Lily and the Beast 2 (14 page)

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Authors: Amelia Jayne

BOOK: Lily and the Beast 2
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“Hi,” I smiled, suddenly shy when he gazed down at me so intently. 

“Hi,” he breathed, lips quirking in a faint smile before he rolled onto his back and pulled me with him, arm wrapping around me tightly.

“So much for me being in control, huh?” I sighed, but I wasn’t disappointed, not one bit.  It was fun to tease him, but we both knew what we needed to find the ultimate release.  I felt his shrug. 

“Some beasts aren’t meant to submit.”

I snuggled deeper into his embrace, blissful satisfaction filling my entire body.  “That’s okay, I wouldn’t have you any other way.”




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A quick word of thanks to my proof reading team, rock on!  And special thanks to Laveda Kasch of Rock Out with Sweet Reads for putting together such a cool release day blitz.  Thanks so much for helping me get the word out!


Copyright © 2015 Amelia Jayne, all rights reserved.

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