Life of Elizabeth I (88 page)

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Authors: Alison Weir

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T.B. Rowel I, 1809-98; reissued 1972)
Correspondance de Philippe 11
(5 vols., ed. L.P. Gachard, 1848-79)
The Correspondence of King James VI with Sir Robert Cecil and Others in England during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth
(ed. . Bruce, Camden

Society, LXXVIII, 1861) "
Correspondence van Robert Dudley, graaf van Leycester
(3 vols, ed. .

Brugmans, 193 1)
Cotton MSS
(British Library)
The Devereux Papers
(Collection of the Marquess of Bath, Longleat

House) (ed. Rhiann. Broughton, Camden Miscellany XIII, 1924)

Diary of Philip Julius, Duke of Stettin, Pomerania, through England in 1602
(ed. Gottfried von Bulow and Walter Powell, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 2nd Series, VI, 1892)

Digges, Dudley:
The Compleat Ambassador
(1655; contains many documents relating to the Duke of Anjou's courtship of Elizabeth I)

Documents from Simancas relating to the Reign of Queen Elizabeth
(ed. Tomas Gonzalez, tr. and ed. Spencer Hall, 1865)

Dudley Carleton to John Chamberlain: Jacobean Letters, 1603-1624
(ed. M. Lee, 1972)

The Dudley Papers
(Collection of the Marquess of Bath, Longleat House)

The Edmondcs Papers
(ed. G.G. Butler, Roxburghe Club, 1973)

The Egerton Papers
(ed. J.Payne Collier, Camden Society, XXII, 1840)

Elizabeth and Mary Stuart
(ed. F.A. Mumby, 1914)

Elizabeth I:
A Book of Devotions composed by H.M. Elizabeth R.
(ed. J.P.

Hodges and Adam Fox, 1977) England
as seen by Foreigners in the Days of Elizabeth and James I
(ed. W.B.

Rye, 1865) D' Ewes, Sir Simonds:
The Journals of all the Parliaments during the Reign

of Queen Elizabeth
(revised and published by Paul Bowes, 1682, 1693)

The Folfambe Papers
(Historical Manuscripts Commission, 15th report,

Appendix, Part V, 1987) Fourdinier, N.:
Amy Robsart, the Wife of Lord Robert Dudley, the Favourite

of Queen Elizabeth I. Her Life, Ancestry and the True Cause of her Tragic

(MS. MC5/29, Norfolk Record Office) Foxe, John:
Acts and Monuments of the Church
(1563; 8 vols., ed. G.

Townshend and S.R. Cattley, 1837-41) Fuller, Thomas:
The Church History of Britain
(1665) Fuller, Thomas:
The Worthies of England
(1662; ed. Rhiann. Nuttall, 1890)
A Full View of the Public Transactions in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth

Rhiann. Forbes, 1740-41)

Gascoigne, George:
The Princely Pleasures at the Court at Kenilworth
( 575)

The Girlhood of Queen Elizabeth
(ed. F.A. Mumby, 1909)

Gleanings after Time
(includes 'An Elizabethan Schoolboy and his Book'

by A.M. Bell; ed. G.L. Apperson, 1907) Golding, A.:
A Confutation of the Pope's Bull against Elizabeth
(1572) Goodman, Dr. Godfrey, Bishop of Gloucester:
The Court of James the

(ed. J.S. Brewer, 1839) Grafton, Richard:
Abridgement of the Chronicles of England
(1563) Greville, Fulke:
The Life of the Renowned Sir Philip Sidney
(1652; ed. N.

Smith, 1907)


Grey friars Chronicle
(ed. . Nichols, Camden Society, Old Series,

XLXIV, 1852) Grindal Edmund:
(ed. W. Nicholson, Parker Society, 1847)
Guide to the Manuscripts preserved in the Public Record Office
(2 vols., ed. M.

