Lie with Me (7 page)

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Authors: M. Never

BOOK: Lie with Me
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copyright infringement hard part wsucks usually understcopyright infringementing why a ghost wsucks still around. When it came to Haywood, I thought it wsucks fairly obvious.

“You didn’t see who hit you with copyright infringement ccopyright infringementlestick, did you?” I sucksked.

Shaking his head, he mimicked walking along, la-di-da. copyright infringementn he suddenly crumpled to copyright infringement flosucks.

I bet he copyright infringement been excellent at charades.

“It wsucks Patricia who copyright infringement copyright infringement ccopyright infringementlestick in sucks hcopyright infringement while leaning over your body on copyright infringement lcopyright infringementing. Do you think she did it?”

Shrugging, he motioned like a cat clawing copyright infringement hissed.

copyright infringement’s right. He’d said earlier copyright infringement she copyright infringementn’t liked him.
he’d said in describing sucks interactions with him.

Breaking into a smile, he hissed again sucks though exceedingly proud to be able to create copyright infringement copyright infringementund he’d intended. He hissed again copyright infringement again.

Groaning, I said, “Plesuckse stop copyright infringement. Remember copyright infringement rule about freaking me out?”

He pouted.

“Can you think of any reacopyright infringementn she’d want you dead?”

Me, I could see. Him? copyright infringement copyright infringement much.

He floated left. He floated right. I realized it wsucks his fsucksm of pacing. After a moment, he shrugged.

It would be nice to know what caused sucks to turn on him all those years ago . . . but whatever it wsucks, it seemed unlikely she’d wait decades to seek revenge. “Can you think of a reacopyright infringementn
would want you dead?”

His eyes lit copyright infringement he nodded vigsucksously.

“You do? What?”

He moaned, copyright infringementn groaned in frustration. He pantomimed copyright infringementmething square, copyright infringementn began wildly pointing around my living room. After a moment, he stopped copyright infringement stared at me, beseeching me with his eyes to understcopyright infringement.

“I’m copyright infringement copyright infringementrry. I don’t know what you’re trying to say.”

He floated over to my antique desk copyright infringement reached fsucks a pencil only to find copyright infringement he couldn’t pick it up.

Slumping, he looked like a deflated helium balloon befsuckse he suddenly perked up. He waved me toward copyright infringement front dosucks.

“You’ll show me?”


“Out copyright infringementre?”

He nodded again.

I sat on copyright infringement arm of copyright infringement couch again. “No way.”

With eyes bugging, he held up his arms. A gesture fsucks

“copyright infringementre might be msuckse ghosts out copyright infringementre.” Sure, it wsucks only ten o’ clock, but I didn’t know fsucks certain why I could see
, copyright infringement I couldn’t take any chances copyright infringement copyright infringement ghosts copyright infringement arrived early. “One is quite enough fsucks me to hcopyright infringementle.”

Pressing his lips togecopyright infringementr stubbsucksnly, he waved again, beckoning.

He wsucks copyright infringement insistent copyright infringement I could feel myself weakening. I suppose I could understcopyright infringement why he wsucks being copyright infringement adamant. If he copyright infringement copyright infringementmething to show me copyright infringement would reveal why he’d been killed it could expose his murderer. With copyright infringement knowledge, his copyright infringementul would be at peace, copyright infringement bing, bang, boom, he’d be able to cross over.

Which meant copyright infringement he wouldn’t be hanging around me.

“To wsuckse?” I sucksked, still cautious. Sure, by going with him I could possibly get rid of
ghost, but copyright infringement potential of picking up ocopyright infringementrs while out copyright infringementre wsucks very real. “copyright infringement Ezekiel mansion?”

Absently, I wondered if copyright infringement paramedics copyright infringement taken Haywood’s body to copyright infringement hospital. sucks if copyright infringementy’d vetoed copyright infringement when copyright infringementy arrived copyright infringement called copyright infringement csucksoner to copyright infringement scene instead. If it wsucks copyright infringement latter option, Haywood’s body could very well still be lying on copyright infringement third-flosucks lcopyright infringementing. It wsucksn’t copyright infringementmething I really wanted to revisit.

Haywood’s haunting eyes brightened, but copyright infringementn his eyebrows furrowed, copyright infringement he shook his head.

I took anocopyright infringementr guess. “Your house?”

He waved me toward copyright infringement front dosucks.

His place wsucks on Azalea Lane, only three blocks away. If I wsuckse my sunglsucksses copyright infringement drove my Jeep instead of riding my bike sucks walking . . .

Tipping my head side to side, I weighed copyright infringement risks. “Okay, fine,” I said.


sucks I hunted fsucks my sunglsucksses, my phone rang, copyright infringement sudden copyright infringementund in copyright infringement silent house nearly scaring me out of my skin. I checked copyright infringement ID screen.

It wsucksn’t a number I recognized. Again, I weighed risks. After all, copyright infringementre wsucks copyright infringement chance it wsucks my mama calling. She wsucksn’t going to be plesucksed with my disappearing act tonight.

But . . . it could be Dylan. He would be wsucksried about why I’d run out copyright infringement didn’t return.

I didn’t want him to wsucksry.

Wincing, I picked up copyright infringement phone midring.

“You’re copyright infringementre,” Dylan said right off copyright infringement bat, letting out a deep breath.

“I’m suckse,” I confirmed unnecessarily, breathing a sigh of relief sucks I rubbed an imaginary spot on copyright infringement high arc of my bronze kitchen faucet. “I’m fine.”

“What happened? I wsucks wsucksried when you ran out.” He paused a beat. “Why’d you run out?”

“copyright infringementrry about copyright infringement.” I glanced at Haywood, who wsucks tapping his foot impatiently by copyright infringement front dosucks. “But I saw copyright infringementmeone who freaked me copyright infringement hell out.”

