Lightning and Lace (23 page)

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Authors: DiAnn Mills

Tags: #Kahlerville, #Texas, #Bonnie Kahler, #Zack Kahler, #Travis Whitworth, #Lester Hillman, #Texas Legacy series, #widow, #preacher, #wayward son, #1898, #romance, #grief, #healing, #secrets, #redemption, #best-selling author, #DiAnn Mills

BOOK: Lightning and Lace
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The prospect of having two old men fighting in the middle of church crossed Travis’s mind. Both men had long since determined never to agree on anything, and this matter was no different.

The reverend and Pete Kahler, Zack’s other grandfather, stood at the same time. “We agree.”

The prayer time seemed to last for hours instead of minutes. Finally, Travis asked for those who believed Zack was innocent to raise their right hand. He purposely didn’t ask for those who believed he deserved a second chance. He wanted Zack free of any accusations.

The show of hands was three over half. Travis’s shoulders lifted.

Praise God.

“He’ll be murderin’ us in our sleep.” Eli shook his fist. “Mark my words.”

Chapter 27

Travis closed his Bible and grasped his sermon notes for the following morning. He’d wrestled all week with what to preach about. Forgiveness? No, that meant Zack was guilty. Love thy neighbor? That sounded too obvious—like beating his congregation over the head with a Bible. However, Travis worked hourly on trying to love Lester, but he’d rather wash pigs. Excuse me, Lord. That wasn’t necessary, just honest.

Travis reached for his coffee and downed the lukewarm brew. Topics from tithing to taking care of widows and orphans had plodded through his mind, but every reflection reminded him of Bonnie or Zack. He’d finally settled on a sermon about God’s miracles and the birth of John to Zechariah and Elizabeth. Certainly fitting for the season. He reread his notes and the Bible passage.

He pulled his pocket watch from his trousers. Ten forty-five. The weekly Kahlerville Times would be ready by now. He stood and made his way out onto the back porch where Zack was gathering and stacking wood.

“Zack, want to walk with me after the newspaper?”

“Yes, sir. I want to see what it says about the church.” He laid an armload of wood in a dry corner of the porch and swiped his hands together. The two walked around to the front of the house and then toward town and the newspaper office.

Morgan had brought Zack back on Thursday morning. Travis had missed him more than he imagined, and the thought of his one day returning to his mother’s ranch left a dent in Travis’s chest. Fortunately, Zack and his cousin Chad had renewed their friendship, and the Christmas holiday promised to be full of fun—and probably with a little mischief between the two boys. Travis shook his head in rebuttal of his own thoughts. Zack and Chad were no longer boys. They were young men.

“How do you want to spend your afternoon?” Travis said.

“I reckon I’ll work on Mama’s Christmas present. Did you have something for us to do?”

“I want to plan Christmas Eve and pray about the music. Auditions for solos are this Wednesday.”

Zack grinned. “I feel sorry for you. Some of those folks sing like hound dogs.”

“And I’ve already been accused of having favorites. That’s one of the reasons why the choir will do the choosing.”

“Are you going to sing?”

“Only if I’m asked.”

“Brother Travis, you and my little brother have the best voices in the church. I’m sure you’ll be asked.”

Travis smiled. His charge had come so far from the hostile boy of a few months ago. After the sad business of Zack being accused of destroying church property, Travis had held his breath for fear Zack would return to his old ways. But that showed a lack of faith in God.

“Do you mind fetching the paper while I check at the general store for any mail?” Travis had ordered a book for Bonnie for Christmas, but he wanted it kept secret in case it didn’t arrive in time.

After Mrs. Rainer had confided in him that she had encouraged Bonnie to write stories, he decided he wanted to do his part, too. The Houston Post advertised a book by Eleanor Kirk called Information for Authors. He’d promptly mailed his request to the author, indicating he wanted it to give someone for Christmas. Lots of time remained before the celebration, but Travis wanted to read the book before he gave it to her. Some writers said things about God that he didn’t approve of.

In front of the newspaper office, Travis gave Zack three cents, and they parted company. “I’ll meet you at the general store. Your grandpa may be working today.”

