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Authors: Marilyn Johnson

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goats, 44, 46, 63

Goddess Temple, Niuheliang, China, 75, 80, 82

gold artifacts, 4, 91

gold rushes, 95, 96

Google Maps, 93

Gotlieb, Howard, 233n

Gould, Richard, 176

government funding.
federal funding

grants, 75, 86, 87, 88, 124, 173, 202–3, 227

graves and burial grounds, 7–8, 17, 26, 31, 46; African American, 161–62; China, 80, 83; Deadwood, South Dakota, 96; Dolní Věstonice, 48, 49; Ethiopia, 40; faux Muslim, 207; Fishkill, 155–74; Jericho, 47; New York City, 161–62; Peru, 237; pirates', 111; as source for beverage recipes, 69, 71n; World Heritage sites, 232

gray literature, 106, 118

Great Britain, 18, 103, 105, 110, 185.
See also
British Museum; England; English Heritage

Greece, 17, 124, 126–27, 134–54; ancient, 124–26, 138, 148–50, 151

Greek Orthodox Church, 150

Greenlee, Diana, 8–9

grog, 70, 72

“ground proof,” 166

“ground truthing,” 112

guessing games, 145–46

Gulf War, 194, 195–96

Haas, Jonathan, 227, 238–39

Hadjisavvas, Sophocles, 139

Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, 127, 192, 193

hair-dragging, staged, 143

hair of mummies, 4, 5

hairiness of archaeologists (sexist typology), 81


Hannus, L. Adrien, 9–11, 239–40

Han River, South Korea, 78–79

Hatza, Ani, 180, 181

Haudenosaunee, 210–11

Hawaii, 111, 189, 212

health: of ancient humans, 46–47; of archaeologists, 11, 15–16, 39, 92, 117, 175, 239; of Revolutionary War soldiers, 156, 157, 171

hearths, 57, 80, 204n, 210

Heyerdahl, Thor, 131, 133

historical markers.
monuments and markers

historical reenactors, 165, 168, 173–74

historic buildings, demolition of, 96, 97–98

historic preservation, 86–87, 167.
See also
military cultural resources management

Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966

History Channel, 126, 127

Hitchens, Christopher, 125

“hobbits.” See
Homo floresiensis

Hofman, Corinne, 22, 27–30, 31, 35

homicide investigation, 178–86

hominins, 37–67.
See also
human and hominin remains

Homo erectus
, 37, 39, 42, 49, 51, 88

Homo floresiensis
, 39, 51

Homo heidelbergensis
, 42, 49, 50, 51

Homo neanderthalensis

Homo sapiens
, 39, 40; naming of cultures, 53; narrative in, 44; Natufians, 53–54; Neandertal connections, 49–50, 54–57; ochre use, 48; success of, 52

Honen Dalim, 25–26

“honey beer,” 69, 70, 71, 72

Hongshan culture, 75, 82–84

Hoogland, Menno, 27–28

Huayna Picchu, 225, 235

human ancestors.

human and hominin remains, 32, 160; buried pigs as, 181–86; Ethiopia, 40; Fishkill, 155, 163; forensics, 175, 182–85; Japan, 236; post– 9/11, 175–77, 178, 189; Saba, 28; St. Eustatius, 26; Washington State, 160–61.
See also
mummies; skeletons; skulls

The Human Career
(Klein), 53

The Humans Who Went Extinct
(Finlayson), 52

hunting: by hominins, 37, 51, 55; not by John Shea, 39

husband-and-wife archaeologists.
archaeologist couples

Hussein, Saddam, 194

Hyakinthides, 125–26

International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM)

Ice Age, 41, 54–59, 65

illicit antiquities trade.
looting and looted artifacts

illustration of artifacts, 137, 146

Incan ruins, 219–26, 230, 234, 235

independent archaeology centers.
Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project (RIMAP); St. Eustatius Center for Archaeological Research (SECAR)

Indiana Jones (fictional character), 127–30

Indiana Jones and the Ultimate Quest
, 126, 127

Indians of North America.
Native Americans

Indonesia, 39, 51

inebriation, 68, 69; of nonhuman animals, 71

insects and spiders, 31–32, 34

intellectual property, 102

International Committee of the Blue Shield, 194

International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM), 93, 220, 225, 236


