Licorice Whips (32 page)

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Authors: Bridget Midway

BOOK: Licorice Whips
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“Oh, God.” Nikla’s mouth hung open.

“Have you ever had anal sex?”

She shook her head. “Does it hurt?”

Sweet smirked. “
wouldn’t know.”

Nikla chuckled. “Yeah, I guess not.”

He watched her breathing increase. Nikla reached out and touched his belt.

“Can you call your brother and tell him you got a flat?”

Sweet wrapped his arm around Nikla’s waist and pulled her away from the door. “No. We’re going to dinner. You will apologize for us being late. Your punishment is going to be sitting through dinner thinking about what I’m going to do to you when we get back.”

Nikla’s face relaxed and she groaned. “Damn it.”

“I told you BDSM wasn’t all about the physical. It’s mental as well.” He opened the door. “Come on.” Sweet gave Nikla a playful smack on her ass.

Nikla yelped as she walked out of her apartment.

If things went well tonight, he would be inside that tight ass.




Nikla had to cross her legs the entire trip to Sweet’s brother’s house to douse the flames at the apex of her thighs. The entire trip Sweet would mention little things he would do to her.

“You have the perfect bed to tie you down,” he’d said at one traffic light.

Nikla could do nothing but sit and listen. Thankfully she wore her shelf bra that just elevated her breasts but kept them unobstructed. The soft fabric of her dress brushed over her hard nipples.

“If we have sex tonight, I don’t want you to come until I give you permission.”

Nikla smiled. “Yes, Sir.” She put her hand on his leg.

“Did I tell you how gorgeous you look tonight?”

Nikla gasped. “Uh, no.”

“You are. With makeup on...” Sweet trailed off and just shook his head. “I didn’t think you could get any sexier.”

Sweet pulled his truck up to a large two-story brick home. Even at night, Nikla noticed the colorful flowers and rosebushes that still had bloom thanks to the warm October weather.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Nikla glanced at the serene house then back at Sweet. “We’re breaking our own rules. Nothing more than play.”

“We broke that rule as soon as we had sex.” He held her hand. “Sugar Baby, I think the rule book is out the window.”

A shiver went down her spine when he held her hand then mentioned her scene name. Sweet’s thumb brushed over her candy bracelet.

Nikla shook her head. “It’s one thing for us to do what we’re doing with each other. Now we’re getting outsiders involved.” Getting so involved with Sweet never factored into her plans.

So much for taking Deana’s advice to just get with a guy to get Justin out of her thoughts. Now she couldn’t get Sweet out of her head...and heart.

“You talk as though you have to explain what we are to people. I thought you learned something from the Lifestyle.” Sweet connected his gaze to hers. “Only thing that matters is that you stay true to me, yourself, and what you really want.”

The truth part killed her. Nikla had a crucial secret to tell Sweet. She still had to figure out how to break it to him and her father about their competing businesses.

Sweet’s expression went very somber. He peered around Nikla. “Brother is watching us. Let’s get in before he comes out.”

Sweet got out first then opened the door for Nikla.

As they walked up to the door, Nikla asked, “Since your brother is a Dom, too, should I bow to him? What should I do?”

“This is a vanilla dinner. I’m Sweet. You’re Nikla. He’s Masaun and his girl is Kindle. It’ll be a chill event.” He put his hand to the back of her neck and massaged it. “I should have told you not to wear panties.”

She had to smile. “We still have time. I can remove them now.”

“See. You are learning.” Sweet rang the doorbell then knocked on the red door.

When it opened, Nikla saw a striking couple on the other side. Until she focused on their faces did she realize that she had seen these people at the club. Now they wore way more clothing.

“It’s my fault we’re late,” Nikla said quickly. “I’m sorry.”

“Not a problem. Don’t just stand out there. Come on in.” Sweet’s brother stood to the side to allow Nikla and Sweet to come into the home.

Nikla’s heels clicked against the dark hardwood floor. The simple but classic decorations matched the look of the couple. Both appeared so straight laced but Nikla knew of their dark sides.

“Masaun, this is Nikla Dearwood.” Sweet put his arm around Nikla’s waist.

She extended her hand to Masaun, who resembled Sweet slightly. Masaun’s brown wavy hair had some control to it, not like Sweet’s longer hair. The two brothers matched in height with Sweet being a little bigger. Their eyes gave them away as brothers. From his conservative look and dress, she guessed Masaun to be the older one.

