Life's a Beach (17 page)

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Authors: Jamie K. Schmidt

BOOK: Life's a Beach
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“As much as I appreciate your offer, Mr. Hojo, I'm looking forward to working at the Palekaiko.”

He nodded. “I thought you would be a loyal employee. I admire that. But please consider that Samuel Kincaide will convince his brother to sell that ramshackle firetrap to me. And when he does, I'm going to tear it down and build condos. I'd hate to see you out of a job.”

“That's very kind of you to think about me. But I'll be all right.”

Tetsuo glanced up over her head. “I hope you will be, my dear. Please enjoy your appetizers and some drinks. I will take care of your check.” She rose and shook his hand. “It was a pleasure to meet you, my dear.”

He was gone as swiftly as he came. Amelia barely had her butt back in her seat when Samuel stormed over to her.

“You want to explain to me why you're having drinks with the Don Corleone of Maui?”

Chapter 17

Amelia woke up alone in her own bed again. Dude and she had had a horrific fight. She supposed this was the beginning of the end. He'd dragged her out of the restaurant at the Hona Bay Oasis before she could finish those delicious meatballs, harshing her buzz so much that all those expensive endorphins flew out her ears and all she wanted to do was kick the shit out of him.

It had gotten worse when she told him Tetsuo had offered her a job. If she'd had any qualms about keeping Marcus's offer a secret, those also had gone the way of the endorphins.

“Is he out of his fucking mind? Why would you want to leave your home and work here?”

“Technically, I don't have a home,” she had reminded him.

“So you're considering it? You're going to get in bed with the yakuza?”

“Okay, I was going to get into bed with you. But not unless you calm the hell down.”

“I can't believe this. He could have very well ordered that tow line to be cut. You could have died.”

“Can we not rehash this? I just spent two hundred dollars to achieve a Zen-like state about this.”

“You better be on that goddamn plane Saturday,” he shouted, pointing his finger in her face.

“You don't have to worry about me or my travel plans.” She walked back into the hotel and asked the valet for her car.

He didn't follow her in, and that was the last she'd seen of him.

“Jerk,” she sighed now, punching her pillow instead of him.

When she got up, she used the last of her coffee. It seemed that it was the end of an era all around.

Hani was at the desk, and she waved to him on her way to get breakfast. A few moments later, Kai slid into the booth with her.

“You're not going to believe who wants to see us today.”


“The principal of Hamakuapoko High School. They want to talk to us about starting a cultural program here. If we design the program right, the kids will earn the community service hours they need to graduate and we get some authentic and free entertainment. What's even better is that all the high school kids need those hours to graduate, and enough of them are involved in the school's dance program for us to have a different show every night.”

“That's fantastic. You did it.” She rose to lean across the table and hug him.

“You have to come with me to the high school, though. I need your quick thinking.”

The principal was clearly worried that they were going to exploit the children or commercialize their heritage. But Kai was able to convince her of their sincerity. While they certainly did want to bring in more clientele for the resort, the key to this program was that it was going to be different from the pageants where everyone wore grass skirts and there was a lot of fire-throwing. The program at the Palekaiko would have all that, but also a deep theme of history.

The dance troupe was waiting for them in the auditorium. Amelia watched as they put on a show that would rival Broadway, covering Hawaiian history from the 1800s all the way up to World War II. The costumes were mesmerizing, and the music was the best she had heard on the island. She gave the kids a standing ovation when it was over.

“It's perfect,” she said to the principal.

“I think we can make it better,” she replied.

They spent a few hours hashing out what the program could be, expanding it to show how life in the islands was before Captain Cook arrived. Amelia was enthralled with the rich history lesson and knew there would be people who would be equally interested. Because she really didn't have any roots, it was fascinating for her to hear about people who could trace their lineage back to the kings and queens of Hawaii.

It was lunchtime by the time they got back to the resort. Amelia grabbed some fruit salad and shredded pork and headed out to the pool to relax with a good book. It wasn't long before Dude sat down next to her.

“I don't want to fight,” she said, without looking up from her book.

“Can I apologize for being a dick last night?”

