Lion of Midnight (10 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: Lion of Midnight
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“My woman!” he swore as he spun rapidly and dispatched the three bodies before him. He had stripped down to just his pants and boots. Sweat poured from him as he swung his razor-sharp blade with deadly accuracy and zero mercy.

Left. She just left!
Pivoting, he jabbed back with his sword and stopped. Vassi stood near, just out of reach had Nik held his sword still as opposed to it being embedded into the chest of the fake opponent.

“What?” he snapped, glaring at the man who’d been with him for a very long time.

“You have a visitor, sir.”

A low rumble of anger lumbered up from his chest. “Send them away,” he ordered. Nik wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“She was most insistent, sir, on seeing you,” Vassi stated calmly.

His heart skipped a beat.
Is she back
? “I’ll be right there.” Turning back to the dummy with the sword in him, Nik yanked his weapon out. Rotating the hand holding it, he placed his other hand on the hilt as well before slicing the blade down sharp toward the motionless victim. Then, he faced Vassi again, not moving when the sound of the dummy hitting the floor filled the room. “It’s not Cleo, is it?”

“No, sir. It’s not your young miss.”

Striding past Vassi, Nik stopped at his scabbard and slid his blade home.
My young miss? If she truly was, why’d she leave?
“Tell her I’m on my way,” he said.

“Very good, sir. She’s in the sitting room.” Vassi left as silently as he’d appeared. There one second and gone the next.

After a quick shower, Nik jogged easily up to the main floor of his home. Long strides took him toward the room. The heavy door already open, he stopped the second his foot hit the garnet Savonnerie beveled-edge wool runner at the doorway.

He noticed his guest. The woman stood in silence, her back to him as long pale fingers from one hand trailed idly along the dark wood mantle. The dancing light from the fire highlighted parts of her silver-gray fur coat as it lay tossed across the chairs by the fireplace. The woman herself was voluptuous and wore a red silk shirt with black pants. She spun on her boot heel, moved from the marbled floor and stopped when her feet touched the large lapis blue beveled-edge area rug, allowing their gazes to meet.

Nik remained where he was as his gaze met hers. A pair of arctic blue eyes peered at him from a familiar face. He knew her. Dipping his head in a rare show of respect, Nik said, “Milady.”

She smiled, transforming her face into a stunning portrait. “It’s been a long time, Nikolas Andreyevich.”

“Yes, it has, milady.”

With grace, she sat on the edge of a chair, her back ramrod straight. “I believe we have some things to discuss.” She nodded at a chair across from her. Nik took the hint and lowered his body onto the seat cushion. He waited for her to begin, knowing it was pointless to rush her.

Chapter Nine

Cleo sighed as the bus carried her toward St. Petersburg. Her thoughts drifted back to the man whose bed she’d spent the night in. It hadn’t been long after Nik told her to go to sleep when a knock had come to the door. Her day had gotten strange after that. Vassi had arrived to tell her a car waited for her. Shocked and more than a bit surprised, she’d gone with him. She’d assumed Nik was coming back; apparently, he’d changed his mind somewhere along the line. So, now, she sat in the back of a bus, partially dozing as she listened to snatches of Russian conversation around her. With a small yet sad smile, Cleo watched the snowy landscape stream by.

Dark brown eyes bored into her from beyond the bus window.
A litany of “what if’s” ran through her mind. She clamped her thighs tight as she ground her teeth together, fighting the pulse of longing his memory brought her. His touch, his scent, the pleasure he gave her. Her pussy throbbed with longing, and she shifted against the cloth seat.

With a groan of frustration, Cleo took out her iPod and allowed the music to offer up a distraction from her recollection from the handsome Russian. A man who’d shown her more passion and love in a single night than she’d gotten all her years of marriage. And, at the beginning of that, Cleo had been head-over-heels in love with David. For the life of her, she couldn’t understand it.
Maybe I’m just feeling extra lonely, with Christmas being so near and all.

Licking her lips, she rested her head against the seat, smiled at a small boy grinning at her, and turned her attention back to the pristine whiteness along with the low beat of her various collection of music. For the remainder of the ride, her mind remained blissfully devoid of images or flashbacks of Nikolas Andreyevich. As they pulled into the station, she felt the flutter of excitement fill her belly. A new adventure was before her.

Following the flow of people, Cleo exited. She sucked a sharp breath as the cold air penetrated her, quickly replacing the warmth she’d had on the bus. People were embracing one another, and the sight brought a smile to her face. She waited out until her bags were unloaded from the belly. With a small smile of thanks, Cleo grabbed her luggage and headed for the door leading to some much-desired heat.

“Miss Laurens.” A voice pulled her attention from the glass door before her. Turning her head, she noticed a woman dressed in all black, holding a sign with her name printed in bold, black lettering.

