Lex (Unconventional Hearts) (51 page)

BOOK: Lex (Unconventional Hearts)
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“I guess that’s good you know the size of his
head. Would be kind of weird for his sister to know that.”

Oh my God!

Barking out a hysterical laugh, unable to
hold it in, I snap my head around and stare at Tasha whose face is
bright red and smiling ear-to-ear.

“I can’t believe you said that.” I tease
between calming chuckles.

“It’s true.” She shrugs with her palms up, a
butter knife pinched between two fingers. “Gage has been married; I
hated his ex-wife. In high school, he didn’t per say date one
person. He dated a spectrum of slutty girls. Now that he has a
girlfriend who I can joke with and that I love like a sister, I’m
soooooo going to live it up, even if that includes razzing her
about my brother’s penis.”

Like a sister
. Tasha just said, like a
sister. That feels really good to hear. Any anxiety I had about
tonight just flew out the window with that comment.

“Alright, well I suppose that’s fair game.
Just don’t expect me to go using a measuring tape and telling you
it’s length.”

“Whose length? Mine? It’s eight and a quarter
and thick.” Gage mouths off, announcing his grand entrance, with
obvious humor cloaking his words.

Suddenly, Chelsea nearly chokes on her spit,
and I hear Tasha snort a laugh. Leave it to Gage to liven up a

His arms wrap around my waist as a thick
chest is pressed against my back and that large eight and a quarter
inch cock is rubbed against my red dress covered butt. Fully

“I missed you.” Gage sweeps my hair over my
opposite shoulder and settles his succulent lips onto the crook of
my neck, dusting sweet kisses just under my ear down the curve of
my neck and back again. Sending shiver after shiver to race down my
spine, making my toes tingle and lady to take notice, swelling in
my panties. Good thing I wore a less revealing dress today, for
this exact reason.

I hear an ‘Awe’ float out of Tasha’s

“Did you now?” I bump my butt into his groin,
which produces a grunt to expel from him, and he loses more
willpower and begins to suck my neck, swirling his tongue in small
circles between affixed lips.

Laying the knife on the counter, I lull my
head back onto his shoulder, welcoming him to feast. Another grunt
erupts and Gage’s grip on my waist tightens as he overzealously
grinds against my butt, whispering into my ear, “Yes, and if you
don’t stop that, I will kick my sister and Chelsea out of his room
and less than a minute later I will be inside of you. Do you want
that, Angel? Do you…”

His hand quickly moves from my waist and
boldly cups my hardening sex.

Oh crap! What the hell is he doing!?

“Do you want that?” His hot breath mutters
into my ear, teeth grazing the lobe.

I shake my head. “Not here.”

“Really? Why does she think different?” Using
the heel of his palm, he massages lady, the only thing protecting
the view of lady
stiffness is the counter in front of me,
blocking her from prying eyes.

God! Why he always have to feel so good?

I feel Chelsea’s anger progressively clouding
the room. I don’t know how but the subtle agitated noises that are
coming from her are almost palpable. Tasha’s resorted to whistling,
minding her own business. Gage apparently has a thing for public
displays. Either that or he can’t help himself.

“Because she’s a traitor. This is neither the
time nor the place.” I gather my failing composure and wiggle out
of his arms, neatly adjusting lady up into the waistband of my
panties before I turn around.

I try not to look at Gage or I’ll succumb to
his magnetism, so instead I focus on Tasha. “So Gage, tell your
sister about yesterday.”

I hope the change in subject matter will help
our cause. If not, Gage will undoubtedly do the barbaric thing he’s
exhibited before. By throwing me over his shoulder and whisking me
away to make love to me, not that I’d mind,
we were under
different circumstances.

“I’ve heard Emma talk about it today, when we
were playing ponies.” Maxwell chimes in, resting in the doorway of
the kitchen. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Gage glaring at

Do they not like each other? I never thought
Gage disliked any of his family. Strange….

“They are
My Little Ponies
.” Gage
harshly corrects his brother.

“Ah…yeah…. Well… I was some pink horse with
sparkly wings and Emma was the queen.” Max says, like his brother’s
attitude had zero effect on him.

