Linc's Retribution (19 page)

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Authors: Brair Lake

Tags:, #Fluffer Nutter

BOOK: Linc's Retribution
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Chapter 25



“Whose idea was it that Fraggle and Kent tag along?” When Linc suggested that I have a night out with Baby Blu and Rayven I did not realize he had intended for the two newest members to join us.


Both women just gave a shrug of their shoulder as they continued to move their bodies in time to the music.


“Forget about them and let’s have some fun.”


“Does Inferno know what you’re wearing Baby Blu?” Tonight she has pulled out all the stops, and is wearing a body hugging electric blue dress which shows off her body at its best.


“Nope, waited till he had gone. Then got changed.”  With a twirl and a shake of her pert round bum at us, as she laughs. “What about you Cassie, you’re smoking. … and I do not believe Linc let you out looking like that.”


Smoothing my hands down the leather vest I am wearing with its matching leather skirt, which flares at my hips. I did my own twirl. The stiletto shoes adding height to my legs.


“Thank goodness I do not have to watch what I wear.” Rayven’s comment has both Baby Blu and me laughing harder. If Tabby could see what the minx was wearing he would have her over his knee and locked in her room. The red number, which shows off her flat stomach and perfect high breasts, left her shoulders bare and finished mid-thigh. Each time she twirled, the flared skirt would raise, giving a flash of the red panties she is wearing.


It’s not long before we are joined by a couple of men. One of whom made his way direct to Rayven and placed his hands on her hips. Instead of rebuffing him. Rayven moved in closer to wiggle her hips against his body. Tonight Rayven is letting her hair down and began to flirt with the young man.


“Having fun Rayven?” The dark haired girl looked up at us. Her eyes glazed with happiness.


“Sure am. No Papa Bear to watch me tonight.” Her reference to Tabby produces another fit of laughter from Baby Blu and me.


It was not much longer before Fraggle and Kent joined us on the dance floor. Uncertain what was going to happen next, I took hold of Kent’s hand and swayed my body in front of his. While Baby Blu went to grab Fraggle.


Somehow Fraggle evaded Baby Blu and ended up standing in front of Rayven. And my question from earlier is answered. Baby Bear has not escaped Papa Bear after all.


Turning back to my dance partner, I catch Baby Blu’s wink as she shrugs her shoulders and continues to dance with someone else.


“Hey mister move on. The lady’s with me.”  Wow, Papa
ear has most definitely put the guard dogs on duty tonight.


“Fraggle, it’s OK. We’re only dancing.”


“Rayven return to the table.” Fraggle’s tone has me looking over my shoulder.


“Too late Fraggle. Tables gone.”




The frustrated tone and the way Fraggle has placed his body between Rayven and her partner tells me things are not going well. Kent then proceeds to take a step in Rayven’s direction. Only to have his path blocked by Baby Blu, who laid her hand on his arm.


The tabular
of people have come to a standoff, and it’s Baby Blu who finally breaks the silence. “Rayven tell him to scarper.” The last is said as she points her head at the stranger. For a moment I thought Rayven was going to obey the request. Especially when a mutinous look crosses over her face.


With another mutinous look, Rayven takes hold of the hand of the stranger to move away from our circle, and continues with her mini rebellion. “Rayven do not.” Fuck, we are out with two newbies. Who want to prove themselves, and this could turn ugly. Somehow the situation has to be curtailed.


Again both Baby Blu and I try to draw Rayven away from her dance partner. However she’s happy to continue to dance with him. As Rayven continues to ignore our request, Kent has had enough, and he makes a grab for his sister’s arm. A move which she sidesteps. At the same time as Kent went for his sister, Fraggle takes a step towards the fucker who hasn’t sense to leave. A shove from Fraggle, has the stranger stumbling into the crowd dancing besides to us.


