Lie to Me (5 page)

Read Lie to Me Online

Authors: Tori St. Claire

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction

BOOK: Lie to Me
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As disappointment threatened to swamp Alexei, Sasha bucked beneath Saeed’s mouth. Well-manicured hands that had never known the hard work of Irina’s latched into his thick black hair and held him in place as she gyrated against him. A low throaty call worked its way off her parted lips to trail off on a jagged gasp.

Damn. Though the blindfold was necessary, it blocked her expression and the ecstasy Alexei wanted to witness. He swore to himself, his one true pleasure of the evening stolen by the need to maintain his cover.

As Sasha sagged into the sheets, panting, Saeed rocked back on his heels and motioned Alexei to the bed. Blocking all thoughts from his mind, Alexei followed the directive. He knelt at her opposite side. She turned her head toward him, and a faint smile touched her trembling lips. Arousal splashed color over what he could see of her cheeks, across the high rise of her full breasts. She’d climaxed for Saeed, enough to take the edge off, but she still hungered for more.

As Saeed retrieved a bottle of oil from the nightstand, Alexei cupped Sasha’s breast in one hand. He rolled his thumb over her hardened nipple, feeling her sharp intake of air all the way down to his groin.

“Saeed,” she whispered.

“I am right here,
.” His hands coursed down one long, lithe leg, working the oil into her muscles.

The scent of myrrh and sandalwood filled Alexei’s mind, making it easier to let desire guide his body and keep the memories at bay. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Sasha’s mouth. Not again.

“Vasily?” She turned to him once more, her voice hesitant, as if she tried out his name.

Alexei dipped his head to skim his mouth down the length of her neck. “Right here.” He leaned over her, cupping both breasts, gently gathering and lifting until a deep cleft formed between them. His tongue worked down the hollow, then slid over one hard nipple before he nipped the tight bud with his teeth.

Sasha’s right hand clamped onto his thigh. Alexei sucked the turgid point into his mouth, laved it with his tongue, and her grip relaxed as she let out a shaky exhale. But the press of her fingertips teased. His cock throbbed in need of contact. Alexei arched his hips, nudging her fingers closer to what he craved.

She caught on quickly, he’d give her that. She loosened her hold on his thigh and skimmed her fingers higher until they wound around his erection. Her skillful manipulation made it difficult to focus. She gripped him firmly, slid up and down his hard length with a masterful touch. He let her nipple slide from between his lips, sucked in a sharp breath, and braced his weight on his hands. Bringing his body forward, he yielded to simple arousal, moving against her fingers, sliding against her palm. Memories rose from the depths of his mind, filling his head with images of equally knowledgeable fingers, a grip that was just as amazingly perfect.

But as pleasure bubbled, threatening to overflow, he twisted away. She wasn’t who he desperately wanted her to be.

Saeed worked his way up from Sasha’s toes, and Alexei watched the way his darker hands engulfed Sasha’s satiny skin. He needed to get himself into the game before he royally fucked up here. He’d asked for this night with Sasha. He better damn well act like he wanted it.

And there was only one way to do that—yield to the one impossibility he craved. Give in to Irina. Pretend it was her, not Sasha, writhing on the bed beneath their mutual hands.

He closed his eyes, pulled in a deep breath, and let Irina’s sky-blue gaze consume his mind. Kneeling over Sasha, he inched kisses down
the centerline of her body to the sweet spot between her legs. Moisture met the tip of his tongue, her sultry taste accented by the exotic oil. He lapped it in, savoring the thick cream, ignoring the foreign flavor and replacing it with a sweeter honey. Saeed’s hands slipped beneath her bottom, holding her up, guiding her against Alexei’s mouth. In the fraction of time that Alexei allowed his eyes to crack open, he witnessed the press of Saeed’s slick fingertip against Sasha’s rear entrance.

Her shudder, however, drew Alexei back into the darkness of his lowered lashes. He reached one hand up, gently kneading the breast Saeed’s mouth didn’t cover and lapped at her pussy. Her pleasure poured into him. Real or imagined, he couldn’t say, but he felt her building need as if it were his own. His cock throbbed with sudden want of her, his body seeking the freedom his mind refused to give.

Sasha moaned, and her thighs tightened at his shoulders. Alexei pulled back from fantasy with a glance at her face. Damn, he wished he could see her eyes. Would they be glazed over? Or bright and sharp against the rise of desire?