“Yes?” she said, fully facing the woman.

“I’m here to take you to your hotel. Let me get your bags.”

“I’m fine. Excuse me for asking, but how’d you know I was on the bus?”

The woman flashed a kind smile before opening the trunk of the town car. “We checked yesterday, as well, but when you didn’t show, we came again today.”

Cleo felt the heat rush up her cheeks as the memory of her night flashed before her mind’s eye.
Her pulse accelerated at the mere thought of him.

“Yes…well…something came up.”
Over and over, again. Jesus, Cleo. Get a grip!

A light chuckle left the driver. “Yes. That can happen here.” She took Cleo’s bags and set them in the large trunk before slamming it shut. Meeting Cleo’s gaze, she added, “Makes the trip worthwhile, to do things unexpected.” One gloved hand opened the door of the car.

Grateful, Cleo slid across the smooth leather of the seat. A sigh escaped as the heat began to sink in. Before long, they were traveling along the streets of St. Petersburg, and the warmer she got, the more her excitement increased. A small gasp left her as the vehicle drew to a halt before a large building.

“This can’t be right. I don’t have a reservation here.” Even as she spoke, a man in fine attire and a matching hat headed for the car.

“Good afternoon, Miss Laurens,” he said as he held the door for her.

Confused, Cleo glanced to her driver. The woman gave her an encouraging smile. Exiting the car, Cleo accepted the hand offered her and noticed another identically attired man getting her bags. She walked toward the large entrance with an ornately carved emblem above them. The frosted glass giving an even more alluring feel to the building.

“This is beautiful,” she commented in awe.

The man who’d helped her out of the car now held open one of the doors for her. Inclining her head slightly, she smiled. “Thank you.”

Reaching into her pocket for some rubles, she stopped when he said, “It’s been taken care of, ma’am.”

“Okay,” she said, a bit unsure. Cleo picked up her pace, only to halt suddenly. The interior was so amazing it literally stopped her in her tracks. She didn’t know where to look first.

“Welcome, Miss Laurens,” a tall blonde said with a kind smile. “Your room is ready if you’d care to follow Alexi.”

Signing the register, Cleo returned the smile. “Thank you.”
Soon, I’ll wake up and find this is all a dream.
But until then…she was going to enjoy it.

The walk up the curved staircase passed in silence, allowing her to recall another place she’d stayed with a similar set of steps. Nikolas Andreyevich. Shaking off the memory, Cleo stared at the opulent decorations.

“Your suite, ma’am.” He held the door.

What breath she had escaped in a rush as she stepped past her escort. It was a split-level room, boasting light gray carpeting and wallpaper done in pale blues and greens. Impressive art graced the walls and there sat a fireplace with leather furniture around it.

This can’t be right.

“Stasia will be in soon to unpack your bags.” He nodded. “Enjoy your stay, ma’am.” Then, he was gone.

Cleo moved up the stairs where she found a king-sized bed. A peek over the balustrade gave her a lovely view of the downstairs. “If this
a dream, I don’t ever want to wake.” She looked in the bathroom and found ceramic tiles and gold accents with a large Jacuzzi. Heading back to the curved balustrade, Cleo paused for a second. “This has to be a mistake,” she said heading back downstairs. “I know I didn’t get this room.”

Pausing by a large window in the room, she looked down at the atrium. The upstairs window gave her a view out over St. Petersburg. And now this. A knock on the door pulled her gaze away. She opened the door to find a stunning young woman standing there.

“I’m Stasia. Is there anything I can help you with before I unpack your bags?”

“No. Thank you.”

A short time later found Cleo on the fifth floor running on a treadmill in the hotel’s fitness center. For the moment, she was the only one there aside from the personal trainers who stood together. It didn’t take long and she was lost in the pounding rhythm of her steps.

After working out, Cleo went back to her suite for a shower before turning her attention to what to do for dinner. Stepping from the bathroom with its heated floors, wrapped in her thick robe, Cleo moved to the bed and sat at the foot of the thick mattress.

Stasia had put all of her clothes away, so Cleo padded to the dark cherry armoire and opened it to see what her options were. Cleo dressed in a sweater and slacks then hung her robe back in the steamy bathroom and walked to the stairs.

A shiver skated across her skin, and two steps from the bottom, she stopped. This level was dark except for the glow given off by the fire and a soft light at the other end of the room. Near the leather chair by the fireplace, staring in her direction, was Nikolas Andreyevich.

Her breath caught in her throat. The light gleamed off the hair sticking out from under his hat. Nikolas stood there, more imposing than she imagined possible. Cleo’s legs trembled as her gaze moved over him. As she stood, frozen, he approached her. Every movement screamed untamable power and raw masculinity.