Iraq, 191–92, 198, 199, 201, 203, 207, 208, 213; deadly cultural misunderstanding, 214–15; Shanidar Cave, 52, 54

Iraq War veterans, incineration of bodies of, 169

Ireland, 4–6


Isaac, Glynn, 39

islands, Caribbean, 18–26

islands, Greek, 17, 124, 126–27, 131, 134–54

Israel, 39, 50

ivory, 21, 27, 48, 49

Jackson, Richard, 194

Jacobs, Michael:
, 221

jade pendants, 75, 82–84

Japan, 236

jargon, 59

Jefferson, Thomas, 8

Jericho, 46–47

Jews, 18, 25–26, 96

job prospects.
employment prospects

Jordan, 15, 39, 62, 69, 81

Kane, Susan, 193

Kennewick Man, 160–61n

Kidder, Alfred, 81n

“killer bees,” 31–32

Korea, 76, 77, 78–79, 80–81

Korean language, 78

Lady Hao, 80, 81

Lake George, New York, 105–6

Lake Iroquois.
Glacial Lake Iroquois

lamb, barbecued, 66, 69

lambs, butchering of, 63–66

garbage and garbage dumps

landowners, 26, 159–60, 165, 167, 168, 172, 173, 230–31

landscape evolution.

language, classification and naming in.
classification and naming

language, Korean.
Korean language

language, technical and arcane.
acronyms; jargon

law and legislation, 26, 87, 96–97, 112, 127, 160n, 188

League of Women Voters, 118

Leakey, Richard, 39–40

Leraysville, New York, 208

La Liberté
(ship), 109

libraries, 62, 129

Libya, bombing of, 193, 194–95, 196

Lichfield, England, 90–94

lidar, 1, 235

Lima, Peru, 236–37

“liquid pound cake,” 72

stone tools

livestock, 105, 108; unusual uses for, 181–86.
See also

Long Island, 41–42

looting and looted artifacts, 7, 25, 82–84, 103, 112, 127, 151, 196; in films, 128; Iraq, 191–92, 198

Lord Sandwich
(ship), 109–10, 112, 116

Louisiana, 8–9

Lucas, George, 128;
Star Wars
, 150

chance and luck

Lüth, Friedrich, 222

Lynch, Kerry, 112

Machu Picchu, 137, 219–26, 234, 235

Mali, 197

malls, abandoned, 155, 156

Malta, 233–34

mammoth (animal), 47, 49

manchineel trees, 23

maps and mapping, 29, 33, 78, 93; in crime investigation, 179, 180, 182–83; Fort Drum, 204, 207; George Washington's 157; James Cook role, 103, 111; lidar, 1; New York City, 161, 162n; online, 93; playing cards, 197; 3-D, 29, 197; underwater, 222

marine archaeology, 101–19

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 49–50

Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, 16

Mayans, 230

McGovern, Patrick, 68–73

McPhee, John, 180–81

“honey beer”

films; news media; television

Melancon, Tim, 194–95, 197

Mellon Foundation.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Memphis, Tennessee, 44, 77, 79, 85

microbrewers and microbrews, 70, 71, 72

Midas, King of Phrygia, 69–70

Midas Touch beer, 70, 71, 72

Middle Ages, 91, 92

Middle East, 46–47, 52, 69, 133, 202.
See also
Iraq; Israel; Jordan

military bases, 101, 102, 116, 212.
See also
Fort Drum, New York

military cultural resources management, 190–216

“mitigation,” 160, 161, 188

Mohawks, 210–11

monks, Greek Orthodox, 145, 150

Montagne, Renee, 199

Montagu, Caroline, Countess of Sandwich, 115, 116–17

Montagu, John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, 115–16

Montagu, John, 11th Earl of Sandwich, 115–17

Monte Verde site, Chile, 45n

monuments and markers, 157, 163, 164

“Monuments Men and Women” (World War II), 191, 198

Moran, Kimberlee Sue, 179–86

Moseley, Michael, 238–39

motor vehicles: antique, 170–71; excavated as material culture, 233; filled with farm animals and exploded, 185; old and failing, 101, 102, 115

mounds, 201, 227.
See also
burial mounds; tells (mounds)


mummies, 4–7, 231–32, 239

“Mummies of the World” (exhibit), 6

mummified heads, Nasca.
“trophy heads,” Nasca

museums, 58; amateur, 186–88; England, 87, 92, 135, 151; Fishkill, 156, 157, 165, 168, 173; funding, 86, 87; Greece, 147; Iraq, 191– 92, 198; Ireland, 4–6; Netherlands Antilles, 21–22; New Mexico, 16; Rhode Island, 105; Seattle, 161n; U.S. Army, 171

