Listen to This (53 page)

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Authors: Alex Ross

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“I Believe I Can Fly” (Kelly)
“I’m So Glad” (James)
“I Saw the Light” (Williams)
Iceland, music of
I Ching
Ickes, Harold
Ilê Aiyê
Indian music
Institute for Advanced Study
Inuit music
I’ve Got a Secret
Ives, Charles:
Holidays Symphony
Jackson, Mahalia
Jacobs, René
na Sigurðardóttir
James, Henry
James, Skip: “Devil Got My Woman,” ; and Dylan
James, William:
The Varieties of Religious Experience
Jean-François, Jovanne
Jiang Qing
Jiang Zemin
Jimenez, Carolina
Jindong Cai
Joachim, Joseph
Jobim, Antonio Carlos; “Corvocado”
Joel, Billy
Jóga Jóhannsdóttir
Johns, Jasper
Johnson, Eldridge
Johnson, Graham
Johnson, James
Johnson, James Weldon
Johnson, Robert: “Cross Road Blues”; “Me and the Devil Blues”; “Walkin’ Blues”
Johnson, Sarah
Johnston, Jill
Jones, John Paul
Jones, Norah
Jones, Quincy
Jones, Vernon
Jónsson, Asmundur,
Asmundur Jónsson
Joplin, Missouri
Jordan, Kahliah
Joseph II (emperor of Austria)
Josquin Desprez
Joyce, James;
Finnegans Wake
Judge, Mychal
Juilliard Quartet
Juilliard School
Kafka, Franz
Kagel, Mauricio
Kaluli people
Kangxi (emperor of China)
Karajan, Herbert von; Salonen’s dislike of
Kashevaroff, Xenia,
Cage, Xenia
Katz, Mark
Kaunitz-Rietberg, Wenzel Anton von
Keiler, Allan
Kelly, Ellsworth
Kelly, Grace
Kemper, David
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Kenyon, Nicholas
A (Radiohead); Salonen on
Kid Koala
Kierkegaard, Søren
Kiki and Herb; recordings of
Kim, Kwang-Wu
Kim, Soovin
King, B.B.
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kissinger, Henry
Kitcher, Philip
Kivy, Peter
Kleiber, Carlos
Kleiber, Erich
Klein, Calvin
Klein, Naomi
Kleist, Heinrich von
Klemperer, Otto; conducts Beethoven; in Los Angeles; recordings of
Klemperer, Werner
Knapp, Raymond
Kodály, Zoltán
Kohner, Frederick:
Kokoschka, Oskar
Konrad, Ulrich
Konwitschny, Peter
Kool Here
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang
Korvat auki,
see Ears Open!
Kramer, Richard
Kraus, Richard
Kreisler, Fritz
Kremer, Gidon
Kubrick, Stanley; 2001:
A Space Odyssey
Kuhn, Laura
Kurtág, Gyorgy
La Barbara, Joan
Lachner, Vincenz
Lacy, Charles and Ellen
Lali Puna
lament, lamento bass: in Bach; in Beethoven; in blues; in Brahms; descending chromatic bass; in Dylan; in early opera; in folk music; in Led Zeppelin; in Ligeti; in Monteverdi; in Mozart; in Purcell; in Renaissance music; in Schubert; in Tchaikovsky
Lamento della ninfa
(Monteverdi); recording of
Lamos, Mark
Lang Lang
Lansky, Paul:
mild und leise
Larkin, Philip
La Scala
Lascia o Raddoppia?
La Selva, Vincent
late style
Lawrence, Steve
Laxness, Halldór;
Independent People
League of American Orchestras
Led Zeppelin: “Babe I’m Gonna Leave You,”; chromatic bass line in; “Dazed and Confused,” ; “Kashmir,” ; “Since I’ve Been Loving You,” “Stairway to Heaven,” ;“Your Time Is Gonna Come,” “Whole Lotta Love,”
Lee, C. P.
Lee, Priscilla
Legge, Walter
Lehmann, Lotte
Lehmann, Stephen
Leider, Frida
Leif Eriksson
Leifs, Jón;
Lennon, John: criticizes Dylan; disturbs Cage
Lenya, Lotte
Levine, James
Levine, Lawrence
Li Bai
Li Chi
Li Yuchun
Li Zenghui
Liao, Martha
Licitra, Salvatore
Lieberson, Goddard
Lieberson, Lorraine Hunt; background of; death of; meets Peter Lieberson; personality of; recordings of; as violist; voice of
Lieberson, Peter;
Ashoka’s Dream
Neruda Songs
Ligeti, Gyorgy; analysis of Schubert; “Automne à Varsovie”; Horn Trio;
Hungarian Rock
; and lament;
Musica ricercata
; Piano Concerto; Viola Sonata; Violin Concerto
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Lincoln Memorial
Lindberg, Magnus:
Lindbergh, Charles
Lindsay, Arto
Liszt, Franz; Brahms and; Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, ; transcription of Wagner’s
Little Richard
Liu Shaochun
London; Björk in; Mozart in; Salonen in; Uchida in
London Symphony
Long Yu
Loos, Adolf
Lope de Vega, Félix
Lopez, Barry
Lorca, Federico García
“Lord Randal”
Los Angeles, emigre community in
