Lexie's First Time - A Prequel to Borrowed Billionaire and Billionaire Novelist (Erotic Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Lexie's First Time - A Prequel to Borrowed Billionaire and Billionaire Novelist (Erotic Romance)
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Lars groaned and pressed his hips against mine, pinning me against one of the handrails on the revolving merry-go-round. Was that his dick? It felt hard, but not as hard as a cell phone. Dick or cell phone, I enjoyed him pressing that rigid lump into me.

I got into the rhythm of his powerful tongue movements and gave him a few of my own. My whole body was getting warmer and warmer, like the kissing was causing a fever.

He stopped thrashing his tongue in my mouth for a moment and pulled back. “Is it true you waxed your whole pussy? You got a Brazilian?”

“Maybe, maybe not.”

“Lexie, would it be okay if I kissed you?”

“You are kissing me.” I shivered just then, noticing the temperature of the air changing. It had been a hot, early summer evening when I'd left Laura's house, but now I could feel those Ohio storm clouds gathering and the wetness in the air.

“Not just kissing your mouth.” He smiled a crooked smile, that one vampire tooth catching in the moonlight. His thick, dark, Freddie-Prinze-like eyebrows raised, and his golden brown eyes brimmed with bad-boy mischief. A girl would have to be a nun to resist those charms.

I reached up and patted his cropped, dark hair, full of tight curls. I imagined feeling that hair moving down my body, then his mouth at that special place between my legs, and I shivered again, but for a different reason.

“Just kissing,” he said. “I want to kiss you all over.”

“Okay, but my underwear stays on.”

He seemed surprised that I'd agreed. “Where should we go?”

“Nothing wrong with right here,” I said, matching his smile.

I got down onto the metal surface of the merry-go-round, and I quickly slipped off my flannel pajama pants and spread them out beneath me.

“You are wild, Lexie!” He shuffled over to give the muddy ground a few more kicks, and once the merry-go-round was spinning, he got down on his hands and knees above me, his face above my crotch. We shifted around so that his head was close to the center of the merry-go-round, but mine was further out, where the motion was pleasantly dizzying.

He looked wolfish as he hunched over my body, his T-shirt tight to his lean body.

As his face descended between my legs, I closed my eyes, unable to watch.

I felt warmth on my mound. His mouth. He exhaled onto my panties, and it felt better than anything I could have even imagined. I'd given myself a lot of pleasure over the last few years, but this was different. I didn't even like Lars, but I was starting to have feelings of gratitude, and… tingles. My lord, the tingles. They don't tell you about that in Sex Ed classes, or about how every cell in your body screams MORE OF THIS, PLEASE.

He murmured, speaking directly to my pussy, “I can tell you're all naked and hairless under there. I can feel the smooth skin through your little panties. I can feel all your contours, and I just want to lick you and devour you and make you come.” He moaned and gave my aching, swollen mound another kiss through my panties, his strong tongue much more welcome down there than on my mouth.

He did start licking then, his saliva combining with my juices until my panties were as wet as a swimsuit. There were some sounds in the distance, like animals howling or moaning.

The gentle stimulation was bringing me close to orgasm, but not quite over the ridge. If I'd been working my clit myself, I would have come already in that amount of time, but now that I was experiencing a different way of being stimulated, I realized how wonderful the buildup was. The anticipation. All the tingles that radiated through my body. MORE, PLEASE.

Lars said, “You make such crazy noises!”

I realized the moans were coming from my mouth and immediately stopped.

“Don't stop vocalizing, baby,” Lars said. “That's the sweetest music to my ears.”

Drops of rain pattered down on the metal surface around me. We were still rotating, albeit very slowly, but now it was raining, and between the rain on my hot skin, the motion, and the licking on my pussy, I almost started to cry from the intensity. Everything was too much, too hot and heavy and soon—too much Lars, but I wanted more.

Lars said, “I'm just gonna pull your panties to the side for a minute. They're getting in the way.”

“Yeah,” I panted. “They're totally in the way.”

He pulled the fabric to the side, and this time when he licked my hot, throbbing nub, it felt like the first time I'd ever been truly touched.

I moaned in ecstasy and arched my back.

He drove his tongue between my folds, growling in pleasure as he did so, the vibrations of his voice rippling through me. His tongue thrashed at my clit, tantalizing me, easing off just when I was about to explode.

The rain came down harder, soaking us and bringing me to the knife-edge of shivering.

Now Lars was moving around too much, moving up to kiss my stomach or down to my inner thighs, and other boring things that were not my damn clit.

I grabbed him by the back of his head and guided him to where I wanted. “Like that,” I said as he circled my clit with the tip of his tongue.

“Harder,” I said, and he complied.

My pulse pounded at my throat, my heart racing.

“Just like that and don't stop,” I said, letting his head go.

He murmured into my muff, “Pull my ears.”

I couldn't understand, over the sound of the rain pounding down around my head, so I spread my legs wider.

He pushed himself in deeper, so I could feel his stubbled chin against my slit, then repeated, louder, “Pull my ears.”

I grabbed onto his ears tentatively, and found that I could use them to guide him to the right spot. I eased him up just a fraction of an inch, and suddenly he was completely on my clit, the whole thing on fire and engorged beneath his tongue.

I clung to his ears desperately, and he licked and sucked in the exact perfect way.

The rain and the stars and the merry-go-round disappeared, blacked right out, and my body shuddered with orgasm. Lights flashed behind my eyes: blue, green, white.

I gasped for breath, overwhelmed by bliss I'd never imagined.

The next sound I made was not a moan, but a squeaking laugh.

