Life After a Balla (4 page)

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Authors: Jackie D.

BOOK: Life After a Balla
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Skye was speechless for a second. “So, what’s the bad news?” she finally asked.

“Well, Sandino also has some restrictions on this document which are, in order for you to become POA, you can never divorce him and you must live in the same residence,” Toni continued to read off the paper. “If he is injured or hospitalized you must take care of him at home, no hospitals.”

Skye immediately got upset. “What? Do I look like a damn nurse?”

“Skye, please calm down. We’ll provide a live-in nurse from his rehab center to help you with his care. I have to inform you though, it’s also stated in bold letters if you refuse to follow his demands, you get nothing. However, your kids will get a portion of their trust when they turn twenty-one and the other half at age twenty-five. Sandino stated that, by this time his sons should’ve established their own successful careers like he always tried to instill in them, and that his money shouldn’t be their only source of income.”

Skye went ballistic and started ranting and raving. “I should be entitled to half, regardless after all the shit that crazy muthafucka put me through!”

“Again, Skye please calm down,” Toni advised.

When Skye finally calmed down, Toni looked inside the file again and pushed a document across the desk in her direction. Skye looked at the bold letters across the top that read,
Postnuptial Agreement
. Skye’s eyes widened, she then dropped her head. She immediately remembered signing a piece of paper that Sandino refused to let her read about two years ago. She’d forgotten all about it.

“That Postnuptial Agreement states that if you ever divorce Sandino you won’t be entitled to anything,” Toni stated.

Suddenly, the music from Skye’s cell phone interrupted them. She continued to shake her head as she dug into her purse to retrieve it. She already knew it was Cruze by the Cee-Lo Green ringtone,
Fool For You
. After missing the call, a text message came shortly afterwards.

Are u ok
, he texted.

Skye quickly texted back.
Hell no, I’ll explain later

Toni sat somewhat irritated watching Skye as she typed. As soon as Skye placed her phone down on the edge of the desk, she decided to continue.

“Listen Skye, you really need to think about this divorce,” Toni said, sliding the divorce papers back in Skye’s direction. “Think about how much money you’re giving up. Most likely Sandino will never walk again or be able to handle his own affairs. My advice to you honey is to move back home and take care of your husband, so you can get the money you and your family deserve. Not to mention, some woman claiming to be his sister has been frequently calling my office asking about his finances.”

Skye’s eyebrows crinkled. “Sister? Sandino doesn’t have a sister. It’s probably one of his many bitches or his crazy ass, money hungry aunt.”

“Well, that just goes to show, if you don’t take care of him, one of his estranged family members will and then they’ll get all his money.”

“I don’t know,” Skye said, shaking her head.

“Listen, you don’t have to decide right now. I’ll give you a few days to think over the proposal. But I do have to inform you that I have one last bit of bad news.”

“And what’s that?”

“Sandino has been petitioned for child support.”

Once again Skye was stunned. “Child support…from who?”

“I can’t reveal that information until I speak to the mother regarding DNA, and the results. Apparently this woman has already taken the test along with the alleged child, so now the court is just waiting on Sandino to take the test.”

“Are you serious right now? I think I have a right to know. Why are you taking this woman’s side when you’re Sandino’s lawyer and I’m still legally his wife. The least you could do is tell me her fucking name. Why are you trying to hide the bitch?” Skye was beyond pissed now.

“Listen Skye, in my defense I’ve already done you and your family a favor. Sandino should’ve taken the test weeks ago, but because of his situation, I’ve been able to put everything off. I didn’t want to put him or your family through anything else right now. Sandino possibly having an illegitimate child with another woman would send the media into an uproar. You all have been through enough.”

“All that sounds good right now, but I still would like to know her name!” Skye continued to belt.

“I can tell you’re a little upset so I’m going to end this meeting.”

upset wouldn’t be the correct term,” Skye said though teary eyes.

She stood up and snatched the divorce papers off of the desk before throwing her outdated purse over her shoulder and walking out. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as she walked towards the elevator.

I guess Sandino meant what he said…til death do us part
, she thought.

