Lincoln (72 page)

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Authors: Gore Vidal

BOOK: Lincoln
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“I don’t understand,” said Chase, who understood only that he had been, in some obscure way, outmaneuvered yet again by the President.

“You and Seward have both resigned. So the Cabinet doesn’t lean too far one way or too far the other. It is just the way every farmer likes his saddle. It is just the way
like it.”

Chase rose with, he hoped, Roman dignity. “It has been an honor, Mr. President, to have served you in these harrowing times, and to …”

To Chase’s amazement, Lincoln had consigned his dignified and gracious resignation to the fire. Then the President took from the mantelpiece a second sheet of paper, which he also burned. As the four men watched the edges of the letters curl into red and yellow flame, Lincoln said, “You are both soldiers in a war. I am the Commander-in-Chief. I need you both. Will you desert?”

Although Chase could barely speak, he was able to force from his throat a negative pleasing to the President, who had for the moment so entirely routed him.


, sir, to cross the Rappahannock at the place I have noted on the map.” Burnside crossed his arms and stood, a monument to defiance, the unfinished monument to Washington behind him in the distance.

Lincoln looked at the map; looked at Burnside. “You would move now?”

“As soon as possible. But one thing stops me.”

“The weather?” Lincoln looked out the window at the unseasonably warm drizzle that fell on the mud-sea that had once been the White House lawn. It was the first day of January, 1863. The President was already dressed for the long day’s reception, which would also mark the official end of Mary’s mourning.

“I am content with that, sir. No, it is my officers, particularly General Hooker. I have not their support. Hooker makes trouble. He speaks of the need for a dictator here in Washington; and for another in the field.”

“Well, that is novel at least. Most of our would-be dictators only favor one.” Lincoln pushed the map away. “Mr. Stanton and General Halleck will be joining us in a few minutes. I have certain misgivings about recrossing the river in this weather …”

“Should those misgivings seem to you to be justifiable, then, sir, I think you should relieve me of a command that I never wanted.” The highly agitated Burnside kept folding and unfolding his arms, and tugging his huge moustaches.

“I am sure that it has not come to that, General.” Lincoln was mild.

But Burnside was not. “It is plain that what I’ve lost, I won’t recapture—the esteem of my commanders. I suggest that I go. I also suggest that Stanton and Halleck also go, as they have lost the confidence of the country. I have put all this in a letter to you.” At that moment, Edward showed in Stanton and Halleck.

Burnside looked straight at Stanton and said, “Sir, I have written a letter to the President.” Burnside produced the letter from his tunic. “In which I have asked to be relieved of the command of the Army of the Potomac. I have also made it clear to the President that I believe you, sir, and you, General Halleck, should both be removed from office, as you have lost not only the confidence of the country but that of the officers in the army.” Burnside gave Lincoln the letter.

Stanton maintained, for him, great calm. “I don’t see, General, how your failure at Fredericksburg is in any real way our responsibility, even though we have, as your superiors, shouldered it. It’s true that there are those in the country who would like all of us gone, including the President, but I doubt if these people are in any way a majority. If they are, we shall all be dismissed in due course.”

During this, Lincoln sat carefully reading Burnside’s letter. Meanwhile, the general was working himself into an even higher emotional state. “I should think, Mr. Stanton, that the divisions between you and General Halleck would be enough for one of you, at least, to want the other gone just as the feud between you and General McClellan caused him to go.”

On this, Lincoln looked up from the letter. “
dismissed McClellan, not Mr. Stanton.”

“But, sir, McClellan was constantly undermined by Mr. Stanton. Everyone in the army knows that. As for General Halleck, I can only say that he must not find it easy to work with Mr. Stanton, who, back in California, called General Halleck a perjurer when he was superintendent of the New Almaden quicksilver mine.”

“General Burnside,” Stanton’s voice was agreeably low and controlled, “your knowledge of ancient—and arcane—corporate history is uncanny. But it is modem military history that we are trying to make. Keep to the task at hand; and do not concern yourself with the relations between General Halleck and me.”

“Sir, it is a fact that your personal relations with people color everything you do, and that no general can ever take the field confident that he is protected at his rear from you.”

