Read Lights to My Siren Online

Authors: Lani Lynn Vale

Lights to My Siren (13 page)

BOOK: Lights to My Siren
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Coming up empty, I tiptoed to Sebastian’s pile of clothes, fished out his wallet, and found one lone condom in the money portion of his wallet.

Thank God.

Tossing it on the bedside table, I divested myself of my underwear, bra, and tank top, picked up the comforter off the floor, and laid down carefully. Once I was sure he wouldn’t wake up, I gently pulled until he was on his back.

Getting on my knees, beside his torso facing his feet, I slowly started to work his cock out of the access panel in front, and gasped when I saw the I sheer size of it, even when he was nearly soft.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the man was the size of my ex when he wasn’t the least bit hard. What the hell would he look like when he was?

Then I got my answer.

Slowly, his cock began to rise, and when I felt his large, warm palm on my knee that was planted on the bed travel up, up, and up some more, I knew he was well and truly awake.

I hadn’t intended for him to be asleep when I got down to business; it was good that he was awake. I had plans.

When his hand reached the top of my thigh, I felt his large thumb sweep over the outer lips of my labia, and shivered.

Needing more, I took the plunge, and straddled his big chest until my face was clearly in line with his ever-growing cock, and my vagina was on presentation for his viewing pleasure.

My overheated clit came down on his chest, and it took everything I had not to grind my vagina back into his face. I needn’t have worried though, because in the next moment, he hauled my back until his face was buried in my sex, and his cock was tapping against my face in exuberance.

My moan of pleasure opened my mouth, allowing his cock to slip inside.

Once that happened, I kind of lost track of what happened next.

I licked my lips, rasping the edge of my tongue along the head of his cock in the process. The hands that had been on my hips split, one going to my hair, and the other going to my leaking channel, filling me up with one blunt finger.

His tongue worked wildly on my clit, circling the hardened bud while he worked another finger in my core, causing me to cry out.

When I moaned, the fingers in my hair nudged me forward, begging me to take more of him into my mouth; I obliged.

Relaxing my throat muscles, I took as much of him in my mouth as I could, and still didn’t come close to having him fully inside me. Sliding the hand that wasn’t wrapped around his thick dick underneath the elastic of his boxers, I gently grasped the silky sack of his balls. Massaging them, I worked my mouth and hand in tandem up and down along his cock.

Then, Sebastian worked a third thick finger in, and then curled them in, seeking the hidden spot inside of me that made me wild.

Sitting up until I was nearly sitting on his face, I let the hand that was wrapped around his balls go, and used it to balance myself so I didn’t smother him with my vagina. The hand that was on his dick kept up its pace, though, coaxing drops of pre-cum out with every fourth pull on his massive erection.

“Fuck my fingers.” He growled against my clit.

I did.

I used the muscles in my legs to work myself up and down on his fingers, using them as I would his cock.

“Need you to come. Need you nice and wet so my cock will slide up inside of you and not stop until my balls slap against your ass.” He rumbled.

His dirty talking was getting my engine turning. In three more short plunges, and a twist of his finger, my orgasm took over, and I hurdled over the side of a mountain that had the potential to kill me with its massiveness.

“That’s right, let those juices go.” He rasped.

Embarrassingly, I did.

Sad to say a man hadn’t worked me long enough, nor had enough patience to get me off before. For Sebastian to was a first in and of itself.

I didn’t have much time to contemplate that huge revelation, though, because suddenly, I was on my back, head where his used to be. His massive body kneed my thighs apart to make room for his hips.

“Fuck me.” I panted, planting my feet into the mattress and rising so the head of his cock rubbed against my distended, sensitive clit.

Sebastian growled at the sensation, fumbling for the condom on the nightstand with his fingers that were still covered in my juices. He ripped the foil with his teeth, and had the sheath rolling down his cock in the next instant; all the while, he watched me, eyes hooded.

“You ready?” He asked as he planted his fists in the bed on either side of my head.

At my nod, he took a thigh in each hand, separated them out wide, and positioned his cock at my entrance. With slow, precise movements, he worked his cock in and out, an inch at a time, until the entire massive length was buried inside of me to the hilt.

