Lick Is A Four-Letter Word (2 page)

BOOK: Lick Is A Four-Letter Word
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locked, isn’t it,” the Asian-looking guy said, a resigned note in his voice.

nodded, making sure her eyes stayed on the floor. She could see his bare toes
curling in midair as he sat on the table. He had really attractive feet.

Ha. Of course it is,” the
other man
his voice a soft baritone. He was
clearly amused.

closed her eyes and leaned back against the door. “I was in the bathroom
changing. I must have gotten turned around.” She desperately wished the floor
would swallow her up. She cracked one eye open.
Nope, no hole to dive into,

worries. I’ll just go get the attendant. She can go in through the adjoining
room and unlock the bathroom,” the deep-voiced man said.

glanced up just in time to see him hop down, holding the paper sheet he’d
mutilated closed over his hips. It barely covered him. She
mortified as she realized that the shadow she was looking at behind the paper
was his cock, swinging. Or was that her glasses sending reflections across her

going to get the attendant,” the Asian man repeated disbelievingly. “
, your butt is
hanging out in midair.”

It sure
was. She could see it in all its glory. Felicity tried to pretend she was
Or dreaming.
Anything to get her out of this
incredibly embarrassing situation.
Sure, she had the opportunity to gawk
at a couple of indecently hot men, but her own goods were barely covered.
And I never went on that diet I meant to.
She felt really, really exposed.

I’ll just poke my head out.” He walked to the door, somehow managing to keep a
hand on his candy, the paper, and his dignity… until he tried the handle and it
wouldn’t move. “Uh-oh,” he said, not moving.

do you mean, ‘uh-oh?’ ‘Uh-oh’ is not cool, Troy.” The other man jumped down and
strode over.

stared. His ass was just as amazing and perfect as his friend’s. She couldn’t
help goggling. She was only human, after all. He was slightly shorter than the
other man, but that didn’t bother her in the least bit. She swallowed, trying
to get a grip on her libido. They were the most handsome men she’d ever seen
close up.
I didn’t think guys looked like this without photo editing,
she mused, eyes lingering on the taller guy’s hips. Their skin color contrasted
with each other beautifully.
And I did
not just think that, did I?
berated herself.

locked. From the outside,” the Asian guy said.

shit, Josh,” the darker, taller man replied.

As one,
they turned and looked at Felicity.

were they looking at her like that? It wasn’t her fault they were stuck here.
“Uh, hi?
How’s it going?” She waved with her free hand,
trying not to let on how disconcerted she felt.

taller guy
shoulders relaxing.

“Oh for
God’s sake,” the Asian guy muttered. He straightened his shoulders, one hand
hanging onto his paper. The muscles in his arm and chest bulged attractively.
“I’m Josh. This is
He jerked a thumb at his friend.

blinked and forced herself to smile. “I’m Felicity.”

said, leaning back against the door.
“Looks like we’re stuck
in here.”
Lazily, he licked his lollipop again.

choked back a gasp as his lips closed around the red candy.
Jesus, the man
is lethal
. “Looks like,” she managed, forcing her eyes away from his mouth.
Unfortunately, she ended up looking at Josh. He was glaring at his friend, but
that didn’t detract one bit from the sharp beauty of his face.

going to either faint or go up in flames
, Felicity
thought, her
back and forth from one man to the other.

uh, you’re here for a bikini wax?” Josh said.

just like that, Felicity remembered that she was naked too. She went hot all
over as she tried to figure out how to answer him. “Um—” she began,
gave up when his eyes dropped to her chest. She glanced
down, not surprised to see her nipples pebbled against the paper. She was cold
and embarrassed—
and kind of aroused
, a treacherous voice in her head
muttered. She shifted to cover her breasts with her hands, but then the bottom
gaped open and she grabbed at that part, too,
her arms.
Stupid paper gown
, she
thought darkly.

elbowed Josh in the ribs.
You are an idiot.”

his head on the wall, twice,
looked at her sheepishly. “Sorry. It’s none of my business.”

shrugged, trying to keep the paper gown under control. “My friend bought me a
gift certificate for this place.”

sister won a bet against us.”
pointed at Josh.

bit her lip, trying not to laugh. “Okay.”

