Lindsey's Wolves (7 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: Lindsey's Wolves
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“That’s true. There’s a lot we need to tell you. And I’m begging you to sleep on it, and let us readdress it tomorrow.”

“Sleep? You want to take me home and put me to bed after this crazy scene from a nineteen sixties episode of the
Twilight Zone
and expect me to
?” Lindsey humphed. Propped her hands on her hips and humphed. “On second thought, forget it. You leave. And take Justin’s brother with you. Kara?” She turned to her supposed friend. “Can I stay in your guest room tonight?”

“Of course, hon. Of course. I’ll just…” She gestured to the other side of the house and walked out without another word.

“Lindsey…” Alex began.

“Don’t.” She held out a hand. “Please. You’re at least partially right. I don’t want to hear anything else tonight. Not even sure I ever do. In fact, don’t call me tomorrow. Don’t come by. Just leave me alone.” She turned on her heel and exited the same way Kara had. She knew the guest room. It would be all set up and ready for her.

She nearly flew down the hall and slammed the door behind her. Her emotions ran the gamut. On the one hand her body was still shaking from her attraction to two men in one evening. How the hell could she be so attracted to both of them? She’d needed to escape more for her own sanity than any real desire to be rid of them. What was wrong with her? And what the hell was wrong with them?

She paced the room, hands twitching at her sides.

Maybe a nice soak in the adjoined bathroom tub would settle her down.

She wished now she’d accepted the fake vodka offer.

After a straight beeline to the guest bath, Lindsey stripped out of her sexy, body-hugging dress, thinking what a shame it was her black lacy bra and panties had gone completely to waste tonight. Not that she’d intended to have sex with Alex on the official first date, but a girl never left the house unprepared. Minds were meant to be changed.

Heck, before they’d come to Kara’s place, she’d been halfway toward tossing her moral compass to the sidewalk outside the restaurant.

The faucet squeaked as she twisted it to hot, steam quickly filling the room while she finished stripping and stared at her reflection in the mirror. The soft ringlets of curls Jessica had painstakingly helped her arrange immediately collapsed in the steamy room like a video in fast forward of a wilting flower. The simile was perfect. She felt like a wilting flower. Her ego hurt, damn it. Two sexy men had ogled over her and then dismissed her to fight with each other about God only knew what.

Had they met before? Perhaps fought over a woman?

Lindsey turned away from her pity party and stuck one toe into the water to test it before stepping into the soothing hot water. “Ahh, perfect. Just fucking perfect.” She chuckled. When all else failed in life, at least a person should maintain their sense of humor.

Her brain wouldn’t shut down.

What the hell?
She had gone through the last half hour over and over in her mind while the two jackasses “took it outside.” Took
outside? It didn’t seem they’d ever met on the one hand. If she didn’t know better she’d think they were fighting over her like a couple of teenagers. Except that was ridiculous since neither one of them owned her. And why did she wish they did?

They didn’t even know her well enough to care. Hell, she’d met Justin’s brother not two minutes before everything in her world had gone topsy-turvy.

Why did it hurt so bad to walk out of that room and leave those two specimens of personified sex appeal standing in the kitchen?

Maybe they’re gay? Hmmm, that’s a possibility

A horrible one.

A shame to females everywhere.

She rejected the idea when she remembered her evening with Alejandro. That man was

Maybe Ryan was? And he had the hots for Alejandro. And he was pissed to find out that Alex was on a date with a woman.

Hmmm, that was feasible.

“Lindsey?” Kara’s soft voice trailed into the bathroom from the other side of the door. “Can I come in?”

“Sure,” she muttered.
Why not?
Sarcasm was her specialty today.

With timid steps she slid inside, closing the door behind her, a peace offering in her hand. “You didn’t lock the door. Thought you might appreciate a glass of merlot. Probably not as good as the Spanish
you drank earlier, but it’s all I have.” She handed Lindsey the glass and then produced the rest of the bottle from under her arm and set it on the counter. “I’m really sorry about tonight.” She sat on the commode. “You’re my best friend. Believe me, I don’t take it lightly that I can’t explain better.”

