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Authors: Sadie Grubor

Live In Position (14 page)

BOOK: Live In Position
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It definitely resembled something that would have been worn by a maid in the eighteen hundreds. All it needed was to be made of wool and it would have been an exact replica. I wasn't
sure what I’d done to make her dislike me, but I could only assume it was my relationship with Victoria.

The day of the dinner Grace rushed Victoria and herself to the spa and salon to prepare for the night. I did what I needed from my room. With a homemade oatmeal mask on my face and a mayonnaise mask in my hair, I worked on my book. Thankfully I was rinsed off and washed when they returned.

Victoria's hair was perfectly curled and piled on her head, while Grace's hair was smoothed and sculpted around her face. It was a very retro style, like a 1950 starlet.

Getting ready had gone smoothly and according to the schedule I created. I put the curlers in my hair before I started getting Victoria ready. When all she needed was her dress put on, I started on my make-up. Since I would be in the background most of the night I didn't have to spend too much time on it. This was a very formal event so I had to go a little heavier than
normal. Finally I dressed Victoria and sent her for Grace's approval. During that time I took out the curlers and finger combed my hair into place. For the amount of time I had the curlers in, I should've looked like little orphan Annie, but my poker straight hair didn't take well to curling so I ended up with waves. Securing the top half of my hair back and letting the waves loosely hang down my back, I went to slip into my dress.

"That's not the dress that Grace bought you." Victoria pointed out the obvious as she reentered my room.

"Nope," I pressed my lips together tightly to hold back my smirk.

"I like this one better." She ran her hands down the pleated skirt.

"Me too," I winked at her. She giggled.

I took one last look in the mirror. In place of the hideous granny dress Grace had chosen, I went with my own last minute purchase. It hadn't been as cheap as I was hoping, but Miranda convinced me it was too gorgeous to put it back on the
rack. So, I put down $300 for a dark blue satin dress with two pleated straps wrapping up over my left shoulder and separated across my back. The skirt was a flattering pleated A-line and made me feel good. I slipped on my silver strap heels, grabbed my silver clutch purse, and then took Victoria's hand before we left the room.

Dr. Bishop and his parents were standing in the foyer, their eyes on Grace as she descended the stairs in front of us. She was wearing a long shimmering metallic gold dress that fit her curves perfectly. With her fur wrap around her shoulders she encompassed the 1950's glamour her hair had hinted to earlier.

My self-esteem took a hit before I remembered no one was going to be looking at me anyway. With a deep breath, Victoria and I began our descent. We were almost to the bottom step when Connor noticed us.

"You two look lovely." He smiled warmly.

"Oh dear," Mrs. Bishop gasped and placed her hand to her chest. "Victoria you’re beautiful. What an adorable dress."

"Can you believe I convinced the designer to release it to me?" Grace beamed proudly. Her face fell when she took in my dress. "You look…nice."

"You look beautiful dear." Connor quickly stated.

I gave him a thankful look before going to get our coats from the closet. Along the way I glanced at Dr. Bishop. His
eyes were focused on me, but they were an unusually soft swirling lime. For just a moment the right corner of his mouth began to lift.

"Doesn't she look beautiful?" Grace gripped onto Dr. Bishop's arm and motioned to Victoria. His eyes stayed on me.

"Yes, she does."

"Collin?" Grace hissed.

Swiftly I turned my attention back to the closet for coats.

"Yes," His tone was sharp.

When I turned around he was knelt down.

"You look lovely
, Victoria."

"Thank you,
Daddy." Her smile could have lit the darkest night.

Once everyone had their coats
, we split up into two cars, Dr. Bishop's black car and the Lexus. Victoria and I rode with Connor and Ilene.

Upon arrival to the Four Seasons hotel in Seattle we were helped from the car by valets. Mr. Bishop took Mrs. Bishop's arm and led her into the hotel. I took Victoria by the hand and followed. We met up with Dr. Bishop and Grace in the lobby and then proceeded in the direction the signs led us.

We entered the West Foyer. There were at least fifty small cocktail tables full of people, others were mingling and then there were people grouped at the bar. Victoria began to fidget next to me.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

"I don't see any other kids." She whispered back.

"I'm sure there’
s at least one somewhere." I tried to reassure her, but honestly I didn't see any other children either.

Mr. Bishop appeared before us and asked for our coats. We passed them to him and he carried them to a coat check window. I waited for him to return with the tickets. Once he did, we were ushered to follow Dr. Bishop and Grace around the room. They mingled and introduced Victoria a couple of times. I stood to the back and tried to stay hidden.

The cocktail hour finally ended and we were allowed to enter the ballroom. Streams of people piled into the room of round tables. Both the east and west ballrooms were opened up into one. At the front of the room were pictures of different men, one of them being Dr. Bishop. Victoria and I walked to the front to view the pictures.

"That's D
addy," she said excitedly.

"Yep." I scanned the plaques beneath each picture. "These other men were also up for the award."

"But my daddy beat them." Victoria's face was full of admiration. I smiled and led her to where the Bishops were taking seats.

We reached the table.
Max, Larissa, Allison, and Jonathan had already arrived. They were taking seats at the round table. Next to them was another table that William and Amber were sitting with the kids. I breathed in relief and pulled out seats for both of us.

"Well, well, look who cleans up well." William winked at me.

"Thank you kind sir," I winked back.

"That dress is amazing." Amber walked over to my side and held my hands out so she could take in the entire dress. "I love it."