When he stepped into the illumination filtering down the stairs, she took in his attire. He wore a charcoal pinstripe suit. The blazer was unbuttoned, showing off the matching vest. Beneath that, he wore a merlot-hued shirt, and the sateen tie matched the suit. A kerchief the same color as his shirt sat stuffed in the left pocket of the blazer. His right hand rested in a pocket of his single pleat pants.

Cleo swallowed and licked her lips.
Her body responded to his presence as it had when at his home.

His brown eyes burned her. “You left,” he said in a graveled tone. Reaching for her, Nikolas lifted her off the stairs and placed her on the floor after sliding her down the hard expanse of his body.

She bit back a whimper of longing. One touch. One bloody touch from him was all it took to send any logical thought vanishing into thin air. His mouth lowered to hers, and she sighed as their lips met. Cleo melted into his chest as fire flowed through her veins and licked at her skin. It was like coming home, being in his embrace.

A rumble of disappointment rose up from her as Nik ended the kiss. His powerful hands held her tenderly, but his expression hardened. Cleo used the tip of her tongue to skim her lips. Nik’s eyes flared with passion, but it was quickly brought under control.

“Why’d you leave me, Cleo?”

The raw emotion in his voice confused her. Pulling back from him, she scanned the room to catch her bearings. This didn’t make sense. And, yet, somehow it did. Deep down, she was positive he was behind this.


He grabbed her and pulled her in tight against him, his mouth landing over hers with no trace of his earlier tenderness. Like a wildfire, he raged through her mouth, his tongue plunging deep, only to retreat and do it, again. Cleo struggled to catch her breath as he released her suddenly. She craved more, longing to throw herself into his arms and give herself over to the experience she found with him.

Touching her lips, she asked, “What are you doing here?”

Nik reached up, removing his dark gray newsboy and raked a hand through his hair. With a sigh, he tossed his hat onto the brown leather chair. Pinning his gaze, which seemed more wild than soothing at the moment, on her, he shoved both hands into his pants pockets.

“Hungry?” he questioned.

Cleo could easily tell he was trying to stay calm. “Yes. Join me for dinner?”

He visibly relaxed. “I’d be honored.” Nik buttoned up his blazer as she grabbed her purse.

At the door, Cleo pressed a kiss to his cheek. “This place is beautiful; thank you for it.” His gaze softened, the wildness becoming tamer, and warmed her from the inside out.

“You are most welcome. If you want something else, tell me.”

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Cleo wondered if he was some sicko. Shaking her head, she ignored the fleeting thought. “God no! This is an amazing place. You have to tell me how much it is so I can repay you,” she commented as she preceded him out the door of her suite. Before she knew what happened, her back was against the wall, and Nik frowned down upon her as his arms blockaded her between him and the wall.


Nik perused the woman he knew was his reason for surviving all those hundreds of years. She wore a draped cardigan, pearlescent in color, open front, long sleeves with banded cuffs, ribbed hem, and made from cashmere and silk. Combined with her black silk-blend pants with flared legs made him admire her dark beauty all over again. He knew she wore heels but the type of footwear he didn’t know.

Don’t really care either. All that matters is I’m with her, again.

“Are you trying to insult me?” he asked in a low tone.

She licked her lips, and his cock stirred in response. “Insult you?”

“Insinuating I’d want money for this.” He leaned close, nuzzling the silken strands of hair tucked behind her ear.

“I don’t want to insult you,” she murmured. “Why would you do this?”

“I wanted you in a safe place, since you ran from me.” He stiffened as he recalled his emotions earlier that very day.

Cleo touched his face, and he drew back to meet her gaze. “Why are you here?”

Out of the corner of his eye, Nik noticed a couple watching them. “Do you have any idea how I felt when I opened the door to the bedroom only to find you gone. Not just from my room but from my home?”

Her eyes narrowed in confusion and she rubbed her temples. “I am so confused.”

She truly is confused about something. We need to have a long chat.
“We’ll talk after dinner,” he said gently. “Let’s go eat.” Nik smiled as her arm easily slipped around his.

All through dinner, Nik longed to spirit her back up to the room and away from prying eyes. A cold chill snaked up his spine as he waited for his receipt. Immediately, the protectiveness for Cleo overrode every other emotion. His skin prickled, and he fought down the primitive roar threatening to escape. It was his battle cry, known to strike fear in those who heard it.

He scanned the room, searching almost desperately for the reason of his state. He couldn’t fight what he couldn’t see. Methodically, he looked, glossing over the finely dressed patrons when nothing about them set off any alarm bells. There was trouble near his woman, and he didn’t like the implications it had. One didn’t merely survive for over nine hundred years, only to find his woman and lose her to an unseen danger.

“Here you go, Mr. Andreyevich. Enjoy your evening.” The waiter placed the black folder down and walked away.

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