Life's a Beach (8 page)

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Authors: Jamie K. Schmidt

BOOK: Life's a Beach
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“That's it,” he said hoarsely, and pulled her up to him.

They kissed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and shamelessly rubbed herself over his cock. His mouth slanted over hers and his talented tongue played with hers as he tumbled them to the cot. Amelia's leg covered his as they lay on their sides, refusing to break the kiss that was just as arousing as their play in the shower.

Dude pushed her leg wide and plunged his fingers into her molten core. He finger-fucked her while his tongue ravished the inside of her mouth. Unable to stop herself, Amelia tugged on his cock until he broke off the kiss, swearing.

“You drive me crazy,” he said, using two fingers to pleasure her.

“Fuck me,” she whispered.

“Come first,” he whispered back, and buried his face in her neck.

His fingers stopped the delicious thrusting and started circling her clit, while his teeth lightly nipped on that sweet spot where her neck met her shoulder. His scruffy cheek hit just the right mix of rough and sweet, and he rubbed her until she came so hard she saw stars in front of her eyes.

“Now I'm going to fuck you,” he said, his body covering hers. He slipped on a condom, which was a festive green.

She looked at it, wondering what the heck that was all about, but he said, “Don't ask.” She figured Makoa had probably gotten it at the OfficeMax alongside the discount coffee.

Dude plunged in deep and held there. Her legs wrapped around his waist. He knelt between her thighs and lifted her hips up off the cot to get even deeper. He filled her. There was only him, stretching her wide. He guided her hips up and down.

Amelia bit her lip and writhed. She wanted—no, needed—a faster pace. He pinned her to the cot and clutched at her breasts.

“Fuck, you are so hot and wet,” he groaned, his eyes half closing. “I could go off now.”

His words caused a frenzy in her, and she bucked against him. “I want you wild and out of control,” she breathed.

With an evil laugh, Dude peeled her legs off his hips and spread them wide. “Like this?” he growled, and thrust fast and hard.

“Yes,” she screamed, not caring how her throat ached from it.

He hit every pleasure point she had with that pace. She wanted to close her legs around him to savor the sweet burn, but he wouldn't let her. Faster and faster he plunged into her, and her entire body tensed and clenched around him. This time her orgasm hit her with the force of a freight train, and she swore she blacked out for a moment.

Letting go of her legs, Dude pressed his entire body against her as he took her mouth in another relentless kiss. Amelia could only hold on to his shoulders as his hips rolled into hers. Their mouths mirrored their lovemaking until both of them were making animal sounds of lust. He came with long, deep strokes. She was still shivering from the aftermath when he pulled out.

“Want something to drink?” he asked as he disposed of the condom and cleaned up.

Amelia nodded, unable to speak.

He came back with a bottle of ice-cold water. Climbing back onto the cot with her, he supported her head while she drank.

Amelia said, snuggling into the crook of his arm.

“Anytime, sunshine.” Dude held her tight against him.

Chapter 7

Samuel woke up alone on a narrow cot with a crick in his back. He didn't even have a beautiful woman on his dick to make up for it. Not that he thought he could get it up again after last night's festivities—they'd gone at it three more times. If he closed his eyes, he could still see her on top of him, stroking herself to orgasm while those gorgeous tits of hers shook in his face.

His dick stirred at the memory.

“Really?” he said, and then, “Oh, shit.” He had a 9:00 a.m. snorkel lesson. The beat-up wall clock said he had a half hour to get to the beach with his gear. Damn it all. Why couldn't Kai have gotten a replacement? Maybe because he'd been too distracted with Amelia to tell him to.

Samuel hustled his ass into the shower and then grabbed a bunch of gear from the shed and took off to his hammock. Crap, he was starving. Amelia and he had skipped dinner.

“Howzit, Dude.”

He looked up to see Rosalie twirling her keys. He wondered how long she'd been there. “What's up, Rosalie?”

“Why are you sleeping in the storage closet?”

“Got too drunk last night. Couldn't find my room.”

Her lip curled in disgust. “You better shape up or I'm going to let the kahuna know that you're a fuck-up.”

“Do what you have to.” Samuel didn't have time for this bullshit.

“Kincaide listens to me.”

“Which one?” he asked.

“Marcus. I haven't met Samuel yet.”

He smirked at the irony.

“Marcus and I talked all night once.” She rubbed her hands down her body and jiggled for emphasis.

“Ew.” Samuel reacted instinctively, and he couldn't explain to the very offended Rosalie that it was picturing his brother doing the nasty with some fake blond skank that caused him to make a face.

“You think you're such a prize? You're a drunk and a bum. I'll have your ass bounced out of here by the end of the week. Unless you start being nice to me.”

“I'm not sleeping with you.”

“I didn't ask. I want a cut of your tips.”

“A percentage of nothing is still nothing.” Samuel could not believe this chick was shaking him down.

“Work harder.”