My inner walls were still pulsating from the strength of the orgasm, and I felt good, but the pleasure of Lars and his amazing tongue were quickly turning ticklish, as my clit became too sensitive to touch.

I released his ears and used my feet to push myself back and away from him, folding my legs back together.

I reached down to pull my underwear back closed over my pussy, and was shocked for a moment by the lack of pubic hair. Then I really started to laugh.

Lars looked up at me with glowering eyes. “What's so funny?”

“Nothing,” I said, getting hold of myself. “I guess it's a tension-breaker laugh.”

“Oh.” He sat cross-legged, leaning back against one of the handrails. “Do you think I did a good job?”

“That was amazing.” I eyed the bulge in his jeans, wondering if I ought to offer to do something about it. I'd already come, though, and felt like I was floating above everything. I'd probably be interested in sex again, at some point, but not at that moment. Lars looked younger and skinnier now than before, maybe because he was sopping wet from the rain.

“Was there anything you'd change?” he asked.

The rain had let up, but I was already soaked and just starting to shiver. I wanted Lars to hold me, but I also didn't. “I wouldn't change a thing, unless you wanted to maybe try for somewhere indoors?” I retrieved my flannel pajama bottoms and pulled them back on.

“Do you want to try that, sometime? Indoors?” He glanced over to the swings that were at a standstill. “Or maybe on a swing?”

“I'm not really looking for a boyfriend,” I lied. “And I think Laura likes you.”

He got a sweet smile, a few dimples showing up on his cheeks. “Yeah, but she's innocent. I don't think she's into sex, you know? She sure wouldn't let me eat her out on a merry-go-round.”

I nodded to one side. “True, but I don't think many girls would.”

“Do you wanna just hook up sometimes?”

I grinned and hugged my knees to my chest. “I wouldn't want to ruin tonight by trying to make it happen again.”

He raised his eyebrows, speechless for a moment.

“This has been really nice,” I said. “I should get back to the sleepover before they come looking for me.”

He gazed off in the direction of Laura's house.

He said, “Hey, don't tell her, okay?”

“She knows I'm here.”

“Right.” He grinned. “Then tell her I'm really great at oral.”

“And spoil the surprise?”

He laughed. “You're right.” He got to his feet and handed me back my glasses. “Lexie, you're really hot. You need to walk around like you know you're hot, because it's a waste for you to always have your shoulders hunched up like you're trying to be invisible.”

At his suggestion, I dropped my shoulders and rolled them back, opening up my chest, even though my white shirt was soaked and revealing my black bra.

“Yeah, like that,” he said.

Just then, the merry-go-round came to a complete stop, with a tight squeak.

We both stepped off, and he walked me back to Laura's house, kicking at loose pebbles in lieu of conversation.

Back inside the warm house, the girls turned off the movie and gathered around me, demanding details.

I wrapped my wet self in a big towel, pausing to fuss with my hair because I knew I had to make a choice.

“We mainly just talked about Laura,” I said. “He really likes her.”

It was a lie by omission. Apparently I was a good liar, because all but Renee looked satisfied with that, and we went back to watching our movie.

I felt different, though. Changed. I couldn't wipe the big grin off my face.

The next week at school, I didn't feel like such a dork. I didn't become insta-popular, but I was twenty to forty percent less dorky.

My skin either got better, or my attitude improved enough that I saw the few small dots for what they were—just a couple of dots. The same as everyone at school had.

I got over my fear of putting bits of plastic on my eyeballs, and started wearing my contact lenses and makeup instead of glasses. I wore my hair down instead of tied back, and ten times a day I reminded myself not to hunch up my shoulders.

When I walked through the halls, I imagined that I had a Mona Lisa smile on my face. I had a secret.

I hadn't told a single soul about Lars pleasuring me in the rain on the merry-go-round. He was macking on Laura, so he hadn't breathed a word, either. I'd had that rare opportunity to do something skanky and fun without becoming the week's gossip object at school.

I felt worldly and experienced, but I was still a virgin.*

*In the sense I had never touched an actual penis.**

**This particular definition wouldn't apply to lesbians, of course.

Was I looking forward to touching a real penis?

You bet I was.

Part II

The remainder of my high school career, all three weeks of it, was (sadly) penis-free.

My mother was beyond thrilled I'd gotten a scholarship to help offset the cost of going to college in the fall, and I was happy I'd be heading out of town and towards a penis. Oh, and a boyfriend, of course. But mostly the penis.

All the good summer jobs in town were taken, and my only option for earning some cash was babysitting for less than minimum wage. I turned down the job, but every day I couldn't find something better, I felt the pain of regret.

Worse, my mother was going through some sort of uterus-related thing and was a nightmare to be around. I loved my mom, and we'd always been close, but her hot flashes made me want to kill myself. She was always on the edge of a meltdown, her energy as tense as a stretched wire. The sound of her voice clawed inside my head like an angry cat in heat—a cat that regretted its life choices and was also trying to lose ten pounds.

I made the mistake of suggesting my mother might enjoy the natural stress-relief of having grown-up relations with a gentleman friend, and the next day I found my bags packed for me.

“Carridee has a job for you,” she said.

Carridee was one of my mother's oldest friends, and she lived in a town even smaller than our own, up in Vermont. She had a whole brood of kids, mostly girls, and I figured the job was being her nanny. Babysitting didn't seem beneath me anymore, especially if it got me out of the house.

I got on the bus, and when I showed up in Vermont, I was surprised to find the job wasn't babysitting at all, but cleaning cabins for tourists and rich people.

I was happy for all of five minutes.

Then she told me how little I'd be getting paid to scrub other people's toilets, and it made spending the summer running errands for my hormone-crazed mother seem like a day at the spa.

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