Like a Lover

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Authors: Jay Northcote

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Gay, #ARe, #all romance ebooks

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Like a Lover




Jay Northcote





Cover artist: Garrett Leigh.

Editor: Sue Adams.

Like a Lover © 2015 Jay Northcote.




This literary work may not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or
photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written

This is a work of fiction and any
resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or
locales is coincidental.

The Licensed Art Material is being
used for illustrative purposes only.

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of
this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
articles and reviews.



This book contains material that is
intended for a mature, adult audience. It contains graphic language, explicit
sexual content, and adult situations.






As always, this book wouldn’t be here
without help from several wonderful people. Annabelle and Justyna were my
pre-readers and cheerleaders; they encouraged me to get the words on the page,
and helped me knock the story into shape. Then my editor, Sue, took those words
and made them better. Finally my proofreaders: Dawn, RJ Scott, and Sandra, did
the final polishing. I’m hugely grateful to all of them.






Josh sipped
at his drink and tapped his foot impatiently on the rung of the bar stool as he
watched the door.

Philip was nearly
half an hour late now.

He checked
his phone, to see if a message could have magically—and
silently—appeared since he’d last looked at it five minutes ago, but the
screen remained obstinately blank.

Philip was
never late. He was one of Josh’s regular clients, a businessman who was often
in Plymouth for meetings. Josh had seen him every few weeks for over a year
now, and he was always on time for their appointments. At least Josh had
arranged to meet him tonight in a bar near the hotel rather than waiting in the
room for him, so he could have a drink while he waited. Philip had paid in
advance, so Josh wouldn’t be out of pocket for the room, but Josh had been
hoping for a quick appointment. He’d been up till the small hours finishing an
essay last night, and he was knackered this evening. Yawning all over a client
was never very professional. Thank God it was Saturday tomorrow, and he could
sleep in.

He felt
uneasy, though. This was uncharacteristic of Philip, so Josh couldn’t help
worrying. Josh didn’t get emotionally attached to his clients. He couldn’t do
this job if he did. But Philip was one of the good guys. Charming, always
courteous, he treated Josh like a person, not just a hole to fuck. Josh hoped
he was okay and that nothing bad had happened.

He put his
phone down on the bar and sighed. Glancing along the polished wood, he spotted
another man a few metres down, sitting alone with a phone in his hand and a
frown on his handsome face. Josh wondered whether he’d been stood up too.

minutes later, Josh’s glass was empty. By now he was sure Philip wouldn’t show,
but he didn’t want to go home yet.

He didn’t
usually cruise for clients anymore. They came to him via his website. He
preferred it that way, getting the booking up front. But tonight he felt
restless. He’d been looking forward to a good fuck despite his tiredness. It
would make him sleep better after, and Philip was always a guarantee of
satisfaction. Maybe he could find someone else to provide that, and make a bit
of extra cash while he was at it.

Josh could
always use more money in his bank account. Being a student was an expensive
business these days. With no financial support from his waste-of-space father,
Josh had come to university facing the gloomy prospect of huge loans that would
take him most of his working life to pay off. He’d been determined to get a job
and work as many hours as he could fit around his studies, to relieve some of
the financial burden. But he’d soon realised that working as a waiter or in a
supermarket wasn’t going to make much of a dent on his expenses.

he’d got a job working as a dancer in a gay club, and when men started to offer
him money for sex, he’d figured why not?

Josh sat
facing the bar now, his back to the door. He’d given up watching for Philip.
Instead he let his gaze roam along the mirror behind the rows of bottles and
glasses until he caught sight of the reflection of the man seated along the bar
from him, still alone.

studied him, admiring the high cheekbones and square jaw sprinkled with
sand-coloured stubble and the thick mop of dark red hair that shone bright
auburn where the light caught it. As Josh looked, the guy raised his eyes and
caught Josh watching him in the mirror. He held Josh’s gaze for a moment, and
then he smiled, a hesitant but devastating curve of his lips that caused a
twist of warmth to curl in the pit of Josh’s belly.

Well, hello

Josh smiled
back. He didn’t need to fake interest in this man. He was gorgeous and was
clearly eyeing up Josh. He was well dressed, and with the prices of the drinks
in this bar, he must be reasonably well off. It had to be worth a try.

off his barstool, Josh picked up his phone and approached the man, who turned
to greet him.

“Hi,” Josh
said. “Mind if I join you?”

“Help yourself.”
The man gestured to the stool beside him. “But you looked as if you were
waiting for someone.”

“I was,”
Josh replied. “But I’ve given up on him now.”

The man’s
lips quirked ruefully. “So we’ve both been stood up, then?”

“Looks that
way. I’m Josh.” He offered his hand.


His hand
was big and his grip firm. Josh deliberately let the tips of his fingers slide
over Rupert’s warm, smooth palm when he took his hand back. If Josh had been in
any doubt that Rupert liked dick, the sweep of those cool blue eyes and the way
they lingered for a moment too long on the crotch of Josh’s skinny charcoal
jeans would have been the deciding factor.

their loss is our gain,” Josh said with a grin.

Rupert looked amused, and then he added, “Can I buy you another drink, Josh?”

“Lime and
soda please.”

Once Rupert
had ordered Josh’s drink and another whisky for himself, he led the way to a
table in the corner, away from the bar.

“So, who
were you supposed to be meeting tonight? A date?” Rupert asked.

like that.” Josh didn’t want to show his hand too soon. He knew from experience
it was best to establish a connection first. “You?”

someone I’d met online. Maybe he chickened out of coming. Or maybe he saw me
through the window and decided he didn’t like the look of me.” He chuckled

“I doubt
that.” Josh held Rupert’s gaze and let the tip of his tongue slip out to toy
with the silver ring that pierced his bottom lip. Rupert tracked the movement
and his pupils dilated. “More likely he saw you and felt inadequate.”

flushed, surprising Josh. His slight bashfulness only made him more appealing,

changed the subject. “So, Josh. What do you do?”