Saeed released her breast to trail kisses up her shoulder, and she gripped his cock. Her skilled pumps brought Saeed closer to her mouth until those moist, full lips closed over his engorged cock head. She sucked him in deep, wrenching her young sheikh’s body into a tight bundle of banded steel. Desire surged through Alexei. He could feel the pull of her mouth on his own cock, the teasing flick of her tongue. And for a moment, just for a moment, he allowed himself to want it too.

But with that frightening desire came something even more terrifying. As he edged his tongue inside Sasha’s pussy, he kept his gaze on her mouth, the way it slid over Saeed’s darker skin, seeing a far different picture. One of a similar mouth closing around him and taking him into the back of her throat. He witnessed the way delicate features melted with the absolute enjoyment of pleasuring only him. A look that didn’t register in Sasha’s expression. Alexei’s cock pulsed, pearling a drip of pre-come on the tip.


He needed that. He’d give his fucking teeth to live that bliss once again.

Tearing his gaze away from the taunting images, Alexei closed his eyes once more. He swirled his tongue around Sasha’s clit, then took it between his teeth. Her muffled cry ricocheted through him like a gunshot, sending another wave of heat rolling down his spine. Soothing the pinch with a languorous swirl, he pushed one finger inside her slick opening. Then two.

Alexei struck a deliberate tempo, matching the stroke of his tongue with the thrust of his fingers. Bringing her closer, edging her to the point of fiery need. He wouldn’t let her combust. Not until she was ready for the both of them. But he’d damn well bring her close.

Close enough that when she came, she could silence all the forbidden whispers in his head.


leasure blistered through Sasha’s veins. She wanted to speak, to voice the tumultuous sensations building inside her. But words wouldn’t come. All she knew was the velvety steel of Saeed’s hard cock slipping against her tongue, the magic of his gentle hands on her breasts, and the exquisite torture of Vasily’s firm, dominating mouth between her legs.

She felt her jaw tighten against a building moan and turned away from Saeed’s erection before her teeth nipped too hard. His chuckle rasped across her shoulder, seconds before he dusted a soft kiss there. “Let go,
. Enjoy yourself.”

Like she could do anything else.

Spurred on by his encouragement, she gave her hands permission to explore the broad, muscular shoulders at her thighs. Firm cords of muscle bunched beneath her fingertips as Vasily shifted position. His tongue plunged deeper, sending her hips skyrocketing after the white-hot bliss. Only once had she ever known such invasive pleasure, such complete devotion to her needs. She grabbed at Vasily’s head, desperate to hold him in place and make the fantasy real. Her fingers slid through long thick hair that plummeted her over the edge. Alexei’s enraptured face erupted behind her blinded eyes, and her memory conjured bronzed shoulders that glistened with a fine sheen of perspiration wedging her thighs apart.

Sasha cried out as climax ripped through her. Her knees clamped together, forbidding Vasily to release her and let her fall back into reality.
She didn’t want to go there yet. Wanted to stay forever in this imaginary place where the man who haunted her dreams made sweet love to her like she was the only woman who could ever satisfy his need.

Vasily didn’t disappoint. Before she could spiral down from the precipice of ecstasy, he sucked at her clit. The wet sounds of his tongue lapping at her even wetter pussy filled her ears, leveling sensation off somewhere between mind-numbing and pleasant. She sank into the firm grip of his hands against her buttocks, and her thigh brushed against Saeed’s hard erection.

Saeed’s gentle fingers circled around her forbidden entrance, pulling forth sensations Sasha hadn’t known existed. The pressure there filled her with a strange mix of apprehension and yearning. She wanted more of something she couldn’t define, and something she was quite certain she shouldn’t want at all. The fire arcing through her body scared her. Yet she was drawn to it all the same.

As Vasily tongued her once again, drawing her hips back into an erotic dance, the conflict of feeling crested, then broke into sheer pleasure. Lost beneath the assault of Vasily’s mouth, the skillfulness of his fingers against her clit, she moved against the waves of warmth that flowed over her body. Her hips thrust back against Saeed’s caress, the oils he’d used intensifying the heat there. He pressed forward, and one thick finger slid past the tight band of muscle, into her narrow channel.