Los Angeles Music Center
Los Angeles Philharmonic: Borda and; Dudamel and; financial state of; Fleischmann and; founding of; history of; Klemperer and; Mehta and; playing of; programming of; Salonen and
Los Angeles Times
Louis XI (king of France)
Louis XIV (king of France)
Louisiana Philharmonic
Love, Courtney
Lovett, Lyle
Lueger, Karl
Lully, Jean-Baptiste:
Ballet d’Alcidiane
Lupu, Radu
Luther, Martin
Lutosławski, Witold; Symphony No. 3
Lux, Kendall
Lyttleton, Humphrey
Ma, Yo-Yo; on Marlboro
Maazel, Lorin
Machaut, Guillaume de
Mackay, Clarence
Mackay, Ellin
Mackerras, Charles
Madonna; “Like a Prayer,”
Mafa people
Mahler, Gustav; argues with Brahms; as conductor; Symphony No. 1; Symphony No. 2; Symphony No. 3; Symphony No. 5; Symphony No. 6; Symphony No. 7, Symphony No. 8; Symphony No. 9,
Maier, Klaus
Malcolm X
Malcolm X Shabazz High School
Manchester Free Trade Hall
Maneval, Philip
Mann, Thomas;
; Doctor
Manson, Charles
Manze, Andrew
Mao Zedong
Marcus, Greil
Marlboro College
Marlboro Music: character of; Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy at; concept of; founding of; pranks at
Marlow, Heath
Marsalís, Wynton
Marshall, Elí
Martin,Steve (actor and writer)
Martin, Steve (publicist)
Marx Brothers:
A Night at the Opera
Mason, Daniel Gregory
Massey, Graham
Massive Attack
Master of Delft
Matchbox Twenty
Maverick Concert Hall
Mayo, Keyshawn
Mayrhofer, Johann
McCartney, Paul
McClary, Susan
McGegan, Nicholas
McGrann, Molly
McKay, Elizabeth
McTell, Blind Willie
Medici, Ferdinando de’
Medici, Francesco de’
Medici, Lorenzo de’
Mehldau, Brad
Mehta, Zubin
Melba, Nellie
Mellers, Wilfrid
Mellman, Kenny
Melvin, Sheila
Merce Cunningham Dance Company
Mercury (label)
Merman, Ethel
Merrill, Bob
Messiaen, Olivier; and Björk;
La Nativité du Seigneur
; and Radiohead;
Saint Francis of Assisi
Turangalîla Symphony
Metropolitan Opera; Anderson at; and Verdi
Metternich, Clemens von
Michener, Charles
Milanov, Zinka
Miller, Jonathan
Milner, Greg
Milton, John
Mingus, Charles
Minnesota Orchestra
Minogue, Kylie
Mirren, Helen
Mission of Burma
Mitchell, Joan
Mitchell, Joni
Mitchell, Roscoe
Mitropoulos, Dimitri
Mode (label)
Mondrian, Piet
Monk, Meredith;
Dolmen Music
Monteverdi, Claudio; and chaconne; and lament; last works of of; and opera; recordings of; works of:
The Coronation of Poppea
Lamento della ninfa
The Return of Ulysses
Zefiro torna
Montgomery, Jessie
Moore, David Allen
Moore, Garry
Moore, Jihad
Moore, John
Moore, Thurston
Morley, Thomas
Moyse, Blanche Honegger
Moyse, Louise
Moyse, Marcel
Mozart, Constanze
Mozart, Leopold
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus; attitude toward audience; and Cage; childhood of; images of; in London; in Paris; personality of; played at Dylan shows; quarrel with Archbishop of Salzburg; recordings of; relationship with father; and so-called “Mozart Effect,” stylistic development of; and Uchida; working methods of; works of:
The Abduction from the Seraglio
; Andante in C (K. la); Clarinet Concerto; La
clemenza di
Tito; Contredanse No. 4 in F;
Così fan tutte
; Divertimento in E-flat for String Trio; Don
La finta semplice
Leek mich im Arsch
; London Sketchbook;
Lucio Silla
; The
Magic Flute
The Marriage of Figaro
; Mass in C Minor; Piano Concerto No. 9, ; Piano Concerto No. 11, ; Piano Concerto No. 12, ; Piano Concerto No. 13, Piano Concerto No. 21, Piano Concerto No. 23, ; Piano Concerto No. 27
; Piano Sonata No. 8 in A Minor; Quartet No. 19, “Dissonant,” ; Requiem;
Sacramental Litany
; Sinfonia Concertante; Sonata for Two Pianos; String Quintet No. 1 in B-flat; String Quintet No. 5 in D, ; Symphony No. 25, ; Symphony No. 31; Symphony No. 35; Symphony No. 36; Symphony No. 38; Symphony No. 41, ; violin concertos
Muhly, Nico
Mull, Martin
Muller-Hartmann, Robert
Mullin, Jack
Munch, Charles
Murder on the Orient Express
Museum of Modern Art
music education, decline of
Mussorgsky, Modest:
Boris Godunov
Muti, Riccardo
Muzijevic, Pedja
“My Country, ’Tis of Thee,”
“My Way” (François and Revaux)

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