Lily and the Duke (5 page)

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Authors: Helen Hardt

BOOK: Lily and the Duke
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“I-I don’t know what you mean.”

“Innocent angel,” he murmured. “Let me show you.”

She gasped as he parted her legs and pushed her knees up.

“Wet,” he said. “So wet for me.”


“Your pussy is wet. It’s normal, love.” He smiled between her legs. “It means you want me as much as I want you.”

Then he was kissing her…there. She’d heard of such things, but a lady wouldn’t… It was disgraceful really. Try as she might, though, she couldn’t bring herself to stop him. As he swirled his tongue around the entrance to her body, he breathed fire into her.

“You’re so sweet,” he said, “and so amazingly pink and pretty. God, I want you like I’ve never wanted anything.”

Lily arched as he found a place that made her head spin. She quivered and moaned as his tongue danced over her hot flesh. More, she wanted more.


She had no idea what she was asking for, but he seemed to understand. Her tissues stretched as he filled her with a finger and stroked languidly in and out. The stretch, though uncomfortable at first, soon had Lily writhing as her body adjusted to the fullness. As his fingers danced inside her, ripples of flame ignited across her skin. Lily curved against him, grabbed his satiny hair, and pulled his face closer as pleasure rang through her in a rapturous wave of ecstasy. She cried out his name as she surrendered herself, while he continued to lick her and stroke her, nursing her through the waves. When a euphoria settled over her, he stopped, moved upward, and kissed her mouth slowly and deeply. The fruity musk on his tongue was different.
. She melted into his kiss, her own flavor an intoxicating sensation.

“Oh, Daniel,” she whispered. “I had no idea.”

He stroked her cheeks with his lips. “My God, I love the taste of you, the smell of you, your touch, your kisses.” He nipped her earlobe. “Let me inside you, Lily. I’ll be so gentle. I’ll make it good for you, I swear it.”

His hard cock poked against her thigh. The desire to have him inside her body overwhelmed her. “Yes, yes,” she whispered. “Come inside me. Please.”

Daniel led her hand to his hardened shaft. She grasped its length, spreading her legs and leading it to her entrance.

“Rub it over your wetness, love.” He groaned. “That’s it, get it good and slick.” He clenched his teeth. “I’m going to enter you now. You tell me if you want me to stop. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I don’t want you to stop.” Lily gritted her teeth, bracing herself for the pain.

He entered her slowly. She grabbed his shoulders, loving the feel of his hard muscle, as he slid all the way into her. Full. So full. The invasion hurt a bit, but not nearly so much as she had feared. Daniel’s shudders and groans of pleasure seemed much more important than the small amount of discomfort Lily felt. She arched against his hips, drawing him deeper into her body.

“Are you all right?” Daniel asked.

“I-It’s so big. I’m so full.” Her words were a breathless rasp.

“Do you want me to stop?”

God, no
. “N-No. Don’t stop.”

“Oh, thank God.” Daniel’s body crushed against hers, nearly knocking the air out of her lungs.

“I c-can’t breathe, Daniel.”

“I’m so sorry, love.” He adjusted his body. “Better?”

“Yes, yes,” she whispered. “Show me what to do.”

“Just kiss me.”

He clamped his mouth onto hers and began to move within her, pulling himself out then pushing back into her in a rhythm she met with her hips.

“So sweet, so tight,” Daniel said against her neck.

The burning of his intrusion slowly turned from ache into pleasure as he nudged her sensitive peak with each sensational thrust. Her whole body throbbed, and soon the waves of pleasure rippled through her again. As she sobbed her climax, he thrust mightily, his entire body pulsating against her in a blazing explosion.

“Lily. My God,

Chapter 4

aniel slowly turned
onto his side, cuddling Lily in his arms, gently pulling her leg over his hip, their bodies still joined.

“Sweet Lord,” he said.

Lily let out a nervous giggle. “I guess men do have their uses.” She laced her fingers through his hair.

He laughed softly and kissed her nose. “Go to sleep, love.”

ily awoke
to the noonday sun streaming through the bay window in Daniel’s bedchamber. Should she feel regretful? Ashamed? Oddly, she felt only relaxed.

