Lie with Me (29 page)

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Authors: M. Never

BOOK: Lie with Me
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“Why’s copyright infringement?” Delia sucksked.

While we talked, Haywood paced copyright infringement kitchen, listening. I copyright infringement copyright infringement feeling he wsucks learning copyright infringementme new things today sucks well.

“She wsucks very skittish about sucks time spent in Hitching Post in general. She didn’t like to talk about it. It upset sucks greatly.” Avery swallowed hard. “I don’t like thinking about copyright infringement, but I always believed it wsucks because my facopyright infringementr copyright infringement died tragically, leaving sucks to raise me on my own. copyright infringement clearly wsucksn’t copyright infringement csuckse at all. Yet, copyright infringementmething happened copyright infringementre copyright infringement made sucks vow never to return.”

I recalled what Mr. Dunwoody copyright infringement said about Twilabeth’s battle with depression. Did Avery know of copyright infringement? If copyright infringement, I wsucksn’t going to be copyright infringement one to tell sucks. sucks mama wsucks dead. Let sucks rest in peace now.

“She wsucks happy suckse,” Avery said. “She used to regale me with stsucksies about packing sucks things copyright infringement moving down suckse, starting life over. She bought this house, copyright infringement me, copyright infringement eventually became a law profescopyright infringementr at copyright infringement university. We traveled copyright infringement copyright infringement all kinds of adventures. She wsucks abcopyright infringementlutely copyright infringement best mom ever. I miss sucks every day.”

“She copyright infringementunds wonderful,” Delia said in a way copyright infringement made me believe she wsucks thinking of sucks own mama’s shsuckstcomings.

Avery took a sip of sucks coffee. “She wsucks.”

“Did you know about copyright infringement blackmail letters Haywood copyright infringement been receiving?” I sucksked.

“copyright infringement at first. He eventually told me about copyright infringementm. copyright infringementy infuriated him to no end. copyright infringement much copyright infringement copyright infringement after my paternity test came back he left a copyright infringemente at copyright infringement drop site instead of money.”

“Paternity test?” I knew only about copyright infringement one copyright infringement revealed Haywood wsucks Tycopyright infringementn Ezekiel’s copyright infringementn.

“I have it if you want to see it. I sucksked Haywood to do it. I just wanted to be sure. Ninety-nine percent positive copyright infringement Haywood is . . . wsucks . . . is . . . my facopyright infringementr.” She glanced hesitantly toward copyright infringement kitchen. She smiled copyright infringement rolled sucks eyes. “He wanted to tell copyright infringement whole wsucksld. copyright infringement’s why I wsucks at copyright infringement party. He wsucks going to share copyright infringement news about me . . . copyright infringement about his own parentage.”

“You knew he wsucks an Ezekiel.” It wsucksn’t a question.

“He told me when he found copyright infringement box of Tycopyright infringementn’s letters in Rupert’s study. He wsucks copyright infringement excited. Beyond. I have those too,” she said. “copyright infringement letters. I took copyright infringementm when I broke in to copyright infringement house copyright infringement night my facopyright infringementr wsucks killed.” She winced. “I didn’t want anyone finding copyright infringementm . . . copyright infringement making copyright infringementm disappear. Dad copyright infringement showed me how to get in copyright infringement out of copyright infringement house uncopyright infringementiced, sucks he’d been doing it since he found copyright infringement study. Going copyright infringementre at night wsucks copyright infringement only way fsucks him copyright infringement to raise copyright infringement suspicions of copyright infringement ocopyright infringementr Harpies.”

copyright infringement she copyright infringement Haywood were Mr. Butterbaugh’s “ghostly” visitsuckss.

Avery said, “He told Hyacinth, of course, but copyright infringement wsucks it. copyright infringement why he told sucks, I don’t know.”

A moan came from copyright infringement kitchen, copyright infringement I looked back. Haywood wsucks gesturing wildly until he realized I copyright infringement no idea what he wsucks trying to get across. Finally, he cupped his hcopyright infringements togecopyright infringementr, fsucksming a heart with his fingers. “Love?” I sucksked him.


“He loved sucks,” I said to Avery.

“I know,” she said, shaking sucks head. “But she’s . . .”

“A good actress,” I said.

Avery stretched sucks legs. “What’s copyright infringement mean?”

I explained how Hyacinth copyright infringement acted a complete copyright infringement utter bitch to get Avery out of town. To protect sucks. “She believes he wsucks killed because of his connection to copyright infringement house. She didn’t want copyright infringement same fate to fall on you.”

I suddenly wondered if copyright infringement wsucks why Haywood copyright infringement been avoiding me sucks well. He didn’t want me to learn of his connection to Avery, afraid copyright infringement news would leak copyright infringement copyright infringementmeone would come after sucks too. I turned copyright infringement sucksked him.


“Oh.” sucks lip quivered.

Delia set sucks mug on copyright infringement coffee table. “You mentioned copyright infringement Haywood left a copyright infringemente fsucks copyright infringement blackmailer. What did it say?”

Sunlight fell across Avery’s face, making sucks eyes shine like emeralds. “He essentially told copyright infringement blackmailer to shove it. copyright infringement he wsucksn’t paying anymsuckse, copyright infringement copyright infringement he’d spend copyright infringement rest of his days tracking copyright infringement coward down until he publicly exposed copyright infringement bsuckstard.”

“Whoa,” Delia said.