The sound of the bell over the door of Kahler’s General Store welcomed Travis inside to the crowded shelves brimming over with goods. He smelled a mixture of cinnamon and leather. “Morning, Pete. How are you doing?”

Pete Kahler passed him a grim look. “I’ve been better, Brother Travis.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Have you read this morning’s paper?” Pete leaned on the counter.

“No. Zack’s getting it now.”

“You won’t like it.” Pete pounded his massive fist on the countertop. “There’s gonna be a special set of coals for Lester Hillman, and I plan to be there to light the kindling.”

“Whoa. What’s it say?” Travis sensed a slowly rising panic. What had Lester done now? “Do you have a copy?”

“I threw it in the stove as soon as I read it. I should have taken it to the outhouse.” Pete glanced out the window. From the size of him, a man might think twice before riling him. And Pete Kahler was definitely riled.

“What does it say?”

Pete nodded toward the window. “Here comes Zack now. Looks like he’s reading it. Wish I could spare my grandson what’s written there.”

Curiosity had nearly gotten the best of Travis, but he waited until Zack entered the store and handed him the paper. His pale face told Travis more than he wanted to know.

“And I didn’t think it could get worse.” Zack walked to the potbelly stove and warmed his hands.

Without a word, Travis read the headlines: “P
.” The beginning of the article ran straight to what happened until a section regarding Lester Hillman caught his attention: “I take an early morning ride to pray and think about what the good Lord wants me to do that day.”

That alone made Travis want to rip the paper into pieces. “I saw Zack Kahler throw a rock at the church, and I heard the window shatter. I shouted at him, but he told me to mind my own business. He cursed me, too. I then reported the incident to the sheriff. As much as it grieves me to see one of our town’s youth destroy church property, I am prepared to replace the Bible, the windows, and the hymnals. Brother Whitworth has been trying to guide young Zack, but obviously his work has been in vain. Due to my respect for the deceased Ben Kahler and his widow, I elected to confer with Morgan and Grant Andrews, the boy’s uncles, to find a suitable military school for him. I feel prompt attention to the matter will increase the chances of this wayward youth mending his ways.”

Travis lifted his gaze from the newspaper, too angry to speak, too dumbfounded to think clearly. “Does the man have a conscience?” he finally said. “He lies as though every word from his mouth is gospel truth.”

“You and my uncles aren’t planning to get rid of me, are you?” Zack narrowed his eyes, first at Travis then at his grandpa. “I’ll run away. I swear I will.”

“No. Listen to me, Zack. It’s another one of Lester’s ways of making himself look good,” Travis said.

“If Ben were—” Pete started then stopped himself. “Zack, neither of us can live in the past. What Lester had printed is wrong. All of us who love you know it.”

“But I don’t understand. Why is God punishing me? I’m trying real hard to do all that the Bible says, and horrible things keep happening. I give up. I give up.” Zack turned and dashed out the door into the street.

“Best go after him.” Pete leaned on the counter. “I’ve got a notion to pay Lester a visit. He’s given this family trouble since before Frank and Ellen were married. That man can spread more gossip than a dozen old biddies.”

Travis remembered Ellen’s story and her deliverance from Kahlerville’s brothel. Lester had manipulated the citizens of this town for quite a while.

“Wouldn’t help a bit, Pete,” Travis said. “He’d have more stories to spread.” He watched Zack disappear toward their home. “I need to see to Zack.”

“You suppose he’ll run off?”

“I hope not.” But I ran when the going got tough. He made his way to the door.

“Thanks for all you’ve done for us, Brother Travis. I hope someday we can repay you.”

Travis despised statements like that. His past wasn’t worth the newspaper print for Lester to tell the story. “This is my life. I only want to help.”

As he suspected, Zack was throwing clothes together in a small bag. His Bible lay on the bed. All had not been lost.

“Where are you going?”

“Somewhere away from this town and Lester Hillman.”

“The world’s full of men like him. They just have different names, different reasons to hurt folks.”

