Little Princes (36 page)

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Authors: Conor Grennan

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family of, 179, 217–19, 240

finding of, 129, 130, 131–32

malnutrition of, 129, 130, 131–32

Mandan as brother of, 179

at Nepalganj airport, 217–19

with Nuraj’s mother, 85, 86, 87

search for, 107, 120

at Umbrella Foundation, 132, 133–34


blackouts in, 244

Conor’s decision to return to, 102–10

Conor’s departures from, 53–55, 269–71, 274–75

Conor’s missing of, 62, 63

curfew in, 99–100, 101, 114

elections in, 82–83

Liz’s visits to, 150–51, 159–60, 199, 205, 208, 214, 219–20, 223–27, 228, 229, 233–36, 242–45, 260–61

news in United States about politics in, 97–98, 99–100

poverty in, 266

protests in, 99–100

social hierarchy in, 45–46

See also
Kathmandu, Nepal;
village or district

“Nepal time,” 268

Nepalganj (Humla town), Conor-Navin family meeting in, 217–19

Nepali: Conor learns, 10–13, 22–23

Next Generation Nepal (NGN)

board of directors for, 106

Charlottesville newspaper story about, 109–10, 122

finding children’s home of, 138–40

fund-raising for, 104, 106, 107, 109, 120, 138, 263, 269

Howe as replacement for Conor at, 269–71

launching of, 104–10

Little Princes children learn about, 156

Liz’s request for information about, 122–23

naming of, 106, 184

purpose/mission of, 105–7, 266

Simikot as base for home of, 279

See also
Dhaulagiri House

Nishal (orphan)

bedtime for, 35

and Conor remembering names of children, 23, 25, 26

and Conor’s return to Nepal, 112

crying by, 50

Dawa’s story about, 33

independence of, 68

and Jablo incident, 142

oiling of, 67

photograph of, 87

as soccer player, 48

and towel incident, 25

toys for, 38

Nuraj (orphan)

bedtime for, 34–35

and Bollywood movie incident, 121

and Conor’s arrival at Little Princes, 19

Conor’s good-bye to, 273

and Conor’s introduction to children, 19

and Conor’s playing with children, 27, 28, 29

as doing laundry, 26

and Hindu festival, 65

mother of, 74–81, 83

play of, 73

and Rohan’s stories, 180

and school, 113

and science class, 33

and shampoo incident, 24

and stories of children at Little Princes, 76–81

Nuwakot District: Conor’s trip to, 261, 262–63

panic date: for Humla trip, 159, 208

specific child

Patan Hospital (Kathmandu), 36–37, 50–53, 85, 129–32

Peru: Conor in, 62

postman from Jaira (Humla village), 187–89, 190

Pradip (orphan), 268

Priya (orphan), 24, 30, 35, 68, 195–96, 238–39, 265

Puma (Humla village), 183

Pushkar, India: Conor at Hindu festival in, 64

Puspika (orphan), 268

Puspika (UNICEF worker), 165

Raju (orphan)

bedtime for, 34

and Conor’s arrival at Little Princes, 17, 19

Conor’s good-bye to, 272, 273

and Conor’s introduction to children, 19

and Conor’s leaving Little Princes, 93

and Conor’s playing games with children, 27–28, 29

and Conor’s remembering names of children, 26

and Conor’s return from Humla, 238–39

and Conor’s return to Little Princes, 65

crying by, 50

as doing laundry, 26

family of, 195–96

and Hindu festival, 65

and marriage of Conor, 93

oiling of, 66–67

play of, 73, 137, 138

and science class, 33

and shampoo incident, 24–25

socks of, 30–31

toys of, 135

and visit by mother of Nuraj and Krish, 79

Ram (orphan), 199–200

Rara Lake: Sandra’s trek to, 46, 47–49

Ring Road, Kathmandu

and caste system, 45–46

and Conor’s arrival in Kathmandu, 7

and Dasain, 125

description of, 15–16, 44–45

impact of civil war on, 70, 111

Nuraj’s mother’s home on, 78

violence on, 31

Rinjin (guide)

Conor says good-bye to, 200

and Conor’s Humla trip, 1, 2, 164–65, 166, 169, 171–83, 185–200, 205, 215, 231–32

as D.B.’s brother-in-law, 164

as protective of children, 188

as Simikot project manager, 164, 214

sister of, 216

and teams for Humla trip, 164–65

Ripa (Humla village), 171, 172, 173–80, 277–78

Rohan (orphan), 141–42, 180–81, 247

round-the-world trip

Conor on, 59–63

Conor’s decision to make, 6–7

Royal Nepalese Army, 46–47, 70, 76, 98, 105

Rubber Band Ball Hacky Sack (game), 17

Sagarmatha National Park, 15

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 14

Samir (orphan), 102, 120, 145, 146, 148, 254, 271

Sandra (Little Princes founder)

and chores for children, 23

and Conor’s arrival at Little Princes, 17–20

and Conor’s introduction to children, 19–20

and Conor’s leaving Little Princes, 55

finding of Rohan by, 180

finds first Little Princes children, 40–41

fund-raising by, 40

and garbage can explanation, 20–22

Golkka’s threats against, 41

and Golkka’s visit to Little Princes, 39, 41

Maoist arrest of, 48–49

Mugu/Rara Lake trek of, 46, 47–49

return to France of, 64

and Santosh’s illness, 36, 50, 51, 52, 53

as teacher, 32, 33

visits to Little Princes by, 68

Santosh (orphan)

