Living The Dream (4 page)

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Authors: Sean Michael

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: Living The Dream
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Went's hums vibrated along his skin. God, this was easy. He'd had a lot of lovers, had even more friends, but this connection was something else.

"Touching you is like breathing," Went murmured into his skin.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's something else. There's chemistry here."

"Yeah. I don't think I've ever felt anything like it. Not even with my ex."

"No? That's sad and cool, all at once." Anything this good ought to be felt.

"No. It was good. Really good right at the beginning. It didn't last, though. Good faded to okay faded to indifferent." Went sounded a little bit far away as he spoke of it.

Chip didn't understand how anyone could be indifferent to this man, but what did he know?

"Sometimes I think I've forgotten how to live." Went laughed humorlessly. "When I have time to think about it."

Oh, that was the saddest thing he'd ever heard. "I remember that. I remember how that felt."

"Yeah? How did you make the transition?"

"I had surgery and I came here to recover. I never left. I know it sounds ridiculous, but the mountains soothed me."

"I don't know about ridiculous. I can feel the magic here. Sounds like your warning shot was a lot more serious than mine."

"It was. They thought for a minute that I was going to die." He'd been sure of it.

"I'm glad you didn't."

"God, me too!" Chip's laughter burst out of him. "How bad would that have sucked?"

"I imagine you wouldn't have given a shit at that point." Went's arms wrapped around him, tugged him against the strong body in a hug. "I'd hate to have missed meeting this you."

He flipped over, straddled Went's thighs. "You're the most interesting thing that's happened to me in eons."

"Ditto. I love my work, but I guess I'm beginning to wonder if I need more." Went's fingers traced his features, gaze following.

"Work is fine, but it's not living, hmm?"

"No." Went shook his head. "But if I say that, then I have no life."

"We'll have to discover one for you, hmm? Try to?" Was that too much?

"I'm open to discovery with you."

"Rock on." He rubbed noses with Went.

Chuckling, Went rubbed back, then tilted, stealing a kiss.

Chip didn't know how long he'd have Went here, but he knew he was going to do his best to make it the best vacation ever.

Went's hands slid along his back, right to his ass. Squeezing, Went tugged him closer, the water slapping gently at the sides of his tub.

"Happy vacation, beautiful."

He got an almost peaceful smile and their bodies started to move together, making that water threaten the lip of the tub.

And if it spilled? Well, hell, he had lots of towels.

Chapter 4


The view was amazing, Went would admit that. Whether it was the bigger view of the mountains or the more immediate view of Chip's ass on the trail ahead of him. At the moment that was about all the good he could say about this hiking thing.

He was hot--crazy hot--he had scratches from branches. There were bug bites. His leg muscles were beginning to protest mightily and his heart was beating like it was going to jump out of his chest. Fuck.

"You ready for a sandwich and some water, beautiful?" Chip hadn't even broken a sweat.

He didn't hesitate for a second before jumping at a break. "Yes." He didn't even care about the sandwich. He wanted that water. He stopped and dropped his pack immediately.

Chip handed over a bottle of water, then pulled out a pair of low camp chairs, a tiny folding table.

"Dude. You've got a whole fucking campsite in that pack." He'd started saying dude this morning, by accident. It fit Chip, though.

"I totally do. I didn't bring the tent this time, though."

Laughing, Went collapsed into one of the chairs and chugged back half the water. "You didn't tell me we were doing the hard trail."

"Be grateful there's a trail, beautiful."

He shot Chip a look, but Chip looked deadly serious.

Chip pulled out sandwiches and some delicious-looking cookies and Went decided he was hungry after all. Now that he'd been sitting for a bit and had some water, he was feeling better.

"We're in no hurry, going nowhere in particular, so we can sit as long as we want, enjoy the view."

"Good, good. I think I'd like to enjoy the view for a while." He smiled at Chip, hoping Chip realized he was talking about Chip as much as if not more than the nature all around them.

"Sure. It takes a little bit to get used to the altitude, you know."

"Oh yeah? I thought I was just in shit shape." He felt better, hearing that, though.

"You have to give yourself time to adjust."

"Good to know." His heart finally stopped feeling like it was going to explode and he figured he was going to live.

"Want a cookie?" Chip asked.

"Dessert first, huh?" He nodded. "Yes. Please. Dessert first sounds like a great idea."