Zack glanced up from his furious packing. His reddened eyes revealed the scar across his heart. Travis would have done anything to take away the agony etched in his young face, but Jesus had already done that.

“You don’t know what it’s like, trying to live a good life when Lester seems to want me dead.”

“Not just you, Zack—your uncles, your mother, and me.”

“Why? What have we done to him? Is he still mad ’cause Papa refused to sell him the Morning Star?”

“I believe there’s more to it.”

“No matter. I’ve made up my mind. I’m leaving. Tell my mama ’bye for me, will you? Don’t want her worrying.”

“She will. All of us love you, Zack. Stay. Fight this thing with Lester. We will win.”

“I can’t. I’m tired, and God keeps punishing me for all my sins.”

Zack’s words echoed from the past when Travis was convinced that God had him tied to a whipping post. He couldn’t let the young man live with the doubt of God’s love and power in his life.

“You’re on your way to being a fine man. Don’t let Lester spoil what’s ahead for you. I was in your shoes not so very long ago. I understand your doubts and how misfortune seems to stalk you like a wildcat looking for prey. I’m going to tell you a story that I’ve never told anyone. I’m not proud of it at all. Sometimes I toss and turn in bed at night and wonder what I could have done differently.”

In the quiet of that first Saturday in December, Travis revealed to Zack what had driven him away from his Tennessee home. How he’d befriended a woman from a brothel, asked her to marry him, and lost his church when others disapproved.

“And now you’re here,” Zack said. “Is what happened in Tennessee why you look and dress a little strange?”

“I ’spect so.”

“Are you still hiding from yourself?”

The question penetrated Travis’s soul. He hadn’t reasoned the situation like that before. “Maybe I am. I think I need you here as much as you need me. Will you stay?”

Zack stood from the bed. “I reckon I don’t have any choice. If I run off, Lester might go back to bothering my mama.”

Not if I can help it.

The young man forced a smile. “Someday I might find out what you look like under all that hair.”

Travis chuckled. “You might at that. Right now we need to go see your mama before she reads the newspaper.”


Bonnie blew out the lamp and snuggled under the warm quilt of her bed. The unexpected visit from Travis and Zack had unnerved her for a little while, but she’d come to expect the worst from Lester.

Her poor son. She prayed his life soon returned to that of a normal boy. As she studied him tonight, she saw her soon-to-be thirteen-year-old son was no longer a boy. Travis referred to him as a young man, and she had to agree.

Sylvia Hillman. Had she approached Lester about her knowledge that he’d given Bonnie the wine? Or had she tucked it into the secluded part of her heart where Lester’s infidelity with Martha lay? Lester had pushed all of them to the limit. If the man turned up dead, a dozen or more folks would be questioned. And she’d be one of them.

Unable to find a comfortable spot in the bed, she opened her eyes and touched the opposite side of the bed. How long had it been since she’d done this? The habit ended weeks ago, and she hadn’t been aware of no longer leaning on the past. Odd that tonight she sought the comfort of one who now lived with Jesus. Perhaps the turmoil around her brought on a need for love and reassurance or maybe the twinge of guilt at recognizing the incessant tugs at her heart for Travis.

“Am I being unfaithful to you?” she whispered in the darkness. How many times had the question echoed in her mind?

Nothing but night sounds responded, yet the angst in her soul dissipated. The Bible gave her freedom to remarry, and although Travis appeared as the most unlikely man for her to give her affections to, somehow that very thing had happened. She laughed lightly in the darkness. She, who had always believed a man must be as handsome as the day was long, had fallen for a man she could not see. Blind to her eyes except for the part of him that God loved the best. Mercy, what was she doing robbing her body of sleep by dwelling on a man like a lovesick girl?

Bonnie promptly closed her eyes, determined to sleep and cease this foolishness. He might detest her. She held her breath and remembered Thanksgiving. She’d seen the look in his eyes—the only visible area of his face. Go to sleep, crazy woman!

Squeezing her eyes shut, she deliberated everything from Lydia Anne’s riding lessons to Michael Paul’s piano and schoolwork to the grotesque situation with Lester, who had now dragged Zack through the manure.