Skye walked onto the elevator thinking how crazy life was. Luckily, no one else was on the elevator with her because as soon as the doors closed, she tilted her head back and screamed to the top of her lungs like a mad woman.

“Why the fuck does shit keep happening to me? After all the years of abuse I suffered at the hands of that man. I can’t even bare to look him, yet alone take care of his ass!” she shouted.

Skye debated whether or not she should tell Cruze what the meeting was really about. She knew it was important to him that she got a divorce and moved on, but the stakes were a little different now. Skye also knew with that type of money, she and the kids would be set for life. So, until she had time to think things over, she would just have to make up something for now. Skye just hoped Cruze would continue to stand by her side if she decided to take care of Sandino.

When Skye reached the lobby she didn’t see Cruze anywhere. She went in her purse to retrieve her phone and call him, but quickly realized that she’d left it upstairs. After her outburst the last thing Skye wanted was to go back inside Toni’s office, but she needed her phone. Turning around, she waited for the elevator behind a group of people in the crowded lobby. She then suddenly became annoyed as she listened to a screaming baby in a stroller with a woman several feet in front of the crowd.

“Damn, I wish she would feed that baby or something,” Skye said to herself.

When the elevator doors finally opened, surprisingly Toni walked off.

“I’m glad I caught you, Skye. I’m sorry if I upset you, but I was just doing my job,” Toni said, passing Skye her phone.

“It is what it is,” Skye replied still pissed off.

Toni gave her a nonchalant look before walking back toward the elevator. Skye turned around to leave herself, but paused when she heard a woman say, “Hey, Ms. Vaughn, I was just on my way up to see you for our two o’clock appointment.”

When Skye thought she recognized the voice, she abruptly turned around. Her eyes widened while her heart rate began to enhance. It was Asia!

Without a second thought, Skye walked up to Asia and stood in front of her like they were about to go toe to toe at a boxing match. “What the fuck are you doing here?” she fumed.

Asia reached down, grabbed a pacifier and stuck it into the baby’s mouth to quiet the screaming down. Skye stared at the baby in the stroller long and hard then placed her angry eyes back on her former friend.

Asia slung her hair from side to side, ignoring Skye’s question and evil stare. She wasn’t at all dressed appropriately for a business meeting wearing a pair of black sequined leggings and a short pink t-shirt that barely covered her plump ass. Her once flat stomach was now replaced with a huge baby pooch from her obvious pregnancy.

Toni turned and gave Skye eye contact as if she wanted to say something but didn’t.

Instead of responding, Asia just held a smirk on her face.

“Bitch, are you just gonna stand there like nothing happened?” Skye roared.

“Skye, I didn’t come here to fight. I came to find out how much money my son will be getting from his father,” Asia responded.

“I know you didn’t say what the fuck I think you said.” Skye now knew that Asia was probably the one calling Toni pretending to be Sandino’s sister.

“I don’t know why you’re tripping Skye, it’s not like Sandino doesn’t have more than enough money to go around.”

At that moment, Skye went crazy. She leaped over and grabbed a wad of Asia’s hair, then slung her onto the floor, diving on top of her body. Seconds later, she started throwing several jabs, with each one landing on Asia’s face. The people standing near the elevator ran over and stood there staring at them like it was a scene from
The Bad Girl’s Club
. All Asia could do to defend herself was to hold her head down and scream for help as Skye went ballistic.

“I trusted you bitch!” Skye screamed as she continued to throw several punches.

“Skye, please stop! She has a small child!” Toni pleaded.

People in the lobby stood around watching and pointing as Skye put an old fashion beat down on Asia. A few seconds later, two security officers finally came over and pulled the two women apart. One of the officers helped Asia up off the floor while the other security guard stood in front of Skye.

“Miss, we aren’t tolerating this. We’ve already radioed in for the police,” one of the security officers said to Skye.

Toni stopped him. “No, that won’t be necessary. She was just about to leave.”

The security guard looked at Toni. “We can’t have this type of violence in this building, Ms. Vaughn,” he said.

Asia went wild when she saw blood on her clothes and strands of long, natural hair on the floor. At no time did she even bother to go check on her screaming baby, who was now being attended to by one of the bystanders. The stroller had been pushed several feet away during the fight. All Asia did was hold her eye which was swelling shut. Skye on the other hand came out of the scuffle with only a few scratches.

