Lexington and 42nd (The Off Field Series #1) (15 page)

BOOK: Lexington and 42nd (The Off Field Series #1)
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I jumped as Will’s hand brushed across my back.
“Hey, calm down. I’m not planning on groping you in here.” He shrugged, frowning. “I just wanted you to relax…you seem nervous.”
My shoulders fell, tension seeping from them as I shook my head. “I’m sorry, I am a little nervous. Today’s a big day for me.” I took a deep breath. If I wanted to clear the air, it was now or never. “And I’m sorry about last weekend. Things got a bit out of hand.”
Will leaned back against the desk, crossing his ankles. “No, you’re not the one who should be apologizing. I was out of line, and what I said wasn’t fair.” He shrugged. “I’m not saying I don’t find your reasoning frustrating, but if that’s how you really feel, I’ll back off.”
I nodded, finding it hard to meet his eyes. I hated the idea of him backing off but that was the very thing I’d asked him, no
yelled at him
, to do.
“I like you Em. We should be able to be friends. We get along well.”
I smiled, thinking how right he was. We
get along well. “Friends would be nice.”
He nodded. “Good, friends it is.”
“Yes, friends who refrain from dancing with each other.”
Will frowned. “We should still be able to dance together.”
I laughed. “Not the way you dance.” I felt my face go red just thinking about it. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little embarrassed about…you know…” my voice trailed off, unable to even consider verbalizing our last encounter. Innocent phrases like
dance floor
felt like they should exist alongside other dirty words in some adults-only dictionary.
Will bent his head to meet my eyes. “If it helps, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about…you know…” His eyes ran down the length of my body and back up before widening deviously, and I had to lean against the desk to stop from sliding to the floor.
This man was going to destroy me and the worst thing was I was powerless to stop him.
Will straightened, frowning as he crossed his arms. “I have no willpower when it comes to you, did you know that?”
I cocked my head, unsure of his meaning.
“I promised myself I’d behave today, let you do your thing, but here I am, five minutes after we agree to be friends and saying shit like that.”
I laughed, shoving his shoulder. “Your flirty banter I can cope with. Just don’t start giving me smoldering eyes or anything.”
His lip twitched. “I’ll do what I can.”
“Good. Now pay attention because today needs to go off without a hitch.”
I ran Will through his obligations, where he had to be at what times and what he needed to be doing.
“Does that all sound okay?” I said absentmindedly as I regathered my papers.
“You’re perfect, Em.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
Will frowned. “What?”
“What did you just say?”
“I said sounds perfect, Em. Why, what did you think I said?”
I shook my head. “Nothing, I must have misheard you.”
Hadn’t I?
“Let’s go, the sooner today’s out of the way, the sooner I can go to bed and sleep for a century.”
“I have a very large comfy bed in my hotel room if you need it.”
I stared open mouthed at him.
“What? I was just joking.”
“Wow, you really weren’t kidding about the whole lack of willpower thing.”
Will shook his head, a big grin on his face. “Nope, I have none when it comes to you.”
I turned and left before he could say any more.
Twelve hours later, I was literally asleep on my feet, exhausted. I could have been a case study for those doctors who always condemned reality TV shows where contestants had to try to stay awake the longest. I was pretty sure if I sat down, I would pass out from exhaustion.
That was the funny thing about adrenaline. As soon as you didn’t need it anymore, it switched off. It had kept me going through the long day on the field, running between players, media, the office and various workshops, then it had pepped me up when I had to slip on a dress and heels for the dinner, spending the better part of four hours running around like a crazy lady. And when the last formality was over, when the last plate of lemon tart had been served for desert, it switched off.
I now stood in the foyer, propped up against a side table sipping on a Coke, my eyes glazed over.
“There you are, we were just talking about you.”
“Huh?” I turned slowly, still half in a daze.
“Oh! Sorry.” I forced myself to straighten as Mark approached with Will at his side.
