Lock and Key (52 page)

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Authors: Cat Porter

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Lock and Key
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To Annika for your precise eye and acidic mind when proofreading my wordiness and for answering all my grammar questions at all hours and up until the very end. Your relentlessness and generosity are treasures to me, girly. You had me questioning everything with a fresh eye and ear. Very huge.

To Julie Brazeal and everyone at AToMR- my gratitude and joy extend to the moon and beyond! To Madison Seidler for her guidance and support. To all the book bloggers and Facebook groups who took an interest (and special hugs to Cassie at Abibliophobia Anonymous, Ellen and Cathy at The Book Bellas, Dee at Book Boyfriend Reviews, Brandi at Sugar & Spice Book Reviews), your enthusiasm, support, and all the amazing work you do mean so very much to me and always will.

To my cousin Nicholas who first set up my own e-reading app when I first bought a tablet two years ago and thus opened up a brand new world of possibilities to me as an avid reader and a writer. Suddenly I realized the dream could come true, it was in my hands. Thank you for the memorable and very late night shopping trip to the “Great Temple” for my laptop when I finally got to the point of now or die with my commitment to writing full time (and no longer wanted to share computer time with the rest of the family.) And thank you for indulging me and taking me to my very first Harley Davidson store, where, yep, I fell in love. Also, thank you to my cousin Domna, the family R.N., for answering my medical questions.

To Edward who a long time ago in his art gallery every Friday afternoon schooled me in the finer points of drinking top-notch Scottish single malt whiskey, an appreciation I have to this day. My respects, sir.

To my mother who always believed in me first and foremost and pleaded with me to keep writing when I had locked it away for a long while there. To my dad who always believed in me no matter what and had given me his precious copy of Roget’s Thesaurus when I went off to college, changing my inner landscape forever. To my husband who has always supported me in making this dream come true. (And doesn’t freak out
much that the house is in a bit more disarray than usual!)

But most of all, it has to come down to my three children who not only put up with my long, crazed hours of writing day and night and all my emotional wackiness as I live these creatures of my mind, but encouraged me to do it. Their generosity and gentle reminders to feed them a real meal, bake them a treat, resolve an argument, help them with their homework, or simply to play with them gives me the temerity and resolve to keep plugging along even on the days when everything looks and feels so damn grey. You’re my everything.

To my readers, this is truly nothing without you. Thank you for letting my words whisper in your ears and in your hearts. You make it all worthwhile and all the sweeter.

Please connect with me on Facebook and Twitter. Visit my Pinterest page where I have dedicated boards to
Lock & Key
that I hope you enjoy as much as I do pinning them into creation. (Can’t stop, that thing is addictive…) And please do leave a review wherever you may roam… all are very much appreciated.


xx C



Cat Porter was born and raised in New York City, but also spent a few years in Texas along the way. As an introverted, only child, she had very big, but very secret dreams for herself. She graduated from college, was a struggling actress, an art gallery girl, special events planner, freelance writer and had all sorts of other crazy jobs all hours of the day and night to help make those dreams come true. She has two children’s books traditionally published under her maiden name. She now lives in Athens, Greece with her husband and three children, and freaks out regularly and still daydreams way too much. She is addicted to the History Channel, her iPad, her husband’s homemade red wine, really dark chocolate, and her Nespresso coffee machine. Writing keeps her somewhat sane, extremely happy, and a productive member of society.



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