Read Like a Fox Online

Authors: J.M. Sevilla

Like a Fox (4 page)

BOOK: Like a Fox
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Chapter 6


The next day Vic doesn’t show for breakfast, for the first time since he started coming. I try not to take it personal or fear that he’s moved on. The following day I arrive to quite the commotion between Sammy and my dad at the café.

“What’s going on?”

“Came home yesterday to my apartment filled with hundreds of blues records, replacing all that I had lost and then some!” Sammy exclaims, half-bewildered, half-jubilant.

I’m taken back, “
? Really? From who?”

My dad’s disturbed, concern written all over his face, “He doesn’t know.”

“It’s an angel!” Sammy throws his arms up to the heavens, “A saint. A person to be worshipped!”

I chew on my bottom lip, “You don’t think that’s strange?”

“Freya,” Sammy begins, unable to stop smiling, “when you get as old as I am, you start being thankful for miracles and embrace whatever life throws at you. Somebody wanted to do a good deed and doesn’t want recognition for it. I’m okay with that.”

When he puts it that way, I don’t blame him. My dad doesn’t seem as convinced, but then again, he thinks someone’s out to get Sammy by way of anonymous record gifting (since crooks are shady like that).

I embrace Sammy, the two of us ignoring my dad as he spouts off warnings.

We’re soon hit with the morning rush and we get back to work.

When Vic arrives, I breathe out a heavy release and we go about our typical morning routine. I keep hoping he’ll acknowledge me in a way that lets me know something, anything.

As I see him get up to leave I’m tempted to stop him and be the one to ask this time.

You know what? Screw it.

“Hey!” I call after him.

He slightly turns enough to view me.


He smirks, a genuine one that doesn’t leave as he nods and exits.

Maya stands next to me, “Why do I get the feeling he planned on you doing that?”

“I think because he did.” That man knows exactly what he’s doing.

“Damn, he’s going to destroy you. I can tell already.”

I would have to agree.

So why can’t I just walk away?

On my lunch break I rush home and get my favorite dress for later; the one that shows off my cleavage in a subtle yet sexy way, hoping to seduce some kind of reaction out of him.






“Have you finished deciding?”

“Deciding what?” I ask Vic. He’s walking me home after our dinner. Neither one of us talked the whole way through. It was like we were strangers who had to share a table because there was no more room.

He doesn’t answer, and it’s because he knows I’m playing dumb.

I sigh as we come up to my walkway and we stop at my porch. “I don’t know, I’m confused.”

“You don’t want to like me.” It wasn’t a guess. Vic was making a statement.

He’s inches from me. The space between us has me wanting to pull him to me, my body wanting to claw at him, and the other side is overwhelmed with the reaction he evokes from me, both physically and emotionally. I want him to step away so I can breathe and think straight.

“But you do,” he takes another step. “Stop holding back.”

“I don’t trust myself around you.”

His hand caresses the side of my face and I close my eyes from its drug-like effect.

“Why is that a problem?”

“You’re going to break me,” I state, not at all ashamed.

“I would never hurt you,” Vic repeats his words from the other night. “I mean that.”

“Give me something then,” I plead, desperate for whatever we have between us to take shape. “I can tell you’re interested. We wouldn’t be here if you weren’t, but I need you to show me that you’re feeling something,
towards me.”

“I didn’t peg you for the hearts-and-flowers kind of girl.”

“I’m not, but you never even checked me out, or told me I looked pretty tonight, or anything stupid like that to let me know what’s going on inside your head. You’re impossible to read.”

He leans over, lips so close it wouldn’t take much effort for them to connect, “I hate coffee. It’s vile.”

I jerk back just as I feel his mouth lightly brush mine, “But you get it every day, with refills?”

His other hand comes up to cup my face, his thumb rubbing back and forth along my lips.

I forget how to breathe and can’t remember what we were even talking about.

bring the refills.” His lips come to mine, barely resting on them so he can finish while I swallow his breath in, “That’s my favorite part of the day.”

He steps us back against the wall, baring his weight against me, his erection digging into my stomach.

