Lies Inside (34 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Gray

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction

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Lucy was crying, and Finn could see there were very few dry eyes in the audience. Even the minister looked a little choked up.

They exchanged vows and rings with the promise of forever. The smiles never left their faces as they committed themselves for as long as they both shall live.

“By the power vested in me by Almighty God and the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Finn, you may kiss your bride.”

“Finally,” Lucy whispered as they embraced in a passionate kiss.

He had thought every kiss they had shared was amazing, but that topped them all. Her lips so soft and smooth against his. His hands went to both sides of her face as her arms tightened around him. The sound of friends and family clapping wildly brought them out of their kiss as the music started to play again.

A short time later, the canopy they used for their makeshift chapel turned into a reception area complete with dance floor.

Finn took Lucy’s hand in his as he led her to the middle of the little dance floor. He swept her into his arms as she smiled nervously.

“Just my first surprise.” He nodded to Aiden.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Finn and I have prepared a special song for the newlywed’s first dance. So, without further ado, Mr. and Mrs. Finn O’Malley.” Aiden pushed a few buttons on his remote control and music filled the garden.

Finn’s recorded voice sang one of their favorite songs while Aiden’s provided back up. Finn and Lucy swayed to the music until it came to his favorite part. Then he started to sing along with the recording. It left every one of the girls in tears, Lucy especially.

He brought his lips to hers feverishly. Every second was wonderful.


“Yes, my wife?” They leaned their foreheads together.

“If you keep kissing me like that all night, I don’t know that I’ll be able to stop my hands from ripping every stitch of clothing off of you.”

Finn laughed as he gave her another peck on the lips. “Okay, I’ll tone it down until we’re alone. It’s hard, though, with you looking this way.” He ran his fingers through a few of the tendrils that had escaped her comb.

She looked at him expectantly. “Do you like it?”

“I love it. I love you, Mrs. O’Malley.”

“And I you, Mr. O’Malley.”

The rest of the night went agonizingly slow. Everyone seemed to have some fond memory of Finn and Lucy and had to share it before the night was over. The couple only parted to dance the traditional dances with family members. Aiden held Lucy always a little longer than Finn would have liked when they danced. He couldn’t fault the guy for having a thing for his wife. He really didn’t know of any sane man who wouldn’t. She was magnificent.

The cork popped on the last bottle of champagne. It was definitely a special occasion and Lane had okayed some slight intoxication. Finn had only one glass, but Murphy handed him another as he made his way around the table. Finn faced all the important men in his life. Murphy, Lane, Jack, and Aiden all sat with Finn as he anxiously waited for Lucy who was gathering her things for their wedding night.

“That’s the last of it.” Murphy set the empty bottle down in the middle of the table.

“You’re up, Aiden. Better make it count,” Jack said, slurring slightly. For such a big guy, Jack was a lightweight.

With his glass in hand, Aiden stood up beside Finn. “I’d guess you’d say I’m one of the lucky ones to be standing beside Finn here tonight.” Aiden put his hand on Finn’s shoulder as he looked at him. “I know I speak for all of us when I say you deserve this kind of happiness with Lucy. She’s beautiful and funny and sweet and gorgeous. Most of all, we love her and are eternally grateful to her. She gave you back to all of us. So, here’s to Lucy and every bit of happiness she gives to my friend.”

“To Lucy.” They all lifted their glasses and drank the last of the champagne as Finn just shook his head. He didn’t think Lane had caught on to the true meaning of the last part of Aiden’s toast.

“Boys, boys, boys. What am I ever going to do with you?” Rylan had snuck up behind Jack.

“Just love us.” Jack pulled Rylan down on to his lap. They wrapped their arms around each other.

Rylan turned to look at Finn. She caressed his cheek. “She’s waiting by the limo if you can tear yourself away.”

Finn kissed Rylan’s hand before finishing his drink. He looked to Aiden who gave a reassuring nod.

Finn stood, drawing in a deep breath while taking in his sister’s sparkling gaze. “Thank you, for everything.”

“You gave me a sister. It’s the least I could do.”

He bent down and gave Rylan another peck on the cheek before walking up the path to the limo parked in front of the house.

Night had fallen and all the lights in the garden twinkled. A breeze swept through Finn’s hair, brushing his face as he reached the door to the house.

When he was sure he was out of the sight of prying eyes, he practically sprinted. He ended up having to stop for a moment before he could reach for the door.

Once he recovered, he slipped into the limo and pulled his bride into his arms. The ride to the hotel was short, and within a half hour, Finn sat on their hotel room bed as Lucy got ready in the bathroom.

The room was bathed in the soft light from a lamp in the corner. Soft, black cotton sheets and an enormous fluffy comforter covered the bed.

“Lucy?” He knocked on the bathroom door.

“I’ll be out in a minute.”