Maybe she didn’t feel love for Travis at all. Maybe her weary mind simply needed a diversion until Lester stopped his torment of her beloved family. That’s it. I’ll not spend another moment deliberating on Travis until my precious son, family, and friends are safe from Lester Hillman.

Tomorrow after church, she’d talk to Frank and Ellen Kahler. Days ago she’d considered the possibility of Ellen helping her in this war with Lester, but digging up the past was often painful.

Chapter 28

Bonnie turned to Michael Paul when the last “amen” rumbled through the church. “Please keep an eye on Lydia Anne for a few minutes. I want to talk to Uncle Frank and Aunt Ellen.”

“Yes, ma’am. Can we visit with Grandma and Grandpa while we wait?”

“If I’m not back by the time they’re finished bidding everyone good-bye, go ahead.”

She wound through the crowd and avoided the disapproving glances and frowns of some of the congregation. Those folks must have left their Christianity at home and decided to believe ugly rumors. Standing on the tips of her toes, she searched the crowd for Frank or Ellen. When the couple was nowhere to be found, she looked outside. Just as she decided they must have chosen not to mingle with the others this morning, she caught sight of Frank Kahler—a man hard to miss since he’d inherited his father’s huge frame.

Bonnie held back her impulsive nature and slowly made her way to Frank and Ellen. “Morning,” she said to Ellen and nodded at Frank. “How are you doing?”

“We’re fine. Just fine.” The strawberry blond shifted Frank Jr. to her opposite hip. “Oh, Bonnie, I’m so sorry about all the gossip. Is there anything I can do?”

Bonnie took a deep breath. “As a matter of fact, there is. Do you and Frank have a moment to talk to me?”

“Of course. I meant to ride out to the Morning Star yesterday, but Frank Jr. is cutting teeth and running a little fever.”

Bonnie touched the baby’s head. It felt warm. “Did he run a fever when cutting his other teeth?”

“Oh yes. I should have come by to see you. I’m sorry.”

“Ellen, that wouldn’t have been necessary. I know you too well, and listening to gossip is not you.”

Ellen tugged on Frank’s arm, and they moved away from the small crowd.

A few minutes later beneath a live oak on the far corner of the church grounds, Frank and Ellen waited for Bonnie to speak.

“I need help,” she said. “Lester Hillman is up to no good, and he’s getting bolder.”

“My brother would have skinned him alive for some of the things he’s done and said,” Frank said. “Whatever you need, count us in. Our family has had our fill, too. Lester crossed over into fightin’ territory when he accused Zack of vandalizin’ the church.”

“What I’m going to say might make you uncomfortable.”

Ellen nodded. “I have a feeling what this is about, and I’ll help in anyway I can.”

“Thanks.” Bonnie took a deep breath with a quick prayer. “Do you recollect what Lester was like back when he and Martha were . . . spending time together?”

“I sure do,” Ellen said. “He was bossy—tried to tell Martha how to run her business. That ended in a lot of arguments, but it was the only thing they fussed about.”

Bonnie’s next question seemed out of place in the churchyard, but it had to be asked. “Was he involved with any of the other women there besides Martha?”

Ellen frowned. “Oh yes. Shortly before I left, he approached me.”

“By any chance do you know if any of those young women were those at Heaven’s Gate?”

Ellen focused her attention on Frank, then to their baby.

“Honey, answer her question. If we can do anything to help, then we must.”

Ellen hesitated. “When Martha was out running errands, he’d find the time to be with all of them.”

Bonnie closed her eyes and nodded. That was the information she needed. Lester no doubt still used the residents of Heaven’s Gate as he’d done for years.

“Tell her the rest of it,” Frank said, then reached for the baby. “Tell her why you don’t volunteer at Heaven’s Gate.”

From the tone of Frank’s voice, Bonnie guessed the reason.

“Once Sylvia took over directing the home, Lester made it clear that I was not welcome there.”

“But you ministered to those girls before the brothel burned. You helped some of them go back to their families. You and Jenny are best friends.”