"Oatmeal or chocolate chip?"

"Oh, hell, I want one of each." He was here on vacation and, besides, you only lived once, right.

Chip laughed, the merry sound filling the air and he got two cookies and a happy kiss. God, Chip made him feel good. He ate the oatmeal cookie first.

Chip was stretched out, leaning back in the sunshine. Damn, but the man did it for him deep down inside, made him feel all warm and gooey inside. Crazy.

"Where are we headed from here?" he asked, actually feeling like he might live through more hiking.

"It depends. If we head up, there's a neat overlook where you can see the lake. If we head down, we'll go another route, with new views."

"Do we have to come back up from the down?" Because damn, going down was tempting. If there wasn't a catch.

"Nope. It'll funnel us out near the car."

"If you don't think I'm a wimp, let's do the new views." He was pretty sure he should do that one even if it did make him a wimp. He finished his first cookie and started on the chocolate chip.

"I don't think you're a wimp. Hell, I'm tickled you agreed to come."

"I wanted to spend the time with you." Way more than he wanted to do work.

"You think you might be interested in checking out of the hotel? Saying with me for the duration?"

"Yes." Another question he didn't have to even think about to answer. Chip made this vacation a vacation.

"Yeah? Rock on!" Chip's immediate joy was gratifying as fuck.

"Yeah." He grinned back, relaxing in the chair, feeling like a dork, A happy dork, though. When was the last time he could say he was truly happy?

Chip reached out, took his hand. He held on, their fingers twined together. They sat there like that for a while. Such a simple thing to feel so damn good.

"This is the life, hmm?" Chip was practically purring.

"Yeah." Who was he to argue? It was the best vacation he had ever had and it was promising to just get even better.

He brought Chip's hand up to his mouth and kissed it. Chip smiled for him, looking at him like he was something special. Leaning over, he tipped his chair slightly to bring their lips together.

"Hey, beautiful." Chip's lips tasted like chocolate.

When Chip called him beautiful, he felt like he really was. "Hey." Went licked along Chip's lips again, then pressed his tongue in.

He'd never done this, kissed a gorgeous man in the mountains under the sun. It felt decadent as hell. Chip opened for him and he moaned into the kiss. He'd walk up a mountain for this. It was worth it. Chip was worth it. Hell, he was worth it.

He deepened the kiss, hand sliding on Chip's shoulders, going to his collar to slip beneath it and find skin.

"Mmm." That was a pure, satisfied sound.

"Too bad we don't have a bed out here," he noted.

"Next time, we'll bring a couple of sleeping bags, hmm?"

Oh, next time. Went liked the idea of that.

And it wasn't like they had to be horizontal right now to get off. He slid his hand down to Chip's waist.

"You ever been sucked off in the woods, man?" Chip asked.

"No." But he suddenly wanted to. A lot.

"No? It's amazing, so freeing."

"I think I need to check this out for myself."

"Yeah?" Chip had the best laugh.

"Yeah. I want you to suck me off in the woods." More than he wanted anything else right this moment.

"Oh, that's excellent because I'm all over blowing you."

Went's hiking shorts were getting awfully tight. "Good, good."

Chip settled on his knees in front of Went. "Show me your cock, beautiful."

"You like it?" He undid his shorts, his cock pushing at his underwear like it was trying to get to the fresh air.

"I do. I'm a fan." Chip leaned down and his cheek dragged along Went's shaft, the caress barely touched with stubble.

Drawing in a breath, Went reveled in the feeling of Chip and sunshine on his skin.

"Smell like my soap. I approve."

"I like that I smell like you." It was incredibly sexy they were beginning to merge themselves with each other. Better than that, he loved that Chip had noticed.

Holding the base of his prick, he rubbed it against Chip's lips. Chip opened, tongue flicking out to taste him.

A shudder went through him and he moaned. "Yes. Please."

"Sweet man." Chip groaned, sucking him in.

Went didn't know about sweet, but he sure felt good. Licking his lips, he watched Chip work his cock. Chip had a look of pure bliss on his face. It was amazing, to have someone do something they loved so much and for it to bring so much pleasure to him.

Moaning loudly, he touched Chip's cheek. The simple touch earned him a grin, Chip's lips stretching around his cock. Fuck, Chip was something else.