“Great job today.” Mark had flown in for the dinner, unable to get there any earlier but knowing I would need an extra pair of hands for the evening.
“Oh, thanks.” I shrugged. “I think it all went well.”
“From all reports, it ran very smoothly. Meredith can’t stop raving about you.”
If I wasn’t so tired, I would have beamed, so relieved Mark was happy.
“You look dead on your feet. Why don’t you head back to the hotel? I’ll get the team back on the bus.”
I slumped further against the table. “Really? That would be awesome. Are you sure you don’t mind?”
“Not at all. You get going and I’ll finish up here.”
“I might catch a ride with Emma if you don’t need me for anything else?” Will spoke casually, his gaze moving from Mark to me. “I mean, I didn’t sleep too well last night and wanted to catch up tonight. You know, being pre-season training and all.”
Mark slapped him on the back in that weird man-friend way. “Of course, of course, you go. Do whatever you need to do.”
I gaped at both of them. Honestly, it was like the man crapped gold the way people bowed down to him. Was I the only one who could tell he was talking out of his ass?
“I, I’ll um, just get my stuff and say goodbye. Meet you in the foyer?”
Will nodded. “Sure, see you soon.”
Fifteen minutes later, having said my goodbyes to the many FSU friends I’d made, I lugged my suitcase into the foyer looking like I was about to embark on an overseas trip. Having been so rushed to get out to the university that morning and afraid I’d forget something, in the end I’d opted to shove everything into my case and bring it all with me.
Will stood at the entrance, surrounded by a group of college players who were hanging on his every word. And some cheerleaders who were just plain hanging on him. He saw me approach and disentangled himself.
“You ready to go,
?” I gave him a pointed stare.
He extended his arm toward the car. “By all means, lead the way.”
Collapsing onto the backseat I couldn’t help the small moan that escaped as I slipped off my heels and dropped my head against the head rest.
“You all good over there?” Will’s deep voice sounded like liquid honey, sending a warm hum through my exhausted body.
I nodded, unable to even open my eyes. “Sleep…just need to sleep.”
I fought the pull back to consciousness, but it was no good. When nature called, my body was not one to ignore it. My eyes pricked open, trying to get my bearings in the pitch black hotel room.
I was pulling the sheet aside when I felt it. A movement on the bed. I froze, my heart rate accelerating through the roof in a matter of seconds.
What the
was that.
I stayed still, waiting. Nothing happened. Maybe I’d imagined it.
Then it happened again.
The scream that left my lungs was piercing and long. I threw myself off the bed, desperate to get away from whatever the hell was next to me. Fear had me stumbling, falling over random objects in the unfamiliar room.
“Jesus, FUCK! What’s wrong?”
The yelling helped me identify that the stranger in my bed was a male, something that did nothing to quell my fear. I continued on, praying I was getting closer to the hotel door and safety.
“Emma fuck! What is it?”
I paused momentarily at the sound of my name before continuing my search for the door. A light went on just in time for me to see the side board as I went crashing into it. I hit the corner, a pain shooting through my hip as I fell to the floor.
“Emma! Calm down. My God, are you okay?”
I couldn’t breathe, the pain in my hip and my fear paralyzing me as I pulled my body up and into the corner. Two hands wrapped around my shoulders and I gasped, struggling to shrink against the wall.
“It’s okay, it’s me, it’s Will.
calm down, you’re hurting yourself.”
The words swirled around my mind a few times before I was able to make sense of them.
I looked up, meeting his eyes. We both let out a long breath, mine ragged and interrupted by hiccups. I swiped at my face, realizing there were tears streaming down my cheeks.
He rubbed his hand over his face, his big chest heaving as he knelt beside me. “Are you okay?”
I didn’t trust my voice so I just nodded.
“God, you scared me.”
My eyes bulged. “I scared you! What the hell are you doing in my room? In my bed?”
His eyes met mine. “This is my room.”
“What! Why am I in your room?” My slowing heart rate skyrocketed again.