“Gentlemen.” Lincoln folded the letter, and gave it back to Burnside. “I will not accept this letter, written in such heat, and out of such understandable distress. Let us act as if none of this took place.”

“But, sir, it has!” Burnside was vehement.

“Well, then all the more reason for us to pretend that nothing has happened. Anyway, I have no intention of losing three men so useful to me, not to mention the nation.” Lincoln got up and arranged the map of Virginia on the table. “Gentlemen, General Burnside wants to cross the Rappahannock as soon as possible, below Fredericksburg. Here on the map.” Stanton and Halleck looked at the map. Burnside looked at himself in a mirror, and pushed at the edges of the great moustaches. “I myself worry about the weather at this time of the year. But I will leave it to you to decide, General Halleck.”

“I must consider the matter, sir.” Halleck was more than ever lugubrious.

“Of course. It is not a decision to be made in an instant. I hope, General Burnside, you will stay for the reception.”

But Burnside chose to return to the army. “You know my views, sir,” were his parting words.

“Indeed I do,” said Lincoln. When Burnside was gone, Lincoln turned to Halleck. “What do you think?”

“I think,” said Halleck, carefully and mournfully, “that I would rather that the decision to cross the river
be mine.”

Lincoln frowned. “General Halleck, I called you here and made you general-in-chief just so that you would be able to make this sort of decision for me.”

Halleck’s watery eyes focussed on the President. “Sir, if you are not satisfied with my performance …”

“Enough! Enough!” Lincoln turned from the map. “I am sick of resignations. Come, gentlemen. Let’s go to Mrs. Lincoln’s reception.”

Seward and his son prepared for the reception by getting in order the Proclamation of Emancipation, which, at some point that day, the President would sign.

As Secretary of State, Seward had already signed the document; an agreeable piece of work, he thought, although Lincoln had once again left the Deity out of the original draft. But this time it was Chase not Seward who had inserted Him. Chase had produced the final paragraph: “And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice warranted by the Constitution, and an act of duty demanded by the circumstance of the country, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God.” Lincoln had then slyly added the phrase “upon military necessity” after the word “Constitution.” He was still not about to be linked to the abolitionists. The freeing of the slaves was a military act and nothing more, as the President demonstrated when he proceeded to exempt not only a number of Louisiana parishes, as a favor to a Louisiana congressman who was a Unionist, but seven Virginia counties in and around Norfolk, where the pro-Union elements had persuaded the President that slavery ought to be maintained.

Seward had thought Lincoln typically illogical; but he had made no issue of the matter. On the other hand, Chase had balefully said that it was by no means certain that Lincoln’s Louisiana friend would even be allowed by Congress to take his seat in the House. Lincoln had been much irritated by this; and said that he would not be dictated to by Congress. As a result, slavery still flourished in those parts of Louisiana and Virginia under Union control, as well as in all of the border-states.

The abolitionists hated the document for its inconsistency. What was the point to freeing slaves in another country when you would not free them in your own? Many of the moderates were displeased because they feared turbulence among the Negro population in every part of the Union. Nevertheless, Seward felt the document more useful than not. After all, it had been carefully designed by him, as well as by Lincoln, to influence, favorably, the European powers.

“Fred, fetch me the Great Seal of the United States.” Seward now slipped on his frock coat. Then father and son—and the Great Seal in its small leather case—went across the avenue to the White House, where carriages were still coming and going at a great rate.

The sky was now clear; and the day warm as spring. Old Edward
showed them into the main hall, filled with bemedalled diplomats and bejewelled ladies. “The President says, will you please be waiting for him upstairs in his office.” Bowing amiably to right and left, Seward and son went up the stairs. In the President’s office they found Hay. Then, a moment later, Lincoln and Nicolay entered the room. The President peeled off his white gloves and said, ruefully, holding up his huge right hand, “I’ve been shaking hands for three hours, and I’m swollen like a poisoned pup.”