“Lester gave his terms.” She peered up at her husband. “Frank started after him, but then we got word about Ben not being expected to live beyond the day. So I told Jenny being around Lester reminded me too much of my own past sins.”

“I’m so sorry,” Bonnie whispered.

“It’s all right. Now I help with the older folks.”

Bonnie smiled. Ellen was always taking a meal to someone or making sure Grant knew about one of the elderly who felt poorly. “Did Lester ever threaten you?”

“Frank would never have stood for it.” She laughed lightly. “I think he’s afraid of my Frank.”

Bonnie glanced at the huge man devoted to his wife and son. “Thanks, Ellen. Do you mind if I pass this information along to Morgan and Grant?”

“Not at all. From the gossip I’ve been hearing, best Brother Travis hear it, too. I want Lester stopped. So many people think he’s a good Christian man, but he’s proving he’s not.” Ellen’s voice quaked.

“Bless you. We’re trying hard to end all of this.”

“I pray it’s soon. He has a temper.”

“Did he ever hit any of the girls at Martha’s?” Bonnie said.

“A few times. One of the girls threatened to tell Martha, but she left before Martha found out.”

Or did Lester make sure she left?


By Thursday of the following week, Travis had endured as many nasty comments about Zack as he could handle. The newspaper article blaming him for the church’s damage had turned more folks against the young man. Travis even heard a rumor about the church voting again on dropping the charges.

Travis knew he must pay Lester a call as soon as he settled Zack into his lessons. He wasn’t sure what he’d say. God would have to put the words in his mouth. Forgiveness perched at the top of his list along with finding love for Lester. Christ called Travis to love all men—no matter what they’d done or would do in the future.

Being a man of God sure could test a fellow’s patience.

“I’m going to see Lester,” Travis said.

“Leave your rifle here,” Zack said, not lifting his eyes from a page of arithmetic.

“Very funny. I’m going on God’s business.”

“Lester won’t listen to anything you or God has to say.”

“Maybe this time he will.”

Zack picked up his Latin book. “I think you’re wasting your time.”

“God’s time.”

Zack shook his head and seemingly turned his attention to his lesson. He started to say something, then closed his mouth abruptly and focused on the Latin.

Travis left him to his studies and made his way to the Kahlerville Bank in the business part of town. He had no problem determining Lester Hillman owned it. The floors were polished so bright that if Travis took a mind to, he could see himself reflected where his boots rested. Deep wine and gold wall coverings framed a huge chandelier, and the wooden partition leading to the tellers’ area was in dark mahogany. He clasped his arms behind him and studied the walls. Ornately framed pictures of the different aspects of Kahlerville’s history hung for all to see—and Lester stood in every one of them. Travis nearly laughed. He moved his attention to Laura standing behind the teller window and scribbling on a pad of paper. They were alone.

“Good morning, Miss Laura. Is Lester around?”

She lifted her sad eyes and smiled. “He’s in the back. Would you like for me to fetch him?”

“If you don’t mind. And if he’s busy, I can wait.” Now that Travis was at the bank, he was eager to make his peace with the man.

She disappeared and returned a few minutes later. “I can show you back to his office.”

Travis took long strides down a hallway to a fine office, an even more flamboyant representation of Lester Hillman. Right behind his desk hung another stained-glass window. The man probably had his own glass factory.

Lester hunched over a ledger but straightened when Travis stepped inside his office. “I have considerable work to do, so make this quick.”

“I appreciate your allowing me a small bit of your time.”

Lester nodded at Laura. “Please close the door behind you.”

It shut with a certain finality that caused Travis to wonder if he’d ventured into a lion’s den. Sure glad he’d read the whole story and knew who won.

“You can sit down if you like.”

“Thank you, I will.” However, Travis questioned if he was dressed appropriately.

“So does the church need money?”

“No. We’re fine.”

“I said I’d replace the Bible, stained-glass windows, and the hymnals. Are you wanting something else, too?”

“This has nothing to do with the church.”

Lester sat back in his leather chair, which resembled the color of dried blood. His suit fitted perfectly to his frame, every hair in place, his mustache perfectly waxed. “I don’t have all day.”