“And we
are never playing cards with Laura again, right?”
said, jabbing his lollipop at Josh like
a weapon.

ducked away from the sticky candy. “I’ve already apologized at least twice.
What do you want from me?

eyes mischievous.

was too busy trying to jimmy the doorknob behind her to notice anything strange
until Josh spoke again.

are you, a vampire? You’re the wrong color, my friend.” He smirked. “In case
it’s escaped your notice.”

taller man grinned. “You think you’re funny, but you really, really aren’t.”

watched as his eyes flicked down over Josh’s body, almost too quickly for her
to believe it. Josh was mock-frowning and didn’t seem to notice
checking him out.
I imagined it?
Felicity wondered
fingers wrapped
around the cold metal knob. She yanked on it again. It still didn’t budge.

are we going to get out of here?” Josh asked.

will come looking for us,”
said, licking his lollipop. Josh sighed, and both men turned their attention on
her again.

swallowed, hoping nothing
was showing as she
moved her hand away from the door. “I had an appointment. When the girl who was
supposed to work on me doesn’t find me where I’m supposed to be, they’ll come

leaned against the wall. “Yeah, okay. That’s good.”


three of them stared at each other in silence for a minute. Felicity tried to
imagine the duo without the hair on their chests, but couldn’t do it. They
weren’t excessively furry anyway.
would be a shame if they de-haired themselves
, she thought sadly. Her gaze
lingered on their
and then trailed down to their
abdomens. Both men were in amazing shape.

So, what do you do for a living, Felicity?” Josh asked, sounding desperate.

he getting hard?
Holy shit
She stared at his
groin, wondering if the bulge she saw was what she thought it was. “Um, I’m a
copy writer. And I do some IT stuff, too.”

does a copy writer do?”
asked, moving in front of his friend.

know the blurbs you read on ads and on the backs of books? That’s what I write.
I do online copywriting, too.” Felicity watched him saunter over to one of the
tables. He hopped up on it, the paper gaping for a moment.
Oh my God, t
hat is definitely
his penis.
Her heart stuttered.
Damn, the man is well-endowed.
And so is his friend
. She was no longer cold.

sounds interesting,” Josh was saying.

could tell he was just trying to be polite. She struggled to focus on what he
was saying and not on his assets.
“Yeah, not.
actually kind of boring,” she said, forcing her eyes back to the floor. The
floor was safe.

can’t believe we left our cell phones in the damn bathroom,”

long do you think we’ll have to wait before someone comes looking for us?” Josh

was about to answer when someone knocked on the door.

come in!”
yelled, hopping down again from the table.

was at the door tried to turn the knob… and couldn’t.

shit,” Josh said, staring at the door.

stifled a crazy urge to laugh hysterically. They heard muffled talk from the
other side of the wall as Josh walked over.

didn’t lock it,” he called out. More muffled sounds followed. Josh bent his
tried the knob from his side. A rattling
noise came from inside the lock. “I think it’s jammed.” He pressed his face
against the door, listening.

tried not to panic. She was stuck in a room with two strange men and they were
all naked. Or close enough to it that it didn’t matter. She rearranged her
paper gown, wishing there was more of it to cover her.

said they have to get a locksmith. Apparently they’ve been having trouble with
this door for a while now.” Josh said, coming back over. He leaned against the
table next to

can’t they just let us out through the bathroom?”
asked, waving his lollipop around. “You
know, go in through that door, enter the connecting bathroom, and voila.”

pinched the bridge of his nose. “They said there’s a session going on in the
room next door and they can’t interrupt it.”

That’s stupid,” Felicity said, eyeing his legs. They were strong and lean and
when he caught her staring, she whipped her eyes away.
Do they know?”

“Maybe an hour?
They really have no idea.” Josh sighed, leaning his elbows on the table. “And
yeah, it’s totally stupid that they can’t just go in and unlock it. The woman
said something about a ‘very important client.’” He used air quotes to
emphasize his disgust. “This place sucks.”

said, disgruntled. “What are we going to do in here for an hour?” He popped his
lollipop back in his mouth and poked Josh. “After all this, I am so not getting
any damn thing waxed. If your sister asks us about it, we will lie. Got it? We
will lie, and we will lie well. And you will not burst out laughing in the
middle of the lie, either.”

nodded tiredly.
“Yeah, yeah.
I hear you.” Both men
lapsed into silence, nearly identical grumpy expressions on their faces.
Felicity watched them, wondering if she should say something. Josh was tapping
a finger on the edge of the table in a complicated rhythm.
occupied himself by licking his
lollipop. His full lips were stained pink. Instead of finding it repulsive, she
just wanted to lick the sweetness off of his mouth.

bet he tastes really sweet
, she thought. She looked
away again, inspecting the rest of the room as she tried to distract herself
from the two men. They were hot, and really nice, but she didn’t want to let
herself get interested. She was just fine. She didn’t need a man in her life
now that she’d finally figured out how to be happy on her own.

feet are probably aching by now. Why don’t you sit on the other table?” Josh
hopped up on the one he was leaning against. “
and I can share this one.”

nodded. “Yeah, you should sit down. You can’t stand over there the whole time.”

felt her face go hot as her extremely vivid imagination supplied her with an
image of the two of them sharing the table.
“That’s okay. I’m fine here,” she squeaked.

Josh is right. Come on. I can tell you’re uncomfortable.”
pointed at her feet with the lollipop.
“You keep curling your toes.”

been looking at my toes?” Felicity curled them nervously.

like the safest place to look.”
grinned. “Not that I don’t want to stare at the rest of you, believe me.”

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