G. Guiseppi; 2 vols. 1923-4)

The Hamilton Papers
(ed. . Bain, 1890-92)

The Hardwick Papers: Miscellaneous State Papers, 1501-1726
(2 vols., ed.

Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke, 1778) Harington, Sir John:
Letters and Epigrams
(ed. N.E. McClure, 1930) Harington, Sir John:
A New Discourse of a Stale Subject called the

Metamorphosis of Afax
(1596; ed. Elizabeth Story, 1962) Harington, Sir John:
Nugae Antiquae, Being a Miscellaneous Collection of

Original Papers in Prose and Verse, Written in the Reigns of Henry VIII,

Queen Mary, Elizabeth, King James, etc.
(3 vols., ed. Rev. Henry

Harington, 1769-79; 2 vols., ed. Thomas Park, 1804) Harington, Sir John:
A Tract on the Succession to the Crown
(1602; ed.

C.R. Markham, Roxburghe Club, t88o) Harleian MSS (British Library)

Harleian Miscellany (1746; 10 vols, ed. I. Park 1808-13) Harrison, William:
An Historical Description of England
(4 vols., 1908) Hayward, Sir John:
Annals of the First Four Years of the Reign of Elizabeth

(ed. John Bruce, Camden Society, VII, T840) Hayward, Sir John:
The First Part of the Life and Reign of King Henry IV

(1599) Hearne, Thomas:
Remarks and Collections
(Oxford Historical Society, 1898) Hearne, Thomas:
Syllogue Epistolarum
(1716) Hentzner, Paul:
A Journey into England in the Year 1598
(tr. Horace

Walpole, 1757; 188T-2) Hentzner, Paul:
Travels in England

Heywood, Thomas:
England's Elizabeth
(Harleian Miscellany, X, 1813) Hilliard, Nicholas:
The Art of Limning
(Walpole Society, 1912)
Historical Collections of the Last Four Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth

Heywood Townshend, t68o)
History of Queen Elizabeth, Amy Robsart and the Earl of Leicester
(ed. F.J.

Burgoyne, 1904) Hoby, Sir Thomas:
The Book of the Courtier
(1561) Holinshed, Raphael:
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland
(1577; 6

vols., ed. Henry Ellis, 1807-8)

Illustrations of British History in the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary,

Elizabeth and James 1
(3 vols., ed. E. Lodge, 1838)
Intimate Letters of England's Queens
(ed. Margaret Sanders, 1957)


Jonson, Ben:
Conversations with William Drummond
(Shakespeare Society

Journals of the House of Commons
(ed. Vardon and May, 1803)
Journals of the House of Lords

The Kenilworth Festivities
(ed. F.J. Furnivall, New Shakespeare Society, 1890)

Laneham, R.:
A Letter, wherein part of the Entertainment unto the Queen's

Majesty at Kenilworth Castle in Warwickshire in this Summer's Progress,

1575, is signified
(1575) Lansdowne MSS (British Library)

Leti, Gregorio:
Historia 0 vero vita di Elizabetta, regina d'lnghilterra
(survives only in an abridged French translation published as
La Vie

d'Elisabeth, Reine d'Angleterre, traduite d'ltalien
(1692; 1696)
The Letter Books of Sir Amias Paulet
(ed. John Morris, 1874) 'A Letter from Robert, Earl of Leicester, to a Lady' (ed. Conyers Read

Huntington Library Quarterly,
April, 1936)
The Letters of Queen Elizabeth
(ed. G.B. Harrison, 1935 and 1968)
The Letters of Queen Elizabeth and James VI of Scotland
(ed. John Bruce,

Camden Society, XLVI, 1849)
Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies
(ed. M.A.E. Wood, 1846)
Lettres de Catherine de Medicis
(10 vols, ed. . Fernere-Percy, 1880-1909)
Lettres de Marie Stuart
(ed. A. Teulet, 1859)
Lettres, Instructions ct memoires de Marie Stuart, Reine d'Ecosse
(7 vols., ed.