“Did they leave?”


Lindsey looked down at the bubbles popping around her. They suddenly seemed so loud. “Why?”

“They had to figure some things out.”

“No, I mean why can’t you tell me what this is all about? I can’t figure why your loyalty doesn’t lie with me.” She nibbled her bottom lip between her teeth, fighting back tears. She was suddenly so tired.

“I hate making you feel this way. I promise you will understand. It just isn’t my place to explain. Does that make any sense?”

“No.” Tears escaped, probably dragging whatever mascara was left in streaks across her face. She swiped at her cheek.

“Get some sleep, okay? I’ll leave you be.” Kara padded from the room as silently as she’d entered, leaving Lindsey with nothing more than she’d had two minutes ago. No … that wasn’t entirely true. She smiled.
Now I have a bottle of wine

Chapter 3

It was late. Lindsey’s only means of determining the hour without moving her head was by judging the sun’s rays high in the sky outside her window. Probably almost noon. Hopefully, Kara had called Jessica, or else her remaining roommate would be freaking out by now worrying about what had become of the woman who’d left twenty-some odd hours ago with a virtual stranger.

A moan escaped her lips, and she rolled to her back and threw her arm over her eyes to block out the blinding streaks of light coming through the window. Why hadn’t she closed the blinds last night? She couldn’t decide if it was better that she’d drunk enough of that bottle of merlot to lull herself to sleep and forget her problems, or worse for causing the hangover she’d be dealing with for the next several hours.

Too late to question her motives now. The deed was done.

Slowly, she pulled herself to sit on the side of the bed. Her method was to judge the amount of damage control needed based on how much the room was spinning before she tried to stand.

“Not bad, Lindsey. Not bad at all. A few Tylenol and a glass of water and you’ll be good as new.” She wasn’t above talking to herself this morning … or afternoon. She stood and gingerly made her way toward the bathroom. “Okay, then, maybe a little coffee too.”

After a quick hot shower, she donned last night’s underappreciated lingerie and the black silk robe Kara had left on the bed. She almost felt sexy with her near nudity rubbing against the slick material of the robe. Almost. Except for the lingering headache.


Lindsey padded down the hall into the silent kitchen. The only sound was the ticking clock. She was glad she was alone. It was easier than facing everyone. Especially all the lying someones who lived in this house and didn’t have the common courtesy to let her in on the big secret.

She took a big whiff of the air and thanked whichever lying SOB had at least had the manners to leave her a pot of coffee.

In short order, she grabbed a mug from the counter and poured the steaming cup of heaven to the rim. The first sip forced a moan to escape her lips. The second drink would have been more of a gulp—if it hadn’t instead been sloshed over her hands at the unexpected sound of someone seemingly sneaking up behind her.

“Shit, Lindsey. I’m so sorry.
.” Alejandro reached over and turned on the sink faucet. He grabbed the coveted elixir from her hand, set it on the counter, and then stuffed her hand under the cool running water.

“Let me see.” After a moment, he pulled her fingers up to his face for inspection. “Are you okay?”

“No. You took my coffee.” Her fingers weren’t her primary concern right now. Her need for caffeine trumped. Yanking her hand out of his grasp, she took two steps away from him, her eyes never leaving the craved liquid. If he looked as good as he smelled, she’d probably start crying on the spot. Her emotions were that precarious at the moment.

“How’d you get in here so silently? What are you, a panther?” She kept her back to him. Swallowed a long gulp of caffeine.

Alex sucked in a sharp breath behind her and held it.

“What? Did I hit the nail on the head? That’s the secret?” She turned to face him, pasting on a wry smile. “You’re really a cat?” She laughed at her own stupid humor before she let her gaze lift from his sexy torso to his face.

His brows were furrowed, his face a few shades lighter than she remembered. “What?”

He exhaled slowly and let his gaze fall below her face. Lindsey waited, but she was forced to glance down when he didn’t look back up or speak.

“Shit.” Her robe was hanging open, all her assets barely concealed by the sheer black material of her lace bra and panties.