“Fuck, Baby Blu grab Rayven.” As Baby Blu makes a grab for the dark haired girl I attempted to push Fraggle out of the way. When suddenly the guy, who has now risen to his feet, raises his fist with the intention of thumping Kent. However Rayven has seen the fist coming and attempts to push her brother out of the way, when the fist lands on her instead.


That was when all hell broke out, and Fraggle pushed both myself and Baby Blu out of the way before jumping into the fracas, thumping the stranger. Only to have Kent thrust Rayven in our direction, as he also jumps in, and begins to beat up the guy.


“Shit Rayven you’re going to have a beauty of bruise in the morning” As the fight takes a turn for the worse. The crowd round us began to disperse, leaving a wide empty space for the brawl to continue. In the next moment, Rayven jumps into the scuffle, as she tries to pull her brother away. Not wanting to be left out Baby Blu is now caught in the middle, as she attempts to pull Rayven out of the fight.


Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.


With arms and legs everywhere and nothing being accomplished. I make a grab for Baby Blu’s waist and with a heavy heave, I stumble back, dragging Baby Blu and Rayven on top of me. As we land on the floor, the air is knocked out of me “Fuck, you two are no light weights.”


Laughter. These two women are sat on top of me. Our chaperones are fighting, and they are laughing. Unable to stop myself I join in. In the midst of our laughter, I feel bodies being pulled off me, and see that the club bouncers have come over to break the fight.


A bouncer each has a hold of the three fighting males, separating their bodies as they struggled to free themselves. Two more bouncers have us held in each of their hands. With their tight grips round our arms, we are non to gently marched out of the building.


“Think we can keep this quiet from Inferno and Linc?” The twinkle in Baby Blu’s eyes tells me we do not have a chance.  “Come on ladies time to go home.” As I throw the car keys to the non-drinking Baby Blu, I spot Fraggle closing his cell. “Traitor!” I shout across to him and all the bastard can do is shrug his shoulders at me.


“Get in the car Cassie and follow us home.”


“It’s OK for you Rayven. You’re not going home to a man. Baby Blu and me…. Well who knows what will happen to us.” I’m laying it on thick. If I was going home to an ear blistering Rayven can worry all night.


“Don’t go home then.”




“Stay at mine. The men will not touch you there.”


“Thanks Rayven but Inferno will make it up to me after he has finished his lecture.” A wicked glint enters Baby Blu’s eyes, as she anticipates what is in store for her.


“Yeah Rayven. You do not have worry about me. Linc needs my body in one piece.” The perplexed look on Rayven’s face is worth everything we have been though tonight, and again the car erupts into laughter.


Baby Blu drops me off after leaving Rayven home. Before exiting the car, I lean over to give Baby Blu a quick kiss on the cheek “See you tomorrow Babe.”


Apart from the fight, the night has being enjoyable and as I creep into the house, I notice all the lights are off. Not sure if Linc is still at the club or in bed. I make my way to the kitchen to pour a glass of water to take to bed with me.


Opening the bedroom door, I discover the room is silent and in shadow. Still not wanting to risk disturbing Linc, I strip and crawl into the bed to face the window.


A roll of a body, and a dip in the mattress causes my body to slide into Linc. Whose arm suddenly snakes out and traps me against him. “Evening Cassie.”


“Evening Linc.”


“Enjoy yourself?”


“Yes.” While we have been speaking, Linc has climbed on top of me, spreading my legs.


“Have anything to tell me?”


Tell him, his cock is between my legs, pushing against my mound, seeking entrance to my pussy, and he really thinks I am going to tell him what happened.


“Not really. It was a good night Linc.” I decide to assist Linc in his quest by spreading my legs and bending them at the knees.


“Good Girl.” With one powerful surge Linc’s hard pulsing cock is inside me. Although Linc is inside me. He does not move. Instead he cups my face in between his hands. “Now shall we try again?”