“I’m a
student. Politics and Economics. You?”

“I work in

Josh was surprised.
Rupert didn’t look like his idea of a computer nerd. In his expensive-looking
lightweight suit and crisp pale blue shirt, Rupert looked as though he’d come
straight from an office or a bank.

“At the
university,” Rupert added.

“I wouldn’t
have guessed. I always thought IT guys were more jeans and T-shirts than sharp
suits.” He let his gaze skim over Rupert.

“Ah, but
this”—Rupert gestured to his attire—“is because my mother was in
town and I had to meet her for dinner earlier.” His tone suggested it had been
a duty meeting rather than a pleasurable one.

But Josh
didn’t react. He wanted to keep the conversation light. “Well, it suits you.”
He gave Rupert a flirty grin.

Rupert’s cheeks went pink again. He had fair skin, so it was obvious every time
he blushed.

chatted for a while about the university. The conversation was a little stilted
at first, but Josh was used to dealing with men who were shy or uncomfortable,
so he persevered, gradually drawing Rupert out until he relaxed and started to
talk more freely. Rupert had been living and working in Plymouth since
September. He’d done a degree in London and then moved to work in Exeter for a
couple of years. “I’m gradually working my way farther west… away from the
clutches of my mother.”

There was
that tone again.

“Is she
that bad?” Josh had no memory of his own mother. He’d grown up envying anyone
who had a mum, no matter how much they complained about them.

grimaced. “Only in that she disapproves of everything I am and every single
choice I’ve made. I don’t think I could be more of a disappointment to her if I

“Oh.” Josh
had no idea what to say because he didn’t know how that might feel. His own
father took no interest in anything Josh did. Josh didn’t think it was be
possible to disappoint his dad when he had zero expectations.

seemed to realise he was killing the mood and rallied quickly. “Sorry, sorry.
You don’t want to hear about my mother issues. Jesus.” He moved his chair
closer to Josh’s and their knees touched under the small table. Josh wondered
whether it was intentional. “I was supposed to be commiserating with you over
our failed dates.”

Josh lost
himself in the blue of Rupert’s eyes again. Tendrils of heat spread through
him. “You were.”

“I like
your lip ring,” Rupert said. His gaze dropped lower to Josh’s collarbones.
“What are your tattoos of?”

Rupert would just be able to see the wing tips that showed in this low-necked
T-shirt. “Two of them.”

“Have you
got any other tattoos?”

Josh gave a
slow, teasing smile. “Maybe. Do you want me to show you?”

Rupert met
his eyes again. There was a flicker of uncertainty before he answered. “Yes.
I’d like that.”

Josh turned
over the possibilities in his mind. It had been a long time since he’d had sex
for anything other than for money. He usually saw clients at least three nights
a week. They scratched the itch for him, and he didn’t have the time or
inclination to hook up with other guys. He hadn’t dated since he’d started
working as an escort. Josh didn’t like lying about his job, but most guys
didn’t want to date escorts.

It would be
easy to pick Rupert up tonight, though, and have no-strings sex with him for
fun rather than cash. But Josh’s rent was due.

“Me too.
But it’ll cost you,” he finally said.

frowned, obvious confusion crossing his features as he tried to make sense of
Josh’s words. “What? I don’t—”

hot, and I wish I could do this without asking you for money. But a client let
me down this evening. I have a hotel room booked and paid for next door, and I
need someone to cover the cost for me.” The lie came smoothly. “I can’t afford
to have sex for free tonight.”

mouth dropped open. Shock was evident on his face, but there was something else
that was harder to read. His cheeks flooded pink again and his eyes went dark.
“You’re….” His voice came out husky, and he cleared his throat. “You’re a….”

“A sex
worker. An escort, to be precise. Hooker, rent boy, you get the gist. I’m an
expensive one too. But my clients think I’m worth the money.” Josh waited,
tension making a muscle tick in his jaw as he forced himself to stay still and
hold Rupert’s gaze. On the occasions he’d tried picking up clients
face-to-face, their reactions had varied. Interest, anger, excitement, disgust…
he’d seen them all. He steeled himself, ready for rejection.

licked his lips. “How much?” he finally asked.

hundred for the first hour, one hundred for each extra hour after that.”

Josh had
started out charging much less at first, but quickly realised there was a
market for his emo-twink look. Once he’d set up his website with some classy
photos that showed him off to his best advantage, he’d hiked up his prices.
He’d found charging higher rates only made him more appealing to a certain type
of client.

There was a
long pause, and Josh was sure Rupert was going to say no. He was positive
Rupert had never paid anyone for sex before; his shocked reaction made that

Josh made a move to stand. “I won’t waste any more of your time, then.”

Rupert shot
out his hand and grabbed Josh’s wrist, stopping him. “I’ll pay,” he said
quietly. “But I don’t have enough cash on me.”

flooded Josh, not just at the thought of the money, but also at the thought of
getting Rupert alone in a hotel room for an hour. He relaxed back into his seat
again and picked up his drink. “There’s a cashpoint over the road. I’ll wait
here while you get some.”

I’ll, uh, go and do that, then.” Rupert stood abruptly, then picked up his
double whisky and drained it in one gulp, obviously in need of liquid courage.
Josh hid his smirk. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

watched Rupert’s very nice-looking arse as he walked away. He had a feeling
this unexpected appointment wouldn’t be too much of a hardship.


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