She sat up in bed and turned to feast her eyes on the man lying next to her. He was on his back, one arm strewn across his eyes. Oh, he was beautiful. Timidly she reached over and ran her fingers through the tawny curls on his well muscled chest. When she reached a nipple, it hardened beneath her touch. She feathered her hands down lower, traced a circle around his navel, and laced her fingers through the dark blond curls of his private area. His sex hung loosely, looking so different than it had during his arousal. She touched the softness apprehensively and then shyly removed her hand. Turning her head to look at his beautiful sleeping face, she found his green eyes open, smoldering as he looked at her.

“Don’t stop,” he said.

“Forgive me.” Warmth crept over her skin.

He chuckled softly. “There’s nothing to forgive. I told you, I want you to touch me.”

She looked toward the window. “It must be nearly noon. The luncheon starts at one, and my sister and mother will be expecting me. I have to go.”

He reached for her hand and entwined their fingers together. “You have an hour. Stay with me. In fact, skip the luncheon. Have lunch with me. We can dine here.”

“I couldn’t possibly. Besides, I…need a bath.”

He gave her a half smile as he stroked her thumb. “I’ll bathe you.”


“I told you I would take care of you. There might be some blood. Let me bathe you.”

“My God…” A bath seemed so intimate. Yet hadn’t they already shared the ultimate intimacy?

“Is that a yes?”

“I suppose so. What have I started?”

“Nothing that I have any intention of stopping.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Then we’ll dine together, here.”

Her heart pounded. “What about the luncheon?”

“Will your mother and sister really miss you?”

Lily shrugged. They would most likely think she had lost track of time painting. It happened often. “Probably not. But I do have to leave after lunch. I promised to spend time with my sister and my cousins. We’re going to skip the lawn party and…”

“And what?”

“Have some…fun.” She looked away.

“Doing what, pray tell?”

“I don’t really know yet. But we’ll find something.”

“I have no doubt of that.” Daniel kissed her fingertips, stood up, and walked leisurely to the door leading to the bath chamber. “Stay there, love,” he said, his gaze wandering over every curve of her body as she sat on the rumpled comforter. “I want to remember how you look right now. Your lips are the color of a ripe cherry, still swollen from our kisses. Your breasts are the most lovely I’ve seen, round and plump, with the most perfect little crimson berries that harden under my tongue.”


“And your hair. I love your hair. It’s so soft and dark, almost black, with little glints of brandy here and there. Mmm, your legs, so long and shapely, wrapped around me, and between them, the most luscious little—”

“Dear God.” Lily looked down. Her breasts were as red as she imagined her face to be.

Daniel grinned. “Vermeer himself couldn’t do you justice right now.”

Lily squirmed on the bed, the tender spot between her legs burning. “You shouldn’t talk like that.”

“Hush. I’m going to run your bath. I’ll call you when it’s ready.” He walked, naked, to the bath chamber.

She heard the rush of water as he filled the tub.
I could be happy here.
She lounged lazily on the bed.
If I never left this chamber again, I think I could be content
. Such musings surprised her, given her desires for art, writing, travel, so she banished them quickly from her mind. She couldn’t get attached to a man like Daniel. He had a renowned sexual appetite and would never be satisfied with just one woman. But for this one day, she would let him care for her. They had shared something intimate and beautiful, and she didn’t regret a moment of it.

“You can come in now,” he called.

She padded quickly to the door of the bath chamber and gasped. Gold veined marble walls encased a large room, in the center of which stood a giant porcelain tub with lion’s claws for feet. To her surprise, Daniel was already relaxing in it.

“I thought I was going to bathe,” Lily said.

“Of course you are. This tub is plenty large enough for two. You wouldn’t deny me the pleasure of bathing with you, would you?”

“I haven’t denied you any pleasures so far today, have I?” She couldn’t help smiling.

“Come to me,” he said.

She stepped into the tub. The water was warm and soothing as he nestled her back against him.

He touched her between her legs. “Does it hurt?”

“Not too much,” she said. “Just a little residual soreness. The warm water feels heavenly.”