Amelia smiled at him. “Apology accepted. Now, leave me alone. I'm reading.”

“How about you come with me to the yacht? I've got a surprise for you.”

“Your friend let you borrow it again?”

“He owes me.”

“You're cashing in a lot of favors.” She didn't really want to go out on the water again, but neither did she want to develop a fear of it. It was the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic's tempestuous sister. She respected it, but she would not fear it. “Can I bring my book?”

“You can bring whatever you like.”

They held hands while walking to the Zodiac.

“You have nothing to worry about,
” he said to her when she froze before getting in.

“I know.” Amelia straightened her shoulders. “I'm even going to get back up on a parasail. Just not today. Or this week. Or anytime soon.”

“When you're ready, you let me know and I'll go up tandem with you.”

“That's sweet.”

“Get in the boat and I'll push you.”

“I can haul it into the water.”

“Sit.” He pointed.

She decided she didn't really want to get wet, so she climbed in, feeling like a princess as he pushed the little inflatable boat down the beach to the water.

“It would be a lot easier if I got out.”

He grunted as he hauled it into the water and pulled himself in. As they took off, she laid her head on the side of the boat and trailed her hand in the water.

“Comfortable?” he asked.

“I want some of that pineapple green tea and my meatballs from last night.”

“I can do better.”

“That does sound pretty good,” she admitted with a smile.

He tethered the small craft and helped her aboard. She could totally get used to this boat. This was the life.

“Follow me to the galley.”

Amelia wondered what he was up to until he opened the fridge and came up with some maraschino cherries and a can of Reddi-Wip. She laughed out loud.

“I'll do you and then you can do me.”

They tossed off their clothes, and things became real sticky real fast. Amelia was laughing and licking cherry juice off his chest while he tried to screw the cherries onto her nipples.

“It's not working,” he said.

“It was a lot more erotic in my head.” Amelia snorted. “But I was also a little drunk.”

“Open your mouth.”

Amelia did, and he squirted in some whipped cream.

“Okay,” he said, “plan B.”

“How many plans are there?”

“As many as it takes.”

He brought her over to the hot tub, where a bottle of champagne was chilling in a bucket of rapidly melting ice. Pouring her a glass, he handed it to her. Amelia stepped into the tub and sat so one of the pulsating jets was at her back.

“This doesn't suck,” she told him when he joined her.

“This is just the beginning,” he said. “See that table over there?”

She hadn't, but now that he pointed it out, she could see a massage table in the sun.

“When we're done here, I'm going to give you a nice massage with a lot of oil and then we're going to ruin the sheets.”

Amelia almost snorted champagne out of her nose. “No, we're not ruining your friend's sheets. We can fuck on the deck.”

“We'll be so slippery, we might roll off into the ocean.”

She shuddered. “No more diving into the ocean unexpectedly. How about we put a couple of pillows together and some towels?”

“Deal,” he said.

“Then what?”

“Then we should rinse off all the oil and take a nap. My friend's chef is coming later tonight to cook a gourmet meal. One that will make the Hona Bay Oasis's dinner look like McDonald's.”

“Has anyone ever told you how competitive you are?”

“And then, after I've fucked you senseless and plied you with alcohol and good food, I want to tell you something important.”

“Can't you tell me now?” she asked.

“I could. But after yesterday, I need you too much.”

He moved to her side and picked her up from the tub, placing her so that she was sitting on the edge. He refilled her champagne glass and left her the bottle.

“Drink up,” he said. And then he put her thighs on his shoulders and buried his head between her legs.

Amelia drank champagne and let her lover kiss her intimately on her thighs. She leaned back as his tongue stroked her depths. Then she grabbed his hair and pulled him closer when he licked over her clit. She took one last gulp of champagne and put the glass down before the stem could snap in her fingers.

His rough beard and his obvious enjoyment of her made her feel wanton. Not to mention the champagne that was still tickling its way through her system, chasing the cherries and whipped cream. God, she was going to miss this. Amelia closed her eyes and let the sun wash over her until her thighs were trembling and each flick of his tongue and each rasp of his cheek made her shake. She tightened her legs around his head, and as the pressure built up inside her she rode his face like it was his cock. Her entire body spasmed when she came on his face.