I panted, trying to get used to the fullness; he let me adjust.

“I think you split me a new one.” I said, working my inner vaginal muscles.

“You’d know if I split you a new one. Stop doing that unless you want me to start fucking you.” He growled.

I was pretty sure I’d know if he ripped me a new one, too. I was just giving him a hard time.

“Yeah, about that.” I said, raising my hips as best I could, since he still had my thighs in his hands.

When I moved, he took that as assent, and started flexing in and out of me, very slowly.

“God, you’re so hot and wet. I can’t wait to fuck you without this covering my dick.” He rasped.

I looked down, seeing his condom-clad cock disappearing and reappearing from my weeping hole.

“You ready for more, baby?” He asked through gritted teeth.

I let my hand move, passing down my stomach, tickling over my sensitized clit, until I came to the point where we were joined.

It didn’t seem possible that my skin could stretch that much, but it did. Jesus, but he had to be as big around as my wrist at the widest part.

“I’m gonna take that to mean you’re ready.” Sebastian grunted before using the hands that were parting my thighs wide to travel up until he had a hold of my feet. From there, he pulled my feet back until my knees rested against the bed, leaving absolutely no room for me to add my own movements to the mix.

“Hold on, honey.” He said before withdrawing until his dick just barely kissed the entrance, and then plunged forward, fast and furious.

I closed my eyes. Sebastian had left me no room to maneuver, to counter his movements with my own. Which meant that all I had to do was sit back and feel.

Each plunge and retreat of his cock from inside me started building the weirdest sensation in my core. Something I’d never felt, even with the help of my own vibrator.

“Fuck,” Sebastian hissed, making my open my eyes.

He was watching where we joined, as I’d done earlier. Watching his cock pull all the way out. Then he’d see the give of my pussy stretch until I was filled to the brim with his cock; stretched to the limits.

“I’ve wanted in you so bad since the moment I saw you. Your pussy feels like nothing I’d ever dreamed of. And your tits are bouncing with each thrust.” He growled, now watching my boobs.

They were bouncing up with each thrust, and down with each withdraw.

“Feed them to me.” He growled, leaning forward.

I did as I was told, cupping each breasts, and offering them like a dessert. He licked and sucked each nipple until they were hard, wet peaks. Once they were perfect, he roughly popped them from his mouth, and moved his mouth to my neck.

I didn’t know what it was about my neck, but when he put his mouth on it, sucking, licking and nipping, I detonated. It was all just too much.

Sparks of color exploded behind my clenched eyelids, and large bolts of lightning streamed through my veins, bowing my body up, allowing him to hit that spot deep inside of me that he’d found with his fingers earlier.

“Sebastian!” I gasped loudly.

“God, that tight little pussy is clamped down on my cock so hard that I can barely breathe.” He gasped.

It didn’t stop him from plunging in deeper and harder. With one, two, three strokes, he stiffened. His abs clenched, his fingers tightened on my ankles, his head fell back, and he shouted his release.

“Motherfucker!” He bellowed.

In that moment, I was glad I didn’t have neighbors, because it was obvious that neither one of us would be quiet during sex. Me with my moans and screams, and Sebastian with his growls and bellows.

When he withdrew, I felt empty, and missed the feeling of fullness instantly.

He disposed of the condom in the toilet, and fell back into bed, making me bounce with the force of his body hitting the mattress.

“Mother of God, I think you killed me.” I gasped.

“They don’t call it the ‘Little Death’ for nothing.” Sebastian agreed, as he himself was laid out beside me.

“We need more condoms.” I breathed.

“That we do.” Sebastian seconded.


“Here. You’re going to want this. I don’t have near enough, since I know you’ll want to do it to everyone, but there’s over five hundred pennies there.” Sebastian said, handing me a thick Crown Royal bag.

The coins in the bag jingled, and I sat it in my lap, looking at Sebastian curiously. “I guess I never really asked what kind of errand we were running. Will you tell me now?”