“Very nice to meet you.” Nikla shook his hand.

Masaun smiled. “I wanted to meet the woman who could make my brother smile again.”

“Hey. Don’t tell her that. She’ll never let me live it down.” Sweet gave his brother a playful punch against his shoulder.

“Nikla, this is my fiancée, Kindle Langston.”

After Masaun’s introduction, Nikla shook the woman’s hand. Even though Kindle wore a simple orange shift dress that complemented her darker skin tone and tan flats, she looked polished and accomplished. She had her black hair parted in the center with soft waves surrounding her face. She had arms that would make Michelle Obama jealous. The way she looked at Masaun, Kindle had a love that Nikla desired.

Nikla kept her gaze away from Sweet to hide her disappointment. Would she ever experience real love like that? Could Sweet love her like that?

“Let me take your purse and jacket.” Sweet removed the items from her.

“Please make yourself at home. I’ll get the hors d'oeuvres.” Kindle looked at Masaun. “Will you help me? Maybe Sweet can give Nikla the tour.”

“Yeah, keep her out of the dungeon,” Masaun said.

Nikla laughed. When she saw no one else did, she looked at Sweet.

“They do have a play room.” Sweet nodded.

“Oh. Okay.”

Sweet put his hand to the small of Nikla’s back. Over his shoulder he shouted, “I’m going to show her the room anyway!”

Sweet brought her through each bedroom and bathroom. Each room looked understated and elegant, just like the duo that lived there. At a doorway, Sweet paused.

“This is where the magic happens.” He opened the door and hit a switch on the wall.

Nikla peered into the room before taking a step inside. The room looked like a miniature version of The Dollhouse. A St. Andrew’s cross sat in the corner. In the center of the room hung a long beam, kind of like the beam Sweet had her handcuffed to recently. Across the back wall hung different whips, canes, paddles and floggers. Just looking at them had her clit twitching.

“My brother had to get all of his items from New York or have them made for him.” Sweet strolled around in the room. “He had a local friend of ours make the cross.” He picked up a dark brown flogger. “This he had made when he went up to New York to conduct some business.”

Nikla ran her fingertips over a fur-lined paddle. “Is that why you want to open your own store?”

“One of many reasons.” Sweet slipped his hand into Nikla’s. “Let’s go back out before Masaun comes back here and kicks us out.”

“I heard that.” Masaun stood in the doorway.

“What did I tell you?” Sweet nudged Nikla in her side.

She loved the relationship between the two brothers. She could tell they both would do anything for the other one. “You have a lovely home. I really like your dungeon.” Nikla smiled.

Masaun scanned the space. “We’ll have to enjoy the room now. Once we have children, we’re going to have to keep our activities in the club.” Masaun turned off the light and closed the door behind Sweet and Nikla.

“Kids? You two are already talking about having a family?” Sweet led Nikla to the family room where Kindle had a couple of trays of finger foods available, from crudités to stuffed mushrooms and spinach dip.

“Of course.” Masaun assumed his spot next to Kindle and wrapped his arm around her. He whispered something in her ear, which made her giggle like a schoolgirl and squeeze him tighter.

“I hope you all brought your appetites. Masaun made lamb with mint jelly.” Kindle kissed Masaun before heading to the bar. “Nikla, would you like something to drink?”

“Water is fine. I want to be able to play tonight if Sweet is up for it.”

The room became quiet at her admission.

Nikla felt heat rising up her neck to her face. “Should I have not said that? I’m sorry.”

“No. It’s fine.” Masaun held up his glass to her. “You’re absolutely right.” He pointed to Sweet. “You do have her trained well.”

“I’m lucky.” Sweet stared at Nikla for what seemed like an eternity.

If Kindle hadn’t placed a drink in Nikla’s hand, she wouldn’t have broken the stare.

Nikla found Sweet’s brother and Masaun’s fiancée to be kind and generous. The love they had for each other came through so vividly that it overwhelmed the room.

Conversation flowed easily between the four. Nikla felt like she’d known Masaun and Kindle all of her life, just like she felt with Sweet.

When they sat down for dinner, Nikla looked down at her plate, then over to Sweet. She leaned in close to him. “What can I have?”