Fuck, he wants to talk. Linc can stay inside me hard, and not moving for hours. He has done it before. This is one of Linc’s punishments for me. Not to be out done. I raise my hips, hoping to find some release from the sexual tension which is building up inside me.


“Naughty girl. You know the rules. No moving.” Fuck. Reluctantly I pull back and Linc follows. His cock staying in place without moving. Slowly Linc gives a small thrust of his hips as he repositions himself. Now his upper body is slightly raised, and he is leaning on his arms. This position causes his cock to go deeper into me and I can feel the head twitching against the walls of me cervix.


“Yes Linc we had a good night. We danced with a couple of men.”


“What about the fight.”


“Fuck Linc it was nothing more than a scuffle.”


“No, Then how did Rayven end up with a black eye?” Shit, His cock is twitching and making me cream and the bastard wants to talk.


“That was an accident. She just got caught by a stray fist.”


“You sure about that Cassie.” Fuck. He is starting to move, and it feels glorious.


“Yes Linc.” Another small thrust as my pussy walls twitch in eager anticipation. Again, that slight thrust, that has me hooking my legs behind Linc’s back as I take more.


“Linc Please fast.”


The bastard ignores my pleas and takes me slow. Each movement precise. With each thrust my fingers claw into Linc’s back, digging into his flesh. “Please Linc now.” Still he maintains a slow steady pace, prolonging my agony. When I think my body can take no more, Linc reaches down to my throbbing clit to give it a squeeze. The pressure has me over the edge. “Fuck Linc yes…..”


Linc holds back on his own release. Instead he takes me over the edge several more times, before I finally feel the stickiness of his cum inside me. As Linc pulls out, the tender flesh between my pussy lips protest at the contact. Tomorrow I am going to have to wear a loose skirt.


Chapter 26



What’s with the smirk?”


“Linc’s not allowed to ejaculate for the next seventy two hours, so that means no sex till Wednesday.”


“Well I think sex is overrated” Rayven had been quiet since my arrival at the club over an hour ago, and the blush running up her cheeks has me curious. Her remark has both Baby Blu and I looking at her. Questions on our tongues. “Who, When.”


“Why haven’t you said anything sooner?”


Rayven’s mouth opens only to close again when the slamming of a door draws our attention, and we all turn to see Tabby walking in, wearing a scowl. “Here’s a list of jobs that need doing Rayven.”


Rayven took the list, screwed it and threw it in to the bin. By now her cheeks are scarlet and I look between them both. “Fuck, Rayven you did not. When?” At my question, Tabby’s eyes have not moved from the girl in question.


“You remember my twenty first and Linc told me not to open my bedroom door to anyone.” Both our heads nod, eager to know more. “I should have listened to him.” While the exchange has been going on neither of them have broken eye contact. Baby Blu begins to shift in her chair, as I send a glare in her direction.


“Maybe we should repeat the experience. Then you can tell them sex is overrated.” The insult is barely there, yet the tensing of Rayven’s shoulders show that the comment has found its mark.


“No thanks, my next lover is going to be someone closer to my age. Not some old man.” Shit, the girl is playing with fire. Tabby is not taking the insult quietly as he moves his body closer to her.


“A boy could not handle you Rayven. It takes a man and the next time you want or need a fuck. Give me a call.”


“Tabby, Dec’s looking for you.” While the two lovers have been having their exchange. Fudge has walked into the meeting room, where we originally had come to hide.


“Ignore him Rayven, he’s a jerk.” Baby Blu always did have a way with words. For the next hour we remain where we are. Rayven dished all the dirt on her night with Tabby. She was right. For her first time, he had been a bastard.


“Dam it’s noisy through there. What the hell is going on?”


Neither Baby Blu nor Rayven knew, and so we left the room to investigate. Only to discover that they were putting up the boxing ring.


Sundance strolled over with a wide grin spread across his face as he waved some money in our direction. “So ladies who’s your money on. Flynn or Linc?”