I kiss first.

The man drank coffee that he hates for me. That’s way better than him telling me I look good in my dress.

There’s nothing sweet about the kiss; it’s raw and desperate. Our tongues, mouths, and hands are everywhere. There’s no rhythm, only urgency. A hand squeezes my breast. In the past, I would have slapped it away until the sixth or seventh date. This time I arch to press further against it. It usually takes an hour or more of foreplay for me to be
aroused, and even then it’s tamer than my current state.

“Come inside,” I suggest, muffled from our tongues caressing.

Vic smiles along my lips. I wish I could see it. I’ve never seen him smile.

He breaks free, making enough room for me to slide past him, his hard cock brushing along my stomach as I pass. It has me ready to do every naughty thing I have ever done or fantasized doing.

Vic’s front is right up against me as I unlock the door, hands resting on my hips. It’s hard to concentrate on such a simple task with him right there, the heat of him alone arousing me. I’ve never felt this before, whatever he’s doing to me. He makes me forget all reasonable thought; he even makes me forget myself. It’s overwhelming, exhilarating, and scary as hell. I never want it to end.

He follows close behind me as we pass the living room to go up the stairs to my room. Maya is there with Flynn. Their heads follow us as we make our way upstairs. I blush, glancing over my shoulder at Vic, who of course acts as though nobody is there, his expressionless face firmly in place. Once again he makes me feel like I’m the only one losing her sanity.

I remind myself that he’s been drinking coffee that he hates every morning for the past three weeks just so I would bring him refills. You don’t do that for someone you’re mildly interested in. You do that for someone whose closeness makes you feel alive.

He closes the bedroom door behind us.

I wait for him to examine the room like he seems to do with every space he enters, but he doesn’t. His eyes are slowly raking the length of me, undressing me with them. I make it easier for him.

Bold is not normally my forte, but this man makes me daring. I lift my dress over my head so only my lacy sky-blue thong remains. The dress is a halter top styled one, so I never wear a bra with it.

Vic attacks me, taking me off guard, and we stumble back, my knees hitting the base of my bed and sending us backwards. His hard exterior cages me down, the bulge of his cock rubbing against exactly where I want him. I groan.

Vic pulls me upright, sliding his lower half down between my legs, sucking along my neck as he does so. His tongue and mouth trail across my collar bone. My fingers curl into his hair as I use my other hand for support. He reaches a breast and my head falls back in ecstasy. His lips suction around a nipple, sucking it in so most of the breast goes into his mouth. I whimper from the pleasure.

Seeing my breast being sucked in so fiercely has my insides going haywire and it’s all too much at once.

I take one of his hands, placing it between my legs on my panties, wanting him to feel how wet I am.

He doesn’t react, continuing on to my other breast. I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s the silent type during sex, I guess I was just hoping to find something he lost control in.

I’m getting to the point that I won’t be able to control my actions I’m so aroused. Vic must sense it, and his rough hands go to the edges of my thong. I lift my hips enough for him to glide it off. He kisses along my thigh all the way down to my toes, sucking on each one as he removes it. Then he goes to the other foot and works his way back up.

In my head I had expected him to just tear the undies off. Maybe I’ve read too many romance books; his way is
much better.

“Lay back,” Vic commands, his accent coming out thicker. I do what I’m told while his hands lift my legs up, placing my feet on the mattress so I’m spread open, on display. His nose trails between my folds, inhaling me. A finger enters me and I automatically buck in reaction. It’s gone just as quickly. “I need you wetter.”

“Wetter?” I’ve never been so wet in my freaking life.

His tongue grazes my clit and I explode; not in an orgasm, but an oh-dear-god-that-feels-incredible. You know the one. That moment you get exactly what you want, where you want it.

“Yes. I have a large dick. I need you ready for it.”

Oh, shit.
I just got wetter.

His tongue circles around the clit before sucking it in. I don’t know what it is with him and sucking things, but I am not complaining.

Oh, god
. No, definitely not complaining.

Two fingers glide in, working in tandem with his tongue, and I’m coming within minutes, which has never happened to me before.

