Linda Welch - A conspiracy of Demons (33 page)

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A note for American readers who
think I went rather wild with the typos in Carrie’s speech:

Pother: turmoil, uproar.

Tiddler: a small child.

Nipper: a small child.

Donkey’s Years: a very long time.

Chunnel: the Channel Tunnel.

Potty: crazy.


And for any British readers t
o whom the words are unfamiliar:
Carrie was a child of the
when they were still in common use
in some parts of Great Britain


I think now is a good time to answer a few questions
I have been asked
over the years.


Tiff’s appearance is b
ased on a
n acquaintance
has a pale complexion, pale b
lue eyes and long
I think she’s about six foot tall, and she used to play basketball
I added
a few
because Tiff is from the family of Seers, who are


If I could choose a woman to play Tiff on television or the big screen, it would be Piper Perabo.
I wish I could find a man to play Royal, but so far
none have
met my expectations. If you
an appropriate hunk
in mind
, please let me know.


Clarion is loosely ba
sed on the City of Ogden, in
Northern Utah’s Salt Lake Valley. Twenty-Second Street is based on Ogden’s Twenty-Fifth Street. However, I
moved the location a few thousand feet
up into
mountain valley above Ogden. And, there is a Clarion in Utah. In Sanpete County, five miles southwest of Gunnison, it was created by twelve Jewish families as a farming community in 1911. It is now
, appropriately,
a ghost town.


Thank you for purchasing A Conspiracy of Demons. If you’ve got this far, you have prob
ably read the preceding books, and I guess that means you enjoyed each one enough to go on to the next
I can’t thank you enough.


Remember, the dead are all around us and they’re always watching, so if you see something strange from the corner of your eye, stop and listen. You may hear them whisper.


Linda Welch.

Eden, Utah.

December, 2012.




My heartfelt thanks go to all the usual suspects.


LK, who has stuck with me from the beginning of this journey and helped in every possible way. You are my sounding board, my right hand, my dear friend. My developmental editor Sharon who always finds time for me in her super-busy life. Beta readers Don, Kar
en, Maureen, Meagan and Shirli -
you are fabulous
, I couldn’t have done this without you.
And of course Whisperings readers
who came back for more; these books would not exist
if not
for you.

Meet the Author


Linda Welch was born in Hampshire, England. She lived in Idaho, California and New Mexico before settling in Utah. She now lives in a mountain valley, more or less halfway up the mountainside, with her husband and Scottish terrier. She is not tall and silver-haired and does not see dead people. What she does see are moose, deer, fox, raccoon, skunk, wild turkey, a huge bird population and a ridiculous amount of snow. When not writing and depending on the season, she is usually walking her Scottie, filling the bird feeders, futilely attacking the weeds in her garden or shoveling out after a snowstorm. You can visit Linda at
. She looks forward to seeing you there.


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