Letting Go (4 page)

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Authors: Sarah McCarty

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Short Stories (Single Author)

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kept up a lazy rhythm, her senses focusing on the moment

and everything surrounding it: the heat of his cock, the throb

of his pulse, the stretch in her thighs, the ache in her core,

the weight of his palm. In her pussy, she stil felt the hot

weight of his seed like a loving promise yet to be fulfil ed.

Beneath her, Marc shifted. His chest muscles rippled

along the inside of her thighs as he reached for something.

In her hypersensitive state, she could feel every ridge of

muscle, every expansion of breath.

“Are your eyes closed?”

His voice was husky. Deep. Intent. On nothing more than

the nuances contained in the question, her womb clenched.

She slid her mouth free of his cock. “Yes.”

“Keep them that way.”

The order didn’t require a response. She gave it to him

anyway in a slow breath that wafted across the head of his

cock in a whispery tease. The hard shaft jerked in her grip.

She fol owed the airy caress with her tongue, flattening it

across the broad head, holding it there, holding him there

for a heartbeat before wiggling her tongue in the tiny slit at

the center, then doing it again when his big body jerked in

response, fucking it in tiny pulses that had his breath

hissing in between his teeth. Oh yes, she liked him like this.

She laughed, taking him deep, letting him share in the

reverberations of her pleasure. He pushed high with his

hips, getting her to take a fraction more, reestablishing the

power between them, reinforcing who would give and who

would take. While she struggled to accept his cock,

something cool and smooth pressed against her anus.


The answer to her incoherent question was an increase

in pressure against the tight ring of her ass. She froze. He

had been in the toy box. Her ass twitched in apprehension

while her pussy wept with need. She pushed up on her

arms. The move pressed her harder against the would-be

intruder. “Stay stil .”

It was a no-nonsense order fol owed by a no-nonsense

push against her butt. Whatever he had chosen felt huge.

She remembered some of the toys they had selected. They

huge. Her muscles tensed in an agony of indecision.

He pushed the fake penis against her butt again. She

moved forward to his bal s to postpone the inevitable

penetration. She made an involuntary move to close her

legs, but only succeeded in clamping her thighs around his

ribs. His chest hair abraded her clit, making her gasp and


He laughed, a low, husky, distracted sound. His palm

cupped her rear holding her to the pleasurable friction while

with unrelenting pressure against her anus he forced her

body’s acceptance. “Relax, Becky.”

She tried, but it wasn’t easy. He didn’t desist.

“You can take this. Just relax and push back.”

“You can take this. Just relax and push back.”

He didn’t give her any choice. Untried muscles gave up

on the unequal battle. She panted through the foreign

sensation, a combination of pleasure and pain.

More pressure, this time at the back of her head,

keeping her mouth ful of his cock as he slowly breached

her ass with the thick toy.

She breathed through her nose, struggling to relax, torn

between wanting him to stop and needing the dark

consummation to continue. The slow penetration final y

stopped. The rough cal uses of his fingers grazed the

hypersensitive skin of her rear as he asked, “Okay?”

She took a breath, stil ing the panic to try to find an

answer. The dildo stretched her past comfortable but not

ful y into pain, creating contrary signals that her desire

absorbed and translated into something darker, something

deeper, something intriguingly different. She nodded yes.

“Good. Now, I want you to use your mouth and show me

how you want to be loved.”

He was al owing her some control, letting her set the

pace for her seduction. She was intrigued. Tempted and

intrigued. Indecision held her immobile for a timeless,

breathless second. She felt too…stretched for anything


With the slightest of hesitations, she took just the tip of

his penis into her mouth. He throbbed against the inside of

her lips. She eased her head gently up and down. The dildo

moved with the same shal ow motion, forcing her tight

muscles wider and the burn higher, the joy higher stil .

She could handle that, she decided, repeating the move.

It stil wasn’t exactly pleasurable. There were too many

conflicting emotions inside for her to sort out the pleasure

from the other, newer sensations, but she could sense it

waiting, just beyond her grasp. She forgot to caress his

cock, and he stopped.

Darn. She squeezed her eyes tighter and resumed her


“You want it like that for a while?” he asked.

Feeling vulnerable and exposed, she nodded her head.

“Okay. Rest your cheek on my hip and we’l try this for a


At first, she couldn’t relax, but the steady massage of the

penetration soon eased the tension from her muscles. The

motion became smoother and easier as she relaxed into

the play. She loved the feeling of being penetrated almost

more than she loved to come, and the sensation was even

more intense, more satisfying this way. And now, with

Marc’s permission, she was able to ful y focus on the stroke

of the toy over her most sensitive nerves, to wal ow for as

long as she wanted in the pure bliss. She lifted her hips

facilitating the easy rhythm.

Her ass began to throb and twitch, and the easy

screwing became more irritating than satisfying. Rooting

with her lips, she found his cock and engulfed him in one

deep swal ow. The dildo echoed her efficiency.

Her satisfied groan danced down his shaft.

It felt good. So damn good.

She took him again, deeply. Her ass relished the same

treatment. Marc caught the rhythm, slow and deep, hovering

on the retreat before plunging back in to linger on the push.

Unlike a cock, the dildo didn’t get too excited and put an

end to the sensation. She was free to enjoy it as long as

she could, letting the burn become an ache that sharpened

to a high-pitched need that spread outward, building in a

wave. She yanked her mouth off his cock, sinking her teeth

into his thigh, biting down as she took more, her ass

clenching down hard, holding tight….