Vic removes his shirt, grabbing at the back collar and pulling it over his head. I lift myself up on my elbows to get a better view.

He’s glorious. Toned to perfection. Not overly big, but he’s definitely packing muscles that define every inch of him. His skin’s flawless and I can’t wait to run my hands over his naked flesh, feeling it all. He stands, unzipping his pants and letting them drop to the ground.

He isn’t wearing anything underneath, which is oddly a huge turn on. His eyes are watching me watch him.

Can we take a moment to talk about his cock? Holy mother of God it’s glorious. Thick, long, and hard. So thick my fingers won’t be able to wrap around it. It’s beautiful. I don’t care if I’m not supposed to call a dick beautiful, because it is. I reach for it, mesmerized, wanting to taste it, but he takes my hand.

Kissing the tips of my fingers, he explains into them, “Not tonight. When I allow him into your mouth I plan on also cumming in there.”

bossy in the bedroom. I knew it.

Vic rolls on a condom I hadn’t even seen him unwrap and pulls me back so our bodies are fully on the bed. He adjusts, cock in hand, and before I have a moment to process it he’s plowing into me, his cock ramming hard and fast, over and over. He lifts my thighs to have them wrap around his waist and his arms go under me, coming up to cup the back of my head. This position allows him to fuck me even harder, his entire length stabbing into me. I cry out in pleasure (and a tiny bit of pain) from his massive size.

He doesn’t make any kind of noise. I unfortunately start yelling like a banshee as my orgasm builds and passes through me, leaving me in a state of delirium.

Two hard thrusts after I finish, he pulls out. His cock covered in my juices, he unravels the condom, tossing it to the ground. He strokes his cock, his own release shooting out and streaming onto my stomach, some of it reaching as far as my breasts. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. He then takes both of his hands and spreads it so he’s covering my flesh with his cum.

My inner feminist wants to wipe it all off with a towel. The other part of me, the one he brings out, wants to be claimed by him. I want him to make me his.

Vic leaves my room, buck naked, as though we’re the only ones in the house. I hear him down the hall in the bathroom. He uses it, then comes back with a wet cloth that he uses to clean my chest and vagina with.

He lays himself down next to me, his fingers lazily playing between my folds. I move my head so our foreheads connect.

“Tomorrow night we shave you. I want you bare.”

I nod like some fucking doormat, but the idea of being bare when he comes on me like that again so I can see it hit my pussy turns me on to the point that I start grinding against his hand that is still playing between my legs.

“So greedy,” his accent is still thick as he rubs harder.

“Stay the night,” I beg, needing more of him.

His tone is soft as he nuzzles along my cheek, finding my lips, “Every night.”




Chapter 7


We’re woken up in the middle of the night by my sister in the room across from mine.

“Harder! Fuck your little slut harder!” Maya cries.

“Does my cockwhore like this?” Flynn growls. “What about this?”

Maya cries out in ecstasy, “Yes, oh god yes! Make me your dirty whore!”

I feel Vic silently laughing against me as their explicit noises get worse. My back is to his front in the bed, his arms wrapped around my chest, both hands holding my breasts. Men.

I silently laugh with him, “My sister likes dirty talk. If Flynn tried talking to her like that outside of the bedroom she’d barbeque his dick like a hot dog.”

We fall back asleep to the sound of my sister and Flynn talking dirty to each other.

I’m woken up again by Vic sliding out of bed, softly kissing my lips.

I hear him getting dressed in the dark, “Are you leaving?”


“What time is it?”

He brings over my phone and I check the time: four-thirty in the morning.

“You wake up earlier than I do.” Five is when I wake in order to be at the café by six. The crowd doesn’t come in until after seven, but Sammy and my dad like the company.

“I despise the morning,” Vic confesses, and I catalog it with the other minuscule facts I know about him. “But if I’m going to be spending my evenings with you, I need to get work done.”

“And what is it you do?” I question half-heartedly, not expecting him to answer.

“Once you know, you can’t unknow, and you can’t tell anyone.”

“What will happen if I do? Will you have to kill me?” I tease.