Sweet rubbed the back of her neck as he smiled at her.

“Come on. This is a regular dinner.” Masaun shook his head. “No topping at the table.”

Ignoring his brother, Sweet whispered to Nikla, “Have the salad, but no dressing.”

She exhaled at his directives and continued listening to him.

“I’ll give you your portion of lamb, couscous, and sautéed vegetables. Take a bite of each and look to me for further instructions. I’ll wait on dessert to decide if you can have any.”

Nikla crossed her legs. She never thought she would give up so much of her power to a man, or anyone. Something as simple as being told what to eat freed her from doing anything but being herself. With Sweet, she found her happiness.

“Are you two done? Can we get going on our
dinner?” Masaun asked. “You said you wanted vanilla. What gives?”

“You of all people should know how hard it is to just stop.” Sweet kept his stare on Nikla. He continued rubbing her neck until she thought she would dissolve into a puddle of pudding on her chair.

“Come on. Let’s eat.” Kindle held Masaun’s hand and smiled at him.

Only after her touch did Masaun seem like he relaxed a little. After a short prayer by Masaun, dinner started.

As instructed, Nikla took small bites from her salad and her meal. When Sweet tapped her thigh and nodded, she knew she could have more. Their unspoken bond connected her to him more intensely than when he played with her body.

“So what is it that you do, Nikla?” Kindle asked toward the end of dinner.

“I’m a yoga and Pilates instructor at the recreation center.” Nikla took a sip of her water, but she noticed Masaun giving Sweet an approving wink.

“Don’t think I didn’t see that.” Kindle gave a hard but playful glare to Masaun.

“Just thinking how great it must be for Sweet to have a submissive who is so flexible. He likes putting his subs through their paces.” Masaun wagged his finger at Nikla. “You were the one Sweet played with the other night, right? He had you spread eagle on the beam.”

Nikla glanced down, a bit embarrassed that she showed her body to Sweet’s brother. Had she known he had been sitting in the audience at the time, she wouldn’t have done it.

Who was she kidding? Nikla couldn’t deny Sweet.

“Yes, that was me. I was so scared doing it at first. Once Sweet started on me with the canes, I wanted more.” Nikla held Sweet’s hand under the table.

“She’s been incredible. She picks up techniques very quickly. There’s so much more I’d like to teach her.” Sweet turned his hand around so that he could kiss the back of her hand.

“I’m just glad you’re getting out of that apartment and you’ve gotten into real play.”

“So how did you two meet?” Nikla asked the duo.

Kindle smiled. “Masaun delivered a candy bouquet to me.”

Nikla melted at that story. “That’s so sweet. That’s almost like us.”

“Really? How’s that?” Kindle took a drink of her iced tea.

“Sweet gave me a heart-shaped box of chocolates while I was out in front of your store.” Although Sweet had given Nikla the box as a dig against her, Nikla could laugh about the situation now.

When she observed Sweet, he didn’t look as happy to recall that moment. He glared at her, his jaw clenched. Nikla swallowed wondering what she could have done to anger him. Did he not want his brother to know that they started on rocky terms?

Masaun patted Sweet on his back. “Romance is still in you, I see.” He turned to Nikla. “What were you doing in front of our store? I don’t remember seeing you as a customer.”

The smile slipped down Nikla’s face. No wonder Sweet looked so angry. He hadn’t told Masaun all about her. 

Nikla would rectify that right now. “I’m the one handing out fliers in front of your store.”

Masaun’s face became serious as he stared at her. “I thought you looked familiar. I thought it was just from the club.”

“And I thought you had told your brother about me.” Nikla slipped her hand out of Sweet’s grip.

“I told him the important items like how you make me feel,” Sweet said. “Everything else is irrelevant.”

“Irrelevant? Are you kidding me? Let me get this straight. You’re sleeping with and disciplining the lone protester, and you had the nerve to bring her to my home?”

“Masaun, please.” Kindle put her hand on top of his. “She is still a guest in our home.”

“No, she’s the enemy.”

“Back that up.” Sweet sat up taller. “If I brought her here, that must mean that I trust her. If I trust her, then you should do the same.”

“This woman is trying to shut down our business.” Masaun glared at his brother. “Sweet, have you told her how important our business is to us? To you?”

“Let’s drop this subject and move on.” Sweet pushed back from the table.

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