He didn't give her time to recover. Picking her up, he carried her boneless body over to the massage table and laid her facedown. The oil was warmed by the sun, and he began by pouring a pool onto her back and then rubbing in circles until she was coated with it. Then he used his thumbs on her muscles to loosen any tight areas.

She groaned as he kneaded her back and shoulders. Dude rubbed smaller circles with his thumbs on either side of her spine, working from the top all the way to her ass. He spent a lot of time oiling up her legs and then massaging her feet and toes.

If it was forgiveness he wanted, she would have forgiven him for starting World War III.

“Roll over. I'll help you.”

She rolled over and appreciated when he put sunglasses on her. The pool of oil started on her belly this time, and he coated her again with strong, sure strokes. Amelia was aroused by the pampering. Dude spent a lot of time oiling her breasts and rubbing her nipples, but he also didn't neglect her arms. His hand massage rivaled his foot massage, and she decided she would fight off beach bunnies to the death to keep him. Dude continued on to her thighs and down to her calves. He then parted her legs.

She let out a little whimper as he pushed two fingers inside her and finger-fucked her while his other hand mauled her breast.

The roughness after all the tenderness set her on fire. She reached down with her oily hand and grabbed his cock.

“Oh,” he shouted, the first word he'd spoken since telling her to roll over. “You don't have to,” he said, his heavy breath and the way he moved into her caress belying his words. “So good, though.”

He slipped through her fingers but she caught him again. Amelia coiled her legs around his arm as his fingers probed and filled her. When her hand was just starting to get tired and her hips were pounding into his fingers, he came over her hand and his stomach. Easing his fingers out of her, he lightly circled her clit until she grasped the table and came moaning.

“Now then.” Dude helped her off the table. Her knees were shaking. “I know this isn't a balcony.” He bent her over the massage table. “But you can still see the ocean while I fuck you.” He put on a condom.

Still hard, he grew harder as he held her hips and thrust into her again and again. Her breasts swayed and hit the table. She could see the ocean and the waves. The rocking of the boat and Dude pumping his cock in and out were just what she needed. Words flew out of her mouth, but she was incoherent with desire. “Yes. That. There. God. Dude. Oh.” Her body quivered and threatened to shake apart.

“You're beautiful,” he told her. “And I want you so very much.”

“Take me,” she begged. “I'm yours.”

His moans grew more guttural at that, his pacing a frenzy of desire. She squeezed him tight with the walls of her pussy and he came again, shouting her name.

He may only want two weeks,
she thought in a haze,
but he'll never forget me.
Truth was, she'd never forget him either.

“I'd carry you, but you're too slippery.” Dude helped her up and guided her down into the bedroom. She slammed him against the shower wall and kissed him. Mindless with lust and emotion, Amelia barely registered the soap on her body until she was cleaned off. Still kissing, he walked her out of the shower and dried them both.

“Now,” he said. “I'm going to try something. And if you don't like it, just tell me to stop.”

Amelia felt dreamy and unfocused. He sat down on the bed and pulled her down next to him, but then he tossed her over his lap. Dude's erection was poking into her belly. She lay across his lap with her ass in the air.

“What are you going to do?” she asked.

His cupped hand whacked her bottom. “I'm going to spank you.”

“Oh,” she said in a small voice. The first one didn't really hurt. It was warm and solid. The second stung a bit and she wriggled. The third added to the burn, but it eased into pleasure.

“Is it all right?”

“Yeah,” she breathed.

“Is it turning you on or am I just getting my frustrations out on your sexy ass?”


He swatted her again.

“I think you're getting wet for me.”

“Put your cock in me and find out,” she growled, wriggling her ass.

He rubbed his cock against her belly. “I'm going to come over your tits if you keep this up.”

“Spank me or fuck me,” she gritted out. “Stop talking.”

He whacked her three more times, and each time she keened and shook. The vulnerability she felt over his lap and the pain/pleasure were too much.

“Please,” she begged.

“Oh, sweet thing, I like it when you beg. But what do you want?”

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