“No. I don’t harm what’s mine.”

. One word, thousands of butterflies.

I sit up, fully awake now, bringing the sheet up with me.

He comes over and brings it down, “Don’t ever hide from me.”

“Answer my question.”

“Which one?”


“I won’t tell you the first until I know I completely have you, and if you tell, you’ll put my life in danger as well as your own.”

“Why my own?”

“Being with me is dangerous.”

Vic leaves me with that. I listen to him exit the house, then I scramble off the bed and go to my window that faces the street, watching him cross to his place.

What the hell am I to make of that? Why did he even have to go and say that? Can’t he just pretend to be some standup guy so I don’t go mad with curiosity and possibly have to let go the one guy who has ever made my body and mind feel so alive and electric?






“Oh. My. Goddess,” my sister exclaims as we watch Vic leave after his morning breakfast. He really does have the most scrumptious ass. “You were loud last night. I’ve never heard you before. You had Flynn blushing.”

I shrug, not the least bit embarrassed after years of having to listen to the two of them.

“What happened to your no sex until the tenth date rule?”

“He makes me forget myself.”


I look over at my smiling sister, “Good?”

Maya nods, “Yes. Those are the best ones. The ones that make you lose all inhibitions and be reckless.”

I shrug again, not entirely convinced, scared of the way I already feel for him. Like if he asked me to elope right now, I’m not entirely sure I’d say no. How crazy and stupid is that? We’ve only had three dates, during one of which not a single word was spoken. I shouldn’t feel this way this fast.

Maya grabs the plates that are ready, “What was up with the iced tea?”

I smile. I had brought Vic an iced tea this morning. He had given me the same confused look as Maya (he has me continually thinking of ways to catch him off guard in order to get an emotion out of him). My only explanation to him was “free refills.” The left side of his mouth had curved for a fraction of a second, revealing a smile I’m so desperate to see. He drank it back like it was water, and I refilled it four more times before he left without a goodbye. He had, however, made eye contact for a brief moment. It was a start.

“You’ve got it bad,” Maya teases, poking my cheek and the corner of my mouth that is still smiling. “You’re becoming a lovesick puppy.”

“Pretty stupid of me, huh?”

“No, not as long as you don’t lose yourself in the process.”

She left me to ponder her statement while she delivered the food.






“Mom?” I ask a few hours later as I lounge in one of the big comfy chairs we offer by the display case, a leg draped over an arm, bouncing up and down.

She takes a step back from the display, a hand covering her mouth, and the heel of her toe tapping the floor as she evaluates it, “Hm?”

I watch her switch two books and step back again to examine the change while I come up with the best way to ask. “How do you keep from losing yourself?”

She switches them back, “Is this about that boy you’ve been seeing?”

I almost laugh. I doubt anyone has ever called Vic a boy, not even when he was one. “You know about him?”

She gives me a pointed look. The café gossips worse than teenage girls.

“Yes,” I reluctantly reveal. My parents raised my sister and I to be independent, to be feminists; not in an extreme way, but in a healthy, empowering way.

“It’s normal to feel that way in the beginning.”

My mom goes to the mystery section, motioning for me to follow, continuing when I do, “I was that way with your dad.”

“How so?”

“He was nothing like what I had expected to want,” her fingers trail the spines, in search of a particular one. “I thought I’d find some literary professor or writer of some sorts, not some Birkenstock and tie-dye wearing goon who smoked pot. Yet I fell anyway. Hard and fast. Recklessly you could even say,” she pulled out a few, handing them over for me to take. “By the end of the first date I knew he was the one, by the end of the fourth I was hopelessly in love. It was very confusing for me. He didn’t fit the mold I had created.”

I adjust the growing pile in my arms, “I don’t want to change for some guy.”

She taps her lips, head tilting back to better view the top shelf, “Do you feel you’ve changed?”

Yes. I had sex with a man on the third date, the same night we kissed for the first time. That wasn’t me. I repeat what I told Maya, searching for a better answer, “He makes me forget myself.”

“That’s not always a bad thing.”

BOOK: Like a Fox
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