Read Lie to Me Online

Authors: Tori St. Claire

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction

Lie to Me (32 page)

BOOK: Lie to Me
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She kissed him then, hard and hot, like she was on the verge of coming already. His arms went around her waist, pulling her even closer, shifting her so she straddled his thighs and his cock nestled against the wet folds of her pussy. That moist heat drove him out of his mind, flayed raw need through his veins.

He felt the mattress shift as Misha moved near his side, felt Sasha tremble in nervous anticipation. And he loved it as much as he hated knowing she was doing this for him. Misha’s arm curved around her waist, easing her back, drawing her away from Alexei and against his chest. Biting back an oath, Alexei lifted his lashes to see her braced in Misha’s embrace, passion blazing in her eyes.

No turning back.

Moving to his knees, he lowered his head to her breast and captured a tight nipple between his teeth.


asha gasped at the pleasurable pinch and slid one hand into Alexei’s unruly hair. She reclined into the solid warmth of Misha’s bare chest, yielding to this wicked act that was so wrong, and yet so very right. Heat rippled over her body. Spread through her womb. And as Alexei’s mouth skimmed along her ribs on a gradual path toward the rise of flesh between her legs, behind her, the hard length of Misha’s bared cock pressed into the small of her back. Sasha closed her eyes to the mounting sensations. When he had shucked his clothes, she didn’t know. She couldn’t piece together enough fragments of thought to answer the quandary.

Alexei’s tongue speared through the wet folds of her pussy, and a soft moan slid from her throat. She angled her hips closer to his mouth, wanting more of that delicious invasive heat. Her head fell onto Misha’s shoulder. She clung to the corded forearm around her waist, her teeth pricked into her lower lip as she fought against the rising tide of pleasure.

Misha’s breath whispered against her skin. “Watch him, Sasha. Watch the way he loves you.”

Though his words were gentle, there was no mistaking the soft command. She struggled to lift her lashes, to rise above the ecstasy and look down between her legs. Bright green eyes locked with hers as he swept his tongue over her narrow opening and swirled it around her clit. The sight of him working her over, his lips playing against her
swollen flesh, the flick of his devastating tongue, played havoc on her mind and body.

It was too erotic. Too visceral. Staring into his eyes, feeling his tongue slide through her flesh, feeling Misha behind her, his hand curving over her hip, a slick finger sliding into the crevice between her buttocks to press against the tight opening of her rear.

“Just watch Alexei.” Misha’s teeth grazed her shoulder.

How could she when his ice-green eyes burned into her soul? When every tight line on his face spoke to the conflict of emotions that broiled beneath his barely controlled surface? He hungered for this. Fought it all the same.

Alexei’s thick lashes lowered, giving her a modicum of relief from the torrent of sensation that stormed through her. But the respite was brief. His tongue edged into her opening, delving deeper, driving her back to senselessness. She writhed against his mouth. It was too much. Not enough.

Never enough.

On a low moan, she curled her nails into his scalp. God, this felt good. Natural in a way she couldn’t explain. Alexei driving her to the point of insanity. Misha teasing that forbidden entrance, where she would accommodate him before the night was through.

Alexei’s hands gripped her hips, rotating her, shifting her sideways onto the mattress as he bent his body to drive his tongue inside her slit harder. He glided a palm around her buttock to the back of her thigh, guiding her leg to his shoulder and opening her further to the man at her back. She writhed against his mouth, trying to work more of that incredible heat into her pussy. Moaning with the need to come.

“Oh, God…Alexei…”

As she struggled to breathe through the white-hot pleasure, Misha penetrated her rear with a thick finger. A high pitched cry tore from her lungs.

“Easy, princess,” Alexei whispered against her inner thigh. “Just close your eyes and feel.”

Feel the ecstasy of his sinful mouth. Feel the burn as Misha withdrew, then pushed in easily. Two fingers now. Stretching her. Working inside deeper. He knew how to do this, how to make himself an extension of Alexei so flawlessly she couldn’t decipher between who caused the streaks of fire that spread through her body. Pleasure, pain—she rode the edge of each, no one sensation greater than the other. Both combining into delightful madness.

Alexei’s tongue worked inside her, licked and teased. Misha retreated, only to gently probe again. His warm lips dusted over her shoulder. His hardened breathing matched the ragged echo of her own.