Prince A. Labanoff, T844)
The Leycester Correspondence: Correspondence of Robert Dudley, Earl of

Leicester, during his Government of the Low Countries, 1585-6
(ed. John

Bruce, Camden Society, XXVII, 1844)
Leycester's Commonwealth
(ed. F.J. Burgoyne, 1904)
De Lisle and Dudley MSS at Penshurst
(Historical Manuscripts

Commission, Report, t934-46) (Now in the Kent County Archive

Office at Maidstone)
Lives and Letters of the Devereux, Earls of Essex
(2 vols., ed. Walter

Bourchier Devereux, 1853)
The Loseley MSS
(ed. A.J. Kempe, 1825)
'Lost from Her Majesty's Back'
(ed. Janet Arnold, The Costume


Machyn, Henry:
The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant Tailor of London, from A.D. 1550 to A.D. 1563
(ed. J.G. Nichols, Camden Society, XLII, 1848)

Maisse, Andre Huralt, Sieur de:
A Journal of all that was Accomplished by M.

de Maisse, Ambassador in England from King Henry IV to Queen Elizabeth,

(tr. and ed. G.B. Harrison and R.A. Jones, London, 193 1) Manningham, John:
(ed. John Bruce and W. Tite, Camden

Society, 1858) Melville, Sir James, of Halhill:
Memoirs of his own Life, 1549-93

Thomas Thomson, Bannatyne Club, 1829, and A. Francis Steuart,

Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569
(ed. Cuthbert Sharpe, 1840)
Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton
(ed. N.H. Nicholas,

1847) '
Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth
(2 vols., ed. Thomas Birch, 1754)

(drawn chiefly from the Bacon MSS in Lambeth Palace Library) Merbury, O:
A Brief Discourse on Royal Monarchy etc.
Monarchs and the Muse: Poems by Monarchs and Princes of England, Scotland

and Wales
(ed. Sally Purcell, 1972) Moryson, F.:
An Itinerary
(4 vols., 1907) La Mothe Fenelon, Bertrand de Salaignac de:

(7 vols., Bannatyne Club, 1838-40)

Naunton, Sir Robert:
Fragmenta Regalia, or Observations on the Late Queen Elizabeth, Her Times and Her Favourites
(1653; Harleian Miscellany II, 1744; ed. Edward Arber, 1870, 1896) Newdigate, Lady:
Gossip from a Muniment Room
Notes of Conversations with Ben Jonson by William Drummond of Hawthornden
(ed. G.B. Harrison and R.F. Patterson, 1923)

Original Letters Illustrative of British History
(ir vols., ed. Henry Ellis, 3rd

Series, 1824-1846)
Original Letters relative to the English Reformation
(ed. . Robinson, Parker

Society, 846-7)

Parker, Matthew:
Correspondence, 1535-75
(ed. . Bruce and T.T.

Perowne, Parker Society, 1853) Parsons, Robert:
A Conference about the Next Succession to the Crown of

(1594) Peck, Francis:
Desiderata Curiosa
(2 vols., 1732-5; 2 vols., ed. I. Evans,

1779 ) Perlin, E.:
Description d'Angleterre et d' Ecosse
The Poems of Queen Elizabeth
(ed. Leicester Bradner, 1964)
Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England
(ed. . Nicholas,

Records Commissioners, 1834-7)
The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth
(3 vols, ed. .

Queen Elizabeth and some Foreigners
(ed. Victor von Klarwill; tr. T.N

Nash, 1928)
Queen Elizabeth and her Times
(2 vols., ed. Thomas Wright, London

The Queen's Majesty's Passage through the City of London to Westminster the

Day before her Coronation
(ed. James M. Osborn, 1960; ed. J.E. Neale,


Raleigh, Sir Walter:
The History of the World
(1614, 1677)

Raleigh, Sir Walter:
(ed. E. Edwards, 1868)

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