“Well, sir, relax your fingers. It is a pity we have no pianoforte for you to play. The limbering finger exercises are, to me, a joy, after I have been at large amongst the democracy,” said Seward, arranging the document on the table while Fred withdrew the Great Seal from its container and Hay lit a kerosene burner so that the red wax for the seal could be softened in a miniature pan.

Lincoln made some flourishes in the air with a pen. “Now,” he said, poising the pen over the page, “everyone is going to look at this signature when it is reproduced in the papers, and they are going to say, ‘Was he nervous or hesitant?’ not knowing that my hand and arm are sore. So I must write slowly and carefully, like this.” With that, he carefully inscribed his name in a bold dark ink. Then he frowned at the result. “It looks a bit tremulous,” he said.

“It is splendid, sir,” said Seward. “Now, Fred, the seal.” Duly, and a bit messily, the red wax was dribbled onto the parchment and the seal impressed.

“Now, sir, you are immortal,” said Nicolay,

“At least you are immortal for one entire edition of the New York
,” said Seward, blithely.

“Let us see what the London
will say.” Lincoln turned to Hay. “John, have you that cutting from the
, when I announced that I was going to release the Proclamation?”

Hay found the cutting in one of the pigeonholes of the desk; and read aloud: “ ‘Is Lincoln yet a name not known to us as it will be known to posterity and is it ultimately to be classed among the catalogue of monsters, the wholesale assassins and butchers of their kind?’ ”

Seward chuckled. “Oh, they have a sulfurous way with them, our loving cousins.”

“Plainly, the
has a window onto posterity. Proceed, John.”

Hay continued: “ ‘The Emancipation Proclamation will not deprive Mr. Lincoln of the distinctive affix which he will share with many, for the most part foolish and incompetent, kings and emperors, caliphs and doges, that of being Lincoln—The Last.’ ”

Lincoln chuckled. “I don’t know whether they mean I’m to be the last American president or just the last one named Lincoln.”

“Can I come in?” It was Robert at the door.

“My heir-apparent!” Lincoln exclaimed cheerily. “With no affix at all.”

“All hail the Prince of Rails!” Seward exclaimed; and all proceeded to hail the bewildered Robert, who then put himself in Hay’s hands, and together they made the rounds of Washington’s New Year’s Day parties.

The most elaborate of the open houses was that of Mr. Stanton, who greeted the young men with grave politeness; as did his nonsmiling white-faced wife. Hay looked about for the urn containing the ashes of the first wife, but saw no receptacle that seemed suitable for such rich earth. Robert stood with Hay in a corner of the parlor, and as the people came and went—much the same group that had called on the President—he complained to Hay. “I want to leave Harvard; and enlist. But every time I bring up the subject, Mother …” He did not finish.

“I can imagine,” said Hay, who could. The Hellcat had never been so impossible as during the last weeks of her mourning. Fortunately, she seemed genuinely to like visiting the hospitals; and so, accompanied by Keckley and Stoddard, she was kept away from the Mansion for hours at a time, distributing fruit and flowers from the White House conservatories; and allowing peace to reign in the living quarters. Over Christmas she had been kept especially busy by Mrs. Caleb Smith’s decision to give every man in hospital a splendid dinner as her farewell to Washington: Mr. Smith had quit the Cabinet in order to become a judge. Smith had been replaced as Secretary of the Interior by his assistant, John Usher, another nonentity from Indiana.

As there were more than twenty hospitals in the District of Columbia, the government ladies had all worked hard as waiters, Madam not excepted. But when she was not so employed, there were stormy scenes in the Mansion. She had never forgiven Hay for not allowing her to pocket the steward’s salary. She had also kept on Watt, though he was not on the official payroll. Nicolay and Hay were presently conspiring to capture Watt for the army but, thus far, he had evaded their net. Currently, Watt was the owner of a greenhouse in New York City’s Fourteenth Street; he also performed mysterious errands for Madam.

A colored man brought two plates on a tray. “Mrs. Stanton wants you to try the game-pastries,” he said.

As the young men tried the pastries, Lord Lyons made his entrance, accompanied by a slender youth whose black coat set off the minister’s gold braid and feathers. “How has she been?” asked Robert, mouth full. Hay took two glasses of punch from a passing tray.

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