One hand entwined in Alexei’s soft hair, the other digging into Misha’s forearm, she clung to them both, suddenly afraid of the heights they were taking her to. Afraid of what would happen once she crash-landed.

Misha pressed a tender kiss to the side of her neck. “It’s okay, Sasha. I’ve got you.”

“Alexei…” She thrashed her head against the pillows and bucked in wild abandon. “It’s too much. Too—”

He took her clit between his teeth and nipped as he eased his finger inside her pussy, turning her protest into a scream. Release stormed through Sasha. She clutched at both men, lost. She was going to die here tonight. With these two men. Maybe not physically, but they were going to destroy a vital part of her being before the night was through.

And she didn’t care. So long as Alexei kept touching her. So long as she belonged to him.

Gradually, she became aware of Misha easing his fingers from within her and the cool dampness between her legs as Alexei withdrew. That devastating mouth feathered over her hip, around to the crest of her buttock. Awareness hit her with the gentle press of his hand that encouraged her to turn on her opposite side. They were switching
places. Panic pricked at the fringes of her mind. She didn’t want Misha fucking her like a lover. That crossed boundaries no man had bridged in two and a half years. She could accept the pleasure Misha gave, but it was Alexei she wanted to possess her.

She grabbed at Alexei’s hand, her eyes widening. “No.” Too late, she realized the word came out with a touch of fear. His expression turned wary, the hunger in his eyes dimmed. He shot Misha a brief scolding frown.

Sasha hurried to soothe the instantaneous tightening of Alexei’s jaw and tugged on his hand to bring him in for a kiss. When his lips hovered over hers, the scent of her sex still clinging to his skin, she cupped her free palm against his whiskered cheek. But the words wouldn’t come. She didn’t know how to tell him Misha could be a tool for her pleasure, but she wanted to make love to Alexei.

“She wants you,” Misha murmured for her.

She’d never imagined it could be so simple. That Misha’s ice-blue eyes could convey such understanding, such complete lack of offense, and that Alexei would understand what she needed without a longer explanation. And to her surprise, the smile that touched the corners of Alexei’s mouth said he was grateful as well.

Looping her arms around Alexei’s neck, she twisted into his body and savored the warmth of his bare skin as she drank in the richness of his kiss. He didn’t claim her fiercely as she’d expected, but instead, he took his time with the kiss. His tongue slid against hers languorously, his lips clasped, then released, then captured her again with a satisfied grunt. Tenderness soaked into her, slowly stoking the flames of desire and taking her back to the point where passion infused her blood.

Alexei’s rough palm scraped down her body, and he worked his fingers between her legs once more. Behind her, Misha’s mouth danced down the length of her spine. The tip of his tongue dipped between her buttocks. Lower to the tight opening his fingers had possessed so knowledgeably.

Shocked that she could want something so licentious, exhilarated by the sheer carnal delight, she pressed back against the warm wet intrusion. “Alexei,” she whispered against his lips. Her voice was ragged, her throat tight.

Once more, he guided her thigh atop his hip and leaned a shoulder into the mattress. “I’m here, princess. Just relax and feel. Look at me.”

Oh, she was. And what she saw cracked her heart wide open. His gaze smoldered with hunger, but behind that dark, intense light lay a deeper emotion. One that went beyond the affection she’d read in his eyes and bordered very much on genuine love. He looked at her as if she were a priceless gift and his sole purpose was devoted to her needs.

Alexei blinked, long and slow, then dipped his head to the tight point of her breast. He drew her hardened nipple into his mouth and sucked firmly. His magical fingers returned to the wet folds of flesh between her legs, stroking gently as Misha lapped at her from behind. Tiny mewls bubbled off Sasha’s lips as she twisted her hips, chasing the combination of sensation. She needed to pull back, to find a ledge and cling to safety. Yet she didn’t know how. Couldn’t find an escape from the torrent of feeling that was burning her up inside.

Misha pushed his tongue inside her tight channel, and Sasha’s fingers dug into Alexei’s shoulders. This was too much. So very different than the night with Saeed. Then, she’d been caught in a frenzied spell, aided along by the lack of sight and the lotion that agitated her skin. Now, she could witness both her lovers. And the men who enveloped her, the combined experience they possessed, overwhelmed her.

“Alexei.” She sucked in a sharp breath even as she lifted her leg higher to give Misha more freedom. “Hold me, Alexei.”