“I try to avoid that.” She was the one whose ass was going to be bounced into next week as soon as he had a moment to fire her.

“If you think you can get another job around here, think again. I also have Tetsuo Hojo's ear. He listens to me.”

Crap. She'd just said the one thing that would save her job. Now he knew who Tetsuo had spying on them.

“I'll see what I can do.”

“You do that, Dude.” She rattled her keys at him and walked away.

He had just enough time to slather on some sunscreen before the family of four arrived. They walked down the beach to Blackrock, and after a few pointers, he sent them into the water. Samuel took their underwater camera and snapped some pictures for them.

It wasn't as bad as he'd thought it was going to be, although he didn't have a moment to himself until his second lesson was over. After turning down the offer to go have a few beers with the college kids, Samuel borrowed the resort's Zodiac and took it to his yacht.

Once he'd stepped aboard, he was Samuel, and he shook off the Dude persona like sand in his crack. Resisting the urge to face-plant on his lounge chair, he grabbed a bowl of shrimp salad and devoured it standing up. He showered off again and changed into a clean pair of khaki shorts with an aloha shirt. He was still hungry, so he made himself a triple-decker sandwich. Grabbing a beer and some chips, he set up on deck. Then and only then did he allow himself to plunk down on the deck lounger. He called his brother.

“It's seven-thirty in the morning, asshole,” was how Marcus answered the phone.

“It's five o'clock somewhere,” Samuel responded.

“I'm hanging up now.”

“If you were sleeping, you should have let it go to voicemail.”

“I'm not sleeping.”

“I know. You're sitting in your lonely apartment having your first cup of coffee.”

“What makes you think my apartment is lonely?”

“Because if you had company, you wouldn't have answered the phone.”

Marcus sighed. “What do you want, Samuel?”

“Are you fucking the maid?”

“Can you be more specific?”

“Are you plowing Rosalie, the head housekeeper down here?”

“This is any of your business why?”

Samuel told him what she'd said. Marcus thought it was ridiculously funny. “No, I don't even know who you're talking about.”

“I need you to come down here.”

“You can handle the maid all by yourself. You don't need my help.”

“I've got a situation with Tetsuo. Kai heard that he's deliberately dragging his feet on the sale because he thinks I'll lower the price when I get bored with hanging around the beach.”

Marcus snorted. “He doesn't know you very well, does he?”

“I need you to close this deal.”

“Why can't you?”

“Because I think he'll take us more seriously if we're together.”

“I can't just drop everything and come out there. Talk to him first and see what the holdup is, and if you need me to bring in the heavy guns, I'll see if I can free up some time in my schedule next week.”

“All right, bro.”

Dude stretched out on the thick, comfortable pillow and let his spine realign. Amelia had really gone wild last night. He couldn't wait for another go-round. Only this time, it had to be at her place. He couldn't take another night on that cot. Maybe he should see if Kai could get him into a guest room. Preferably one with a lanai.

He called over to the front desk.

“Palekaiko Beach Resort,” a familiar feminine voice said. Amelia.

“Good morning—” He had to cut himself off before he called her “sunshine.”

“How can I assist you?” she asked.

Samuel had several ideas, some of which involved silk scarves and whipped cream.


“I was looking for Kai. Again. Where is he this time?”

“Mr. Kincaide, a pleasure to hear from you. Kai is with a guest right now. I happened to be by the desk and picked up the phone. Is there a message I can relay?”

“Yes, tell him my brother, Marcus, may be coming down in a few days to finalize the sale. I'll need Kai to reserve the owner's suite for him.”

“Will do, sir.”

His cock twitched a little at having her call him sir. “What's your name?” he asked.

“Amelia Parker.”

“Amelia, what's a nice girl like you doing working on a day like this?”

“Some of us have to work for a living, sir. I'll give Kai your message. Aloha.”

She hung up on him.

Ouch. She really didn't like rich guys. The thought tickled him until he remembered how the dislike had come about. That Jay was a real tool. Some shitheads never realized how good they had it. He hoped the barista was a ballbuster.

Samuel made one more phone call, this time to Tetsuo Hojo. He got his secretary and left a message for him to call back. Then he was back in the Zodiac. He had a sassy little desk clerk to see.


Amelia's attention kept drifting to last night. It wasn't that she didn't want to pay attention to Kai and Hani; it was that she wanted to replay all the dreamy, hot sex in her mind again. But it had been a productive morning nonetheless, as she'd helped them schedule some locals into taking over some of the tours and other activities that had been let slide because of the sale. The locals were happy to earn some extra cash, and the guests would never know the difference.

Kai had an idea to go to some of the local high schools and get some hula dance troupes to come in and dance every night after dinner. Amelia thought that was a great idea, especially if they would provide their own buses. Hani was talking with a guidance counselor to see if they could get this to count toward the students' community service credits. If so, they wouldn't even have to pay for the kids to come out. Makoa was working on making it an authentic cultural program, so that it'd be educational as well as entertaining. Amelia was so happy to see them take a more enthusiastic approach to their work. All they needed was someone to listen to them. She could relate.