Sundance’s question has me in a quandary. What did he mean Flynn or Linc. Linc never said anything about a fight happening at the club. Or that he would be involved. “Flynn.” My voice carries across the room as I pass a twenty to Sundance. And the expression on Linc’s face leaves me smiling


In less than ten strides, my husband is stood in front of me, with the whole room watching. Not to be outdone in the glaring contest we are participating in, I raise an eyebrow at him and begin to tap my foot.


Linc’s eyes rake my body from head to toe, lingering a little too long on my breast causing my nipples to become erect. As a satisfied smile spreads across his face, his eyes then linger on my pussy and I shift my legs uncomfortably. “Are you sure you want to put your money on Flynn Babe?”


My nipples may be hard and my panties may be wet. However, I am not going to be intimidated on how to bet. “I’m sure Babe.” With a flounce. I turn my back on the man standing before me and   locate Baby Blu and Rayven, who are standing beside Inferno and Dec.


Unsettled from my encounter with Linc, I search the room. The sea of faces all familiar to me. “Where’s Trax and Twiggy?” Beside me Inferno’s body goes stiff and it’s Dec who answers.


“They decided to go on the road for a couple of weeks.”


“Oh……Didn’t they know about the fight?” I found it strange. That, when there’s about to be a fight taking place between the brothers. That two of them should decide to go on the road.


“Yeah, but Twiggy wanted to show Trax something, and it’s a long ride so they left early.”


Stood where I was, I watched as two men climb in to the ring. Flynn is surrounded with club whores, laughingly accepting their fondling and kisses While Linc has Tabby for support. His eyes scanned the room until they land on me.


“Are you going over to show your support?”


I am not stupid. I know why they are having this fight. Although I have no intention of leaving the room, I give a negative shake of my head “No.”


Resignedly Linc realizes my intentions and turns away from me to speak to Tabby. Bastard. The last look he threw in my direction went straight to my heart, and I quickly jump into the ring. To give my hulk a full on lip locking kiss. A kiss which is returned in full. As I break away from the kiss, the room has gone up in a ruckus of cat calls and wolf whistles.


My cheeks are flaming as I slowly climb out of the ring to stand beside Baby Blu, and Rayven. Both of whom give me a tight squeeze.


In size and breadth
Flynn and Linc match, and from a distance it would be hard to tell them apart with their bald heads and perfect physique. It’s only as you get closer to them that the physical difference become apparent.


Linc’s eyes are deep blue verging almost onto purple compared to Flynn’s brown. Flynn is also about an inch or two taller, while Linc’s breadth is more muscular compared to Flynn’s toned body. Another difference which becomes apparent is the slight chip on Flynn’s front tooth, and the nose which shows signs of being broken on several occasions.


Both men are stripped down to jogging pants, and are shoeless. Their chest covered in ink, but bare of any other blemishes. Linc is the one to take the first swing. His fist aiming and connecting directly with Flynn’s stomach. Flynn’s bare knuckles then land to the side of Linc’s face. With each swipe and kick the fight becomes dirtier. Neither man backs down. Flynn may be a professional fighter. Linc, however is pure street, and they both use their abilities to injurer the other.


My money may be on Flynn to win. But it’s Linc I am cheering. At the top of my lungs I shout his name, encouraging him. Quickly the fight has me drawn in and I want my man to win.


The fight drags on and as each man becomes weaker due to lack of strength. Neither of them will admit defeat. Finally Fudge jumps into the ring to declare Flynn the winner. I take Fudge’s interference as my cue to jump in to the ring and hug Linc. “Fudge is wrong.”


“What?” The face staring back at me is battered. There is blood seeping from his nose and lip, where it has being split.


“I got the girl, I won.” Thump, my closed fist lands on Linc’s shoulder. “Ouch”


“You always had the girl, twerp.” As hard as I try, I cannot contain my laughter at Linc’s mock hurt expression.