“I’ve come to tell you that I forgive you for all you’ve done to me, to those I care about, and especially to Zack.”

Not a muscle moved on Lester’s face.

“People I care about have been hurt. I can’t help them or you as a preacher with bitterness in my heart. That’s the reason for my visit, to ask for your forgiveness.”

Lester leaned forward and folded his hands on his desk. “If this is a ploy for me to retract my statement about Zack breaking the church windows, you can leave my office now. I’ve done nothing in my dealings to be ashamed of.”

“What about the young women at Heaven’s Gate?”

“What about them? I assist my wife in Bible studies there and make certain they are gainfully employed.”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Travis recalled word for word what Ellen Kahler had said to Bonnie. And he hadn’t forgotten about the night Lester struck Rosie.

“Keep this up, Brother Travis, and you’ll be looking for another church.”

“Lester, let’s talk sensibly.”

“Grand idea. I’ve been trying to get you to see my way of doing business since you arrived. You do your preaching and visiting sick folks, and I’ll run Kahlerville. If I need you, I’ll come calling.”

“No thanks. I’m not interested.”

“I’ve lost patience with you, preacher man. Leave my bank before I throw you out.” He made his way to the door and opened it wide. “Good day.”

“God loves you, Lester. Let Him heal and lead you.”

“Mind your own church affairs, and you’ll not get hurt.” He walked to the bank’s entrance and opened that door.

The walk home gave Travis time to pray for Lester—the first time he’d honestly sought God to touch the man’s heart. Until today Travis had believed Lester could be reached, but his heart was rock hard. He had the most money in town. He had a wife who adored him. He owned much of the land in and around Kahlerville. He had the power to persuade others for Christ if he’d let the good Lord work through him. Instead, Lester chose to satisfy his lusts.

Back at home, Travis called for Zack. No answer. He made his way to the backyard and called again. No answer. Back in the kitchen, the Latin book lay facedown on the table. No vocabulary words copied. No note.

He spent the next several minutes doing chores. Everything Zack owned was in its place. When Zack had still not returned, Travis sat on the front steps and watched the road while he clutched his pocket watch in his left hand and his Bible in his right.


“A wedding in February?” Bonnie said. “Juanita, are you telling me that you and Thomas are getting married in February?”

The Mexican woman’s eyes shone like the stars had been plucked from the sky and mounted in her dark pools. “Sí, Miss Bonnie. He asked me this morning when I brought him coffee.”

“Just like that? He was romantic, wasn’t he? I mean, did he get down on one knee and tell you of his undying love and beg you to marry him?”

Juanita covered her mouth. She laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks. “You do not know Thomas very well.”

Bonnie laughed, too. Just thinking of Thomas on one knee was hilarious. “Are you going to tell me how he proposed?”

Juanita lifted her lovely face, the color of coffee with lots of rich cream. “I gave him a biscuit with honey, and he said they’d be busy today.”

Bonnie waited on the edge of the kitchen chair. “And?”

“Then he asked me if I liked living in the big house with you. I said very much. Then he asked me if I could be happy living with him in his cabin. I asked why, and he said he’d like to get married.” Juanita shook her head. “He didn’t get on one leg. His knees hurt.”

Bonnie giggled. “Didn’t he tell you he loved you?”

Her eyes widened. “Sí. I forgot that part.”

“That’s the most important part.”

“I think ‘Sí’ is the most important. But he told me he loved me after he said he like to get married.”

“Good. I can see you love him, too. Why wait until February? Why not a Christmas wedding?”

“Thomas want to fix up the house for me.”

Bonnie hugged Juanita and planted a kiss on her cheek. “You will be the prettiest bride this territory has ever seen.”

“I’ll be the happiest. I’ve loved Thomas for long time. Now God has blessed me with his love.”

Bonnie chatted on about having a grand wedding and making sure Juanita and Thomas had a few days to themselves after the ceremony. She allowed herself to dwell on Travis for a slight moment, then shooed the thought away. Silly woman. With all of her problems, why ever would Piney Woods’s preacher be interested in her?

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