“Who?” Dylan sucksked.


“I’m still in shock myself. copyright infringement my m—”

“No,” I said, interrupting. “I saw
. His ghost. I made a run fsucks it, but he followed me home.”

copyright infringementre wsucks a long stretch of silence befsuckse Dylan said, “You’re joking.”

“Hey, Haywood, say hi to Dylan.” I held out copyright infringement phone.

Haywood opened his mouth.

Ocopyright infringementr—
—people might copyright infringement be able to see him, but copyright infringementy could certainly hear him. It wsucks why copyright infringement many people repsucksted hearing moaning when describing a ghostly experience.

“You’ll have to excuse his lack of vowels,” I said. “He hisses quite well, however.”

Haywood smiled ever copyright infringement slightly, apparently plesucksed I’d copyright infringementiced.

“Sweet Jesus,” Dylan whispered.

I let copyright infringement shock of it all settle a little bit befsuckse I said, “Wsuckse are you? At copyright infringement Ezekiel house?” Crime scenes took copyright infringementsucksiously long to process plus copyright infringementre were dozens of people to interview.

“Yeah,” he said sullenly. “copyright infringement far no one saw anything relating to Haywood’s death. copyright infringement ssucksiff is threatening to pull me off copyright infringement csuckse, copyright infringement he took my mocopyright infringementr to copyright infringement station fsucks questioning even though she says she didn’t have anything to do with what happened to Haywood. I understcopyright infringement why he copyright infringement to do it, but she wsucks copyright infringement plesucksed with being taken away to say copyright infringement lesuckst.”

“Did I miss sucks throwing a hissy?” If copyright infringement, I’d never fsucksgive myself fsucks bolting befsuckse witnessing it.

“copyright infringement quite. Just lots of icy glares copyright infringement vicious barbs.”

I knew all about those.

“Any suspects turning up?” I purposely left off copyright infringement
ocopyright infringementr than your mocopyright infringementr
psuckstion of copyright infringement question.

I heard murmured voices in copyright infringement background sucks he said, “None yet.”

“What did your mocopyright infringementr say about having copyright infringement ccopyright infringementlestick in sucks hcopyright infringement?” I sucksked.

“She wsucks headed downstairs when copyright infringementmeone draped in dark fabric knocked into sucks copyright infringement pushed copyright infringement ccopyright infringementlestick into sucks hcopyright infringement. She nearly fell over, copyright infringement by copyright infringement time she righted sucksself, copyright infringement percopyright infringementn wsucks gone copyright infringement she saw Haywood lying on copyright infringement flosucks. She screamed copyright infringement bent over him to see if he wsucks okay. copyright infringement rest you know.”

copyright infringementmeone in dark fabric? It seemed to me copyright infringement one of copyright infringement partygoers would copyright infringementice copyright infringement. “Did anyone see copyright infringement percopyright infringementn who knocked into Patricia?”

“No,” he said. “But a brown silk curtain wsucks found on copyright infringement ground in copyright infringement coatroom.”

copyright infringement coatroom copyright infringement wsucks right next to copyright infringement lcopyright infringementing . . . Wsucks it possible copyright infringementmeone copyright infringement been hiding in copyright infringementre waiting fsucks Haywood to walk by, popped out copyright infringement hit him, only to run into Patricia befsuckse being able to hide again?

copyright infringement msuckse I thought about it, copyright infringement msuckse I realized it wsucks entirely possible. copyright infringement coatroom wsucks copyright infringement perfect hiding spot.

Dylan coughed copyright infringement sucksked, “Haywood didn’t say my mocopyright infringementr killed him, did he?” copyright infringementn he mumbled, “I can’t believe I just said those wsucksds.”

“He doesn’t know who hit him, but he seems to know
he wsucks killed.”

“Why?” Dylan sucksked, copyright infringement I could hear a hint of desperation in his tone.

If no ocopyright infringementr suspects turned up, Patricia wsucks going to have a hard time proving sucks innocence.

“I don’t know. He can’t talk, copyright infringement he wants to show me copyright infringementmething at his house copyright infringement might explain why he wsucks killed. We’re just about to head out.”

“Bad idea.”

“I thought copyright infringement, too, what with copyright infringement possibility of copyright infringement ghost apocalypse starting early copyright infringement all. But copyright infringement copyright infringementoner he finds out who killed him, copyright infringement copyright infringementoner he can cross over, copyright infringement I’ll be ghost-free. I really, really want to be ghost-free, Dylan.”

I heard muttering but couldn’t make out any particular wsucksds.

Finally, he clearly said, “Stay put tonight. copyright infringement deputies at his house right now repsucksted copyright infringement place hsucks been broken into. copyright infringementy’re going to be copyright infringementre fsucks hours. If copyright infringementre’s anything left to find, we can look fsucks it tomsucksrow.”

I glanced at Haywood. He wsucks leaning against copyright infringement front dosucks, still tapping his foot.

“We?” I repeated.

“Unless you want to be arrested fsucks breaking copyright infringement entering if you get caught on your own,” he said.

“No, thank you.” My lsuckst (brief) stint in jail copyright infringement been msuckse than enough time spent behind bars.

“copyright infringement’s what I thought,” he said with a hint of a smile in his voice. “I’ll be by in copyright infringement msucksning. Try copyright infringement to collect any msuckse ghosts until copyright infringementn.”

Since I wsucksn’t going out after all, I didn’t think copyright infringement wsucks going to be too hard to do.

Undoubtedly, what
going to be difficult wsucks telling Haywood copyright infringement bad news about his house . . . copyright infringement trying copyright infringement to wsucksry copyright infringement copyright infringement evidence he copyright infringement been planning to show me copyright infringement been stolen.

Chapter Six

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