He reached for a bar of scented soap and a soft cloth. He wet the cloth in the water, rubbed the soap on it, and placed it between Lily’s legs. “Let me wash the blood from you. I’m so sorry to have caused you pain.”

“You didn’t.” She gave a nervous laugh. “That is, I didn’t mind.”

“I’m glad.” He wrung out the cloth and placed it on the side of the tub. He grabbed the soap again and smoothed it over Lily’s body, caressing her with its lather.

“Mmm,” Lily said, breathing deeply, “that’s nice.”

She opened her eyes and took in the sights of the chamber. The golden faucet was in the shape of a lion’s head. A basin stood on a pedestal, also made of creamy white marble. A small door beyond led to a water closet, she assumed. “This is a beautiful bath chamber, and so modern. How long have you had it?”

“It’s all new actually,” Daniel said. “My mother had all the master bath chambers redone with the most efficient plumbing available after my father died. I was surprised to find it all when I returned from the continent.”

“It’s just decadent.” Lily closed her eyes and inhaled the natural scent of bodies in warm water. “I don’t know when I’ve enjoyed a bath more.”

“Is that due to the modern plumbing, or the company?” Daniel smoothed his fingers over her breast and pinched her nipple lightly.

She swallowed. “I guess I couldn’t have one without the other.”

She angled her face toward him and he caught her lips in a delicate kiss. Carefully she turned around so she was facing him, her legs straddling his.

“If you’re going to sit on me like that, I may have to take you again.”

She ignored his comment and gazed into his eyes. “You know, you have the most amazing eyes I have ever seen. They’re almost the color of emeralds, but not quite. There’s a touch of blue in them, but not enough to call them teal or turquoise. I can’t really describe the color, which is quite maddening, actually. There’s almost an undertone of…violet, if that makes any sense. Violet, yes, and a midnight blue. It’s like someone took an emerald, added just a touch of amethyst to it, and then melded it with a sapphire, but only on the bottom.” Lily ran her thumbs lightly across his eyelashes. “So beautiful.” She pulled him toward her and touched her lips lightly to his temple. “If I had some oil paints, the first color I would try to mix is the color of your eyes.”

Daniel stared at her. He started to speak, but she continued, lacing her fingers through his hair.

“And your hair. It’s so rich and thick. The color is like the afternoon sun shining through those high wispy clouds. I see highlights of burnt gold, and amber, and chestnut brown, and just a touch of silver.”

“The silver is grey, Lily.”

She reveled in the silk of his hair entwined in her fingers. “It feels like soft suede. I love how it falls in waves and touches your shoulders.” She smiled and paused for a moment. Then, “I want to wash it for you.”


“Did I stutter? I said I want to wash your hair.”

Daniel shook his head, smiling. “You are, without a doubt, the first woman who has ever asked that of me.”

“I never claimed to be like any of your other women.” Lily batted her eyes. “Now, may I wash your hair or not?”

“I could never deny you anything, love,” Daniel said.

“Wonderful.” Lily reached over and grabbed the pitcher from the wash stand next to the tub. “Now close your eyes.”

Daniel obeyed as Lily poured warm water over his head until it was saturated. She grabbed a dry towel and dabbed his eyes. “You can open now.” She took some soft soap in her hands and rubbed it into a lather between her palms. “Now, now, this won’t hurt a bit.” She smoothed the soap onto his head. Gently she massaged him, his wet locks sliding between her fingers. Her breasts rubbed against the wet hair on his chest, forcing her nipples into erect nubs.

Daniel closed his eyes and groaned. “You have sensational hands, Lily.”

“So I’ve been told.” She smiled.

He jerked against her. “You have?”

“By my art instructor, you cad!” She threaded her fingers through his hair one last time. “There, I think it’s clean now. I love the feel of your hair, Daniel.” She reached for the pitcher again. “Close your eyes. It’s time to rinse.” She drenched his head with warm water until the last trace of soap was removed. Gently she toweled his eyes. “All done. I bet your hair hasn’t been that clean in ages.”