At my touch, Linc‘s body flinches, and I step back to examine the damage, inflicted by Flynn.


“You know. If you have damaged any of those swimmers, you’re back at the apartment for good.” More laughter escapes me as Linc’s hurt expression changes to one of panic.


“Come on Old Man. Let’s get you home into an eucalyptus bath.”


For the next couple of days Linc stays in bed. His excuse was, that since his little swimmers are not going anywhere at the moment he needs to look after them.


Although Linc has being banned from ejaculating this has not prevented him from torturing my body sexually. And I was happy to stay with him in bed as much as possible. The only time we spent apart was when I was running the boutique on Monday and Tuesday.





Cass have you seen the car keys?”  Since waking this morning nothing appeared to be going right for Linc. First he was unable to find any clean socks. Then he argued about wearing the new underwear I had bought him.


“Fuck it Cassie, no one is going to know I’m commando underneath my pants.” Then we argued about which pants he was to wear, I had wanted him to wear his cargo pants. Since our first visit to the doctor’s Linc has swapped his tight jeans for loose cargo pants.


“There nice and loose Linc and they will not restrict your blood circulation.”


“Dam it Cass, I miss my jeans.” With soulful eyes I peer up at him as I let my hand drift towards his cock. A cock which is becoming hard in my hand as I cup it.


“Linc baby, I like you in these. They give me more leeway when I’m touching you.”


“Shit Cass. Stop that otherwise my blood will become restricted, and we will have to cancel our appointment.”


“That’s dirty Linc.” Benevolently, he kisses the top of my head. Before slapping my ass.


“Cass, car keys?” Linc’s query finally sink into my brain and I wave the objects in question.


“In my hands Babe.” In his hurry as he passes me, Linc swipes the keys from my hands.


“Come on Cass. Time to hit the road.”


The journey to the specialist clinic is tense. The sound of Rita Ora breaking the silence. 


“We’re here Cass.” Linc’s hand is resting on my thigh. This was it. “Ready?”


A slight giggle escapes me “Nervous.”


“Yeah. Me too Cassie.”


The nurse leads us into a cold clinical room where the procedure is to be carried out. She hands over an open back gown to me, and a cup to Linc, giving us both instructions.


Once we are left alone Linc speaks “We’re making this baby together Cass. Come and join me.” Linc’s request has me behaving like a naughty school girl, and with a quick check towards the closed door I follow Linc into another sterile room.


As soon as we are in the room I drop to my knees and undo the zipper on Linc’s cargo pants, freeing his cock. It was obvious that Linc was already sexually aroused as his exposed cock was hard and throbbing.


“Take me in your mouth Cassie and suck it all.” I do not need any further encouragement. As I take Linc’s thick cock into my hand, I leave a kiss on the head. Now that I have paid my little homage, I insert the appendage into my mouth, and slowly begin to suck, drawing more and more of his cock in, until the head is hitting the back of my throat.


“Fuck Cass that’s it girl. Fuck. I miss your mouth baby.” Just as I’m about to suck harder, Linc withdraws out of my mouth and braces his hand on to the wall behind me “Finish with your hand Cassie.”


Without hesitating I begin to pump hard on his cock and as Linc begins to spurt his semen. We aim for the cup. “Fuck Cass. Not sure if that was a good thing or not.” Linc’s jest, as the desired effect and gives me the giggles. When I fall back on to my ass, Linc joins in the laughter.


The next hour as we wait on the procedure of Linc’s sperm being separated, goes slowly with Linc pacing continually. Just as I begin to believe they have forgotten about us, the doctor enters the room.






“Ready Cassie.” With another look at Linc, who has come to stand beside me, I grab his hand before answering, squeezing it. Linc gives me an answering squeezes, offering me the support I need.




“It’ll be over in a couple of minutes and then you can go home.” True to his word, apart from a little discomfort. The procedure is soon completed, and after a short rest we’re ready to go.





















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