Finn took off his jacket, followed by his shoes, tie, and vest. He sat down on the bed and slipped his socks off. He was unbuttoning the last button on his shirt when the bathroom door opened and Lucy stuck her head out.

“Don’t laugh, okay?”

“Of course not.”

“Alright then.”

She opened the door and stepped out. His heart sped up and his chest tightened as she stood before him. He placed his hands on her hips, pushing her away slightly so he could take in the full view of her.

Her hair was down, hugging her shoulders. What little she was wearing was absolutely stunning, a white negligee with a black floral pattern and matching panties. It was split all the way up the middle, giving an amazing view of her flat stomach. It was held together by two thin pieces of black ribbon right between her breasts.

He didn’t know how he would ever fully understand why she was all his.

By the look in Finn’s eyes, Lucy knew she had picked the right negligee. He was speechless, and she was suddenly proud of herself.

“You like?”

“Like is not the word I would use.”

“Then what is?”

Finn lazily stroked his fingers through his hair. “Adore, might be a better word, but I don’t think there is a word worthy of how I feel right now.” He slipped his hands through the split in her negligee and placed them on her bare hips. “I love you more than you’ll ever know.”

“Show me.”

She quickly brought her head down to capture his lips while slipping his shirt off his shoulders. Her tongue ran across the softness of his bottom lip as he stood up, and she slowly undid his pants.

His hands slipped down to cup her backside while he deepened their kiss. His pants fell to the floor, and he impatiently kicked them off without releasing her lips.

Her finger dipped inside the waistband of his boxers as her lips left his to trail down his neck. She kissed across his chest eliciting the most sensual moans. She felt confident knowing she would be able to do that at any time she wanted. She dragged her tongue lightly across each of his nipples before pulling his boxer briefs down. She pushed him to sit on the bed, as she looked him in the eye.

“Trust me,” she whispered. He nodded, letting her take full control.

She kissed and licked her way down the center of his chest. She pulled back from him as she sat on her knees in front of him. He reached for the ribbons between her breasts and pulled them loose. He slipped the straps off her shoulders and the negligee fell to the floor.

He pulled her down and settled her in the middle of the bed while hovering over her. He trailed light kisses across her stomach, making her giggle, and he rid her of the rest of her clothing. She let out a deep, raspy moan as he went further down. She felt her insides burning with an odd intensity. It was as if she would burst into flames at any moment.

She reached down to put her hand under his chin, lifting him up to meet her eyes.


He knew exactly what she meant. He was feeling all of it too. He stood up, grabbed a condom from the nightstand, and pulled out a little bottle.

“It might help make it a little easier. Maybe you won’t hurt so much.” He looked to see if she would agree.

“Lay back.”

She gasped as the heat hit her, and he settled himself between her legs.

“Go slow, okay.”

“I will,” he promised.

Lucy couldn’t believe how nervous she was. She was preparing herself for the worst. Finn was gentle as he slowly pushed in, coaxing her body into accepting him until he hit her barrier. She looked into his eyes and nodded. He pushed through, and she gasped as something inside her gave way. It was painful but not as painful as she’d built up in her mind.

They started a slow, slightly unsteady pace at first. She could feel the sweat collecting on her brow. But as they continued to move, they found their rhythm together. Her heart began to race as he nibbled across her collarbone. She never imagined being so connected to someone could be so magnificent. Every move, every soft breath convinced her more than ever before; they were made for each other. She had never felt that kind of euphoria before, so raw and uninhibited. She was consumed by the love that emanated through them. The simple, basic act of their consummation set their world ablaze, turning outside in and inside out.

Lucy felt a slow burn start to build until it reached a peak and exploded, spreading throughout her body.

“Oh, Finn!” she cried, and her skin broke out in pinpricks of raging fire.

With a few more thrusts and a shudder, Finn came with her. “Oh God, Lucy!”

Their bodies slowed as they let the euphoria flow between them. His lips were pressed to her shoulder, and his breathing came out in uneven waves.

He rolled over on his back, bringing her in tightly to his side. She rested her cheek on his chest as she searched for the words to describe what had just happened.

“Was that alright?” he asked. “Did I hurt you?”

“Only for a second.” She kissed his chest above his heart before resting her chin to look into his brilliant blue eyes. “It was well worth it.”

“Good, because it felt so wonderful. I couldn’t stand the thought I might be hurting you.”

She brought her lips up to his. “You could never hurt me.”

Jack was the last to arrive in the O’Malley kitchen after changing out of his wedding attire.

Rylan pulled him down in the seat next to her. She cuddled against him as Murphy cleared his throat in an attempt to get everyone’s attention.

“I know it’s been quite a ride these past few weeks and I want to thank you all for everything you have done. I know you all have given up so much for Finn and Lucy.”

“You know they wouldn’t hesitate to do the same for us,” Jack chimed in.

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