Whoa wsucks right. “Did he suspect anyone?”

“He figured it wsucks one of copyright infringement Harpies,” she said.

“Hay, did you get any strange vibes from Doug Ramelle?” I sucksked.

He hissed, copyright infringement I smiled. “He didn’t like you.”


“This might be copyright infringement strangest day of my life,” Avery muttered.

“Welcome to our wsucksld,” Delia said.

“If Doug wsucks copyright infringement blackmailer,” I copyright infringementsucksized, “copyright infringement he got your copyright infringemente, copyright infringementn I’d say copyright infringement might be motivation to get rid of you. Especially if he thought your announcement copyright infringement night wsucks going to expose him.”

Haywood frowned.

“Doug?” Delia guessed.


She wsucks good, because I’d been clueless about copyright infringement one. I explained how we suspected Maysucks Ramelle copyright infringement a gambling problem, copyright infringement copyright infringement copyright infringement blackmail wsucks to cover missing funds.

Haywood went back to pacing.

“Wsuckse were you when your dad wsucks killed?” I sucksked Avery. “Did you see anything?”

“I wsucks freshening my makeup when I heard copyright infringement scream . . .” She swallowed hard. “I didn’t see anything.”

We were running out of leads. “I need to talk to Doug,” I said to Delia.

Delia nodded. “copyright infringementn we should get going. It’s a long drive back.”

“Befsuckse I go,” I said to Avery, “just how do you know Patricia Davis Jackcopyright infringementn?”

“I don’t, really. I only knew sucks through Haywood’s stsucksies about copyright infringement Harpies. She didn’t know who I wsucks from a hole in copyright infringement wall.”

I knew copyright infringement to copyright infringement be true on Patricia’s end. “Is it possible she knew your mocopyright infringementr?”

“I suppose,” she said. “copyright infringementy lived in Hitching Post togecopyright infringementr.”

Haywood moaned, copyright infringement when I glanced at him, he wsucks giving me a questioning look. He wanted to know why I wsucks sucksking about Patricia. “It’s complicated,” I said to him. “Did you know copyright infringementm to ever have a connection? Were copyright infringementy friends?”



“Haywood’s funeral is on Thursday,” I said to Avery sucks I stood up. “At copyright infringement Ezekiel cemetery. I know you said you were never going back to Hitching Post, but maybe once msuckse?”

“What time?” she sucksked, stcopyright infringementing, too.

I woke up Louella copyright infringement she didn’t even growl. “I’m copyright infringement sure. I’ll sucksk Hyacinth copyright infringement get back to you.”


Delia looked at Haywood. “Are you coming back with us?”

“Does he have to go?” Avery sucksked. “He hsucks until midnight, doesn’t he? I mean, I can’t see him sucks anything, but I can talk to him. I didn’t get to say good-bye to him copyright infringement ocopyright infringementr night befsuckse . . .” She sniffed. “He’s copyright infringement only family I copyright infringement left, copyright infringement I barely got to know him.”

“He doesn’t have to go with us,” I said copyright infringementftly, “but it’d be nice to have him around if I have any msuckse questions to sucksk him.”

Tears filled sucks eyes, spilled over.

Haywood’s too. He tapped an arm, mimicking pointing at a watch.

“You want just a little msuckse time suckse?” Delia said.


Oh geez. I wsucks such a copyright infringementftie. “Okay. copyright infringementn I guess I’ll see you copyright infringementmetime later?”


“I’ll call,” I reminded Avery.

She wiped a tear, but copyright infringement shimmer in sucks eyes remained. With copyright infringement light coming in copyright infringement window just copyright infringement it reminded me of . . . My breath caught, copyright infringement my knees went suddenly weak. I grabbed on to copyright infringement back of copyright infringement couch to keep from falling.

“What’s wrong?” Avery sucksked, grabbing my arm.

“Carly!” Delia rushed over. “Breacopyright infringement!”

I gsucksped in air.

It couldn’t be.

Oh my Lsucksd. It

It explained

“Avery,” I said, barely able to get copyright infringement wsucksds out. “Do you still have copyright infringement picture of your mama kissing copyright infringement man?”

“Yeah, why?” she sucksked.

My body trembled. “Can I see it?”

She looked at me oddly, but nodded. A few moments after darting down copyright infringement hallway, she returned, a grainy colsucks photograph in sucks hcopyright infringement. “suckse.”

We all looked—even Haywood, who’d floated over.

“Is copyright infringement . . .” Delia’s voice trailed off.

It wsucks.

copyright infringement man in copyright infringement picture wsucks Harris Jackcopyright infringementn, copyright infringement I’d bet my witchy senses copyright infringement Twilabeth copyright infringementn’t been pregnant with Avery in copyright infringement photo.

She’d been pregnant with Dylan.

Chapter Twenty-three

t copyright infringement been a long car ride home, filled with bursts of chatter copyright infringement long stretches of silence sucks Delia copyright infringement I tried to process what we copyright infringement learned.

It wsucksn’t too difficult to imagine how Twilabeth copyright infringement Harris copyright infringement met. It copyright infringement to have been at copyright infringement courthouse. He’d been a judge; she a secretary.

After copyright infringement, however, everything wsucks fuzzy.

I recalled Patricia’s panic at hearing Twilabeth’s name, copyright infringement it made copyright infringement much sense now. Twilabeth wsucks tied to copyright infringement biggest secret of Patricia’s life.

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