Sebastian was currently driving on the highway. His right hand was on the steering wheel, and his left was hanging absently out the window. He had an empty Dr. Pepper bottle that he was spitting sunflower seeds into in between his legs. The black hat that was on his head partially shielded his eyes when he looked over to me and smiled sadly.

“We’re visiting a few friends.” He said with a crack in his voice, and then stayed silent for the remaining miles it took to get to our destination.

I stayed silent as well, feeling the change that had overcome him when he passed over the Oklahoma border.

The radio was silent; the only thing breaking through was the sound of wind pounding through the open window.

It was when we pulled up to the Fort Hill Cemetery gates that I finally understood his somber mood. He said ‘we’re visiting friends,’ but I didn’t understand that ‘friends’ meant deceased. I’d thought he’d meant friends who were alive. Now, seeing the big beautiful gates, I understood.

And my eyes started tearing up.

The friends I’d seen in the picture hanging on his office. He’d spoken about them like they were his best friends in the world. Were they who he was visiting?

When he found a parking spot towards the back of the lot, he put the truck in park, released his seatbelt, and reached behind him, removing a big black gun from the small of his back. Another one came off his ankle. And yet another one came from his other ankle.

He watched my face impassively as he removed his weapons. Knives came from pockets, and I wondered what the hell he was doing.

“What the heck are you doing with all those on you?” I asked baffled.

He smiled. “I always have them on me.”

Don’t think I didn’t notice that fucking ankle bracelet on him. Which meant he wasn’t allowed to have all those weapons. Although, I was more concerned with him getting in trouble, rather than the fact that a person with an ankle bracelet that monitored his whereabouts was carrying weapons.

“Why are you taking them all off?” I asked.

“Cemetery prohibits weapons, concealed or otherwise. Out of respect, everyone follows it. If you’re carrying anything weapon wise, you should take it out of your pockets.” He said, looking pointedly at the bulge in the pocket of my jeans.

“How did you know I was carrying anything that resembled a weapon?” I asked as I removed my keys, which remarkably had a Swiss Army Knife attached to them, from my pocket.

He gave me a look. You know, the kind that resembled a ‘do you think I’m a dumbass’ stare. Then he hopped out of the truck, walked around to my side, and opened it for me.

I smiled at his chivalry, and squinted at the bright noonday sun. The sky was cloudless; so pure and blue that it hurt my eyes to look up.

Sebastian pulled the sunglasses that were hung at the collar on his shirt, and slid them on his face, effectively covering his eyes, as well as his emotions from me. Then, he took my hand that wasn’t holding the coins and walked with me to the entrance of the cemetery.

“Have you ever seen the coins on a grave before?” He asked as he nodded to the uniformed guards that were standing sigil at the gates.

“No,” I asked, confused.

His hand went to his necklace, pulling until the dog tags lay on top of his clothing.

Then he started fiddling with the bill of his cap, and I finally understood he was nervous.

“You’ll see a bunch of coins on these graves. Many times, people pay their respects by leaving pennies on the graves, it tells the families that someone visited. That’s why I brought you the bag. There’s no way you’ll be able to put that on each grave, but there are 194 stones we pass until we reach the first one I’m after, and 139 until we reach the next one. I don’t know if you want to put out all the pennies, but I expect you will.” He said, clearing his throat.

Consequently, that was how I found myself putting pennies on graves of soldiers that I never even knew. There were so many of them. It was like a sea of graves. Some dated as far back as 1919; although, Sebastian informed me that they founded the cemetery in the 1800s.

I left Sebastian when he reached the first grave marked, Mitchell Ryan Reid, 1984-2006. He hadn’t said that he wanted time, but I’d given it to him anyway. I did see him place a quarter on the grave as I walked a few graves away.

I’d noticed how there were other coins on the graves besides pennies, and decided I needed to know more.

Pulling out my phone, I googled the practice, and found what I was looking for.

Nickels meant that the deceased and visitor to the grave attended boot camp together. A dime meant that they served with the person in some capacity. And a quarter, like the one Sebastian had just left, meant that they were with them when they’d died.

When I read the last sentence, my heart broke, and I knew for sure that was exactly whom he was visiting. The three best friends that had died while they were on deployment.

BOOK: Lights to My Siren
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