“Kai, can I talk to you?” Dude said as he walked into the lobby.

Amelia bit her lip. She wasn't sure if she should play it cool or run up and give him a hug and kiss like she wanted to. Luckily, he took the initiative and pulled her into his arms for a big kiss on his way by. Blushing, she didn't meet Hani's eye or return Makoa's shaka. Kai and Dude went into the employee's break room, and she decided to get a refill of her Kona coffee. The boys were right—they would go broke if they put this stuff in the thermos for the guests. But there had to be a better way than Folgers. Not wanting to banter with the boys over Dude's kiss, she went out into the courtyard. Zarafina had set herself up under a tent with a card table. Seeing her, Amelia went back in for another cup, then went over to her.

“Just like old times,” Amelia said, sitting across from her aunt. She handed her the cup of Kona. “It's nothing like Quinn's, but I like the flavor. It has a strong bite that at first I thought I hated. But then I realized it was like wine, with all of the nuances. And now I'm afraid I've given myself a thirty-dollars-a-pound habit.”

Zarafina took a sip. She thought about it. Took another. “It's too soon to tell. But it's nothing like the swill they have at the buffet.”

“I'm working with them on that. You seem to be doing well.”

Zarafina shuffled the cards. “I could get used to this. I'm hoping they'll take me on as staff.”

“You'd have a better chance if the resort wasn't getting turned into condos.” Amelia kicked off her sandals and let her feet play in the grass.

“The hotel will not become condos,” Zarafina said.

Amelia straightened up. “Are you sure?”

She frowned and nodded. “I think so. The cards tell me that change is coming, but not a complete one like that.”

“How about me?”

“I was wondering when you would ask.” Zarafina lay down a familiar card spread. “This young man that keeps you out all night, tell me about him.”

“It's not serious,” she began.

“For him or for you?”

“Both. Either. It's a two-week stand.”
Hot sex only.

“I see,” Zarafina said, nodding. She turned over a card: the Lovers. “The cards say differently. It will be longer than two weeks.” She turned over another one: the Emperor. “But he is not what he seems. He has power.”

“Not over me,” Amelia said, and looked up as Dude came into view. He leaned up against the wall and crooked his finger at her. Her nipples tightened in reaction. “Well, maybe a bit,” she admitted.

The Hierophant came up next. “That's a lot of major arcana cards,” Zarafina said. “There are strong forces in play. You are in some danger. You need to be careful.”

“Careful of my heart?” Amelia asked.

Zarafina grunted. “Not necessarily. You are stirring up forces that are going to attack. Be careful you are not in the way.”

“I'll see what I can do.”

“In the meantime, enjoy that hunk of a man.”

“The cards say that?” Amelia looked down.

“No, but he's easy on the eyes. If I were twenty years younger, I'd drown you in the pool for that one.” But she smiled, taking the threat out of her words.

“Men are all alike. If you wanted him that badly, you could have him.” Amelia was surprised at the bitterness in her tone. She wanted to be over Jay so badly. She just needed more Dude. But what would happen when she needed to be over Dude?
That's not a thought for right now,
Amelia told herself, holding up a finger to Dude, so he knew to give her a minute.

Zarafina turned over the next card: the Hanged Man.

“A life in suspension. The cards don't know what to make of you yet. Perhaps you don't either.”

“Don't tell Dude, but I'm not going back to New York. I'm going to find an apartment and a job down here. How is that going to work out for me?”

Zarafina turned over the last card. It was Death.

Amelia bit her lip. “Sorry I asked.”

Waving her hand, Zarafina said, “It's not what it looks like.”

“That's what Jay said.”

“Jay is insignificant. The Death card very seldom means an actual death. It symbolizes major change, which seems about right. Let me read you again next week. But for right now, you're on the right track.”

“Thanks.” Amelia leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Are you having fun?”

“I am very content. Thank you, my dear.”

Standing up, Amelia saw that a small queue had formed for Zarafina. “Do you want to go apartment hunting with me tomorrow?”

“No, I'm all booked up.”

“Good for you.” Amelia gave her a thumbs-up.

“Have fun. I'll try to keep the traffic out of the room from now on.”

“Hey, do what you have to do. If you want me to clear out because you have a hot date”—she waggled her eyebrows at Zarafina—”leave a scarf wrapped around the doorknob.”

“Stranger things could happen. I've found my new home.” Zarafina patted the table. “So who knows what else the universe has in store for me?”

“See you later.” Glad that she wouldn't be all alone when these two weeks were up, Amelia practically skipped over to Dude.

“Hey, how were your snorkeling lessons?” she asked him, standing on tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

He turned his head at the last minute so she got his mouth. “I'm not used to working so hard,
Not after being so hard all night long.”

“That's too bad,” she said. “I was hoping to take you up to my room. It's got a great view…and a lanai.”

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