To be honest when you look at Max and then at
Gage, you wouldn’t think they could be related at all. Max is the
furthest from being put together than most people I know, even Bob,
Roni’s boyfriend, who uses the auto mechanics handbook to guide his
fashion choices. Maxwell’s a jeans too loose kind of guy. Not baggy
pants, almost pornographically too low riding on the hips kind.
Plus, he isn’t wearing a shirt now. When I first arrived, he had on
a black t-shirt. Nothing fancy and it was too big. Now he’s decided
for whatever reason to ditch the shirt and is wearing only a pair
of ultra-low pants. I can see his hip indentations. You know that V
that makes women instantly stupid when they look at it. To
Maxwell’s credit, he has a nice one, along with faintly defined
muscles, on his tan, tattoo-less skin. Gage’s muscles are obvious,
they are defined and they are so delicious I could have an orgasm
just looking at his hot body. Max, on the other hand is a
good-looking man. But his shaggy dark brown hair, few days old
scruffy stubble, hides his potential. He could learn a few small
tricks from Gage and he’d be ready to date somebody. As long as he
got rid of his jeans that display he’s, A. Not wearing underwear,
B. Manscapes himself bald, and C. His dick is about three inches
wide. I can clearly see the root of it.

because like a moron, I’ve been
staring at him, while I’m telling you all about the way he looks
for the past minute or so. He’s apparently taken notice, because
let’s just say he’s standing at full attention. And whatever it is
he’s packin’, it’s salute worthy. Officially revealing to me
something I never thought I’d know — the Masterson brothers are
hung. I can’t believe I’m even thinking it. But it’s impossible not
to when the damn solider in question is pointing straight at me.
Mortified isn’t even the word to describe how I am feeling right
this second.

Turning my eyes to the side, looking away
from the group, I finally zone in on a conversation I must have
missed, when my brain was stupidly focused elsewhere.

“Why don’t you stop looking at her?” Gage

“Why did you bring her here?” Max

“She’s my girlfriend.”

“You knew before you brought her here.”

“Yeah, I did. But you’re not the one who’s
been in love with her for six years.”

“So having a crush for two years doesn’t
count?” Max argues.

A soft touch on my forearm forces me to turn
my head and see Tasha with an ‘I’m sorry’ expression marking her
face, standing next to me.

“Two brothers kind of have a difference of
opinion.” Her arm is thrown over my shoulder, providing much needed
comfort and I snuggle into her plush side. Feeling trapped in a
kitchen with nowhere to go, Gage stands next to the backdoor and
Max is filling up the kitchen doorframe, locking three women in a
small confined space with two furious brothers.

“It doesn’t count.” I hear Gage snarl.

I follow Tasha to the corner of the room,
next to the fridge and we turn around. Being their sister, my guess
is this isn’t the first time she’s encountered them fighting.
Chelsea is butted along the counter I had just inhabited, not far
from Gage. It’s like she’s trying to edge closer to him.


“Yes it does. She was just checking me out.”
Max retorts.

I was, but not because I’m attracted to him
that way. It’s hard
to notice a man dressed like

Gage’s expression switches from anger to
murderous, in a nanosecond.

“You look ridiculous, Max, what do you think
she’s going to do? Since when you do not wear a shirt?”

Max shrugs and frowns, “I decided not to

“Did you think she would see you half naked
and want to fuck you?” Gage is spitting his words, he’s that

I can’t believe they are having it out in
front of me, in front of everybody, in their father’s house.

Max’s expression melts into one of sorrowful
rejection and it pains me to see him deflate that severely.

“Oooohhhh…” Gage flails his arms animatedly,
being an asshole. “My brother gets a fucking stiffy from my
girlfriend when she walks in the door. I saw it then.
what pissed me off. Now you’re doing it again.”

Max’s eyes start to well with tears; his face
is breaking my heart. I could almost cry for him. Gage is taking
this too far.

“What big brother? Can’t take it?”

The slumping of Max’s shoulders and lowering
of his head from sadness is enough. I can’t take this bullying

“Fuckin pussy, you spout shit about me loving
a woman for six fucking years. Calling me names and telling me, I’m
nothing. Just like mom did. Now you off and crush on her too.
That’s not my fuckin’ fault I got there first, Max. Stop eye
fucking her. She’s not yours. She’s mine. Got that you worthless
piece of shit?”