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)

nails and spikes, 25, 30–31; from coffins, 155, 163

classification and naming

narrative, problematic nature of, 44–45

Nasca people, 229, 230

National Endowment for the Humanities, 87

National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 87

National Museum of Iraq, 191–92, 198

National Museum of Ireland—Archaeology, 4–6

National Park Service, 86, 164, 167, 200

National Register of Historic Places, 158, 164, 208

National Science Foundation, 88

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 127, 160n Native Americans, 7–11, 16, 187, 188, 239; beads, 162; mounds, 7–8, 77, 221–22; New York State sites, 200, 203, 204, 205, 210–11; US Army relations, 210–12

Native Hawaiians, 212

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Natufians, 53–54

Nazca Lines, 229, 230

“Neandertal” (word), 37, 43, 55n

Neandertals, 37–38, 41, 48, 49–51, 52, 53n, 54–55, 61; in fiction, 54, 56, 57

Negishi, Yo, 220, 224–25, 236

Nelson, Sarah Milledge, 74–82, 84

“Neolithic” (word), 46

Neolithic era, 10, 46, 70, 79.
See also
Hongshan culture

Netherlands, archaeological digs in, 28

Netherlands Antilles, 18–36

New Jersey, 59n, 169, 178–86

New Mexico, 16

Newport, Rhode Island, 101–19

news media, 1–2, 192n, 198, 199, 200, 227

New York City, 123–27, 130–33; African Burial Ground, 161–62, 163; September 11, 2001, attacks, 175–77, 178, 189; ship in landfill, 160

New York State, 105.
See also
Fishkill Supply Depot, New York; Fort Drum, New York

New York State Historic Preservation Office, 158, 166, 172

New York University, 123–27, 134, 143n

New Zealand, 103, 110

nipples: as condition of being king, 5

North American cultures, pre-Clovis.
pre-Clovis cultures (North America)

North American Indians.
Native Americans

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 194

no-strike lists.
bombing targets, no-strike lists

novels, 54–59, 80–81, 119, 179

New York University

observation without judgment, 45

obsidian, 47, 64

ochre, 48

Ohio, 221–22

Old Croghan Man, 5

Omo Kibish, 40, 62n

“oracle bones,” 80, 81

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius, 18, 20, 21–22, 25, 89

ordnance, 114, 207

Ötzi the Iceman, 232

paleoanthropology and paleoarchaeology, 37–67

Paleoanthropology Society, 60

paleoethnobotany, 162

“Paleolithic” (word), 46, 59

Paleolithic era, 41, 47–49, 222; in fiction, 54–59

Palisades Museum of Prehistory, 186–88

Pallas Athena.

paperwork, 178.
See also
artifacts: logging of

Parthenon, 125–26, 133

pay, 85, 86, 113, 117, 178

, 51

peat bog bodies.
“bog bodies”

pemmican, 11

penises, trophy, 132

Perdikaris, Sophia, 176

Persian Gulf War, 1990–91.
Gulf War

Peru, 17, 26–27, 219–31, 234–40; government of, 225

Peters, George Marshall, 146

petroglyphs, 188, 189

Philadelphia, 68–76

“pig dragons” (Hongshan pendants), 75, 82–84

pigs, buried in lieu of humans, 181–86

piko holes, 189

Pine Barrens, New Jersey, 178–86

pin flags, 178, 179, 180, 182

tobacco pipes

Plains Indians, 9–11, 239

playing cards.
cultural heritage playing cards

plunder, 191–92, 196, 199

Pompeii, 97, 232

porcelain, 21, 210

Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece
(Connelly), 124

postholes, 27

post-processualists, 128

pottery, 33; disparaged, 99; Dolní Věstonice, 48; invention of (in fiction), 56; Greece, 17; Japan, 236; Nasca, 229; Native American, 9, 11; pulled out by amateur, 178; St. Eustatius, 19, 21, 24, 25, 28, 35–36; Yeronisos, 140, 148.
See also

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