"I'll let you borrow it next time."

"Yeah, like I would look that good in it." She released my hands and returned to her seat.

"You would," William said without looking at Amber. A small smile crept up on her face.

Soon dinner was served and announcements began to be made. The kids were restless so Amber pulled out crayons and coloring books from M.J.'s diaper bag. That
kept them settled for a little while.

The speaker finally got to the awards portion of the night. He spoke of all involved in the decision making, of those who were selected as candidates, and finally of Dr. Bishop. Dr. Bishop kept his speech short and to the point. I was thankful, it had been three hour
s already and I’d had enough. Then it was announced the bar was open for two more hours and a small orchestra set up to play. Internally, I groaned.

Victoria was bored to tears and being whiney, so in order to lighten things up I took her to the dance floor. Dr. Bishop was dancing with Grace, Allison with Jonathan, Max with Larissa, and so forth. We stayed off to the side and away from them.

"Oh my goodness," Victoria gasped.

"What's wrong?" I stopped dancing.

"Becca's here," she smiled broadly and then waved.

I followed her wave
and saw her friend standing there with a relieved smile and a wave. Becca moved to us quickly.

"Have you been here the whole time?"

Becca nodded.

"Can we play?" Victoria pleaded with me.

"Of course, but don't get in anyone's way and stay close. Okay?"

She nodded frantically and ran off. I smiled and began to walk off the floor.

"May I?" I looked over to a very tall, dark, and extremely handsome…wait, scratch that, hot as hell…man with his hand extended toward me. He wore a dark tux which complimented his olive toned skin, brown eyes, and thick dark hair.

"Um…" Did he realize I was just a nanny?

"Please?" He half grinned.

"You realize I'm not…ya know…one of these people?"

He furrowed his brow in confusion. "One of these people?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm…uh…a nanny." I bit my lip.

"Oh, I see." He smiled mischievously. "Well that would explain it then."

"Explain what?"

He took my hand and guided me back to the dance floor.

"Why I haven't seen you with anyone besides a little red head all night."


His left hand held mine while the other came to rest on the small of my back. He pulled me close enough I could feel the heat from his body and smell his cologne. Lord he smelled good.

"So, I’m assuming you work for Collin?" He glided us across the floor gracefully.

"Yes, I take care of Victoria. Do you know Dr. Bishop?"

"Collin? Of course, we work in the same circles." He smiled down on my upturned face. Our lips were too close so I turned my head.

"So, you’
re a doctor as well?"

"How rude of me," he pushed away from me and then introduced himself. "I'm Doctor Dominic Erickson, but you can call me Dominic." He pulled me back to his chest, this time even closer, and began moving us across the floor once

We talked about his job, my job, and my writing goal
s for the next three songs. I’d been randomly checking on Victoria while we danced. It was during my last check I caught sight of Dr. Bishop. He was standing with Grace in his arms on the dance floor. They had stopped moving and his eyes were cold, furious, and directed toward me.

"I think I should go check on Victoria." I tried to excuse myself, but Dominic wasn't finished with me.

u've been watching her and she’s perfectly fine at the table with the Wright's daughter."

I wrinkled my brow.

"I'm not ready to release you just yet."

"Oh, well, I apologize
, but I should really –"

"Miss Ashwood?"

I knew the voice, the tone. I clenched my eyes shut and silently groaned.

"Y-yes?" I turned, Dominic finally releasing

s Victoria?"

"She's fine." Domi
nic spoke before I could. "She’s right over there with Duncan's daughter."

Dr. Bishop shifted his eyes to Dominic.

"Dr. Erickson." There was a tight nod.

"Congratulations, Dr. Bishop." He held his hand out to him.

Dr. Bishop took his hand and they shook, but I felt like I was watching a contest. At any moment, I expected them to clear a table and start arm wrestling. Antichrist versus Greek God.

"Thank you." Dr. Bishop answered sharply. Then he turned his cold emeralds back on me. "Perhaps it's time for Victoria to be taken home."

"Of course," I answered and turned to Dominic. "Thank you for the dance. Good evening." I started to walk away.

"Wait," he grab
bed my arm and turned me. "How’re you getting home? Do you need a ride?"

"She has a car." Dr. Bishop spat and moved toward
me. He took my arm and pulled me along with him toward Victoria.

I mouthed 'sorry' to Dominic. He simply grinned at me.

Nothing else was said in regards to my dancing with Dominic, but I was insulted. He felt like he could pull me away. He wasn't my father. Victoria fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Two days later
, I was doing laundry when Mrs. Baker entered.

"It seems you have a visitor." Her brow was raised, in approval.

"A visitor?" She nodded and gestured toward the front of the house. "Is it Miranda?" I asked walking toward the door.

"Hmm, if that," we just reached the end of the hallway, "is Miranda then I may have to become a lesbian."

I looked at her in shock.


"You’re a married woman." I playfully scolded.

"Oh honey, if that were at my door, I would have to tell Mr. Baker to
not wait up, if you know what I’m saying." She nudged my arm with her elbow. My mouth was agape. "Don't make him wait any longer." She winked and shoved me toward the foyer.

There stood Dominic Erickson. He was dressed casually, but it suited him well.

"H-hello." I stuttered, feeling grungy in yoga capris and a t-shirt.

He grinned widely. "Hello
, yourself."

"Um, is there something you needed?"

"First, you could give me your phone number." I opened my mouth, but he stopped me. "Second, you could go out with me this Saturday."

BOOK: Live In Position
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