That is it!

“Stop it right now!” I yell at Gage and
everybody looks at me. Tasha releases her hold on my shoulder and I
take a proud step forward.

Gage’s face immediately changes, like a wave
of realization washes over him. “I’m—”

“No.” I cut him off, with my hard-edged tone
and the wave of my hand. “You’re not anything. I didn’t want to
come here today, Gage. I wanted to stay home and do this some other
time. I came here to meet your family because
that. I’ve never done that in my life. Now your brother and you get
into some stupid fight, over me? Because he got a boner? Seriously?
Do you know how often you give me one? Just talking to you does
that to me.”

I hear a gasp and I glance to see Chelsea
with wide eye’s, listening.

Oh shit!

Guess the cat is really out of the bag.
Nothing like announcing you have a penis on your first day at your
boyfriend’s family’s house. Dammit! If I didn’t already give them a
reason not to like me, add that to the list.

They all know now.

They know.

Oh God!

I told them all.

What have I done?!

Tears of fear, rejection, sadness, and pain,
pour from my eyes. I can’t do this. I can’t go through this. I
can’t be subjected to hatred and judgment, not again in my life.
Why did I do this? It’s all my fault.

Concealing my eyes with my hands, I move
lightning fast through the kitchen and Max steps out of my way to
let me pass. Nobody has said a thing. Not even Gage.

Going to the front door, I pass Emma, who has
a bright smile adoring her angelic face.

“Time for me to go honey.” I tell her,
reaching out for my princess, rubbing the top of her head.

“Okay, I’m going too.” Emma decisively

My Emma, my sweet girl, whom I love so

I bend down and pick her up, wrapping her
legs around my hip and we walk out of the house.

Tugging the door shut behind me a hand stops
it from closing, as a silent Gage breaks my hold and follows me

“We need to talk.” He announces.

“No. I’m getting my purse and I’m calling
Lincoln. Then Emma and I are going home.” I don’t care if he gets
angry. I’m making the choice to take her with me. If he wants to
fight me on it, bring it on. I’m taking her home. She’s mine.

She’s mine
? Oh boy. I am really mixed
up today.

After a date on Friday night with the two
most important people in my life. Then waking up Saturday morning
to a pretty little girl coming into my yoga studio again, where we
went downstairs and had breakfast. Once daddy was up, we drove to
the park, where Emma played and we all fed the ducks. Afterward, we
dropped Emma at Tasha’s, and Gage drove me forty-five minutes to
the nearest mall with a Victoria Secret, where we spent the better
part of two hours picking out new panties and nighties. Following
our shopping spree, we ate dinner at a tiny little bistro. On the
way home, Gage pulled over and ended up forcing himself up my
dress, to give lady another earth shattering orgasm. We came back
and picked Emma up from Tasha’s. Emma left again this morning to go
grocery shopping with Tasha before the family meal today. If all
that time with my beautiful princess doesn’t in a way make her
mine, then I don’t know what does. I realize Emma hasn’t been in my
life for very long. But it doesn’t matter. She’s a huge part of me,
a part of me that I would protect with my last dying breath.

I stare at him, awaiting his reply.

“Please, don’t leave. I’m sorry. Emma please
come here.” Gage puts his arms out for her to climb into. She
doesn’t budge and her arms around my neck tighten.

“I’m going with Lex, daddy.”

“Emma, you go inside and help your uncle set
the table. I promise when Lex leaves you can go with her. You don’t
have school tomorrow remember? And Lex is taking the day off work
to stay home with you. So I promise, you will have plenty of time
to spend together. Just give daddy a little time too. K, baby?”

Emma nods and I set her on the ground.
Glancing over her shoulder, she looks to me just before she enters
in through the front door and I promise her, “I’m not leaving
without my princess.”

Closing the door behind her, Emma replies
with a sweet smile, “K, Mommy.”

My heart in that first moment of my life
feels something I’ve never felt before. It overwhelms me so much; I
have to cover my heart with my hand to keep it from bursting from
my chest.

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