  Ben said, but didn’t take his eyes off her truck.
“Uh huh.”  Jack walked in front of him.  “We leave for Disney in two weeks.  Would you be able to take care of Miley for us?”
“Yeah, no problem.”
“She’s a handful.”
“I’m sure I can handle it.”  Ben watched Aubrey step out of her truck.  She was dressed in a light blue sundress cut mid thigh and tan cowboy boots.  Her beauty was effortless, her curves...damn, her curves.
“Ben?”  Jack tried to get his attention calling his name the third time with no response.
Jack laughed at him.  “Never mind.  You have other things on your mind.”  Jack squeezed his shoulder and went back to the party.
“Yeah.”  Ben responded again, not hearing a word Jack had said.
“Wow.  Big party.”  Aubrey reached him and looked around.  “What?”  She looked down at herself.  “Do I have something on me?”
Words evaded him.
“Um, Ben?  Are you okay?”
“Ah...”  Ben cleared his throat.  She was the first woman who’d ever had such an affect on him.  Not good.  “No.  You, um, you look...different.”
“Ah, okay.”  Aubrey looked uncomfortable.  “I guess the dress needs to be tossed, I was on the fence about it.”
“No,” Ben responded swiftly.  “It looks good.  I’m not used to seeing you in a dress that’s all, you took by surprise.”
Ben took another gander at her dress.
“A good surprise.”  
He fought to keep his eyes at her eye level.  The dress exposed a peak of her cleavage.  It wasn’t trashy and by no means was she hanging out.  It was whimsical and happy, which made his mind further wander.
Aubrey blushed.
“Where’s the birthday girl?”
“She’s here somewhere.  Let’s find her.”  Ben took the present from her hands and placed it on the gift table.  
“Aubrey!  You came!”  Tiffy came full speed at her and wrapped her arms tightly around her waist.  “I’m glad you came.”
“I wouldn’t miss your birthday for the world.”  Aubrey hugged her.
“Do you have to leave soon?”
“I can stay for a little while.”
“Yaye!”  She took Aubrey’s hand with her left hand and Ben’s with her right.  “You two hafta try the bounce house, it’s so much fun.  Come on.”  She pulled them toward the back yard.
“Oh, I’m too big for that.”
“No you’re not.  Gina’s only ten and she’s way bigger than you.  She’s jumpin’ around in there so you’re safe.  No excuses!”
“Tiffy...”  Aubrey protested.
“Everyone, please come out so we can play pin the tail on the donkey!” she hollered inside.  “Come on guys.  Then it’s the pinata!”  
Kids poured outside.
“There you go.”  She pushed them.  “You two try it out.  It’s fun.  Go on.”  
Aubrey looked at Ben and he looked back at her.
“We’ll see if it’s as fun as you make it sound.”  Aubrey conceded.  Aubrey kicked her sandals off and Ben pulled off his shoes.  
“Try it.”  Tiffy motioned for them to go inside.
“You’re too used to getting your way.”  Ben shot her a glare.  Tiffy crossed her arms.
“After you.”  Ben motioned for Aubrey to go first.  Aubrey went inside.
“Have fun.”  Tiffy smiled and walked with the crowd of kids over to a table containing games.
“Um, alright.”  Aubrey fought for her balance.  “Let’s give this a try.”  She barely jumped in the air.
“You can do better than that.”  Ben hopped high and the spring action when he returned to the floor shot him skyward.  Aubrey lost her balance and fell onto her side.  She laughed.
“That’s pitiful.”  Ben stopped hopping.  “Let’s try this.”  He helped her back to her feet.
“My dress is going to going to fly up over my head.  I don’t want everyone to see my underwear.”  She held her dress down.
I wouldn’t mind that.  
“No one’s looking.”  He looked behind them.
“It won’t be your ass hanging out.”  She pushed him.
Nope, it would be your firm ass.
“Tiffy will never let you live it down.”
“I know.”  Tiffy kept a watchful eye from afar.  Aubrey held the bottom of her skirt and jumped a little higher.
“I’ll show you how we’re supposed to do this.”
“I don’t like that smile Bennie.”
Ben jumped at the opposite time of Aubrey sending her high into the air.
“No!  Stop it!”  She pleaded.  “Ben!”  Ben kept jumping hard and high.  Aubrey lost her balance and fell on her firm behind.  She bounced once and then outside the bounce house she went.  So much for it being safe.
She laughed on the ground.
“You sure do fall a lot.”  Ben walked out to her.
“I’m alright, don’t worry,” she said sarcastically.  Ben helped her to her feet.  Her dress had grass stains down the back of it.  “Good thing I don’t like this dress.”  She wiped at her side, but the green didn’t budge.
“It’s worth ‘Shouting It Out.’”
“Clever.”  Aubrey put her sandals back on and Ben put his shoes on.
“Uncle Ben!  I forgot my iPad out in my playhouse, can you go get it for me.”
“Do you need it right now?”  
“I want to show something to one of my friends on it, but I don’t wanna be rude and go all the way out there and get it.”
“I’ll go get it.  I’m starting to think you don’t want me at your party.”
“Nahhh, of course I do.  You’re my favorite uncle.”  She beamed.
“Alright, I’ll go get it.”
“Aubrey, you should see my playhouse.  It’s AH-MAY-ZING. Uncle Ben, you gotta show her.”
“What are you up to little girl?”  Aubrey knelt down to her.
“Nothing.”  And Tiffy turned and jogged away.  She turned around and waved.
“Do you get the feeling she’s trying to set us up?”  Aubrey asked.  
“I don’t know what she’s up to.”  Ben began to think she was as well, but he wouldn’t fight her attempts.
“So where is this playhouse?”  Aubrey looked around.
“This way.”  Ben took her hand and led her to the edge of the woods where there was a beaten down path.

BOOK: Letters of Love (Green Division Series Book #3)
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