“You fell asleep on the drive back.”
“And I couldn’t wake you when we got here.”
Will’s hand reached behind him, massaging his neck. “So I brought you up to my room. What’s the big deal?”
“What’s the big deal? Are you serious?”
He fell back against the opposite wall as I struggled to get up.
“What about the fact that I just about had a heart attack waking up in bed with a stranger? Did you think about that at all?”
Will swallowed, watching me pace the room like someone would a crazy person. Which I could qualify for in my current state.
oh my God
even worse, I’m in your hotel room. What if someone saw us? What if Mark finds out? Fuck! I am in SO much trouble.”
“No one saw us.” Will’s voice was low, his head resting against the wall as he watched me with wary eyes.
“You don’t know that. Everyone knows who you are. The bellboy probably already tweeted a photo of us.”
“I came in the back entrance, there’s a private elevator. The only person who saw me was the manager, and he won’t say anything.”
“How do you know?”
He met my eyes. “There’s a reason we stay in specific hotels…some are known for their discretion.”
“Oh…” I swallowed. “Right, got it.”
“I’m sorry, Em. I wasn’t thinking. I just imagined you’d wake in the morning and see it was me.”
My voice was quiet, the fight gone. “Why didn’t you wake me?”
“I told you, I tried.”
I looked over at Will, raising an eyebrow. “You tried?”
He swallowed, having the decency to look sheepish. “Yeah, I tried. You were out of it.”
“Do you expect me to believe that big, burly
couldn’t wake tiny little me?”
He shrugged, a slight flush sweeping his cheeks. “You were out like a light the second we left FSU, and I figured you needed the sleep. Either that or you were in a coma.”
“So you didn’t try to wake me then?”
“No, I did…just…not too hard.”
I smiled despite myself, standing to get my bags.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m getting my bags. What does it look like?”
Clearly Will wasn’t at his sharpest at 4 a.m. “To go to my room of course.”
“Why don’t you just stay here?”
“Ha! Why would I do that?”
Will shrugged. “I don’t know, what if someone sees you wandering the hotel in last night’s dress?”
I glared at him. “You really want to put that out there after getting me into this situation?”
“I’m serious, why do you need to go to your room? All your things are here.” He waved a hand vaguely in the direction of my case.
“I can’t stay in your room!”
“Why not?”
“Because…I just can’t.”
“Yes you can. None of the guys know this is my room and I have to be up and gone in two hours. You’ll have the room all to yourself, and no one will ever have to know.”
I stared at him, wondering how far gone I must have been to even consider his logic.
“I won’t try anything, I swear.”
“Oh, because your willpower is
“Emma, I swear to God, I was sleeping on top of the covers before, and I’ll do it again.”
I looked back at the bed, noticing for the first time the massive indentation on his side.
Will grabbed the suitcase from my hand, placing it back on the armchair. “Trust me, this is the best option.”
We stared at each other in silence, me trying to convince myself to get the hell out of his room, him waiting for a sign that I’d give in.
I gave in.
“God! It’s so frustrating how you always get your way.”
Will laughed. “Trust me, I’m nowhere near getting my way with you.”
I whirred around to face him. “Excuse me?”
His eyebrows shot up. “Sorry, sorry. Friends, we’re just friends. I didn’t mean that.”
“Huh.” I looked him up and down. “Good thing you can play football because you’d make a terrible actor.”
I looked around, feeling decidedly awkward in my new predicament. I’d just agreed to stay in Will’s hotel room. Now what?
“Do you mind if I take a shower?”
He motioned toward the bathroom. “Help yourself, friend.”
I got my second fright for the evening when I looked in the mirror. Mascara ran down my blotchy, tear-stained face. I looked like Courtney Love. No wonder he was happy to sleep on top of the covers.
I turned on the shower, all the while telling myself to stay calm. I was just staying over, nothing was going to happen, Will was just trying to be nice…be my friend. No biggie.

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