Shock brought Sasha’s world to a standstill for a heartbeat. A burning sensation spread through her, but before it could fully develop into pain, it eased off, stopping just at the edge. In the next heavy drum of her heart, both men moved. Vasily slipped two fingers inside to stroke her hidden sweet spot and Saeed slowly withdrew. The countered rhythm gave way to a whole new world of feeling. She rocked against their carefully measured strokes, gasping as each rise and fall of her hips provoked one ripple of pleasure after another. She didn’t know which way to move, which way would satisfy the quick, hard rush of need.

Her hands tightened in Vasily’s hair, holding his mouth against her. Sweet God, she needed more than just the thrust of his tongue. She wanted all of him. His thick cock embedded inside her. The weighty feel of his body pressing hers into the mattress.

As if he sensed she needed more, his hands left her hips and gathered her breasts, kneading, massaging, pinching almost to the point of pain, then easing off, only to take her there again. Behind her, she felt Saeed scissor two fingers inside her untried channel, stretching her wider. Sasha tossed her head, thrashing against the wild sensations. She couldn’t take much more of this. If she didn’t come again, she was going to shatter into bits.

“She is ready,” Saeed murmured.

“Take her,” Vasily ground out harshly. “I need a condom.”

For one torturous moment, Sasha hung suspended in their arms. Breathless and panting, she waited as Saeed fumbled in the nightstand. And then his hands clutched her tenderly, shifting her position so his slickened cock slid through the cleft between her buttocks. She held her breath, instinctually afraid.

. Relax against me,” Saeed murmured at her shoulder. He nudged his hips forward, his wide, thick head slowly entering her, stretching her. “I have you, Sasha.” His lips fluttered over her skin, his whisper a comforting caress. “Relax and let me take you.” He angled his hips again and his cock inched deeper.

Sasha let out a whimper.

“You need only say no, and it all stops.” Vasily’s harsh voice held a strange, unexpected compassion, along with a sharp note of warning she suspected was meant for Saeed.

The concern in that simple statement, the consideration a total stranger gave her, made something deep inside her unravel. She relaxed into Saeed’s embrace, opening her body to their mutual desires. Saeed eased forward, working his erection into her narrow channel, spreading her tighter, filling her with his heat.

“Like so,
.” He drew in a ragged breath. “Just like that.”

The burn began again, pushing her to the point she wanted to cry out for him to stop, but as she opened her mouth to do just that, a sweeter torment descended over her as Vasily’s teeth grazed her lower lip, then tugged it between his. A thousand memories slammed into Sasha at the frighteningly familiar caress, the subtle, enchanting request for entrance. She told herself it was her imagination—nothing else could produce such mesmerizing friction. Yet when Vasily’s mouth settled against hers, and his tongue delved in deep, the hungry demand provoked her into nearly believing the fantasy.

Too many times she’d remembered Alexei’s kiss. He had burned it into her memory, scalded her heart with his confident possession. That vivid recollection swamped pleasure through her body, carrying her to a faraway place. The ache in her womb intensified, longing overcoming the pleasure-pain. So much so that when Vasily lifted his head to suck in a deep breath, the intrusion of Saeed’s thick cock provoked only ecstasy. He moved behind her easily, lifting her hips, then gently lowering her onto him again until he was lodged as deep as he could go.

His sharp intake of air cracked through the room’s relative quiet. “She is so tight. So perfect,” he rasped. “
, I have dreamt of this. You are so sweet.”

“Saeed,” she murmured, unable to make her throat work any further.

“Vasily, I will not last long. She is…too…” An Arabic oath hissed through Saeed’s teeth. Beneath her, his body tensed. “She is squeezing the life out of me.”

The verbalization of his enjoyment sent another wave of desire flooding through Sasha. Her pussy pulsed, the contractions of her womb becoming painful. She needed release. This was…too damn much.

She gyrated against Saeed sensing relief was just around the corner. Another few twists, another thrust and she’d—

“Oh, God!” Sasha bucked forward as Vasily slowly eased inside her
slick sheath. He stretched her wide, fitted her around Saeed’s wide cock even tighter. Almost too tight. And yet…just right.

For all things divine, she’d never known what these two men were already doing to her could get better. Sparks of light shot behind her closed eyes, turning ecstasy into blissful agony. She was breaking in two. Coming apart at the seams. She arched against the sudden, violent need for more. Saeed withdrew, Vasily sank in deep. No escape. No retreat.

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