brother of, 89

Conor’s good-bye to, 272–73

and Conor’s leaving Little Princes, 53, 93

Conor’s memories of, 61

Conor’s playing games with, 27

and Conor’s questions about food, 66

and Conor’s remembering names of children, 26

and Conor’s return from Humla, 237

and Conor’s return to Little Princes, 64

and Farid’s dislike of spiders, 68–69

illness of, 36–37, 50–53

and marriage of Conor, 93, 113, 260

questions about food of, 42–43

questions about water and distance of, 67–68

as science teacher, 34

as soccer player, 47

talents of, 34

as toy maker, 38

and visit by mother of Nuraj and Krish, 75

Sarkegad (Humla village), 205–6, 207–8

Saturdays: traditions on, 23–24


30–31, 72

and children’s classes at orphanage, 32–34

closings of, 30–32

description of, 32

for Dhalagiri House children, 228–29

Maoist rebels kidnapping of children from, 70–71

uniforms for, 30

science: Conor as teacher of, 32–34

Scotsman (David): in Humla district, 211–13, 214

sesame dung, 66

seven children

Bell’s e-mail about, 100–102

and camera, 87–88

Conor’s connection with, 115

and Conor’s decision to return to Nepal, 102–10

Conor’s e-mails concerning, 99

Conor’s feelings about, 101–2, 107

Conor’s motives for searching for, 114

disappearance of, 101–3

Farid and Conor’s concerns/responsibilities for, 83–89, 104

fund-raising for, 104–10

and launching of NGN, 105–10

photographs of, 87–88, 118–19

rescue of all, 257

search for, 104, 113–38

and Umbrella Foundation, 99

See also
Amita; Bishnu; Dirgha; Kumar; Madan; Navin; Samir

shampoo incident, 24–25


and Conor’s return from Humla, 214–15

from Jaira, 191, 192–95, 231, 232

Shreenagar (Humla village), 198, 202–3, 205

Simikot (Humla district village)

as base for NGN home, 279

Conor in, 163–64

and Conor’s plans to visit Humla, 159

and Conor’s trip to Humla, 163–64, 198, 204, 205, 214, 216–17

Kumar’s father’s telephone call from, 241

Maoist presence in, 166–67

photographs of, 237

and return of Little Princes children to Humla, 277

Rinjin’s trek back to, 200, 205

snow in, 175–76, 198, 204, 216

Singapore, Conor in, 62

skin color, 45

snow: in Humla district, 175–76, 197, 198, 204, 214, 216

soccer, 29, 38, 47–48, 247–48

social hierarchy, Nepal, 45–46

South Africa: Liz’s trip to, 123

South America: Conor in, 62

Spicker, Glenn, 59–61

spiders: Farid’s dislike of, 68–69

Sri Lanka: Conor in, 62, 181

Steve (Conor’s college friend), 62

Sunita (Dhaulagiri House cook/housekeeper), 271

Susmita (Nepalese girl), 10, 11, 13

Swayambhu (Budhist stupa), 148–49, 233–34

Tattersall, Alex, 44

teachers, 32, 70–71, 195, 278

temple: going to, 23–24, 66

Thailand: Conor’s trip to, 53, 59–60, 62

Thangkot (village): and search for seven children, 125–28

Tilak (orphan), 252–54

toilets, 8–9, 197

towel incident, 25

toys: for children at Little Princes, 38–39

trash: in Nepal, 20–21


and disappearance of seven children, 101

and questions about Conor’s return to Little Princes, 53

and relationship between children and Farid and Conor, 81

Tulo (Humla village), 196

Tumcha (Humla village), 180–81

Umbrella Foundation

and Bahadur, 92, 115

and disappearance of seven children, 100–102

and families’ visits to Umbrella homes, 240

founding of, 91–92

as home for seven children, 127, 128, 132, 133–34, 138

NGN home as next to homes of, 140, 146

number of children’s homes of, 114

and rescue of children at Dhaulagiri House, 228

rescue of children by, 219, 254

and search for seven children, 104

and setting up Dhaulagiri House, 146

and seven children with Nuraj’s mother, 91–92, 93–94, 99, 100–102

See also
Buk, Jacky; Bell, Viva

Unapani (Humla village), 209–10, 212

UNICEF, 41, 114, 165, 266

United Nations, 204

United States: Conor’s return to, 63, 263, 265–66

University of Virginia, 109, 122, 150, 159

Vassar College, 63


Conor in, 61–62

Liz’s trip to, 123

walnuts, honey covered: as gift for Conor, 180

water cycle, lesson about, 34

World Food Programme (WFP), 170, 198, 200, 201, 205

Yangani (orphan), 24, 35, 265

Zambia: Liz in, 122–23, 140

About Next Generation

purchasing this book, you are already making a difference in the lives of the
kids you have just read about. Through the publication of this book, we have
raised crucial funds that allowed us to open a children’s home in Humla, where
these same children now live back in their own communities. A portion of the
proceeds from the very book you hold in your hands is going toward food,
clothing, educational supplies, and finding more families of trafficked children
in Nepal.

If you would like to learn more about Next
Generation Nepal, find ways of getting involved, or help spread the word about
the plight of trafficked children in Nepal, please visit us at We would love to hear from you.

About the Author

volunteered in Nepal at the Little Princes Children’s Home in the village of Godawari in 2004. He would eventually return to Nepal to launch Next Generation Nepal (NGN), a nonprofit organization dedicated to reconnecting trafficked children with their families in postwar Nepal.

Conor is a graduate of the University of Virginia and the NYU Stern School of Business. He currently resides in Connecticut with his wife and son.

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