Her head hadn’t quite overcome last night’s drinking binge yet. “I’m not in the mood for whatever you’re selling this morning, so go back to wherever you came from.”

Lindsey spun, a bit too sharply, on the balls of her feet and headed back toward the guest room. She didn’t need this yet. He may be sexy as hell with his hair still wet from a recent shower, slicked back from his face, his jeans hanging low on his hips, his dark T-shirt hugging his chest… But, the only thing he’d done for her so far today was cause her to spill her coffee.

She didn’t need that, no matter how her body was reacting to his presence.

Lo siento
, I’m sorry. Again. Can I start over?” He gently grasped her arm and leaned into her back, his hard length pressed against her ass. She paused at the recognition of his arousal.

“How far back do you want to go? Five minutes? Last night? Would that be before or after you went all psycho on me and started a fight with my friend’s brother-in-law … or whatever he is.”

A soft chuckle came out of his mouth on a breath of air, precariously close to her exposed neck. “I’ll gladly go back anywhere in time if it means you’ll look me in the eye again like I hung the moon. Please allow me to apologize for my behavior, both last night and today.” He leaned closer and nibbled kisses along her neck and collarbone. Her damn head lulled to the side on its own accord to give the bastard better access.

She nearly dropped the coffee this time. Luckily, he was paying attention and grabbed the cup before she had completely released it.

Without breaking contact with her heating skin, she heard the clink of the mug as he set it on the counter. The arm he’d reached across her to use for that necessity did not, however, return to the safety of his side. Instead it wrapped snuggly around her middle, just under her breasts, hugging her against him.

His chest was as rock-hard as it looked.

Lindsey’s eyes rolled back into her head and a soft moan escaped her parted lips, just loud enough to shake some sense into her.

“Stop that,” she uttered with no conviction. “I’m mad at you.”

“I know you are. I’m trying to make you unmad. Is that a word?”

Who cares?

Her mind whirled. She had to break contact with him this instant. He was currently the enemy. Her body hummed to a different tune. Desperately seeking more of his touch. His arm brushed against her bare skin beneath her chest where her damn robe had once again fallen open. If he would just reach around with his free hand and grasp her breasts…

As if he were telepathic, he did just that. Not quite as firmly as her body demanded, but still, he began to gently fondle one breast and then the other, weighing each one in his hand before he brushed over a nipple with his thumb. The caress was so light, it could have been in her mind.
Again, who cares?
If her mind deemed to conjure up an image that fine without the repercussions, so be it.

The warmth of Alejandro’s hand heated her skin, where her robe hung open. Last night’s sexy tidbits were getting their intended use after all.

Qué linda eres

Whatever that meant really didn’t matter. It was so sexy when he spoke to her in Spanish.

Te quiero, cariña

“Damn it, Ramos. You said you were going to see if she was up, not fuck her in the kitchen.”

The harsh words jerked Lindsey from her sexual stupor and she yanked herself out of Alex’s grasp, pulling her robe as tight as possible around her.

Embarrassed beyond measure, she turned to face… “Ryan?” She should have recognized that voice from last night, but it was so much like Justin’s, and she’d heard so few words from him…

Wait, what?

She groaned loudly. “Not this again. What is up with you miscreants?”

“I had things under control, Masters. Until you showed up, anyway.”

“Under control? What am I? A challenge?”

“No, of course not.” Ryan stepped forward.

“Get out. Both of you. Go outside and wrestle in the mud or something. Alex, you’re standing on thin ice with me. And, you, Ryan, if you want Alex for yourself … you can have him.” She stomped form the room, heading back to the guest bedroom.

Jeez, she wished she’d grabbed that damn coffee on her way out.


“What the fuck is wrong with you, Masters?” Alejandro glared at Ryan, his blood boiling. And his cock was harder than a nail from brushing up against Lindsey’s fine ass.

“Me? We said we were going to handle this together. And the next thing I know, you’re in here mauling her like a cub.”

“It just happened, okay? I wasn’t going to… I lost it when I found her in here wearing that-that robe thing.” He whipped a hand through the air for emphasis. “And then the damn silky material fell open and I just lost all sense of… I lost all sense, okay?”

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