She felt his laugh more than heard it. “Feels that good,


Again, al she could do was nod.

“Imagine how good it’s going to feel when it’s my cock

instead of a toy.”

She closed her eyes, imagining it, wanting it. “Oh yes.”

She shifted up and caught the tip of his penis in her

mouth. Just the tip. She closed her lips tightly around it and

slid it in and out, flirting with the idea of penetration, making him relive over and over the thril of possession.

“Oh God,” she moaned as he forced her ass open again

and again with the same piercing motion. “Don’t stop.


“I wasn’t planning on it.” Desire roughened his voice to a

hoarse parody of his low drawl and any doubt she had that

he was enjoying this as much as her died a quick death.

“But I think it’s time to change things up.”

His cock slid impossibly deep, hitting the back of her

throat, holding there while she struggled with not to gag.

The dildo plumbed her ass with the same erotic efficiency

over and over again, taking her higher but not giving her

that extra something she needed to relieve the screaming

demand ripping along her nerve endings. The hot, burning

need to come. She twisted in his grip, sucking his cock

harder, taking it deeper, faster, needing him to come so

she could.

“Son of a bitch.” Hard hands fastened on her shoulders,

pul ing her up with the same wildness beating inside her.

“Come up here.”

She did, kissing her way frantical y up his chest, nibbling

on his flat brown nipples, savoring the jerk of his chest until he pul ed her away.

“Tease,” Marc murmured without heat, flipping her onto

her back.

She rested her palms on his shoulders, sinking her nails

into the thick pad of muscle, anchoring the wildness inside.

“Can I open my eyes now?”


His big hands slid down the back of her thighs. He lifted

first one and then the other over his arms with deliberate

slowness, walking his hands up the side of her torso with

that same determination until he had her wide open and


She didn’t understand when Marc reached between

them, holding her gaze with his until, with a twist, her ass

came alive with powerful pulsing throbs. Her eyes flew

wide. The dildo was also a vibrator

“I always wanted to know what one of those vibrating

beds felt like,” he murmured.

“Oh God!” She dug her nails into his shoulder, her teeth

into her lip as he nudged her with his cock. He tucked it into

the smal slit, forcing her tight pussy open with the same

inexorable pressure with which he’d opened her ass. It was

too much. The over-stretching, the throbbing…Becky

closed her eyes and struggled to adjust.

Marc didn’t give her time, just threw them both into the

chaotic wel of need with a slow, steady push. And she took

him, al of him — muscles straining, quivering, parting,

struggling with the near painful tightness caused by the

dildo, nerve endings singing as his groin pressed into hers.

And stil he pushed, as if as close as they were, it wasn’t

close enough. She closed her eyes, savoring the feeling. It

would never be enough.

She had to move, needed to move, but there was no

give in his hold, no leeway in his possession. Al she could

do was clench around him and beg. “Please, please,


The words fil ed her head, the room. She was begging

aloud and she didn’t care. She needed him, needed this.

“I’ve got you, baby.”

And he did, in every way that mattered. She opened her

eyes, loving the passion in his face, the lust, the pleasure,

knowing that she was giving this to him even as he was

giving it to her. Ten more strokes and he came violently,

slamming hard against her, holding himself high inside her

pussy, his cock jerking with spurt after spurt of hot come.

The power of his release triggered her own, sending her

surging up against his chest, twisting violently in his arms

as overcharged nerves screamed for a reprieve. He gave

her none, forcing her to ride every wave, holding her stil

when she would have ripped free, nipping her breasts when

she swore she couldn’t take anymore, sending her into

another orgasm as if to prove her wrong.

In the aftermath, when everything had subsided to a

quivering ache, he lowered her legs back to her sides, and

suckled her breasts more gently as he whispered over and

over, “I love you.”

Inside her, she felt his softening penis and the hot

warmth of his seed. Her pussy clung to both, the pulsing

arousal inspired by the latter rivaling the toy. With a soft

sigh, he eased out of her, stil loving her breasts.

As always, she protested the loss. He’d come in her not

once, but twice. She’d be achingly aroused al night unless

she cleansed away his seed. She was reluctant to do so,

especial y when he patted her affectionately between the

legs on the way down to turn off the vibrator.

“That was so good,” she sighed.

His smile was a tightening of his lips against her nipple.

“Glad you enjoyed it.”

Her nipple sprang into the cold air with a soft pop as he

released it and said, “Why don’t you turn over? You know

you can’t sleep on your back.”

She turned over onto her stomach, facing him. Resting

her cheek on her forearm, she asked, “Aren’t you forgetting


His big hand smoothed down her back. His fingers

flirted with the crease of her buttocks before dipping

between. With a delicate push, he re-seated the toy. Her

oversensitive body made more of the movement than she’d

expected, quivering and tightening. His fingers lingered

almost contemplatively.


She cracked an eyelid and noted his speculative

expression as he played with the dildo. “Is there a


“Not a one.” He eased down beside her, patting her rear

in a sweet caress before encompassing the curve. “I was

just thinking–“


His lips brushed her shoulder. The sheets rustled as his

chest half shifted over her back, covering her with his heat

and strength. His cock thrust against her hip as he drawled

in her ear, “There are a lot more toys in that box…”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-0778-7

Letting Go: An Erotic Short Story

Copyright © 2007 by Sarah McCarty

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher, Harlequin Enterprises Limited, 225 Duncan Mill Road, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M3B 3K9.

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