A low hoarse groan rumbled in the back of his throat as he complied and wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her into his embrace. “I’m right here. I’ve got you, Sasha.” He licked a turgid nipple. “Hold on to me.” His hard cock pressed against her swollen folds. She inched her hips closer, needing fulfillment.

Behind her, Misha’s long, rangy frame curled against hers. Distantly,
she heard the sound of tinfoil tearing. His body heat soaked into her skin from her shoulder blades to the backs of her thighs. The tip of his wide, sheathed cock head, slick now with the lubricant from the pillow, tucked against her rear entrance. Instinct made her tense. “Misha.”

He answered with a firm, reassuring grip on her hip, and remained resolutely still until the tightness left her chest and she relaxed against the insistent press of his cock. “Come back to me, Sasha.” His fingers tightened a fraction, drawing her down against him. The tip of his cock inched into her channel.

“Oh, God.” Her nails dug into Alexei’s shoulder. “Oh,

“Easy.” Misha’s mouth fluttered at the nape of her neck. He lifted his hips, pushing himself deeper by another inch. Searing sensation gripped Sasha in a vise.

At her breast, Alexei pulled hard on her nipple. Between her legs, he swirled his thumb over her clit. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and with a forceful yank demanded his mouth. His lips covered hers in a fiery kiss.

Slowly, Misha worked his erection inside her. Thrusting, then retreating, then penetrating her oh so tenderly until one firm, final push lodged the thick length of him inside her completely, and she keened into Alexei’s mouth.

“Perfect, darlin’,” Misha murmured thickly. “You’re so fucking tight. Pure heaven.”

Alexei grunted something Sasha couldn’t comprehend. Her mind was too busy trying to process the burn of pleasure, the sear of pain, the all-consuming sensation that threatened to tear her in two. She hovered on the brink, desperate for more, terrified of the finality.

A strong hand clasped her thigh, who’s she wasn’t certain, but it lifted her leg higher, exposing her slick sex against Alexei’s wide cock. He shifted and nudged the tip inside her throbbing opening, dragging a low, guttural moan from her lips.

Dubai seemed so long ago, a distant dream she wasn’t entirely
certain she’d experienced. She should say something. Ask Alexei to be gentle.
at all to give her body time to accept the simultaneous invasion.

Logic fled though as Alexei flexed his hips and pressed in deeper. Stretched her wider. His gaze latched onto hers, his eyes darkening as he stared into hers. Trapped by ecstasy, Sasha wriggled against his slow, steady impalement, and Alexei exhaled on a hiss.

“Stay still, princess. I don’t want to hurt you.”

He couldn’t. She was too far beyond pain and mounting the roller coaster of bliss again. Climbing higher, shifting position to take him fully, which pressed her tighter against Misha.

Alexei exhaled. “She’s coming.”

And she was. Coming on a never-ending tide of sensation that rolled over and over, tumbling, tossing her high, buoying her fall. She clung to Alexei, gripped his tight buttocks and arched her back. She needed more. It wasn’t enough. Her body was on fire, blistering with the need, and something deeper, something more profound that fought for freedom.

“Now, damn it.
Sweet heaven, please.

With a hoarse groan, Alexei yielded to the pressure in her hands and drove inside her with one, forceful thrust. He dropped his forehead to her shoulder, gasping. “Christ, Sasha.”

At her ear, Misha let out a quiet moan. The hand he held at her waist gripped more firmly. “I can’t hold out forever here, Alexei.” Deep inside her rear, Sasha felt his cock pulse.

And then they were moving. Stealing the very breath from her lungs as they countered each other’s movements, retreating, entering. In and out, coordinated movements, measured strokes that melted her mind and sent another wild shock of pleasure flooding through her body.

Her eyes locked with Alexei’s as feeling rose to impossible limits. Not just pleasure, though it was glorious and intense. But all the emotion she felt for this man surged to the surface, coaxed from the depths
of her soul by the masterful way they tapped into every sensation she possessed. Pain. Ecstasy. Heartache. Fear.


As she watched the same tumult of emotion pass behind Alexei’s eyes, love dominated all other feeling. It engulfed her. Took her beyond the heights of rapture to a place she had never known could exist. But right here, in Alexei’s arms, it was real…and it was overwhelming.

BOOK: Lie to Me
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