At that moment Cruze walked up. “Yo’, what’s going on?’ he asked running over and grabbing Skye from the security officer’s hold. “What happened, baby?”

“Asia was fucking Sandino and that’s his so-called baby, that’s what’s going on!” Skye yelled pointing in the direction of the stroller.

Cruze turned and looked at Asia. He hadn’t even recognized her.

“I want that woman arrested for assault!” Asia yelled to the security officer.

Skye lost it. “Sue me bitch, or better yet just take it out of the money you stole from me and my kids. You or that lil’ bastard baby will never get a dime of Sandino’s money as long as I’m in charge!”

Cruze wondered what Skye meant by that comment as he grabbed her arm. “Come on, let’s go. She’s not worth it,” he said, escorting Skye out the front door.

Once Skye was outside, she paced back and forth like a mad women while Cruze searched for a cab.

“That fucking bastard!” Skye’s breathing had become so heavy. “Out of all the woman he cheated on me with, he had to get that bitch pregnant. I should’ve seen the fucking signs. The way both of them claimed they hated each other so bad. All that shit was a front. That’s okay though, I got something for both of those muthafuckas!” she belted.

Cruze shook his head in disbelief as he stood silent. His premonition about Skye not being ready to come back to Miami and the trip becoming a disaster had been confirmed. “Skye, don’t beat yourself over it,” he said, wrapping his arms around her.

Skye pushed him away. “I’m ready to go home,” she replied, walking a few feet away from him.

When Cruze noticed a cab coming he whistled and signed for it to pull up in his direction. He yelled over at Skye and told her to come on. Once inside, he told the driver to take them to their hotel near Bayside.

“I don’t feel like staying here, let’s go to the airport. We might be able to switch our tickets and get a flight tonight,” Skye demanded.

“Why are you letting that bitch upset you like this? You knew from day one Asia wasn’t shit. Hell, it might not even be Sandino’s baby knowing her. You know the bitch is a liar.”

Skye didn’t say anything for a minute. “So, did you know Sandino was fucking Asia?’ she asked with an attitude.

Cruze looked her. “If I did would it make a difference?”

“You’re avoiding the question so that must mean you knew. Did you fuck her, too?”

He felt himself getting angry. “Skye, no I’ve never fucked Asia. I could have if I wanted to, but she wasn’t my style. I knew that bitch was poison the very first time I met her.”

“Well, I wish you would’ve told me. Maybe you could’ve saved me a headache. I hate that no good bitch.”

Suddenly Cruze looked down at Skye’s purse on the seat and saw the divorce papers still inside, which instantly made him infuriated. “So, are you even gonna tell me what the meeting was about? I see you still have the papers.”

Skye was nervous to tell Cruze the truth at the moment, so she decided to become defensive in order to take some of the focus off of the truth. She just hoped he would continue to stand by her side no matter what. She paused before speaking,

“Why are you pressuring me? Can I at least have some time to gather my damn thoughts?” she shot back at him.

Cruze didn’t respond, he knew Skye had gone through a lot in one day so an argument between them might’ve just sent her over the edge. Skye was unsure on what to do. Part of her definitely wanted to be in charge of Sandino’s money while the other part of her didn’t want that life again. Even though she’d already walked away from everything and vowed to never look back, the thought was tempting.

Feeling a headache coming on, Skye rubbed her temples for a few minutes then reached in her purse and took one of her pills. As Cruze looked at her and shook his head, Skye laid her head back on the seat. She desperately wished she could find Ms. Petra. A person who she could always confide in and someone she truly trusted. Skye didn’t like keeping secrets from Cruze, but needed a little time to let the ultimatum soak in her mind.

Meanwhile, Cruze looked out of the window wondering if Skye had a good reason for not giving the lawyer the divorce papers as she promised. As soon as she calmed down, he planned to get to the bottom of it. He didn’t like the idea that she was keeping something from him. But then again, he was doing the same thing. He prayed Skye wouldn’t leave him if she found out he was back in the streets.

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