Daniel stared at her, his eyes rife with mischief. She looked down. The ends of her long hair were slick with moisture and clung to the swell of her breasts.

“Your turn,” he said, grabbing the pitcher and filling it with the warm bath water.

“Daniel, no!” Lily shouted, trying to scramble away from him. “My hair is long and thick. It will never dry in time!”

“Too late!” He poured the water over her head. He wiped her eyes and rubbed into her hair. “Your hair is so long.” He added more soap, pulling it through to the ends of her tresses. “You’ve taught me something today, Lily. I never knew hair washing could be such an erotic experience.”

“No doubt you find something erotic in every experience, Your Grace,” Lily said, laughing.

He pushed her away slightly. “I don’t ever want you to call me that again. At least not when we’re alone.”

“I was only teasing.”

He gently pulled the suds through her hair and into the tub. “I love the way you say my name, Lily. I want to hear it all the time. Lean back now. I’m going to rinse your hair in the bath.”

He eased her down until her head was floating on the surface of the bath water. With one hand behind her back, steadying her, he rinsed the soap from her hair with the other. When the water was clouded with lather, he pulled her to him.

“Kiss me,” he said.

Lily slid against his chest as her mouth found his. Daniel’s arousal prodded against her as she straddled him, and she rubbed against it. Suddenly she couldn’t kiss him hard enough, deep enough. She let her tongue wander into the deep recesses of his mouth, exploring every hidden crevice while grinding her pulsing sex against his hardened shaft. He groaned as she teased and stroked. She was near climax when a knock on the door startled her. She broke the kiss and looked up, quivering.

“That’s just our lunch,” Daniel said gruffly. He pressed his mouth to her cheek. “I’ll make this up to you, I promise. Stay here. Don’t come out until I call you.” He left the tub, toweled himself off, and grabbed a dressing robe from a hook on the wall, closing the door of the bath chamber behind him.

Quietly Lily stepped out of the tub, smiling. What would Daniel do about his raging erection when he answered the door? No doubt the servants would act as if it were totally normal. For Daniel, it probably
totally normal. She wrapped herself in a dry towel, found another for her hair, and began wringing the moisture from it. It would never dry in time to meet Rose and the others for the afternoon. She would have to braid it wet and hope no one noticed.

Daniel opened the door and handed her a velvet dressing gown similar to the one he was wearing. “You look delectable in that towel, but I think you’ll be more comfortable in this.”

“I need to borrow a comb.” She dropped the towel and put on the robe. “If I let my hair dry like this, I’ll never get the snarls out.”

“Of course.” He grabbed a comb from a nearby shelf. “Here, allow me.”

“You don’t have to…”

“I want to. Your hair is beautiful, Lily.”

“My hair is wet, Daniel. Ouch!”

“Sorry, love. I’m not used to combing long hair.”

“All the more reason why you should let me do it.” She took the comb from him. “I’ll only be a minute.” She quickly finished and replaced the comb on the shelf. “Shall we?”

Lunch had been set on a table by the bay window. Lily sat down and looked out onto a spectacular view of the luncheon on the front and side lawn. “Lord, my mother and my sister are down there.”

“All the ladies are down there. It’s nearly one. They’ll be gathering for lunch and then for the lawn party afterward.”

“Gossiping and talking of other frivolous nonsense, of course.”

He filled a plate and handed it to her. “I hope you’re hungry.”

“Famished, actually. This looks delicious.” She speared a quail egg with her fork and popped it into her mouth. “It looks like a pleasant afternoon. I love April, especially when it’s warm like it is this year.”

“Do you ride?” Daniel asked. “It’s excellent weather for riding.”

“I love animals, and I’ve always wanted to ride more,” Lily said, “but I abhor riding sidesaddle. It’s dreadfully uncomfortable. I never really understood it, anyway, and frankly, now that I have a keener, shall we say, understanding, of male anatomy, it seems to me that men should ride sidesaddle and women astride.”

Daniel’s laughter rang out like holiday bells. “Lily, I can’t recall when I’ve had a more enjoyable time. I didn’t know it was possible to have this much fun with a woman outside the bedchamber.”

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