He had to let Chip know. "Love your mouth."

Chip's tongue worked his shaft in reply, moving constantly against his skin. His balls began to ache, drawing up against his body. Chip eased them down into their sacs, backing him off the edge.

"Chip. Fuck." He dropped his head back, swallowing hard. God, those fingers promised to drive him mad.

He spread his legs wider, hips humping with his need. Chip's fingers stroked his hole, teased him, played. He couldn't believe they were doing this out in the great outdoors. He wasn't about to stop Chip, though. No, quite the opposite, he wanted this more than anything else right now. The sun was shining on him, the breeze on his hot cheeks.

He slid his fingers over Chip's face, over Chip's head, moans coming from him. Chip circled his hole, teased, touched, driving him crazy.

"Oh fuck. Gonna make me come," he warned.

Chip lifted his head, grinned. "That's the point, beautiful." Then Chip sucked Went in, pulled hard, tapping his hole.

Crying out, his voice echoing in the trees, Went came, pouring himself into Chip. So decadent. This whole thing was so goddamn decadent.

Panting, he kept touching Chip, fingers tracing the gorgeous features. His cock was cleaned, the touch almost painfully gentle.

"What can I do for you, Chip?"

"Offer to fuck me again when we get down the hill?"

"Hell, yes, I will. Over the back of the car, in your bed, wherever you want."

"Oooh. Choices!" Chip's joy made him laugh, hard and loud.

He brought their mouths together, spilling his laughter into Chip's mouth. Thank God his assistant had chosen this amazing place for his vacation.

"Do I get a few minutes recovery time before we're back to massive exercise?" He totally didn't want to have to worry about hiking just now.

"Absolutely. We've got time."

"Cool. You left me kind of melty here." He liked it, liked feeling lazy and good and not having to go anywhere or do anything.

He liked Chip. A fucking lot. Maybe more than a lot.

Chapter 5


Eight days. Eight amazing days of hiking and hot tubbing. Laughing and dancing late at night. Making love for hours. It had been incredible. Chip was going to miss Went like a missing limb.

"Honey, can I ask you something?"

Chip nodded, grinning over a huge piece of chocolate cake. "Sure, beautiful."

"Did you lose your job at the restaurant?"

Chip cracked up, shook his head. "My job. Oh, love. I own that restaurant. I wait tables for petty cash and fun."

Went blinked at him. Then blinked again. "You own it?"

"Yep. The condos and the restaurant. Oh, and the convenience store."

"So half the area..." Went looked a little poleaxed. "From when you sold your business after your heart attack."

No flies on his beautiful.

Still, he had to point out, "Not half. No way."

"A good chunk, then." Went chuckled, shook his head. "Do people know?"

He shrugged. "I have no idea. Does it matter?"

"Not really. I was just curious." Went stole a forkful of his cake.

"Cake thief!" He cackled, and they played for a second, fork fighting.

Went finally grabbed a chunk with his fingers and pressed it against Chip's lips. He opened his lips, snapped the bite from Went's fingers.

"Hey!" Yanking his hand away, Went laughed. "Careful."

"Like I'd hurt you." He reached out, slid his hand over Went's thigh. "Gonna miss you, beautiful."

"Yeah." Went wrapped a hand around his. "I'm gonna miss you, too. I wish... Well, you know."

"I do." He held on, fighting the urge to sigh.

Went's eyes were sad for a moment, then he leaned and pressed their lips together. Chip held Went's gaze, fingers squeezing tight.

I love you.

He couldn't say it out loud, not with Went leaving in the morning.

Went squeezed back, deepening the kiss and groaning into his mouth. Pushing the cake out of the way, Chip focused on that needy mouth. Shoving back from the table, Went tugged at him.

"Want." He moved, covering Went's body with his own.

"Uh-huh, all the time." Hands sliding over his shoulders, Went tugged him closer.

"I wish." He shut himself up with a kiss.

He kept Went quiet, too, with yet another one and soon they were moaning together, bodies moving. They could be sad tomorrow.

He could feel Went's amazing prick pressing against his ass through their shorts. Their tongues tangled, twisted together. Went finally dragged his fingers around his waist, tearing open the top button on his shorts. It all felt a little desperate, a little wild. When Went's jerky movements actually tore his shorts, he knew it was.

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